The code below describes a general method by which a competitor in a machine learning competition can produce a highly misleading public leaderboard. I illustrate the problem through the Heritage Health Prize competition that was hosted by Kaggle and ran from April 2011 through April 2013.
Similar ideas apply to essentially any machine learning competition. The goal of this note is to illustrate the underlying problem. I made no effort to optimize the algorithm for this competition (which might lead to better results).
Details on how to avoid this problem and how to maintain an accurate leaderboard are the subject of a recent paper.
I don't have the actual data for the heritage health prize. So everything I'm going to say applies only under several assumptions on the actual data that seem reasonable to me. The general idea would've applied to the actual data as well, but the exact results would've been different.
# score function
score(x,y) = sqrt(sum(log((1+x)./(1+y)).^2)/length(x))
# number of test samples
N = 70943
# used for the public leaderboard
n = int(0.3*N)
# score best constant predictor
const_benchmark = 0.486459
# best constant
const_value = 0.209179
# all zeros prediction
zeros_benchmark = 0.522226;
Based on these values, we can make some inferences about the holdout values a1,…,an. Specifically, the best constant benchmark c
must satisfy (as we can see by taking derivatives)
as suggested by Kaggle, this pins down the mean (or first moment) of the log(1+ai) values. Similarly, the zeros benchmark pins down the second moment
0.522226=1nn∑i=1log(1+ai)2first_moment = log(1+const_value)
second_moment = zeros_benchmark;
As we don't know the true holdout values, we instead sample them from a reasonable probabilistic model for the sake of this exercise.
For each i=1,…,n, we do the following independently:
This seems reasonable, because most patients don't go to the hospital at all (so we're in the first case). With probability p the patient goes to the hospital in which case the log-duration might be roughly uniform in some interval. This doesn't account for very long hospital stays, but the score function treats all long enough stays roughly the same.
The first moment of the above distribution is equal to pt/2. The second moment is equal to pt2/3. Given the above information, we can solve for p and t. Using those parameters, we can sample holdout values.
t = 3*second_moment/(2*first_moment)
p = 2*first_moment/t
# sample holdout values
solution = exp(t*rand(n) .* float(rand(n) .< p))-1;
The boosting attack takes two starting solutions v1 and v2 and tries to improve on the mean score achieved by those two solutions. It does so by trying out random combinations of the two vectors and selecting those that improve on the mean score. A final step aggregates all improving combinations into a single combination using a majority vote.
# select coordinate from v1 if where v is 1 and from v2 where v is 0
combine(v,v1,v2) = v1 .* v + v2 .* (1-v)
function boost(v1,v2,k,score)
m = mean([score(v1),score(v2)])
A = rand(0:1,(length(v1),k))
# select columns of A that give better than mean score
a = filter(i -> score(combine(A[:,i],v1,v2)) < m,[1:k])
# take majority vote over all selected columns
v = float(A[:,a] * ones(length(a)) .> length(a)/2.0)
return combine(v,v1,v2)
boost (generic function with 1 method)
# our score function
s(x) = round(score(solution,x),5)
s (generic function with 1 method)
We can see how this works below. We choose as the starting point two random perturbations of the true solution. Any two solutions will work instead provided that they are "sufficiently different". The boosting attack will approach the best "combination" of v1 and v2. So, if the two solutions are too similar, the improvement will be small.
vals = [1,100,200,300,400,500,600,700]
function expmt()
v1 = solution + 1.15 * rand(n)
v2 = solution + 1.15 * rand(n)
return Float64[ s(boost(v1,v2,i,s)) for i in vals ]
expmt (generic function with 1 method)
reps = 10
S = zeros(reps,length(vals))
for i in 1:reps
S[i,:] = expmt()
means = [mean(S[:,j]) for j in 1:length(vals)]
stds = [std(S[:,j]) for j in 1:length(vals)];
using PyPlot
INFO: Loading help data...
1-element Array{Any,1}: PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x119eaeb10>
8-element Array{Any,1}: 0.462311 0.458926 0.457263 0.455562 0.454849 0.453569 0.453071 0.451868
This seems to require a lot more submissions and we can iterate the boosting attack.
scores = Float64[]
for i in 1:reps
v1 = solution + 1.15 * rand(n)
v2 = solution + 1.15 * rand(n)
v21 = boost(v1,v2,500,s)
v22 = boost(v1,v2,500,s)
v31 = boost(v21,v22,500,s)
v32 = boost(v21,v22,500,s)
v4 = boost(v31,v32,500,s)