LFE dev. research (also peer/mentor interview) qustions:

		Data sampling rate -> we will use at least 10KHz (enough for combust-instability)
		Most important measured quantities & locations
		embedded thermocouple at throat somehow?
		reccomended pressure transducer make/model for chamber?
		standpipe design for LOX dome transducer
		ignition dection? How do you do it in your setup?
		philospohy for threads, seals, fittings selection
			->"AN, SealLok, MS straight thread" SAE standards for boss, ports and threads
		what is your run valves actuation time -> how does this affect your sequencing approach?
		have you encountered problems with regulator droop for pressurant?
		are you using any baffeling or pressurant diffusers to avoid 2-phase flow (esp. LOX side)?
		prop tank pressure relief valves Cv > regulator Cv (in case of reg fail open or just burst disk)?
		actuated ball valves on tanks for both pressure relief/sys safing and draining?
		fill level detection for LOX?
		what tank insulation do you use? is there a standard for this?
		what's the thermal conductivity of the nomex cored composite?
		leak test? low gas pressure & snoop? another procedure?
		is there a restrictor orrifice to the ignitor GOX heat exchanger?
		how do you approach FMEA systematically (do you have idustry mentors for high press. LOX sys)?
		what defined exceptions do you use that trigger auto-shutdown and pad safing?
			->what sensors and limiting values do you use for this? (thrust, chamber pressure, injector pressure, tank pressure?)
		how many sensor channels? what DAQ used? issues?
		what is your procedure for LOX filling
		any non-obvious safety procedures you've learned the hard way?
		what is your nitrogen purge procedure like for the LOX side (how long do you flow for)?
		any non-obvious regulatory issues encountered?
		injector cold flow tests -> quantifying atomization
		frozen flow is more conservative, so we use that (is equilibrium more justified for larger engines?)
		flight weighting LOX valve/actuators?
		why did you go with the welded tanks? why not in-houe fab w/ machined walls and bolted endcaps?
		what are you doing in terms of slosh/vortex baffeling?
		open question: is there a better way of doing hardware configuration control than git?
		A dedicated web person who understands Jekyll and git would be good
		MDO: Can I have a constraint of one value must be an integer