We calculate the ways electrons move through dirty materials.
Start this notebook with "ipython notebook --pylab" (without the final 'inline').
Our Hamiltonian has hopping of strength -tHop between neighboring sites on a one-dimensional chain of atoms, and random on-site energies picked from a Gaussian normal distribution of width W and mean zero.
from matplotlib import animation
def Hamiltonian(tHop, W, N=100, seed = 6572):
"""Routine to calculate Hamiltonian"""
# Set seed for random number generator
# Generate random energies
E = random.normal(scale=..., size=...)
# Start with matrix of zeros
Ham = zeros((N,N))
# Fill diagonal and off diagonal entries: stop just before end
for n in range(N-1):
Ham[n,n] = ...
Ham[n,n+1] = ...
Ham[n+1,n] = ...
# Add last diagonal entry
Ham[N-1,N-1] = ...
return Ham
# Test for small matrix: should be zero except along diagonal (random) and nearest neighbor off-diagonal (negative tHop)
HamTest = Hamiltonian(1.0,0.1,5)
print HamTest
Ham_t01 = Hamiltonian(1.0,0.1,100)
Ham_t1 = Hamiltonian(1.0,1.0,100)
Define the propagator K(i,j,t)=exp(−iHt). Here use the routine scipy.linalg.expm. Define ψn(t)=K(1,n,t).
from scipy.linalg import expm
def K(t,Ham):
""" Returns propagator exp(-i Ham t) """
# Hint: Use expm from scipy.linalg
return expm(-1.0j ...)
# Test with a small matrix
print "K = \n", K(1.0,HamTest)
#Define psi(t)
def psi(t,Ham):
""" Return K(t,i=0,j). """
# Hint: What row or column of K corresponds to i=0?
return ...
# Test routine for psi
print "\n psi = \n", psi(1.0,HamTest)
# Test that sum(psi* psi) = 1
# Test by plotting real and imaginary parts of psi at t=1 for HamTest
n_index = range(len(HamTest))
pylab.plot(n_index, psi(1.0,HamTest).real, n_index, psi(1.0,HamTest).imag)
Animate ψ(t). Did you start the notebook without the 'inline' operator? Capture the plot at tMax = 10 after it finishes.
Ham = Ham_t01
tMax = 10.
dt = 0.1
N = len(Ham)
n_index = arange(N)
fig = figure()
ax = axes( xlim=(0,N-1), ylim = (-1.,1.) )
psi0 = psi(0.0,Ham)
realLine, imagLine = ax.plot(n_index, psi0.real, n_index, psi0.imag)
legend([realLine,imagLine],['Real psi', 'Imag psi'])
def animate(n_frame):
t = n_frame * dt
psi_t = ...
realLine.set_data(n_index, psi_t.real)
imagLine.set_data(n_index, ...)
return realLine, imagLine
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=int(tMax/dt), interval=2, repeat=False)
Make a routine that calculates the current
def J(psi, tHop=1.):
""" Given psi and hopping matrix element tHop, returns current
J_n = J(n -> n+1) = (tHop / i) (psi*_n psi_(n+1) - psi_n psi*_(n+1)) """
# Hint: use slicing.
# For debugging, return both real and imaginary parts; then return real part once the imaginary part is zero.
return (...) * (conjugate(psi)[...] * psi[...] - ...).real
Animate the current, first for W=0.1 and then for W=1.0.
Ham = Ham_t01; tHop = 0.1
# Ham = Ham_t1; tHop = 1.0
tMax = 100.
dt = 0.1
N = len(Ham)
n_index = arange(N-1)
fig = figure()
ax = axes( xlim=(0,N-2), ylim = (-0.3,0.3) )
J0 = J(psi(0.0,Ham),tHop)
J_Line, = ax.plot(n_index, J0)
def animate(n_frame):
t = n_frame * dt
psi_t = ...
J_t = ...
J_Line.set_data(n_index, J_t)
return J_Line
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=int(tMax/dt), interval=2, repeat=False)
Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Hamiltonian. Plot the eigenvector with lowest energy, and the one with energy closest to zero.
from scipy.linalg import eigh, eig
# Ham = Ham_t01
Ham = Ham_t1
vals, vecs = eigh(Ham)
# Warning: the eigenvector for eigenvalue n is vecs[:,n].
plot(..., label='Lowest energy')
# Hint: use argmin on abs(vals) to find which has the energy closest to zero
nZer = ...
plot(..., label='Closest to zero energy')
# Hint: Did you plot vecs[:,n], rather than vecs[n]?