512×512 color image
denote corrupted pixels with K∈{0,1}512×512
Xcorr∈R512×512×3 is corrupted image
60 seconds to solve with CVXPY and SCS on a laptop
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
image_file = cbook.get_sample_data('lena.png')
X_orig = plt.imread(image_file)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x137f21ed0>
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import itertools, textwrap
from itertools import cycle, islice
def drawText(image, fontsize, length):
text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, \
sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna \
aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud \
exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea \
commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in \
vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat \
nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui \
blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait \
nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option \
congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim'
imshape = (image.shape[0], image.shape[1])
dmg = Image.new("L",imshape)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(dmg)
#fontsize = 80
font = ImageFont.truetype("/Library/Fonts/Georgia.ttf", fontsize)
text = "".join(islice(cycle(text),length))
lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width = 40)
w, h = dmg.size
y_text = 0
for line in lines:
width, height = font.getsize(line)
draw.text((0, y_text), line, font = font, fill = 255)
y_text += height
return (np.array(dmg) == 0).astype(int)
K = drawText(X_orig,40,600)
rows, cols, colors = X_orig.shape
X_corr = np.ones((rows,cols,colors))
X_corr[K==1,:] = X_orig[K==1,:]
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x13bdcee90>
from cvxpy import *
variables = []
constr = []
for i in range(colors):
X = Variable(rows, cols)
variables += [X]
constr += [mul_elemwise(K, X - X_corr[:, :, i]) == 0]
prob = Problem(Minimize(tv(*variables)), constr)
prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=SCS)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCS v1.1.4 - Splitting Conic Solver (c) Brendan O'Donoghue, Stanford University, 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lin-sys: sparse-direct, nnz in A = 4030762 eps = 1.00e-03, alpha = 1.50, max_iters = 2500, normalize = 1, scale = 1.00 Variables n = 1047553, constraints m = 2614279 Cones: primal zero / dual free vars: 786432 soc vars: 1827847, soc blks: 261121 Setup time: 9.39e+00s ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iter | pri res | dua res | rel gap | pri obj | dua obj | kap/tau | time (s) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0| 6.08e+00 5.68e+00 1.00e+00 -1.13e+06 1.61e+04 1.65e-10 7.55e-01 100| 2.48e-03 8.01e-04 3.48e-03 1.24e+04 1.25e+04 3.10e-11 2.17e+01 180| 8.58e-04 2.14e-04 8.47e-04 1.25e+04 1.25e+04 3.14e-11 4.00e+01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status: Solved Timing: Total solve time: 4.02e+01s Lin-sys: nnz in L factor: 35185908, avg solve time: 1.58e-01s Cones: avg projection time: 4.60e-03s ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error metrics: dist(s, K) = 3.1962e-16, dist(y, K*) = 2.2204e-16, s'y/m = 1.1540e-18 |Ax + s - b|_2 / (1 + |b|_2) = 8.5840e-04 |A'y + c|_2 / (1 + |c|_2) = 2.1408e-04 |c'x + b'y| / (1 + |c'x| + |b'y|) = 8.4720e-04 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c'x = 12502.7973, -b'y = 12524.0008 ============================================================================ CPU times: user 55.5 s, sys: 2.1 s, total: 57.6 s Wall time: 57.9 s
# the recovered image
X_rec = np.zeros((rows,cols,3))
for i,x in enumerate(variables):
X_rec[:,:,i] = x.value
def showImgs(im1,im2,labels,filename=None):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10, 5))
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
if filename:
fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')
rows, cols, colors = X_orig.shape
K = (np.random.rand(rows,cols) < .2).astype(int)
X_corr = np.ones((rows,cols,colors))
X_corr[K==1,:] = X_orig[K==1,:]
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x12197ac50>
from cvxpy import *
variables = []
constr = []
for i in range(colors):
X = Variable(rows, cols)
variables += [X]
constr += [mul_elemwise(K, X - X_corr[:, :, i]) == 0]
prob = Problem(Minimize(tv(*variables)), constr)
prob.solve(verbose=True, solver=SCS)
WARN: A->p (column pointers) not strictly increasing, column 262143 empty WARN: A->p (column pointers) not strictly increasing, column 524287 empty WARN: A->p (column pointers) not strictly increasing, column 786431 empty ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCS v1.1.4 - Splitting Conic Solver (c) Brendan O'Donoghue, Stanford University, 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lin-sys: sparse-direct, nnz in A = 3553342 eps = 1.00e-03, alpha = 1.50, max_iters = 2500, normalize = 1, scale = 1.00 Variables n = 1047553, constraints m = 2614279 Cones: primal zero / dual free vars: 786432 soc vars: 1827847, soc blks: 261121 Setup time: 9.14e+00s ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iter | pri res | dua res | rel gap | pri obj | dua obj | kap/tau | time (s) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0| 1.48e+01 1.52e+01 1.00e+00 -1.26e+06 4.30e+04 1.64e-10 1.23e+00 100| 1.61e-03 6.83e-04 9.26e-04 8.62e+03 8.63e+03 1.30e-11 2.16e+01 140| 8.56e-04 2.78e-04 4.02e-04 8.64e+03 8.64e+03 1.30e-11 2.98e+01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status: Solved Timing: Total solve time: 2.99e+01s Lin-sys: nnz in L factor: 34708488, avg solve time: 1.52e-01s Cones: avg projection time: 4.60e-03s ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error metrics: dist(s, K) = 1.6653e-16, dist(y, K*) = 2.2204e-16, s'y/m = 6.8796e-19 |Ax + s - b|_2 / (1 + |b|_2) = 8.5618e-04 |A'y + c|_2 / (1 + |c|_2) = 2.7750e-04 |c'x + b'y| / (1 + |c'x| + |b'y|) = 4.0179e-04 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- c'x = 8636.6300, -b'y = 8643.5734 ============================================================================ CPU times: user 44.7 s, sys: 1.87 s, total: 46.6 s Wall time: 46.6 s
# the recovered image
X_rec = np.zeros((rows,cols,3))
for i,var in enumerate(variables):
X_rec[:,:,i] = var.value