Early time series in Playfairs'work: the price of Weat in GB over time (histogram), and the wages of labour (red line).
From Smith, Mauerhan, Prieto, 2013, these time series encourage comparison, and reveal striking similarities between SN impostors.
First ever pie chart. Pie chartes were invented with this plot by Playwrite the explanation that went with it says: "we have a more accurate idea of the sizes of the planets, which are spheres, than of the nations of Europe which we see on the maps, all of which are irregular forms in themselves as well as unlike to each other"
Sendler et al, 1977 "New Reduction of the Lick Catalog of Galaxies" shows large scale structure for the first time
Figure 1.8: A simple scatter plot is perfect for these data, in this space: semimajor axis vs inclination (sin(i)) of small solar system objects in the middle solar system. It reveals overdensities, underdensitiesand the gaps, that are real and physical - the gaps caused by the resonances with Jupiter. That is because the number and the clustering of the points is just right, so no brainer how to plot this (excellent for both exploratory and explanatory purposes).
Not so much for all SDSS standard stars (subset in the SDMMLA) color-color: here the density in the core region is too high, and too low in the ourskirts. it fails on clarity, proper scaling, and proper relation metrics. How to reveal both the structure in the high density and in the low density region? there are ways, that generally imply choosing thresholds or stretch. But it is important to enphasize that when we make a threshold choice, as we are about to do, and as we ALWAYS do in histograms (Chapter 6), the choice of threshold MUST BE STATISTICALLY APPROACHED! Or we are bound to give a biassed and possibly incorrect visualization of the data.
Figure 1.9, scatter contour plot
Figure 1.10 Hess plot (binning data with a 2D histogram where color in each bin represent density)
A third dimension as well as a relation between two visualizations is expressed by the colors.