Name Notebooks Description
14272d065a5e5246acd648868e5599f5 notebook_profile_test.ipynb notebook_profiler.ipynb First fumblings of a sketch around profiling a Jupyter notebook as a text, looking at text readability metrics, code complexity metrics, etc
416d127b22e78abf63a2e21089aeba7b free text feedback.ipynb Notebook showing example NLP marking support tool for free text answers against a specimen answer
e2d3bc46e7a6e069323e2490a2d05a09 transkribus_py_api_notebook.ipynb Playing with the Transkribus python API - exploding lines of handwritten text into a notebook...
e303a75a04a5b4877a31c8da9c55ac0a natioanl_archives.ipynb Sketches around National Archives indexes, PDFs etc
04de54b2b22f8472ee78ff3567464fd4 nhs_parking_review.ipynb NHS car parking revenues
6cc856b3424658612f318ae93d091f96 nhs_parking_review.ipynb NHS car parking revenues
65e267fc6d7492bfe0af142ff4fda8d8 datetime_scatter.ipynb Example of scatter plot based on median values by hour from datetimes
7ce6c59199f4d7cbfd7aee0451cf074a linked data bands.ipynb Example of finding relationships between band genres using SPARQL queries over DBPedia Linked Data
0b5e6d7b51750b63a1041c66264e51c2 Venues - Linked Data.ipynb Venue map
ad30077359ab1f19fbfcace5236c55c2 DEFRA AUR Data Downloader.ipynb DEFRA AUR Data Downloader - quick hack for downloading UK air quality data
ca2d41ea5fcf37d1c6473d4384742021 MyBinder_py_client.ipynb Attempt at running code from a Python script in a MyBinder remote code execution sandbox
1b1b795c7cffbc9809da33a703842354 Quantity Parsing.ipynb Example of parsing quantities from sentences
5b0dd4119ad4ed6a6d8705eb94e07f19 bbc programme info.ipynb
8fa117e34c62b7f80b6c595b8ba4f488 DatabaseConnections.ipynb Example of docker-compose / Digital Ocean workbench config for running Jupyter notebooks, PostgresDB and Agensgraph db
f23b1814d1802a175c58e57d1083c260 nbgallery_bulk_upload.ipynb Selenium automation of nbgallery notebook uploads
b196260b8fef3d74437040c06091b15b dakar.ipynb Dakar Rally 2019 data grab