from sympy import *
Fancy printing of Greek characters and symbols
# init_printing(use_unicode=True) for Anaconda
init_printing(use_latex=True) # for Wakari
Tell Python which variables are treated as sympy symbols, which are real and which positive, and how to draw them.
x = Symbol('x', real=True)
m, hbar, omega = symbols('m hbar omega', real=True, positive=True)
Define ψ0 symbolically. Note: we write 1/4 as Rational(1,4) to avoid Python turning it into 0.25 (or worse, 0 as a ratio of integers).
psi0 = (m*omega/(pi*hbar))...
Is ψ0 normalized?
integrate(..., (x,-oo,oo))
To plot sympy expressions, we need to give values for all symbolic variables (except x, which it varies in the plot). We take our constant's from McEuen's bouncing buckyballs (Park et al. "Nanomechanical oscillations in a single-C60 transistor", Nature 407, 57 (2000)).
We do so by defining a dictionary 'value', where value[hbar] gives the numerical evaluation. Dictionaries in Python are stored as key:value pairs in {}:
amu = 1.660538782e-24;
value = {m:..., hbar:1.054571628251774e-27, omega:..., pi:float(pi)}
To substitute values into a sympy expression using our dictionary 'value', we use expr.subs(value)
a0 = sqrt(...).subs(value)
a0, psi0.subs(value)
Now we plot psi0. How do the zero-point fluctuations compare to the size of an atom?
How do the zero-point fluctuations for McEuen's bouncing buckyball compare to the size of an atom?
Define the Hamiltonian: an operator that returns a symbolic function given a symbolic function. sympy.diff(psi,x,2) differentiates psi twice with respect to x.
def H(psi):
return ...*diff(psi,x,2) + ... * psi
Is ψ0 the ground state? To simplify a sympy expression, we can use sympy.simplify(expr) or expr.simplify()
Momentum operator p. Creation operator a†, Exciting the ground state using creation operators.
def p(psi):
return ...
def adag(psi):
return ...
This isn't the eigenstate ψ2, since it has the wrong norm. Try taking the norm of higher powers of (a†)nψ0 until you figure out what to divide by to normalize it.
Defining normalized eigenstates. Use recursion, defining ψn in terms of ψn−1, unless n=1. It should be a†ψn−1 times the constant you figured out that depends on n.
def psi(n):
if n==0:
return ...
return (adag(...)/...).simplify()
integrate(psi(4)**2, (x, -oo, oo))
plotting.plot(psi(0).subs(value), psi(1).subs(value), ...,(x,-5*a0,5*a0));