This demo shows how to compute an SIP for your favourite K2 target.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import wget
import h5py
import fitsio
from SIP import SIP, eval_freq
%matplotlib inline
Download the Campaign 1 Eigen Light Curves (ELCs) and a light curve for example star, EPIC 201133037."")"")
Load the light curve.
data ="ktwo201133037-c01_lpd-lc.fits")
aps ="ktwo201133037-c01_lpd-lc.fits", 2)
y = data["flux"][:, np.argmin(aps["cdpp6"])]
x = data["time"]
q = data["quality"]
m = np.isfinite(y) * np.isfinite(x) * (q==0) # remove nans and bad data points
y, x = y[m], x[m]
y = y / np.median(y) - 1 # median normalise
Load the top 150 ELCs.
nELC = 150
with h5py.File("c1.h5", "r") as f:
basis = f["basis"][:nELC, m]
Plot the raw light curve.
plt.plot(x, y, "k")
plt.xlabel("BJD - 2454833 (days)")
plt.ylabel("Normalised Flux")
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10a58fed0>
Compute the SIP.
periods = np.arange(1., 70., .1) # test periods ranging from 1 to 70 days
freqs = 1./periods
s2n, amp2s, w = SIP(x, y, basis, freqs)
plt.plot(periods, s2n, "k")
plt.xlabel("Period (days)")
plt.ylabel("Relative (S/N)^2")
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10aad3690>
Now to compute the conditioned light curve. Firstly, locate the highest peak in the SIP.
peaks = np.array([i for i in range(1, len(periods)-1) if s2n[i-1] < s2n[i] and s2n[i+1] < s2n[i]])
l = s2n[peaks] == max(s2n[peaks])
Pmax = periods[peaks][l][0]
print "Pmax = ", Pmax, "days"
Pmax = 24.8 days
Construct arrays.
AT = np.concatenate((basis, np.ones((3, len(y)))), axis=0)
ATA =, AT.T)
Compute trends.
_, _, trends = eval_freq(x, y, 1./Pmax, AT, ATA, compute_trends=True)
plt.plot(x, y, ".5", label="raw")
plt.plot(x, y-trends, "k", label="conditioned")
plt.xlabel("BJD - 2454833 (days)")
plt.ylabel("Normalised Flux")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10aa142d0>