def oprint(s):
os.system('echo "%s"'%s)
def train_net(label, w, n):
Given a sample label and filter set label w, train a neural network and make predictions.
Output is saved to a pickle indexed by parameter n.
d = joblib.load('./data/cov_opt_%s_%s.pickle'%(label,w))
X = d['covs'].astype('float32')
y = d['y'].astype('int32')
# Select N_CHANNELS at random from the full covariance matrices
channelidx = range(X.shape[2])
channelidx = channelidx[:N_CHANNELS]
X = X[:,:,channelidx,:][:,:,:,channelidx]
X = X.reshape((X.shape[0],-1))
# Partition the labeled data and split into train/test
X_traintest = X[y!=-1]
y_traintest = y[y!=-1]
test_size = 0.1
rseed = randint(2**32)
tri, tei = next(iter(sklearn.cross_validation.ShuffleSplit(
X_traintest.shape[0], n_iter=1, test_size=test_size, random_state=rseed)))
X_train = X_traintest[tri]
X_test = X_traintest[tei]
y_train = y_traintest[tri]
y_test = y_traintest[tei]
oprint("%s, %s"%(label, w))
oprint("Selecting EEG channels: %s"%channelidx)
oprint("Total dataset size:")
oprint("n labels: %d" % y_traintest.shape[0])
oprint("n samples: %d" % X_traintest.shape[0])
oprint("n features: %d" % X_traintest.shape[1])
oprint("n classes: %d" % len(set(y_traintest)))
# Initialize and train network
dnn1 = DropoutNet(numpy_rng=numpy.random.RandomState(rseed), n_ins=X_traintest.shape[1],
layers_types=[ReLU, ReLU, LogisticRegression],
layers_sizes=[200, 100],
trainables=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
dropout_rates=[0., 0.5, 0.5],
# TODO if you have a big enough GPU, use these:
#layers_types=[ReLU, ReLU, ReLU, ReLU, LogisticRegression],
#layers_sizes=[2000, 2000, 2000, 2000],
#dropout_rates=[0., 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
debugprint=0), y_train, max_epochs=100, method='adadelta', verbose=False, test=(X_test is not None), plot=False, save=None)
# Test on CV data. Fails if no seizure clips in split.
cv = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, dnn1.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1])
os.system('echo "%s"'%('%s %s CV AUC: %f'%(label, w, cv)))
# Make predictions on full dataset and save to pickle
pred = dnn1.predict_proba(X)[:,1]
d = {'fns':d['fns'], 'y':d['y'], 'pred':pred, 'rseed':rseed}
pickle.dump(d, open('./output/pred_%d_%s_%s'%(n, label, w),'w'))