Written by David H Hagan Last Updated: March 2, 2014
If you want to grab all data from a date: =['4-28-2013'] If you want to grab all data between two dates: =['4-28-2013':'4-30-2013'] If you want to grab all data between two datetimes: =['4-28-2013 10:00':'4-28-2013 16:00']
General Instuctions: 1. Get data as shown above 2. Select specific times you want to plot if neeeded 3. Define the columns you want to plot define the label as well as color - The color options can be found by googling matplotlib colors - Colors can also be defined as hex codes as shown below Other fun things: 1. To change the title, xlabel, or ylabel: vapsData.title = "Whatever title you want" vapsData.xlabel = "" vapsData.ylabel = ""
Notes: 1. If you don't see something on the chart, it may just not exist for that specific time range (especially if the headers were changed)