from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from import DataReader
from datetime import datetime
from custom_functions_iversity import graphicalComparisonPdf, multivariateGaussianRand
This week of lectures looks at how we can model and quantify financial risk. It discusses concepts such as VaR, copulas and model calibration using techniques such as maximum likelihood.
Our approach is as follows: we first discuss the concept of maximum likelihood. This a statistical technique for parameter estimation of a distribution on a given dataset. In particular, we apply this technique to estimate the parameters of the student t distribution.
Next we consider a portfolio of assets (stocks). We model the historical data using a student t distribution
Maximum likelihood is a technique used to estimate parameters of a distribution which we are fitting to given a dataset {xi}Ni=1. Recall that when we fit a Gaussian distribution to a dataset we need to estimate two parameters: the mean and the variance. These are easily extracted from the dataset using the estimators ˆμ=∑Ni=1xi/n and ˆσ2=∑Ni=1(xi−ˆμ)2/n. These two parameters uniquely fix the Gaussian distribution fitted to the data.
However, many distributions are characterized by other parameters, which we collectively write by {θi}pi=1 with p the number of free parameters. For instance, a student t distribution has the so-called degrees of freedom parameter. Fitting a distribution to a dataset requires us to fix these parameters in a way that generates the 'best fit'. Although 'best fit' is somehwat subjective, the maxmimum likelihood is a
Given a dataset {xi}Ni=1 and a distribution f(x|θ) characterized by a parameter θ we construct the likelihood function as
L(θ|x1,…,xn)=n∏i=1f(xi|θ)The dataset is given to us, so this expression is really only a function of θ. As this parameter is varied we fit different distributions f(⋅|θ) to the dataset. As the name suggests, the maximum likelihood fit is obtained by picking the θ which maximizes the likelihood function.
First, however, we note that the likelihood function almost always leads to a very small number. This can cause computational problem. Instead, we therefore consider the log-likelihood function given by
logL(θ|x1,…,xn)=log(n∏i=1f(xi|θ))=n∑i=1log(f(xi|θ)Since the logarithm is convex it will map maximum points to maximum points. So to obtain the maximum likelihood estimate of θ we can simply optimize the log-likelihood instead. It also common to consider the minus log likelihood function. Optimization corresponds to finding the minimum of this function.
If the log-likelihood function is not too complicated then we can use analytical tools to obtain the MLE of theta (maximum likelihood estimator). See for instance wikipedia for a derivation of the MLE's for a Gaussian distribution. However, for more complicated expressions we need to resort to numerical optimization techniques to optimize the LL function.
Here we use the most straightforward way of optimization (using fmin
). We can do better using for instance explicit implementation of the first and second derivatives, but this requires knowledge of the pdf.
from scipy.optimize import fmin
We define a generic handle to the minus Log Likelihood function for a given pdf.
def minusLogLikelihood(pdf, X, parameters):
minusLogLikelihood: minus the likelihood of a model pdf, given the data sample X
parameters : Parameters of the model pdf
pdf : Model pdf
X : Sample
mLL : value of minus the loglikelihood, normalized by the sample size
# Compute minus the log likelihood
return -np.sum(np.log(pdf(X, parameters)))
Then the fit function is given by
def fit2pdf(X, pdf, parameterseed):
Maximum likelihood fit to a PDF
X : Sample
pdf : Model pdf
parameterlist : Seed for the parameters
logLikelihood : value of the loglikelihood
varargaout : list of parameters that maximize the likelihood
def mLL(parameterlist):
return minusLogLikelihood(pdf, X, parameterlist)
varargout = fmin(mLL, parameterseed, xtol=1e-8, disp=0)
logLikelihood = -mLL(varargout)
return logLikelihood, varargout
For example, we create a dataset of 1000 samples drawn from a normal distribution, and scale this to a N(μ=10,σ=3) distribution. The fit2pdf
then generates the following estimates
X = 3 * np.random.randn(1000) + 10
def gaussPDF(x, args):
mu = args[0]
sigma = args[1]
return np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2 * sigma**2)) / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma)
finalLL, param = fit2pdf(X, gaussPDF, [1, 2])
print "Estimated parameters (mu, sigma): ", param[0], ",", param[1]
print "Sample mean and variance:", X.mean(), X.std()
Estimated parameters (mu, sigma): 9.98795784087 , 3.01609796942 Sample mean and variance: 9.98795786912 3.01609814296
Sometimes the optimization procedure leads to unrealistic parameter estimates due to runaway solutions. We can therefore also use a bounded optimzation procedure using fminbound
. In SciPy this particular implementation can only handle scalar functions.
from scipy.optimize import fminbound
def fit2pdf_con(X, pdf, lb, ub):
fit2pdf_con: ML fit to a pdf, considering lower and upper bound constraints
X : Sample
pdf : Model pdf
lb : lower bound constraints for the parameters
ub : upper bound constraints for the parameters
logLikelihood : value of the loglikelihood
varargaout : list of parameters than maximize the likelihood
def mLL(parameterlist):
return minusLogLikelihood(pdf, X, parameterlist)
varargout = fminbound(mLL, lb, ub, xtol=1e-8, disp=0)
logLikelihood = -mLL(varargout)
return logLikelihood, varargout
X = np.random.randn(1000) + 10
def gaussPDF2(x, mu):
sigma = 1
return np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2 * sigma**2)) / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma)
finalLL, param = fit2pdf_con(X, gaussPDF2, 0, 15)
print "Estimated parameter mu:", param
print "True mean:", X.mean()
Estimated parameter mu: 10.0582928857 True mean: 10.0582928857
Example: GOOGLE stock
Consider now the log returns of the Google stock. In week 1 we already saw that a simply, but primitive fit of the log returns is generated by the normal distribution. We show this result here using the MLE method.
S = DataReader("GOOGL", "yahoo", datetime(2007,7,1), datetime(2013,6,30))['Adj Close']
logReturn = np.log(S / S.shift(1))
<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0xea22080>
The PDF we use is the normal distribution
def gaussPDF(x, args):
mu, sigma = args
return np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2 * sigma**2)) / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma)
Next, we obtain the MLE and compare it to the sample estimates of the mean and standard deviation. For the Gaussian the parameters mu and sigma coincide with the sample mean and standard deviation, so we should obtain the same values. We use then use the graphicalComparisonPdf function to estimate the goodness of our fit.
def fitReturns():
LL, (mu, sigma) = fit2pdf(logReturn, gaussPDF, [0, 1])
print "Estimated parameters:", mu, sigma
print "Sample estimates:", logReturn.mean(), logReturn.std()
def modelPDF(x):
return gaussPDF(x, (mu, sigma))
graphicalComparisonPdf(logReturn, modelPDF)
Estimated parameters: 0.000335811350516 0.0209772909183 Sample estimates: 0.000335812691068 0.0209842419645
From the above fit we notice that the normal distribution does not produce high quality fits of stock data. In particular, it underestimates the tail events. Here we take a look at the student t distribution as an alternative model.
We first define some handles to the distribution.
from scipy.stats import t as tdist
## Define the
def locationScaleTcdf(x, mu, sigma, nu):
return tdist.cdf((x - mu)/sigma, nu)
def locationScaleTinv(p, mu, sigma, nu):
return mu + sigma * tdist.ppf(p, nu)
def locationScaleTpdf(x, mu, sigma, nu):
return tdist.pdf((x - mu)/sigma, nu) / sigma
def demo_studentT():
mu = 0
sigma = 1
nu = [1, 2, 5, 30]
alpha = 6
xMin = mu - alpha * sigma
xMax = mu + alpha * sigma
nPlot = 1000
xPlot = np.linspace(xMin, xMax, nPlot)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
ax_pdf = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax_cdf = fig.add_subplot(212)
for n in nu:
ax_pdf.plot(xPlot, locationScaleTpdf(xPlot, mu, sigma, n), label=r'$\nu$ = {}'.format(n))
ax_cdf.plot(xPlot, locationScaleTcdf(xPlot, mu, sigma, n), label=r'$\nu$ = {}'.format(n))
ax_pdf.set_title('Student t distribution -- PDF ($\mu$ = {}, $\sigma$ = {})'.format(mu,sigma), fontsize=19)
ax_cdf.set_title('Student t distribution -- CDF ($\mu$ = {}, $\sigma$ = {})'.format(mu,sigma), fontsize=19)
ax_cdf.legend(fontsize=15, loc='lower right')
Next we write a function which fits the student t distribution to a dataset, using moment estimates for the mean and standard deviation as input.
def fit2StudentT(X, nu0):
fit2StudentT: ML fit to a Student's t distribution
X : Sample
nu0 : Seed for the degrees of freedom
[mu,sigma,nu] : Parameters of the Student's t distribution from ML fit
modelPdf : Fitted pdf
modelPdf : Fitted cdf
modelPdf : Fitted inv
## Seed for mu,sigma determined from moment matching
mu0 = np.mean(X); # match first moment
sigma0 = np.sqrt(np.var(X) * (nu0 - 2)/nu0) # match second moment
## ML fit
def PDFhandle(X, args):
_mu, _sigma, _nu = args
return locationScaleTpdf(X, _mu, _sigma, _nu)
LL, argsout = fit2pdf(X, PDFhandle, [mu0, sigma0, nu0])
mu, sigma, nu = argsout
## Model pdf, cdf and inv
modelPdf = lambda x: locationScaleTpdf(x, mu, sigma, nu)
modelCdf = lambda x: locationScaleTcdf(x, mu, sigma, nu)
modelInv = lambda p: locationScaleTinv(p, mu, sigma, nu)
return [mu, sigma, nu], modelPdf, modelCdf, modelInv
An example
def studentFitExample():
mu = 3
sigma = 2
nu = 2.5
M = 1e5
## Draw M samples
X = mu + sigma * tdist.rvs(nu, size=(1e5))
nu0 = 5
mle_args, mle_pdf, mle_cdf, mle_inv = fit2StudentT(X, nu0)
mle_mu, mle_sigma, mle_nu = mle_args
graphicalComparisonPdf(X, mle_pdf, xMin=-15, xMax=25, nBins=1000)
print "Estimated parameters (MLE) vs True parameters"
print "Mean:", np.round(mle_mu, 5), mu
print "Std: ", np.round(mle_sigma, 5), sigma
print "DF: ", np.round(mle_nu, 5), nu
Estimated parameters (MLE) vs True parameters Mean: 3.00505 3 Std: 1.98921 2 DF: 2.48078 2.5
Recall that in Week 8 we encountered the multivariate Gaussian distribution. These multivariate distributions are characterized by (1) the marginal distribution of the random variables which are also Gaussian, and (2) a linear correlation between the different random variables which is completely captured by the covariance matrix Σ.
The multivariate Gaussian can only deal with linear correlations among its random variables. For more complex dependencies we make use of a more sophisticated object: copulas. Using copulas we can seperate the process of (1) modelling the individual assets and (2) modeling the dependencies between these assets. For an exact definition of the copula we refer to the lecture.
Here we look at two different copulas: the Gaussian and the student t copulas. For simplicity we assume that in both cases the marginal distributions are all Gaussians.
We first implement a random number generator from a Gaussian copula.
from numpy.linalg import cholesky
from scipy.stats import norm
def gaussianCopulaRand(M, rho):
gaussianCopulaRand: Generates random numbers from a Gaussian copula
M : size of the sample
rho : corelation matrix [D,D]
U : Sample from the copula [M,D]
rho = np.asarray(rho)
## Dimensionality of the copula
D = rho.shape[0]
## Cholesky decomposition
L = cholesky(rho).T
## Sample from N(0, I) [independent components]
X = np.random.randn(D, M)
## Sample from N(0, rho) [linearly dependent components]
Z =, X)
## Gaussian copula (U[0, 1] marginals)
U = norm.cdf(Z) # Matrix [D, M]
U = U.T # Matrix [M, D]
return U
For example
def exampleGaussCopula():
rho = [[1, 0.8], [0.8, 1]]
M = 2e3
U = gaussianCopulaRand(M, rho)
Uinv = norm.ppf(U).T
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax.scatter(Uinv[0], Uinv[1])
ax.set_xlim(-4, 4)
ax.set_ylim(-3, 3)
ax.set_title('Multivariate Gaussian', fontsize=18)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.scatter(U.T[0], U.T[1])
ax2.set_title('Gaussian copula', fontsize=18)
There is clear linear correlation between the X and Y components of the sample points. To introduce non-linear correlations using copulas we need a more sophisticated construct, for instance by using a student t distribution.
Here we implement such a coopula. To emphasize, the marginal distributions are still assumed to be Gaussians. It's the correlation among the different components which is described by the student t distribution.
from scipy.stats import t as tdist
from scipy.stats import chi2
def studentTCopulaRand(M, rho, nu):
studentTCopulaRand: Generates random numbers from a Student's t copula
M : size of the sample
rho : corelation matrix [D,D]
nu : degrees of freedom
U : Sample from the copula [M,D]
% rho = [1 0.8; 0.8 1];
% M = 1e4;
% U = studentTCopulaRand(M,rho);
% figure(1);
% plot(U(1,:),U(2,:),'.');
rho = np.asarray(rho)
## Dimensionality of the copula
D = rho.shape[0]
## Cholesky decomposition
L = cholesky(rho).T
## Sample from N(0,I) [independent components]
X = np.random.randn(D, M)
## Sample from N(0,rho) [linearly dependent components]
Z =, X)
## Sample from Chi2 with nu degrees of freedom
xi = chi2.rvs(nu, size=M)[np.newaxis, :]
## Student t copula (U[0,1] marginals)
U = tdist.cdf(sqrt(nu) * Z / sqrt(xi), nu) # Matrix [D,M]
U = U.T # Matrix [M,D]
return U
def exampleStudentCopula():
rho = [[1, 0.8], [0.8, 1]]
M = 2e3
U = studentTCopulaRand(M, rho, 2).T
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter(U[0], U[1])
ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
ax.set_ylim(0, 1)
ax.set_title('Student T Copula', fontsize=18)
S = DataReader(["IBM", "GOOGL"], "yahoo", datetime(2007,7,1), datetime(2013,6,30))['Adj Close']
def demo_multivariateModels(portfolio):
portfolioReturn = np.log(portfolio / portfolio.shift(1))
portfolioReturn.columns = ['r_' + s for s in portfolio.columns]
## Seed for optimization of degrees of freedom
nu0 = 5
## Create a dataframe which stores all fitted parameters and statistical functions
## Note that the columns PDF, CDF and INV store functions
modelDF = pd.DataFrame(index=portfolioReturn.columns, columns=['mean', 'sigma', 'nu', 'PDF', 'CDF', 'INV'])
param = ['mean', 'sigma', 'nu']
for s in portfolioReturn.columns:
param_fit, modelDF.loc[s, 'PDF'], modelDF.loc[s, 'CDF'], modelDF.loc[s, 'INV'] = \
fit2StudentT(portfolioReturn[s], nu0)
modelDF.loc[s, param] = param_fit
print "Fitted the Student T distributio to the log returns of each stock in the portfolio."
print "Found the following parameters:"
print modelDF[param]
print "=" * 30
print "Plotting PDF's fitted to asset returns"
fig = plt.figure()
nSubFigs = len(portfolioReturn.columns)
## Transform to U[0, 1] marginals
## And plot fitted PDF's
logReturnColumns = portfolioReturn.columns
for n, s in enumerate(logReturnColumns):
portfolioReturn['u' + s[1:]] = modelDF.loc[s, 'CDF'](portfolioReturn[s])
ax = fig.add_subplot(nSubFigs, 1, n+1)
graphicalComparisonPdf(portfolioReturn[s].values, modelDF.loc[s, 'PDF'],axes_object=ax, nBins=100)
ax.set_title('Fitted PDF to asset: ' + s)
transformedReturnColumns = portfolioReturn.columns[len(logReturnColumns):]
print "=" * 30
print "Joint distribution of the first two assets (historic and simulated)."
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax= fig.add_subplot(221)
n1, n2 = portfolioReturn.columns[0], portfolioReturn.columns[1]
print n1 + ' vs ' + n2
ax.scatter(portfolioReturn[n1], portfolioReturn[n2])
ax.set_xlim(-.15, .15)
ax.set_ylim(-.15, .15)
ax.set_title("Historic joint distribution")
## What copula best fits this joint distrubtion?
## We first try the Gaussian copula, with Gaussian marginal
M = portfolioReturn.shape[0]
mu = portfolioReturn[logReturnColumns[:2]].mean()
Sigma = portfolioReturn[logReturnColumns[:2]].cov()
Z = multivariateGaussianRand(M, mu, Sigma)
ax = fig.add_subplot(222)
ax.scatter(Z.T[0], Z.T[1])
ax.set_xlim(-.15, .15)
ax.set_ylim(-.15, .15)
ax.set_title("Gaussian copula + Gaussian marginals")
## Next look at a Gaussian copula with student t marginals
_inv = (norm.ppf(portfolioReturn[transformedReturnColumns[:2]]))
_corr = np.corrcoef(_inv.T[0], _inv.T[1])
# Generate from gaussian copula with implied correlation
Z = gaussianCopulaRand(M, _corr)
# Generate sample points using implied CDF inverse
z1 = modelDF.loc[n1, 'INV'](Z.T[0])
z2 = modelDF.loc[n2, 'INV'](Z.T[1])
ax = fig.add_subplot(223)
ax.scatter(z1, z2)
ax.set_xlim(-.15, .15)
ax.set_ylim(-.15, .15)
ax.set_title("Gaussian copula + Student marginals")
## The final one is a student t copula with student t marginals
## We did not treat the ML estimates for the parameters of the student t copula
## so we will use some given estimates instead
rho = [[1, .55], [.55, 1]]
nu = 2.4
U = studentTCopulaRand(M, rho, nu)
u1 = modelDF.loc[n1, 'INV'](U.T[0])
u2 = modelDF.loc[n2, 'INV'](U.T[1])
ax = fig.add_subplot(224)
ax.scatter(u1, u2)
ax.set_xlim(-.15, .15)
ax.set_ylim(-.15, .15)
ax.set_title("Student copula + Student marginals")
Fitted the Student T distributio to the log returns of each stock in the portfolio. Found the following parameters: mean sigma nu r_GOOGL 0.0007592356 0.01231535 2.75534 r_IBM 0.000662365 0.01006211 3.131078 [2 rows x 3 columns] ============================== Plotting PDF's fitted to asset returns
============================== Joint distribution of the first two assets (historic and simulated). r_GOOGL vs r_IBM
A Gaussian model for the stock typically underestimates the fat tails of the asset returns. A Gaussian copula only takes into account linear correlation among the asset, which again underestimates high ''tail'' events in the joint distribution. The student t copula and student t marginals model this much better.
We finally arrive at a risk measure: the Value-at-Risk (VaR). Imagine we have some portfolio of assets. The VaR is then a method to quantify the level of financial risk of this portfolio due to e.g. changes in the market (market risk). A common definition of VaR is: what is the maximum loss of the portfolio, over a fixed timeframe, at a fixed confidence interval α.
So suppose we have some model for the return of the portfolio. This can be based on historical data, or some assumptions on the underlying distribution of returns. Using this model we can estimate the distribution of possible returns for the portfolio over a fixed timeframe (e.g. the distribution of returns 10 days from now). The 5% VaR is then the worst possible return we can expect with 95% confidence. Put differently, it is the return that corresponds to the 5% quantile of the underlying model for that particular time horizon.
The VaR is an example of a non-coherent measure: if we have two portfolios with each its own VaR, then the VaR of the combined portfolio is in general not equal to the sum of the individual VaR (or a simple combination thereof).
A related risk measure is the Estimated Shortfall (ES). It is the average loss for losses larger larger than the VaR.
We now compute the VaR of a portfolio of stocks using two methods: Historical and Monte Carlo.
def simulateLossMC(logReturns, S0, priceEuroCall, priceAsianCall):
nu0 = 5 # seed for estimating d.o.f.
modelDF = pd.DataFrame(index=logReturns.columns, columns=['mean', 'sigma', 'nu',
'PDF', 'CDF', 'INV'])
# Fit student t distribution
for n in logReturns.columns:
params, modelDF.loc[n, 'PDF'], modelDF.loc[n, 'CDF'], modelDF.loc[n, 'INV'] = fit2StudentT(logReturns[n], nu0)
modelDF.loc[n, ['mean', 'sigma', 'nu']] = params
# Transform to U[0,1] marginals
u_margin = pd.DataFrame(index=logReturns.index, columns=[], dtype=np.float)
for n in logReturns.columns:
u_margin[n] = modelDF.loc[n, 'CDF'](logReturns[n])
# Estimate correlation for Gaussin copula
n1, n2 = u_margin.columns[0], u_margin.columns[1]
rho = np.corrcoef(modelDF.loc[n1, 'INV'](u_margin[n1]), modelDF.loc[n2, 'INV'](u_margin[n2]))
# Simulation time!
# Generate samples from estimated copula
M = 5e4
U = gaussianCopulaRand(M, rho)
simulated_price = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(M),
for i, n in enumerate([n1, n2]):
simulated_price[n] = S0[n] * np.exp( modelDF.loc[n, 'INV'](U[:,i]) )
# Having generated different simulations we now compute the corresponding option values
simulated_price["IBM_call"] = priceEuroCall(simulated_price["IBM"])
simulated_price["GOOGL_asianCallAM"] = priceEuroCall(simulated_price["IBM"])
return simulated_price
bootstrapindices = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=10)
def simulateLossHistoric(logReturns, S0, priceEuroCall, priceAsianCall):
M = 1e3
bootstrapindices = np.random.randint(0, logReturns.shape[0], size=M)
simulated_price = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(M),
for n in logReturns.columns:
simulated_price[n] = S0[n] * np.exp( logReturn.iloc[bootstrapindices].values )
simulated_price["IBM_call"] = priceEuroCall(simulated_price["IBM"])
simulated_price["GOOGL_asianCallAM"] = priceEuroCall(simulated_price["IBM"])
return simulated_price
Next we will compute two risk measures of a portfolio consisting of IBM and Google stock, IBM call options and Google Asian call options (arithmetic mean). The functions to compute these options were implemented in week 8, so we will simply import them here.
To compute the risk measures we need a distribution of the expected losses (or profits) over a given time horizon. To obtain this distribution we simulate the assets in the portfolio over the given time horizon using either Monte Carlo or the historic approach. With these simulated portfolios we then compute the loss for each simulated portfolio, and from it construct a distribution of potential losses over the given time horizon. Finally, we compute the desired risk measues.
from custom_functions_iversity import (priceEuropeanCall,
def constructPortfolio(N=5, horizon=5, simulateLoss='historic'):
if simulateLoss == 'historic':
simulateLoss = simulateLossHistoric
simulateLoss = simulateLossMC
S = DataReader(["IBM", "GOOGL"], "yahoo", datetime(2007,7,1), datetime(2013,6,30))['Adj Close']
## Select data in recent past -- we don't want to test with data which is too old.
N = 500
S = S.iloc[-N:]
S0 = S.iloc[-1]
print "Behavior of stock over last %s days" % N
## Compute returns for specified time horizons
# Horizon for the risk measures
horizon = 5
# Overlapping indices
logReturns = np.log(S / S.shift(horizon))
## Portfolio of stocks and options.
## portfolioComposition holds the number of assets held in the portfolio
wghts = {"IBM" : 500,
"GOOGL" : 200,
"IBM_call" : 5000,
"GOOGL_asianCallAM" : 2000}
portfolioComposition = pd.Series(data=wghts.values(), index=wghts.keys(), dtype=np.float)
## portfolio will hold the value per asset in the portfolio
portfolio = pd.Series(index=portfolioComposition.index, data=0, dtype=np.float)
portfolio[["IBM", "GOOGL"]] = S0[["IBM", "GOOGL"]]
## Computing value of European call options for IBM in portfolio
r = .01 # interest rate
K_call = 180 # strike price
T_call = 1 # time to maturity
sigma_IBM_implied = .16 # Implied volatility on IBM call options
def priceEur(S):
return priceEuropeanCall(S, K_call, r, T_call, sigma_IBM_implied)
portfolio["IBM_call"] = priceEur(S0["IBM"])
## Computing value of Asian call options with Arithmetic mean for google using a control variate
N_AM = 6 # Number of monitoring times for the arithmetic mean
T_AM = .5 # Time to maturity
M_AM = 1e3 # Number of simulated trajectories
K_AM = 430 # Strike of the Asian arithmetic mean call option
## !!!! K_AM should be changed to 880 if you are using this code for the homework !!!! ###
# Here we use historical volatility
nDaysInYear = 252
sigma_GOOG = sqrt(nDaysInYear/horizon)*std(logReturns["GOOGL"])
def priceAsian(S):
return priceAsianArithmeticMeanCallMC_withControlVariate(S, K_AM, r, T_AM, sigma_GOOG, M_AM, N_AM)
price_AM, std_AM = priceAsian(S0["GOOGL"])
portfolio["GOOGL_asianCallAM"] = price_AM
print "Current value per asset:"
print portfolio.head()
print "Weight in portfolio:"
print portfolioComposition.head()
# Next we simulate the potential returns of the portfolio using either the
# historic method (bootstrapping of historic data)
# Monte Carlo (Fitting a copula to historic data, and simulating new data)
simulated_assets = simulateLoss(logReturns[["IBM", "GOOGL"]], S0, priceEur, priceAsian)
print "Simulated return histograms"
print "Corresponding simulated returns of weighted portfolio"
simulated_portfolio = (simulated_assets * portfolioComposition).sum(axis=1)
current_portfolio = (portfolio * portfolioComposition).sum()
print "Simulated loss of portfolio"
loss_simulated = (-(simulated_portfolio - current_portfolio))
## Finally, we compute the VaR at 5% and the estimated loss
p = .95
VaR = loss_simulated.quantile(.95)
indexTail = loss_simulated > VaR
ES = np.mean(loss_simulated.ix[indexTail])
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
loss_simulated.hist(bins=50, ax=ax, normed=True)
y_lim = ax.get_ylim()
ax.plot([VaR, VaR], y_lim, 'r', label='VaR 5%')
ax.plot([ES, ES], y_lim, 'g', label='ES 5%')
# Print out returns. VaR is the value at risk, and larger is worse.
print "Value-at-Risk: %.2f" % VaR
print "Expected Shortfall: %.2f" % ES
First we have the Monte Carlo approach
Behavior of stock over last 500 days
Current value per asset: GOOGL_asianCallAM 27.054184 IBM 188.110000 IBM_call 17.288251 GOOGL 440.630000 dtype: float64 Weight in portfolio: GOOGL_asianCallAM 2000 IBM 500 IBM_call 5000 GOOGL 200 dtype: float64 Simulated return histograms
Corresponding simulated returns of weighted portfolio
Simulated loss of portfolio
Value-at-Risk: 66374.80 Expected Shortfall: 83508.28
And now using the historic method
Behavior of stock over last 500 days
Current value per asset: GOOGL_asianCallAM 27.089735 IBM 188.110000 IBM_call 17.288251 GOOGL 440.630000 dtype: float64 Weight in portfolio: GOOGL_asianCallAM 2000 IBM 500 IBM_call 5000 GOOGL 200 dtype: float64 Simulated return histograms
Corresponding simulated returns of weighted portfolio
Simulated loss of portfolio
Value-at-Risk: 64479.93 Expected Shortfall: 80451.25
In the homework we are given an implementation for an algorithm which finds the maximum likelihood for models with latent variables. This particular algorithm applies to Gaussian mixture models. Here we provide the Python version for this implementation.
def expectationMaximizationGM(Z, K, p=None, mu=None, sigma=None):
expectationMaximizationGM: EM algorithm for a mixture of K Gaussians GM[p,mu,sigma]
Z : Sample with M observations
K : Number of Gaussians in the mixture
p : vector of probabilitiess [Kx1]
mu : vector of means [Kx1]
sigma : vector of stdev's [Kx1]
p : vector of probabilitiess [Kx1]
mu : vector of means [Kx1]
sigma : vector of stdev's [Kx1]
% %% Sample matrix (M rows, N columns)
% M = 1000;
% N = 1;
% %% Gaussian components
% p = [ 1/2 1/3 1/6]; % probability vector
% mu = [-1.0 4.0 12.0]; % means
% sigma = [ 1.0 3.0 0.5]; % standard deviations
% %% Generate sample Z ~ GM[p,mu,sigma)
% Z = GMrand(M,N,p,mu,sigma);
% %% EM for Gaussian mixture
% [p, mu, sigma] = expectationMaximizationGM(Z,3)
% %% Compare modelPdf and scaled histogram
% modelPdf = @(z)(GMpdf(z,p,mu,sigma));
% figure(1); graphicalComparisonPdf(Z(:),modelPdf)
% title('Z ~ GM[p,\mu,\sigma]')
if K == 1:
# Fit to a single Gaussian
p = 1
mu = np.mean(Z)
sigma = np.std(Z)
return p, mu, sigma
if mu is None or sigma is None or p is None:
# initialization of parameters
mu0 = np.mean(Z)
sigma0 = np.std(Z)
mu = np.linspace(mu0 - 2 * sigma0, mu0 + 2 * sigma0, K)
sigma = 2 * sigma0 * np.ones_like(mu, dtype=np.float)
p = np.ones(K, dtype=np.float) / K
p = np.asarray(p).flatten()
sigma = np.asarray(p).flatten()
mu = np.asarray(mu).flatten()
Z = np.asarray(Z).flatten() # Ensures that Z is a row vector
M = Z.size # Size of the sample
a, b, c, m = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # standard EM
#a, b, c, m = .2, .2, .1, .0 # Modified EM (Hamilton, 1991)
TOL_MU = 1e-6
TOL_SIGMA = 1e-6
TOL_P = 1e-6
MAXITER = 5000
## EM Algotrithm
dmu = 10 * TOL_MU
dsigma = 10 * TOL_SIGMA
dp = 10 * TOL_P
nIter = 0
def gt(vec, tol):
return np.any(np.abs(vec) > tol)
def weightedNormPDF(Z, mu, sigma, p):
Zsc = (Z[np.newaxis]-mu[:, np.newaxis])/sigma[:, np.newaxis]
return p[:, np.newaxis] * np.exp(- (Zsc**2) /2) / (np.sqrt(2*np.pi) * sigma[:, np.newaxis])
while ((nIter < MAXITER) & (gt(dmu, TOL_MU) | gt(dsigma, TOL_SIGMA) | gt(dp, TOL_P))):
# increment the iteration counter
nIter = nIter + 1
gamma = np.empty((K, M), dtype=np.float)
gamma = weightedNormPDF(Z, mu, sigma, p)
gNorm = gamma.sum(axis=0)
gamma = gamma / gNorm[np.newaxis, :]
gNorm2 = gamma.sum(axis=1)
dp = -p
dmu = -mu
dsigma = -sigma
p = gNorm2 / M
mu = (c * m +, Z))/(c + gNorm2)
sigma = np.sqrt((b + c * (m - mu))**2 +
(gamma * (Z[np.newaxis, :] - mu[:, np.newaxis])**2).sum(axis=1) /
(a + gNorm2))
# check how much paremeter estimates have changed
dp = dp + p
dsigma = dsigma + sigma
dmu = dmu + mu
if (nIter >= MAXITER):
print 'Warning: EM for GM has not fully converged. Try a smaller number of Gaussians'
return p,mu,sigma
def categoricalRand(M, N, p):
Random number generator for categorical variables.
M : size of sample
N : number of samples
p : array of (normalized) probabilities for categorical variables
k : N samples of size M (MxN array) of randomly drawn categorical variables.
k takes values between 1 and the size of p.
p = np.cumsum(np.r_[0, p])
# Sample from U[0,1]
k = np.random.rand(M,N)
# Sample from Categorical[p,K]
k = np.sum(k[:,:,np.newaxis] > p, axis = 2)
return k.astype(
def GMrand(M, N, p, mu, sigma):
Random number generator for random variables drawn from a Gaussian Mixture.
M : size of sample
N : number of samples
p : weight for each Gaussian
mu : mean for each Gaussian
sigma : std for each Gaussian
Z : N samples of size M (MxN array) of randomly drawn variables from a Gaussian mixture.
p = np.asarray(p)
mu = np.asarray(mu)
sigma = np.asarray(sigma)
xi = categoricalRand(M,N,p) - 1
X = randn(M,N)
Z = mu[xi] + sigma[xi] * X
return Z
def GMpdf(x, p, mu, sigma):
Exact PDF of a Gaussian Mixture
x : shape used for shape of output [MxN]
p : Probability vector [Kx1]
mu : Vector of means [Kx1]
sigma : Vector of stdev's [Kx1]
y : Value of the pdf [same size as x]
# Compute pdf
y = np.zeros_like(x, dtype = np.float);
for k in range(len(p)):
y = y + p[k]*norm.pdf(x,mu[k],sigma[k])
return y
def example():
## Sample matrix (M rows, N columns)
M = 1e4;
N = 1;
## Gaussian components
p = [ 1/2, 1/3, 1/6] # probability vector
mu = [-1.0, 4.0, 12.0] # means
sigma = [ 1.0, 3.0, 0.5] # standard deviations
## Generate sample Z ~ GM[p,mu,sigma)
Z = GMrand(M,N,p,mu,sigma)
## EM for Gaussian mixture
p_e, mu_e, sigma_e = expectationMaximizationGM(Z, 3)
print "Estimated vs True parameters:"
print "Gaussian weights: {} {}".format(np.round(p_e,4), np.round(p, 4))
print "Gaussian means: {} {}".format(np.round(mu_e,4), mu)
print "Gaussian std: {} {}".format(np.round(sigma_e,4), sigma)
print "Estimated PDF vs histogram of sampled data"
def modelPDF(x):
return GMpdf(x, p_e, mu_e, sigma_e)
graphicalComparisonPdf(Z, modelPDF)
Estimated vs True parameters: Gaussian weights: [ 0.4997 0.3298 0.1704] [ 0.5 0.3333 0.1667] Gaussian means: [ -1.002 4.1116 12.0065] [-1.0, 4.0, 12.0] Gaussian std: [ 1.0123 2.9481 0.491 ] [1.0, 3.0, 0.5] Estimated PDF vs histogram of sampled data