In [1]:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Natural language inference

Chris Potts, for Stanford's CS224u: Natural language understanding

In the context of NLP/NLU, Natural Language Inference (NLI) is the task of predicting the logical relationships between words, phrases, sentences, (paragraphs, documents, ...). Such relationships are crucial for all kinds of reasoning in natural language: arguing, debating, problem solving, summarization, extrapolation, and so forth.

NLI is a great task for this course. It requires serious linguistic analysis to do well, there are good (albeit small) publicly available data sets, and there are some natural baselines that help with getting a model up and running, and with understanding the performance of more sophisticated approaches.

NLI was also the topic of Bill's thesis (he popularized the name "NLI"), so you can forever endear yourself to him by working on it!

The purpose of this codebook is to introduce the problem of NLI more fully in the context of the SemEval 2014 semantic relatedness task. This data set is called "Sentences Involving Compositional Knowledge" or, for better or worse, "SICK". It's freely available from the SemEval site, but we're going to work with a parsed version created by Sam Bowman as part of his research on neural models of semantic composition. This data is in the subfolder nli-data of this Github repository.

This codebook explores two general approaches: a standard classifier, and a shallow neural network using distributed representations.

The Classifier training and assessment section also serves as a general illustration of how to take advantage of the scikit-learn functions for doing feature selection, cross-validation, hyper-parameter optimization, and evaluation in the context of multi-class classification. That code could be easily modified to work with any classification problem.

In [2]:
import re
import sys
import csv
import copy
import numpy as np
import itertools
from collections import Counter

    import sklearn
except ImportError:
    sys.stderr.write("scikit-learn version 0.16.* is required\n")
if sklearn.__version__[:4] != '0.16':
    sys.stderr.write("scikit-learn version 0.16.* is required. You're at %s.\n" % sklearn.__version__)

from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFpr, chi2
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score
from sklearn import metrics

from distributedwordreps import build, ShallowNeuralNetwork 

Working with the parsed SICK data

Our parsed version of the SICK data contains triples like this (tab-separated fields):

ENTAILMENT ( ( A child ) ( is ( playing ( in ( a yard ) ) ) ) ) ( ( A child ) ( is playing ) )

NEUTRAL ( ( A child ) ( is ( playing ( in ( a yard ) ) ) ) ) ( ( A child ) ( is ( wearing ( blue jeans ) ) ) )

CONTRADICTION ( ( A child ) ( is ( playing ) ) ) ( ( A child ) ( is sleeping ) )

The brackets encode a label-free constituency structure of each sentence. The three labels on the left are the classes that we want to learn to predict. We'll frequently need access to them, so let's define them as a list:

In [3]:


The baseline models that I define here ignore all of the tree structure, but you'll likely want to take advantage of it. So the following function can be used to turn bracketed strings like the above into tuples of tuples encoding the syntactic structure.

In [4]:
WORD_RE = re.compile(r"([^ \(\)]+)", re.UNICODE)

def str2tree(s):
    """Turns labeled bracketing s into a tree structure (tuple of tuples)"""
    s = WORD_RE.sub(r'"\1",', s)
    s = s.replace(")", "),").strip(",")
    s = s.strip(",")
    return eval(s)

Here's an example:

In [5]:
if __name__ == '__main__': # Prevent this example from loading on import of this module.
    print str2tree("( ( A child ) ( is ( playing ( in ( a yard ) ) ) ) )")
(('A', 'child'), ('is', ('playing', ('in', ('a', 'yard')))))

For baseline models, we often want just the words, also called terminal nodes or leaves. This function gives us access to them as a list:

In [6]:
def leaves(t):
    """Returns all of the words (terminal nodes) in tree t"""
    words = []
    for x in t:
        if isinstance(x, str):
            words += leaves(x)
    return words

An example:

In [7]:
if __name__ == '__main__': # Prevent this example from loading on import of this module.
    t = str2tree("( ( A child ) ( is ( playing ( in ( a yard ) ) ) ) )")
    print leaves(t)
['A', 'child', 'is', 'playing', 'in', 'a', 'yard']


To make it easy to run through the corpus, let's define general readers for the SICK data. The general function for this yields triples consisting of the label, the left tree, and the right tree, as parsed by str2tree:

In [8]:
data_dir = 'nli-data/'

def sick_reader(src_filename):
    for example in csv.reader(file(src_filename), delimiter="\t"):
        label, t1, t2 = example[:3]
        if not label.startswith('%'): # Some files use leading % for comments.           
            yield (label, str2tree(t1), str2tree(t2))

Now we define separate readers for the training and development data:

In [9]:
def sick_train_reader():
    return sick_reader(src_filename=data_dir+"SICK_train_parsed.txt")

def sick_dev_reader():
    return sick_reader(src_filename=data_dir+"SICK_trial_parsed.txt")

Eventually, we'll want a test-set reader. As Bill discussed in class, though, __we swear on our honor as scholars that we won't use this data until system development is complete and we are ready to conduct our final assessment__!

In [10]:
def sick_test_reader():
    return sick_reader(src_filename=data_dir+"SICK_test_parsed.txt")

MaxEnt classifier approach

Baseline classifier features

The first baseline we define is the word overlap baseline. It simply uses as features the words that appear in both sentences.

In [11]:
def word_overlap_features(t1, t2):
    overlap = [w1 for w1 in leaves(t1) if w1 in leaves(t2)]
    return Counter(overlap)

Another popular baseline is to use as features the full cross-product of words from both sentences:

In [12]:
def word_cross_product_features(t1, t2):
    return Counter([(w1, w2) for w1, w2 in itertools.product(leaves(t1), leaves(t2))])

Both of these feature functions return count dictionaries mapping feature names to the number of times they occur in the data. This is the representation we'll work with throughout; scikit-learn will handle the further processing it needs to build linear classifiers.

Naturally, you can do better than these feature functions! Both of these feature classes might be useful even in a more advanced model, though.

Classifier training and assessment

The first step in training a classifier is using a feature function like the one above to turn the data into a list of training instances: feature representations and their associated labels:

In [13]:
def featurizer(reader=sick_train_reader, feature_function=word_overlap_features):
    """Map the data in reader to a list of features according to feature_function,
    and create the gold label vector."""
    feats = []
    labels = []
    split_index = None
    for label, t1, t2 in reader():
        d = feature_function(t1, t2)
    return (feats, labels)

The main work of training a model is done by the following train_classifier method. At a high-level, this function is doing a few things, with the goal of finding the right model (in the class of models we're exploring) for the data we have to train on. The major steps:

  1. Use scikit-learn to turn the feature dictionaries into a big sparse matrix.
  2. Optionally use a bit of statistical testing to select features that seem discriminating.
  3. Use cross-validation within the training data to try to find the right regularization scheme.
  4. Train using the best-looking regularization scheme found in the previous step.
  5. Report cross-valided F1 scores to provide a sense for how we're doing.
  6. Return the fitted model plus the objects we need to align with future evaluation data.

Part of the thinking behind this approach is that one can work as follows:

  • By and large, you check models just by training them and seeing how they do in cross-validation.
  • Only ccasionally, and only with good reason, do you check how you're doing on the dev set. If this is done only rarely, then it will help prevent you from over-fitting to quirks of this data or the training data.
  • At the very end, one runs the test.
  • The final paper can report, for the final model,
    • Mean cross-validation values on the training data with standard errors
    • Dev set performance
    • Test set performance
In [14]:
def train_classifier(
        feature_selector=SelectFpr(chi2, alpha=0.05), # Use None to stop feature selection
        cv=10, # Number of folds used in cross-validation
        priorlims=np.arange(.1, 3.1, .1)): # regularization priors to explore (we expect something around 1)
    # Featurize the data:
    feats, labels = featurizer(reader=reader, feature_function=feature_function) 
    # Map the count dictionaries to a sparse feature matrix:
    vectorizer = DictVectorizer(sparse=False)
    X = vectorizer.fit_transform(feats)

    # (An optional step; not always productive). By default, we select all
    # the features that pass the chi2 test of association with the
    # class labels at p < 0.05. sklearn.feature_selection has other
    # methods that are worth trying. I've seen particularly good results
    # with the model-based methods, which require some changes to the
    # current code.
    feat_matrix = None
    if feature_selector:
        feat_matrix = feature_selector.fit_transform(X, labels)
        feat_matrix = X
    # Define the basic model to use for parameter search:
    searchmod = LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1)
    # Parameters to grid-search over:
    parameters = {'C':priorlims, 'penalty':['l1','l2']}  
    # Cross-validation grid search to find the best hyper-parameters:     
    clf = GridSearchCV(searchmod, parameters, cv=cv), labels)
    params = clf.best_params_

    # Establish the model we want using the parameters obtained from the search:
    mod = LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, C=params['C'], penalty=params['penalty'])

    ##### ASSESSMENT              
    # Cross-validation of our favored model; for other summaries, use different
    # values for scoring:
    scores = cross_val_score(mod, feat_matrix, labels, cv=cv, scoring="f1_macro")       
    print 'Best model', mod
    print '%s features selected out of %s total' % (feat_matrix.shape[1], X.shape[1])
    print 'F1 mean: %0.2f (+/- %0.2f)' % (scores.mean(), scores.std()*2)

    # TRAIN OUR MODEL:, labels)

    # Return the trained model along with the objects we need to
    # featurize test data in a way that aligns with our training
    # matrix:
    return (mod, vectorizer, feature_selector, feature_function)

Now we can train either of our baseline models. Here's the run for the word-overlap one:

In [15]:
if __name__ == '__main__': # Prevent this example from loading on import of this module.
    overlapmodel = train_classifier(feature_function=word_overlap_features)
Best model LogisticRegression(C=2.8000000000000003, class_weight=None, dual=False,
          fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, max_iter=100,
          multi_class='ovr', penalty='l2', random_state=None,
          solver='liblinear', tol=0.0001, verbose=0)
203 features selected out of 1397 total
F1 mean: 0.47 (+/- 0.03)

The following code assess the output of train_classifier on new data. The default is to do this on the dev set, but this same code would be used to evaluate the final model on the test set.

In [16]:
def evaluate_trained_classifier(model=None, reader=sick_dev_reader):
    """Evaluate model, the output of train_classifier, on the data in reader."""
    mod, vectorizer, feature_selector, feature_function = model
    feats, labels = featurizer(reader=reader, feature_function=feature_function)
    feat_matrix = vectorizer.transform(feats)
    if feature_selector:
        feat_matrix = feature_selector.transform(feat_matrix)
    predictions = mod.predict(feat_matrix)
    return metrics.classification_report(labels, predictions)

Let's see how we do on the training data as well as on the development data:

In [17]:
if __name__ == '__main__': # Prevent this example from loading on import of this module.
    for readername, reader in (('Train', sick_train_reader), ('Dev', sick_dev_reader)):
        print "======================================================================"
        print readername
        print evaluate_trained_classifier(model=overlapmodel, reader=reader)
             precision    recall  f1-score   support

CONTRADICTION       0.66      0.39      0.49       665
 ENTAILMENT       0.60      0.37      0.46      1299
    NEUTRAL       0.70      0.92      0.80      2536

avg / total       0.67      0.68      0.65      4500

             precision    recall  f1-score   support

CONTRADICTION       0.43      0.22      0.29        74
 ENTAILMENT       0.39      0.28      0.32       144
    NEUTRAL       0.64      0.82      0.72       282

avg / total       0.54      0.58      0.54       500

The word_cross_product_features model achieves better results, since it has more information, but it takes a while to train --- and look at how substantially the feature space is affected by feature selection!

In [18]:
if __name__ == '__main__': # Prevent this example from loading on import of this module.
    crossmodel = train_classifier(feature_function=word_cross_product_features)
    for readername, reader in (('Train', sick_train_reader), ('Dev', sick_dev_reader)):
        print "======================================================================"
        print readername
        print evaluate_trained_classifier(model=crossmodel, reader=reader)
Best model LogisticRegression(C=1.3000000000000003, class_weight=None, dual=False,
          fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, max_iter=100,
          multi_class='ovr', penalty='l2', random_state=None,
          solver='liblinear', tol=0.0001, verbose=0)
3680 features selected out of 89038 total
F1 mean: 0.69 (+/- 0.07)
             precision    recall  f1-score   support

CONTRADICTION       0.98      0.94      0.96       665
 ENTAILMENT       0.90      0.80      0.85      1299
    NEUTRAL       0.89      0.95      0.92      2536

avg / total       0.91      0.91      0.91      4500

             precision    recall  f1-score   support

CONTRADICTION       0.79      0.65      0.71        74
 ENTAILMENT       0.55      0.49      0.52       144
    NEUTRAL       0.72      0.79      0.75       282

avg / total       0.68      0.68      0.68       500

A few ideas for better classifier features

  • Cross product of synsets compatible with each word, as given by WordNet. (Here is a codebook on using WordNet from NLTK to do things like this.)

  • More fine-grained WordNet features — e.g., spotting pairs like puppy/dog across the two sentences.

  • Use of other WordNet relations (see Table 1 and Table 2 in the above codelab for relations and their coverage).

  • Using the tree structure to define features that are sensitive to how negation scopes over constituents.

  • Features that are sensitive to differences in negation between the two sentences.

  • Sentiment features seeking to identify contrasting polarity.

Shallow neural network approach

Baseline distributed features

The baseline I define here just turns each sentence into the average of all its word vectors. To create inputs to the network, we just concatenate the output of glove_featurizer for the two trees being compared. Pretty simplistic, but it is at least a start!

In [19]:
GLOVE_MAT, GLOVE_VOCAB, _ = build('distributedwordreps-data/glove.6B.50d.txt', delimiter=' ', header=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
In [20]:
def glvvec(w):
    """Return the GloVe vector for w."""
    i = GLOVE_VOCAB.index(w)
    return GLOVE_MAT[i]

def glove_features(t):
    """Return the mean glove vector of the leaves in tree t."""
    return np.mean([glvvec(w) for w in leaves(t) if w in GLOVE_VOCAB], axis=0)

def vec_concatenate(u, v):
    return np.concatenate((u, v)) 

def glove_featurizer(t1, t2):
    """Combined input vector based on glove_features and concatenation."""
    return vec_concatenate(glove_features(t1), glove_features(t2))

Output label vectors

To shoehorn the current problem into our current neural network implementation, I define our output vectors as having a 1 for the dimension of the correct class, and a -1 for the other two classes:

In [21]:
def labelvec(label):
    """Return output vectors like [1,-1,-1], where the unique 1 is the true label."""
    vec = np.repeat(-1.0, 3)
    vec[LABELS.index(label)] = 1.0
    return vec

Network training and assessment

To train the network, we first create the training data by pairing our sentence-pair vectors with the output vector:

In [22]:
def data_prep(reader=sick_train_reader, featurizer=glove_featurizer):    
    dataset = []
    for label, t1, t2 in reader():     
        dataset.append([featurizer(t1, t2), labelvec(label)])
    return dataset

Training is then straightforward: it just uses ShallowNeuralNetwork:

In [23]:
def train_network(
    dataset = data_prep(reader=reader, featurizer=featurizer)
    net = ShallowNeuralNetwork(input_dim=len(dataset[0][0]), hidden_dim=hidden_dim, output_dim=len(LABELS))
    net.train(dataset, maxiter=maxiter, display_progress=display_progress)
    return (net, featurizer)

The evaluation function evaluates the output of train_network using a new data reader. The featurizer is return by train_network to ensure that it is used consistently in training and evalution.

In [24]:
def evaluate_trained_network(network=None, reader=sick_dev_reader):
    """Evaluate network, the output of train_network, on the data in reader"""
    net, featurizer = network
    dataset = data_prep(reader=reader, featurizer=featurizer)
    predictions = []
    cats = []
    for ex, cat in dataset:            
        # The raw prediction is a triple of real numbers:
        prediction = net.predict(ex)
        # Argmax dimension for the prediction; this could be done better with
        # an explicit softmax objective:
        prediction = LABELS[np.argmax(prediction)]
        # Store the gold label for the classification report:
    # Report:
    return metrics.classification_report(cats, predictions, target_names=LABELS)

Here's a summary train/dev evaluation. The network has trouble dealing with the class imbalances, but it seems to be doing okay overall.

In [25]:
if __name__ == '__main__': # Prevent this example from loading on import of this module.

    network = train_network(hidden_dim=10, maxiter=1000, reader=sick_train_reader, featurizer=glove_featurizer)
    for readername, reader in (('Train', sick_train_reader), ('Dev', sick_dev_reader)):
        print "======================================================================"
        print readername
        print evaluate_trained_network(network=network, reader=reader)
               precision    recall  f1-score   support

   ENTAILMENT       0.81      0.33      0.47       665
CONTRADICTION       0.65      0.58      0.61      1299
      NEUTRAL       0.73      0.88      0.80      2536

  avg / total       0.72      0.71      0.70      4500

               precision    recall  f1-score   support

   ENTAILMENT       0.52      0.15      0.23        74
CONTRADICTION       0.41      0.42      0.41       144
      NEUTRAL       0.63      0.74      0.68       282

  avg / total       0.55      0.56      0.54       500

Potential next steps

  • If you wrote improved neural net optimization code for HW1, then it will pay to use that instead of the basic network given in

  • Consider using a softmax objective for the final layer of the network, and another (tanh, rectified linear, etc.) for the hidden layers.

  • In the word-entailment in-class bake-off, the winning teams used vector difference instead of vector concatenation for the inputs. It's worth trying this, though the output classes are different here, so a variant might be called for.

  • And of course it would be worth paying attention to the syntactic structuring by defining a recursive neural network. See Bowman et al. 2014 for an appropriate architecture.

Some further reading

Bowman, Samuel R.; Christopher Potts; and Christopher D. Manning. 2014. Recursive neural networks for learning logical semantics. arXiv manuscript 1406.1827.

Dagan, Ido; Oren Glickman; and Bernardo Magnini. 2006. The PASCAL recognising textual entailment challenge. In J. Quinonero-Candela, I. Dagan, B. Magnini, F. d'Alché-Buc, ed., Machine Learning Challenges, 177-190. Springer-Verlag.

Icard, Thomas F. 2012. Inclusion and exclusion in natural language. Studia Logica 100(4): 705-725.

MacCartney, Bill and Christopher D. Manning. 2009. An extended model of natural logic. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics, 140-156. Tilburg, The Netherlands: Association for Computational Linguistics.

Homework 4

All four problems are required. The work is due by the start of class on May 20.

Important: These questions ask you to conduct evaluations. Great perfomance is always nice, but you should not spend hours or days trying to achieve it just for the sake of this assignment. (If you're obsessed, then go for it, but not on account of our grading!)

Problem 1

This problem calls for two revisions to train_classifier:

  • train_classifier currently optimizes our multi-class problem using a 'one vs. rest' scheme (multi_class=ovr). Revise train_classifier so that the choice of value for multi_class is part of the hyper-parameter search. Be sure to look over the documentation for sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression — this kind of search requires another adjustment to how the model is set up. (Don't worry about overlooking something; it won't work unless you figure it out!)

  • train_classifier currently does feature selection outside of the context of the model we ultimately want to fit. Revise the function so that the user has the option of using Feature ranking with recursive feature elimination as implemented by scikit-learn's RFE function. This is a model-based approach to feature selection that is slow but can be powerful. (It's tricky to decide whether to run RFE before or after grid-search for the optimal parameters. I suggest before, since the proper regularization scheme will be heavily influenced by the number of features.)


  1. Your revised train_classifier function.
  2. A copy-and-paste of all the messages printed by your revised train_classifier when it is trained on sick_train_reader using word_overlap_features and RFE (n_features_to_select=None, step=1, verbose=0), with a grid-search that includes at least both values of multi_class.

Problem 2

Python NLTK has an excellent WordNet interface. (If you don't have NLTK installed, install it now!) As noted above, WordNet is a natural choice for defining useful features in the context of NLI.

Your task: write a feature function, for use with train_classifier, that is just like word_cross_product_features except that, given a sentence pair $(S_{1}, S_{2})$, it counts only pairs $(w_{1}, w_{2})$ such that $w_{1}$ entails $w_{2}$, for $w_{1} \in S_{1}$ and $w_{2} \in S_{2}$. For example, the sentence pair (the cat runs, the animal moves) would create the dictionary {(cat, animal): 1.0, (runs, moves): 1.0}.

There are many ways to do this. For the purposes of the question, we can limit attention to the WordNet hypernym relation. The following illustrates reasonable ways to go from a string $s$ to the set of all hypernyms of Synsets consistent with $s$:

In [26]:
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
    puppies = wn.synsets('puppy')
    print [h for ss in puppies for h in ss.hypernyms()]

    # A more conservative approach uses just the first-listed 
    # Synset, which should be the most frequent sense:
    print wn.synsets('puppy')[0].hypernyms()
[Synset('dog.n.01'), Synset('pup.n.01'), Synset('young_person.n.01')]
[Synset('dog.n.01'), Synset('pup.n.01')]

Whatever your preferred approach, the logic is that $w_{1}$ entails $w_{2}$ if a Synset consistent with $w_{2}$ is in the hypernym set you define for $w_{1}$.


  1. Your feature function.

  2. Copy-and-paste of the printed output of evaluate_trained_classifier, using your feature function, trained on sick_train_reader, with your preferred settings, and evaluated on sick_dev_reader.

For more on using the Python NLTK interface, see these notes.

Problem 3

By and large, deleting subphrases from a phrase will make it more general. For instance, if we begin with fat cat and remove cat, then we end up with something that is entailed by the original. This also holds at the phrasal level. For example,

( land ( in ( a field ) ) )


( land )

Your tasks:

  • Write a function that, given a tree (as given by str2tree above), returns a list of all of the subphrases of that tree. For example, given ( land ( in ( a field ) ) ) the return value should be the following (order irrelevant):

    [( land ( in ( a field ) ) ), ( in ( a field ) ), ( a field ), land, in, a, field]

  • Use this function to write a feature function that, given two tree-structured inputs $S_{1}$ and $S_{2}$, returns the number of cases where a phrase in $S_{2}$ contains a phrase in $S_{1}$ (including the case where the two phrases are identical).


  1. The two functions you wrote for the above tasks.

  2. Copy-and-paste of the printed output of evaluate_trained_classifier, using your feature function, trained on sick_train_reader, with your preferred settings, and evaluated on sick_dev_reader.

Problem 4

Write a new function, comparable to glove_featurizer, that employs an alternative to vec_concatenate and an alternative to glove_features. Train a network with this function using train_network and evaluate it using evaluate_trained_network, with the default parameters — except of course for featurizer, which should be your new function.


  1. Your new function.

  2. Copy-and-paste of the report given by evaluate_trained_network from your training and evaluation run.