# List of all possible combinations of 4 or fewer filters
wis = list(itertools.chain(itertools.combinations(range(8),1),itertools.combinations(range(8),2),itertools.combinations(range(8),3),itertools.combinations(range(8),4)))
# Labels to read and write data for each subject
inlabels = ['Dog_1','Dog_2','Dog_3','Dog_4','Patient_1','Patient_2','Patient_3','Patient_4','Patient_5','Patient_6','Patient_7','Patient_8']
outlabels = ['dog_0', 'dog_1', 'dog_2', 'dog_3', 'patient_0', 'patient_1', 'patient_2', 'patient_3', 'patient_4',
'patient_5', 'patient_6', 'patient_7']
def process(subject):
Given a subject index, filter each clip, calculate covariance matrices,
calculate top-3 filter sets, and save processed data to pickle.
dn = './data/clips/%s/'%inlabels[subject]
fns = [fn for fn in os.listdir(dn) if '.mat' in fn]
allcovs = []
labels = []
print dn
# For each clip, resample to 400Hz, apply each filter, calculate and normalize covariance.
for fn in fns:
covs = []
m = loadmat(dn+fn)
d = m['data']
d = resample(d, 400, axis=1)
if 'inter' in fn:
l = 0
elif '_ictal' in fn:
l = 1
l = -1
for b, a in filters:
f = lfilter(b,a,d)
c = cov(f)
c = (c-c.mean())/c.std()
allcovs = array(allcovs)
labels = array(labels)
# For each filter combination, test prediction quality by CV of logistic regression.
scores = []
for w in wis:
y = labels[labels != -1]
X = allcovs[labels != -1]
X = X[:,w,::2,::2]
X = X.reshape((X.shape[0],-1))
ps = []
test_size = 0.25
for tri, tei in sklearn.cross_validation.ShuffleSplit(X.shape[0], n_iter=15, test_size=test_size, random_state=42):
X_train = X[tri]
X_test = X[tei]
y_train = y[tri]
y_test = y[tei]
clf = sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier(loss='log', penalty='l1', alpha=0.0001)
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)
p = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
cv = sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(y_test, p)
ps = array(ps)
# Select 3 best filter sets and save processed features and labels to pickle.
best = sorted(zip(scores,wis))[-3:]
sets = 'ABC'
i = 0
for cv, w in best:
print outlabels[subject], cv, w
y = labels
X = allcovs
X = X[:,w,:,:]
d = {'y':y, 'covs':X, 'w':w, 'cv':cv, 'fns':fns}
pickle.dump(d, open('./data/cov_opt_%s_%s.pickle'%(outlabels[subject],sets[i]), 'w'))
i += 1