from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
The demos for this week look at the Euler integration method of solving Ordinary Differential Equations.
def eulerIntegration(t0, f0, a, T, N):
Integration of an ODE with the Euler scheme
t0 : Initial time
f0 : Initial value of the function f(t0) = f0;
a : Handle of the function a(t,f), which gives the value
of the derivative
T : Length of integration interval [t0, t0+T]
N : Number of time steps
t : Times at which the trajectory is monitored
f : Values of the trajectory that starts from f(t0) = f0
# size of the integration step
deltaT = T/N;
# monitoring times
t = np.linspace(t0, t0+T, N+1)
# initialize trajectory
f = np.zeros((N+1,))
### Euler integration method
# initial condition
f[0] = f0
# sum over steps to approximate the solution
for n in range(N):
f[n+1] = f[n] + a(t[n], f[n]) * deltaT
# Note that for-loops over large arrays can be a source of poor performance.
# It can be optimized in a number of ways, e.g. through packages
# such as Cython, PyPy, f2py (fortran) or Numba (to name but a few)
return t, f
Example: reversion to the mean. This process is described by the following ODE: dσ(t)=−α(σ(t)−σ∞)dt
def meanReversion(sigma_0):
sigma_infty, alpha = .2, .5
def a(t, sigma):
return -alpha * (sigma - sigma_infty)
t0, T, N = (0, 20, 100)
t, sigma = eulerIntegration(t0, sigma_0, a, T, N)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(t, sigma, label='$\sigma(t)$')
ax.plot([t[0], t[-1]], [sigma_infty, sigma_infty], 'k:', label='$\sigma_{\infty}$')
ax.set_xlabel('t', fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylabel('f(t)', fontsize=15)
Example: growth of deposited money M on a bank account with interest r. The ODE describing the deposit as a function of time is given by: dMt=rMtdt. We approximate the solution using the Euler Integration Method and compare this to the true solution.
def bankAccount(N, T):
t0 = 0
M0, r = (100, .05)
def growth(t, M):
return r * M
t, M_euler = eulerIntegration(t0, M0, growth, T, N)
M = M0 * np.exp(r * t)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(t, M, 'k', label = '$M(t)$')
ax.plot(t, M_euler, 'b', label = '$M_{euler}(t)$')
ax.plot(t, M_euler, 'bo', linewidth=2)
ax.set_xlabel('t', fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylabel('M(t)', fontsize=15)
ax.legend(fontsize=15, loc='upper left')
bankAccount(N=5, T=20)
# Increasing N or decreasing T will decrease the error between M and the approximation M_euler.
bankAccount(N=20, T=20)
At each step the Euler integration method makes use of the interval size of consecutive time stamps ΔT=tn−tn−1. So far we have assumed that these time stamps are equally seperated, i.e. ΔT is constant. But this is not a requirement for the Euler integration method.
We can implement a new Euler integration scheme which makes use of a variable grid size of time stamps.
def eulerIntegrationVariableGrid(f0, a, t):
eulerIntegrationVariableGrid: Integration of an ODE with the Euler scheme
f0 : Initial value of the function
a : Handle of the function a(t,f), which gives the value
of the derivative
t : Times at which the trajectory is monitored
f : Values of the trajectory that starts from
f(1) = f0 at t(1) = t0
# length of the different time intervals
deltaT = np.diff(t)
# reserve memory for the trajectory
f = np.zeros_like(t)
# initial value of trajectory
f[0] = f0
for n in range(deltaT.size):
f[n+1] = f[n] + a(t[n], f[n]) * deltaT[n]
return f
We revisit the previous example, but consider a non-equally spaced time array t
def eulerIntegrationBankAccountExample(t):
M0, r = (100, .05)
def a(t, M):
return r * M
M_euler = eulerIntegrationVariableGrid(M0,a,t)
nPlot = 1000
tPlot = np.linspace(t[0], t[-1], nPlot)
M = M0 * np.exp(r * (tPlot - t[0]))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(tPlot, M, 'k', label = '$M(t)$')
ax.plot(t, M_euler, 'b', label = '$M_{euler}(t)$')
ax.plot(t, M_euler, 'bo', linewidth=2)
ax.set_xlabel('t', fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylabel('M(t)', fontsize=15)
ax.legend(fontsize=15, loc='upper left')
# Example 1
eulerIntegrationBankAccountExample(t = np.array([1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20]))
# Example 2
eulerIntegrationBankAccountExample(t = np.r_[[1, 7], np.linspace(10, 20, 30)])
The Van Der Pol oscillator is an example of a non-linear, second order equation. We cannot apply Euler's method directly, since the system is second order. However, the system can be rewritten as a system of coupled first order equations, to which Euler's method can be applied in a consecutive fashion. This is done in eulerIntegrationVanDerPol
def eulerIntegrationVanDerPol(t0, x0, p0, mu, T, N):
Van Der Pol oscillator solved via Euler integration
t0 : Initial time
x0 : Initial position
p0 : Initial momentum
mu : damping strength
T : Length of integration interval [t0, t0+T]
N : Number of time steps
t : Times at which the trajectory is monitored
t(n) = t0 + n Delta T
x : Values of the position along the trajectory
p : Values of the momentum along the trajectory
# Size of integration step
deltaT = T/N
# initialize monitoring times
t = np.linspace(t0, t0 + T, N + 1)
# intialize x and p
x = np.zeros_like(t)
p = np.zeros_like(t)
## Euler integration
# initial conditions
x[0] = x0
p[0] = p0
for n in np.arange(N):
x[n+1] = x[n] + p[n] * deltaT
p[n+1] = p[n] + (mu * (1 - x[n] * x[n]) * p[n] - x[n]) * deltaT
return t, x, p
We plot the time series of the position and momentum, and the corresponding phase space plots, for two values of the damping parameter.
def vanDerPolExample(mu, x0, p0):
t0, T, N = 0, 20, 1e5
t, x, p = eulerIntegrationVanDerPol(t0, x0, p0, mu, T, N)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))
ax = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax.plot(t, x, label='x(t)')
ax.plot(t, p, label='p(t)')
ax.set_title('Time series of x(t) and p(t) ($\mu$ = {})'.format(mu), fontsize=15)
ax.legend(fontsize=15, loc='upper right')
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.plot(x, p)
ax2.set_title('Phase space plot ($\mu$ = {})'.format(mu), fontsize=15)
# The behavior of the system is sensitive to the damping mu of the system
vanDerPolExample(mu=.01, x0=0, p0=1)
vanDerPolExample(mu=2, x0=0, p0=1)
Finally, this can be turned into a fancy animation. Unfortunately I could not get it to work on my computer -- there is apparently a problem with the backend. But supposedly the following code works (you might need to run it directly from the command line)
The file
can be found in the github repository. Credit goes to chanGimeno for this implementation.