Bibtex citation info for Halls (1974) @article{Halls1974a, Author = {Halls, H.C.}, Journal = {Canadian Journal of Earth Science}, Pages = {1200-1207}, Title = {A paleomagnetic reversal in the {O}sler {V}olcanic {G}roup, northern {L}ake {S}uperior}, Volume = {11}, Year = {1974}}
001 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 000 ! \\ 001 3900.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 000 ! \\ 199 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 001 ! \\ 199 1105.0 0.0 115.4 48.4 001 !Put Osler-upperthird at N for Laurentia \\ 199 1107.5 0.0 121.3 47.3 001 !Put Osler-middlethird at N for Laurentia \\ 199 1110.0 0.0 128.7 49.0 001 !Put Osler-lowerthird at N for Laurentia \\