This notebook is a part of work being done for the Trace of Theory project, a collaboration between researchers of NovelTM and the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC).
Here, we'll use unsupervised techniques to identify clusters of similar texts within a corpus of about 3,200 philosophical texts. These texts were previously identified in the HathiTrust public domain corpus using a list of philosophical keywords. The idea now is to look for something like philsophical "genres" within this subcorpus of philosophical texts and to compare the computational results to human labels. Our features will mix word-count data with measures of form and with textual metadata, so that we're examining not just subject matter, but also style and (minimal) context.
The work below is almost exclusively about methods. There's not a lot of analysis, and the notebook ends with suggestions for things to try, rather than conclusions about philosophical genre.
import warnings
# Data libraries
import pandas as pd
from nltk.corpus.reader import PlaintextCorpusReader
from nltk.corpus import cmudict
import nltk
from collections import defaultdict
import bz2
import json
import os
import subprocess
# Machine learning and math libraries
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
import numpy as np
# Plotting libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import seaborn as sns # Note that seaborn >= 0.6.0 is required for some plots
from bokeh.charts import Scatter, output_notebook, show
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.palettes import Spectral5, Spectral6, Spectral7
# Set up plotting
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
basecolor = 'steelblue'
% matplotlib inline
In previous work, Geoffrey Rockwell and others used a list of philosophical keywords to identify texts from the HTRC corpus that were likely to be philosophical. We use the resulting list of 3,231 philosophical texts. From those we just want basic metadata and HTIDs in order to download the corresponding HTRC derived feature files. Note that we're using a 'clean,' UTF-8 encoded version of the list of texts; the original list causes problems down the line.
philo_list = pd.read_csv('../../data/philosophy/over1 freqsort test clean.csv')
philo_list = philo_list[['Discipline', 'ID', 'Title', 'Author', 'Year', 'Relative Freq']]
philo_list.columns = ['label', 'htid', 'title', 'auth', 'year', 'freq']
label | htid | title | auth | year | freq | |
0 | theo | uc2.ark:/13960/t4jm2cj7x | Will higher of God and free will of life made ... | Comstock, William Charles, 1847-1924. | 1914 | 0.262600 |
1 | theo | uc2.ark:/13960/t6j105c55 | Man, the life free, by the authors of "Thought... | Comstock, William Charles, 1847-1924. | 1916 | 0.257248 |
2 | theo | uc2.ark:/13960/t2f76gd3p | Thought for help, from those who know men's ne... | Comstock, William Charles, 1847-1924. | 1913 | 0.218047 |
3 | ed | loc.ark:/13960/t97664b0x | The metaphysics of education. [By] Arthur C Fl... | Fleshman, Arthur Cary. | 1914 | 0.174253 |
4 | ed | uc2.ark:/13960/t18k7739n | Syllabus of a course on the philosophy of educ... | MacVannel, John Angus, 1871-1915. | 1904 | 0.169895 |
In the data, 'freq' is the relative frequency of philosophical keywords. The field for 'disc' (here renamed to 'label') is a human-applied label for the type of philosophy in each volume. The labels are distributed like so:
sns.countplot(x='label', data=philo_list)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x118fc9828>
OK, so really only about 25% of the 'philosophical' texts are labeled philosophy proper. We'll bear this in mind. Now we want to download the HTRC derived feature files for those 3,231 volumes. To do that, we'll generate a list with full pairtree file paths, then use rsync
to bring them over to local storage. See the HTRC documentation for details concerning their storage structure.
Note that HTIDs need to be convernted to filesystem-safe versions by converting instances of ':' to '+' and '/' to '+'.
# Convert HTIDs to filesystem-safe versions for rsync
philo_list['file'] = philo_list['htid'].str.replace(':', '+')
philo_list['file'] = philo_list['file'].str.replace('/', '=')
philo_list = philo_list[['label', 'title', 'auth', 'year', 'freq', 'htid', 'file']]
label | title | auth | year | freq | htid | file | |
0 | theo | Will higher of God and free will of life made ... | Comstock, William Charles, 1847-1924. | 1914 | 0.262600 | uc2.ark:/13960/t4jm2cj7x | uc2.ark+=13960=t4jm2cj7x |
1 | theo | Man, the life free, by the authors of "Thought... | Comstock, William Charles, 1847-1924. | 1916 | 0.257248 | uc2.ark:/13960/t6j105c55 | uc2.ark+=13960=t6j105c55 |
2 | theo | Thought for help, from those who know men's ne... | Comstock, William Charles, 1847-1924. | 1913 | 0.218047 | uc2.ark:/13960/t2f76gd3p | uc2.ark+=13960=t2f76gd3p |
3 | ed | The metaphysics of education. [By] Arthur C Fl... | Fleshman, Arthur Cary. | 1914 | 0.174253 | loc.ark:/13960/t97664b0x | loc.ark+=13960=t97664b0x |
4 | ed | Syllabus of a course on the philosophy of educ... | MacVannel, John Angus, 1871-1915. | 1904 | 0.169895 | uc2.ark:/13960/t18k7739n | uc2.ark+=13960=t18k7739n |
Now parse the file-safe HTIDs into pairtree paths (as used by the HTRC). In a different world, I suppose we'd use a pairtree library rather than handling this from scratch ...
# A function to convert HTIDs to pairtree paths
def htid2ptpath(htid, prefix='basic', suffix='.basic.json.bz2'):
'''A function to convert HathiTrust file IDs to pairtree paths.
Takes an input HTID, an optional path prefix to be prepended to the
generated path, and an optional suffix (like '.basic.json.bz2').
Returns a string representing the HTRC pairtree path.'''
inst, ptid = htid.split(sep='.', maxsplit=1)
pt_segments = (len(ptid)//2) + 1
path = prefix + '/' + inst + '/' + 'pairtree_root' + '/'
for i in range(pt_segments):
path += ptid[i*2:(i+1)*2] + '/'
path += ptid[i*2:i*2+1] + '/'
return path[0:-1] + ptid + '/' + inst + '.' + ptid + suffix
philo_list['path'] = philo_list['file'].apply(htid2ptpath)
label | title | auth | year | freq | htid | file | path | |
0 | theo | Will higher of God and free will of life made ... | Comstock, William Charles, 1847-1924. | 1914 | 0.262600 | uc2.ark:/13960/t4jm2cj7x | uc2.ark+=13960=t4jm2cj7x | basic/uc2/pairtree_root/ar/k+/=1/39/60/=t/4j/m... |
1 | theo | Man, the life free, by the authors of "Thought... | Comstock, William Charles, 1847-1924. | 1916 | 0.257248 | uc2.ark:/13960/t6j105c55 | uc2.ark+=13960=t6j105c55 | basic/uc2/pairtree_root/ar/k+/=1/39/60/=t/6j/1... |
2 | theo | Thought for help, from those who know men's ne... | Comstock, William Charles, 1847-1924. | 1913 | 0.218047 | uc2.ark:/13960/t2f76gd3p | uc2.ark+=13960=t2f76gd3p | basic/uc2/pairtree_root/ar/k+/=1/39/60/=t/2f/7... |
3 | ed | The metaphysics of education. [By] Arthur C Fl... | Fleshman, Arthur Cary. | 1914 | 0.174253 | loc.ark:/13960/t97664b0x | loc.ark+=13960=t97664b0x | basic/loc/pairtree_root/ar/k+/=1/39/60/=t/97/6... |
4 | ed | Syllabus of a course on the philosophy of educ... | MacVannel, John Angus, 1871-1915. | 1904 | 0.169895 | uc2.ark:/13960/t18k7739n | uc2.ark+=13960=t18k7739n | basic/uc2/pairtree_root/ar/k+/=1/39/60/=t/18/k... |
# Write out list of feature files for use by rsync
philo_list['path'].to_csv('../../data/philosophy/3k_paths.csv', index=False)
Call rsync
to retrieve the feature files from the HTRC. Note that a few files (32 out of 3,231) will fail. One could examine these by printing the failures
# Call rsync to download the feature files
data_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Documents/Code/ACS-TT/data/philosophy')
rsync_list = os.path.join(data_dir, '3k_paths.csv')
rsync_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, '3k_features')
failures = []
subprocess.check_output(['rsync', '-av', '--files-from', rsync_list, '', rsync_dir],
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, )
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
If you examine the list of failures
, you can see that some of the feature files are missing. But not many. We'll deal with this later by excluding the missing files.
We'd like to use Peter Organisciak's htrc-feature-reader library to extract data from the feature files, but it isn't working at the moment. Switch to that library in the future, since it's easier than the hand-coding below.
In the end, we want to extract and/or compute the following features for each volume:
The idea isn't that these are the only -- or even necessarily the correct -- features to use. But they combine content analysis with formal and metadata features is a way that may be illustrative.
First, make a pass over all the files, eliminating from the data frame any that did not download from HTRC. This isn't super efficient, but it's easier than keeping track while we're also calculating features in the next step.
# Get full local paths to feature files
paths = [os.path.join(rsync_dir, i) for i in philo_list['path']]
good = []
for i in paths:
if os.path.isfile(i):
good = pd.Series(good)
philo_list = philo_list.drop(good[good == False].index)
Note that we've gone from 3231 entries to 3199; there were 32 feature files that failed to download from HTRC. That's good enough for now.
# Define functions to look up word era (for diction scores) and syllables per word
# Syllables per word
d = cmudict.dict()
def nsyl(word):
'''Takes a string. Returns the number fo syllables in that string.'''
return [len(list(y for y in x if y[-1].isdigit())) for x in d[word.lower()]]
# Word era. Etymolgy data from Ted Underwood and Jordan Sellers.
etym = pd.read_csv('../../data/philosophy/Etymologies.txt', sep='\t', names=['word', 'date', 'count'])
pre = etym[(etym['date'] > 1) & (etym['date'] < 1150)]['word']
post = etym[etym['date'] >= 1150]['word']
pre = set(pre)
post = set(post)
print('Pre-1150 words: ', len(pre))
print('Post-1150 words:', len(post))
def wordEra(word, prelist, postlist):
Takes string 'word' and lists of pre- and post-era words.
Returns 0 if word in prelist, 1 if word in postlist, else raises error.'''
if word in prelist:
return 0
elif word in postlist:
return 1
raise ValueError(word, 'in neither list')
Pre-1150 words: 2211 Post-1150 words: 7324
Define a function that calculates the desired volume-level features from an HTRC compressed feature file.
# A function to do all the heavy lifting.
def get_feature_data_raw(filename):
'''Takes the name of an HTRC extracted feature file. Assumes file is compressed with bz2.
Returns a bunch of features:
htid, # The HathiTrust ID of the volume
words, # Count of word tokens (total)
reading_level, # Calculated reading level score
pre_frac, # Fraction of recognized tokens that entered English before 1150
verb_frac, # Fraction of tokens that are verbs (any tense)
np_frac, # Fraction of tokens that are proper nouns
text_blob # Bag of words from the volume as a whole (for later processing)
with, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as b:
data = json.load(b)
words = 0
sentences = 0
syllables = 0
syl_words = 0
pre1150 = 0
post1150 = 0
proper_nouns = 0
verbs = 0
vol_tokens = defaultdict(int)
nnp_set = ('NNP', 'NNPS') # Tags for proper nouns
vb_set = ('VB', 'VBD', 'VBG', 'VBN', 'VBP', 'VBZ') # Tags for verbs
ignore_set = ('.', 'CD') # Token types to ignore (punctuation and numbers)
text_blob = ''
for page in data['features']['pages']: # page is a dict of page-level data
words += int(page['body']['tokenCount'])
sentences += int(page['body']['sentenceCount'])
for token in page['body']['tokenPosCount']: # token is a word in page body
for tag in page['body']['tokenPosCount'][token].keys():
if tag in nnp_set:
proper_nouns += int(page['body']['tokenPosCount'][token][tag])
if tag in vb_set:
verbs += int(page['body']['tokenPosCount'][token][tag])
if tag not in ignore_set:
vol_tokens[token.lower()] += int(page['body']['tokenPosCount'][token][tag])
for token in vol_tokens:
occurs = vol_tokens[token]
era = wordEra(token, pre, post) # Look up word era
if era:
post1150 += occurs
pre1150 += occurs
syl = nsyl(token)[0] # Look up syllables in this word
syllables += syl*occurs
syl_words += occurs
text_blob += (token + ' ')*occurs
# Calculate values to return
reading_level = 0.39*(words/sentences) + 11.8*(syllables/syl_words) - 15.59
pre_frac = pre1150/(pre1150+post1150)
verb_frac = verbs/words
np_frac = proper_nouns/words
htid = data['id'].replace(':', '+').replace('/', '=')
return (htid, words, reading_level, pre_frac, verb_frac, np_frac, text_blob)
This is slow; it takes about half an hour on my laptop.
# Iterate over feature files to calculate derived features
# New list of paths, now excluding the feature files that did not download
paths = [os.path.join(rsync_dir, i) for i in philo_list['path']]
processed = 0
word_counts = []
reading_levels = []
pre_fractions = []
verb_fractions = []
np_fractions = []
text_blob_dir = '../../data/philosophy/3k_text_blobs' # Directory to store bags of words
if not os.path.exists(text_blob_dir):
# Iterate over all the feature files and store results. Slow (tens of minutes).
for fn in paths:
htid, wc, rl, pf, vf, nf, blob = get_feature_data_raw(fn)
f = open(os.path.join(text_blob_dir, htid), 'w')
processed += 1
if (processed)%100 == 0:
print(processed, 'files complete')
print('Total files processed:', processed)
100 files complete 200 files complete 300 files complete 400 files complete 500 files complete 600 files complete 700 files complete 800 files complete 900 files complete 1000 files complete 1100 files complete 1200 files complete 1300 files complete 1400 files complete 1500 files complete 1600 files complete 1700 files complete 1800 files complete 1900 files complete 2000 files complete 2100 files complete 2200 files complete 2300 files complete 2400 files complete 2500 files complete 2600 files complete 2700 files complete 2800 files complete 2900 files complete 3000 files complete 3100 files complete Total files processed: 3199
# Add newly calculated features to data frame
philo_list['words'] = pd.Series(word_counts)
philo_list['read'] = pd.Series(reading_levels)
philo_list['pre'] = pd.Series(pre_fractions)
philo_list['verb'] = pd.Series(verb_fractions)
philo_list['nounp'] = pd.Series(np_fractions)
# Calculating features above is slow work; write to csv to avoid rerunning in future.
philo_list.to_csv('../../data/philosophy/3k_df_mid.csv', sep='\t')
# Vectorize TF-IDF data for the texts. Slow (minutes).
blob_dir = '../../data/philosophy/3k_text_blobs/'
corpus = PlaintextCorpusReader(blob_dir, '\w.*', encoding='latin-1')
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(use_idf=True,
sorted_fileids = [fileid for fileid in sorted(corpus.fileids())]
%time tfidf_data = vectorizer.fit_transform([corpus.raw(fileid) for fileid in sorted_fileids])
CPU times: user 13min 30s, sys: 24.4 s, total: 13min 54s Wall time: 14min 15s
# 3199 documents x 5000 terms
(3199, 5000)
# Run PCA on tfidf data to reduce dimensionality
components = 10 # Number of principal components to fit
pca = PCA(n_components=components)
%time tfidf_pca = pca.fit_transform(tfidf_data.toarray())
CPU times: user 1min 38s, sys: 2.39 s, total: 1min 40s Wall time: 55 s
# Get loadings for later use
pca_loadings = pca.components_
# How much variance do we capture?
for i in range(1,components+1):
pctvar = sum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_[0:i])
print("Cumulative variance explained:", pctvar, ", PC", i)
(10, 5000) Cumulative variance explained: 0.0651931023337 , PC 1 Cumulative variance explained: 0.115006561991 , PC 2 Cumulative variance explained: 0.147654216865 , PC 3 Cumulative variance explained: 0.176846409273 , PC 4 Cumulative variance explained: 0.197697797643 , PC 5 Cumulative variance explained: 0.217592191473 , PC 6 Cumulative variance explained: 0.233724163117 , PC 7 Cumulative variance explained: 0.247953777425 , PC 8 Cumulative variance explained: 0.260202397093 , PC 9 Cumulative variance explained: 0.271562051642 , PC 10
OK, we capture 27.2% of the observed variance in 5,000 tfidf terms with these 10 components. Is this good? Well, on one hand, we lose almost 3/4 of the underlying word-frequency information. On the other hand, we've reduced our dimensionality by 99.8% (from 5,000 dimensions to 10) and still retained more than a quarter of the info, so ...
# Convert dimension-reduced tfidf matrix to pandas dataframe, indexed by file name
col_labels = ['PC'+str(i) for i in range(10)]
tfidf_df = pd.DataFrame(tfidf_pca, index=sorted_fileids, columns=col_labels)
tfidf_df.index.rename('file', inplace=True)
PC0 | PC1 | PC2 | PC3 | PC4 | PC5 | PC6 | PC7 | PC8 | PC9 | |
file | ||||||||||
loc.ark+=13960=t0000w06f | 0.279257 | -0.111199 | 0.249977 | 0.037709 | -0.112982 | 0.084271 | -0.203856 | 0.065482 | -0.053169 | 0.053021 |
loc.ark+=13960=t00z7sr8b | 0.355015 | 0.093406 | 0.357870 | -0.017597 | -0.040248 | 0.161549 | -0.019496 | -0.034174 | 0.034889 | 0.002782 |
loc.ark+=13960=t01z4ks70 | 0.195769 | -0.247471 | -0.192854 | 0.026626 | 0.022854 | -0.019168 | 0.172995 | 0.162775 | 0.112626 | -0.023345 |
loc.ark+=13960=t02z20g9f | 0.168137 | -0.198680 | -0.202354 | -0.042993 | -0.058926 | 0.044049 | 0.124556 | 0.089082 | 0.052765 | 0.006583 |
loc.ark+=13960=t03x8r043 | 0.159177 | -0.048058 | -0.048808 | 0.275640 | -0.009422 | -0.104153 | -0.018228 | -0.096360 | -0.093210 | -0.010319 |
# Create a new data frame from original philo_list with escaped htid
# as index (to match the index on tfidf data)
philo = philo_list.set_index('file')
# Merge the two data frames
philo = philo.merge(tfidf_df, left_index=True, right_index=True)
# Drop the volumes for which we lack one or more pieces of data
philo = philo.dropna()
# Write out the data for later reuse
philo.to_csv('../../data/philosophy/3k_df_fin.csv', sep='\t')
pca_loadings_df = pd.DataFrame(pca_loadings)
pca_loadings_df.to_csv('../../data/philosophy/3k_loadings.csv', sep='\t')
# Uncomment the line below to read in the saved data frame, in case you skipped everything above
philo = pd.read_csv('../../data/philosophy/3k_df_fin.csv', sep='\t', index_col='file')
# Some quick summary info about the final, complete data frame
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Index: 3165 entries, loc.ark+=13960=t0000w06f to yale.39002098631758 Data columns (total 22 columns): label 3165 non-null object title 3165 non-null object auth 3165 non-null object year 3165 non-null float64 freq 3165 non-null float64 htid 3165 non-null object path 3165 non-null object words 3165 non-null float64 read 3165 non-null float64 pre 3165 non-null float64 verb 3165 non-null float64 nounp 3165 non-null float64 PC0 3165 non-null float64 PC1 3165 non-null float64 PC2 3165 non-null float64 PC3 3165 non-null float64 PC4 3165 non-null float64 PC5 3165 non-null float64 PC6 3165 non-null float64 PC7 3165 non-null float64 PC8 3165 non-null float64 PC9 3165 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(17), object(5) memory usage: 568.7+ KB
Plot histograms of corpus data.
words_fig = plt.hist(list(philo['words']), color=basecolor, bins=np.linspace(0,300000,24))
plt.title('Word counts')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x16d9c3278>
Hmm ... that's a bit worrying. What's with all the short books? Take a closer look ...
words_fig2 = plt.hist(list(philo['words']), color=basecolor, bins=np.linspace(0,20000,20))
plt.title('Word counts (low values)')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x118c19d68>
Meh, guess there are just a lot of pamphlets in the dataset. Moving on.
read_fig = plt.hist(list(philo['read']), color=basecolor, bins=np.linspace(5,20,15))
plt.title('Reading levels')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11b8d0b70>
Reading levels more or less normally distributed. These are not easy-reading books.
pre_fig = plt.hist(list(philo['pre']), color=basecolor, bins=np.linspace(0.2,0.7,20))
plt.title('Fraction pre-1150')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x16dd2a358>
Relatively normal distribution of diction scores.
verb_fig = plt.hist(list(philo['verb']), color=basecolor, bins=np.linspace(0.06,0.18,20))
plt.title('Verb fraction')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x16e81b8d0>
Ditto verb fractions.
nounp_fig = plt.hist(list(philo['nounp']), color=basecolor, bins=np.linspace(0,0.1,20))
plt.title('Proper noun fraction')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1705da240>
Not at all normal distribution of proper nouns; long tail into high values.
year_fig = plt.hist(list(philo['year']), color=basecolor, bins=np.linspace(1825,1925,20))
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x16e11f4a8>
Books skew heavily toward recent publication. All data is drawn from the HathiTrust public domain corpus, so there's nothing after 1923, hence the wall at 1920.
freq_fig = plt.hist(list(philo['freq']), color=basecolor, bins=np.linspace(0.09,0.18,20))
plt.title('Philo keyword frequency')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x16fc5a860>
Looks like there was an explicit cutoff in the keyword-based selection process at philosophical word frequency = 0.10. Result is the clipped high side of what I presume is an underlying normal distribution of these terms in the full corpus. OK, no problem.
# And the TFIDF PCAs
pca_fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10))
for i in range(10):
component = 'PC'+str(i)
figno = i+1
subfig = pca_fig.add_subplot(4,3,figno)
subfig.hist(list(philo[component]), color=basecolor, bins=np.linspace(0,0.4,20))
OK, all our data is in place, though it's not (yet) normalized. Time to do some clustering and visualization.
We'll try both k-means and DBSCAN ...
# Extract data for scikit-learn and normalize
# Keep list of human labels
philo_labels = list(philo['label'])
# Drop columns not used for analysis
philo_data = philo.drop(['label', 'title', 'auth', 'htid', 'path'], axis=1)
# Convert to numpy array
philo_data = philo_data.as_matrix()
# Set up scaler
scaler = StandardScaler()
# Normalize data
philo_data = scaler.fit_transform(philo_data)
print(np.mean(philo_data), np.std(philo_data))
4.64054859857e-16 1.0 (3165, 17)
Note that the normalized mean is zero and standard deviation is 1. There are 3165 documents, each having 17 features (10 word-based PCs and 7 form/metadata features).
# k-means
k = 7 # Matches number of human labels
km = KMeans(n_clusters=k)
CPU times: user 1.1 s, sys: 12 ms, total: 1.11 s Wall time: 443 ms
KMeans(copy_x=True, init='k-means++', max_iter=300, n_clusters=7, n_init=10, n_jobs=1, precompute_distances='auto', random_state=None, tol=0.0001, verbose=0)
Note, FWIW, that k-means clustering is very fast. DBSCAN is slower, but not radically so. The slow steps in all this work, as you'll already have seen if you've run the code yourself, involve acquiring and wrangling the data, not working with it once it's nicely ingested.
# Examine the labels for k-means
k_labels = km.labels_.tolist()
k_labels = pd.Series(k_labels, index=philo.index, name='k_label')
2 776 0 571 1 524 5 453 3 428 4 337 6 76 Name: k_label, dtype: int64
# Same thing for DBSCAN
db = DBSCAN(eps=2.44, min_samples=10)
d_labels = db.labels_.tolist()
d_labels = pd.Series(d_labels, index=philo.index, name='d_label')
CPU times: user 396 ms, sys: 2.4 ms, total: 398 ms Wall time: 431 ms
-1 1889 0 1162 1 58 4 17 5 12 3 12 6 10 2 5 Name: d_label, dtype: int64
Cluster -1 in DBSCAN output means 'Other', i.e., noise. This suggests one of two things: either we don't have the right value of epsilon or our textual data is insufficiently dense in the feature space.
Back of the envelope calculation re: density ... We're working in 17 dimensions, and we have 3,165 texts. Assume each dimension can take only binary values, which is to say that it divides the possible clustering space in half. That means we have 217 = 131,072 logical bins into which to place the texts. So, ummm, no wonder we don't really see good clustering over just 3,165 texts. The chance of seeing even two or three texts in the same bin is pretty small.
This is an obvious area for improvement. What would be an appropriate number of dimensions in whch to cluster c. 3,000 points? Well, we want more bins than clusters, so that we don't just end up with unrelated things being stuffed into the same bin for lack of alternatives. But we don't want so many bins that none of them has any significant number of texts. Maybe, say, 300-ish bins, for an average of 10 items per bin? 28 = 256, which is in the right ballpark.
The thing to do, then, would be to use PCA (or another dimensional reduction technique, like MDS or t-SNE) to bring our dimensions down to 8. Not doing this here, but the idea is exactly the same as what we did to reduce the 5,000 TF-IDF features to 10, or how we reduce the current 17 dimensions to 2 for plotting below.
# Add cluster labels to data frame for plotting
philo['k_label'] = k_labels
philo['d_label'] = d_labels
# Human labels
sns.countplot(x='label', data=philo)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x16fd22668>
NB. Labels aren't correlated with human labels, so this IS NOT a plot of performance vs. humans. Don't read anything into the colors or ording of clusters.
# k-means
sns.countplot(x='k_label', data=philo)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x16ddfceb8>
Ditto re: lack of correlation here. Note that cluster -1
means "no cluster" or "outlier."
sns.countplot(x='d_label', data=philo)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x16f0675c0>
# Reduce philo_data to two dimensions for plotting
dim = 2
pca_plot = PCA(n_components=dim)
%time philo_data_plot = pca_plot.fit_transform(philo_data)
CPU times: user 685 ms, sys: 16 ms, total: 701 ms Wall time: 347 ms
# Add the PCs to data frame for easier plotting
philo['P1'] = philo_data_plot[:,0]
philo['P2'] = philo_data_plot[:,1]
human_plot = sns.FacetGrid(philo, col='label', col_wrap = 3), 'P1', 'P2', alpha=0.2)
human_plot.set(xlim=(-5,5), ylim=(-5,5))
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x114af4a20>
This mostly shows that there's little detectable differentiation between the various subgenres of philosophy in 17-dimensional feature space.
Here's the same thing, but plotted using Bokeh to give us interactivity. Note, too, that we're now leaving out 'x' and '?' types, for a bit of additional clarity.
The first plot here uses Bokeh's high-level plotting interface, which is really easy, but doesn't allow for the complex mouse-over information that we'll add in the second plot.
df = philo[(philo['label'] != '?') & (philo['label'] != 'x')]
p = Scatter(df, x='P1', y='P2', title="Human labels",
xlabel="PC1", ylabel="PC2",
color='label', legend='top_left')
If there's no inteactive visualization above, it's probably because you're viewing this notebook in a viewer rather than running the code live. Sorry!
Now the same info, but using Bokeh's "mid-level" plotting API to add more complex mouse-over behavior, better color and alpha support, etc.
df['titl'] = df['title'].str.slice(0,40) # Short title info for mouseover
# Set up colormap
labels = df['label'].unique()
colors = Spectral5
colormap = {}
for i in range(len(labels)):
colormap[labels[i]] = colors[i]
df['color'] = df['label'].map(lambda x: colormap[x])
data = ColumnDataSource(df)
hover = HoverTool(
("label", "@label"),
("author", "@auth"),
("title", "@titl"),
("year", "@year"),
q = figure(title="Human labels",
x_axis_label="PC1", y_axis_label="PC2")'P1', 'P2', source=data,
alpha=0.4, size=10, fill_color='color', line_color=None
Again, there should be a cool interactive vis above, including points labeled on mouseover, colored by class, and arbitrarily zoomable. If you don't see it, you'll need to download and run this notebook on your own machine.
k_plot = sns.FacetGrid(philo, col='k_label', col_wrap = 3), 'P1', 'P2', alpha=0.2)
k_plot.set(xlim=(-5,5), ylim=(-5,5))
plt.savefig('../../data/philosophy/3k_kmeans.png', dpi=300)
d_plot = sns.FacetGrid(philo, col='d_label', col_wrap = 3), 'P1', 'P2', alpha=0.2)
d_plot.set(xlim=(-5,5), ylim=(-5,5))
plt.savefig('../../data/philosophy/3k_dbscan.png', dpi=300)
Things that one might try to improve these results: