#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Multiple Stacked Histograms Tutorial # Ported to notebook by: Theis Hansen # In[1]: from ROOTaaS.iPyROOT import ROOT ROOT.toCpp() # ### The Histograms # To begin with, we create a stacked histogram graph using the THStack class onto which we will plot two histograms defined by two functions. # In[2]: THStack theStack("theStack","Stacked 2D histograms"); # We then create our two histograms with their corresponding functions # In[3]: TF2 f1("f1","xygaus + xygaus(5) + xylandau(10)",-4,4,-4,4); Double_t params1[] = {130,-1.4,1.8,1.5,1, 150,2,0.5,-2,0.5, 3600,-2,0.7,-3,0.3}; f1.SetParameters(params1); TH2F h2sta("h2sta","h2sta",20,-4,4,20,-4,4); h2sta.SetFillColor(38); h2sta.FillRandom("f1",4000); TF2 f2("f2","xygaus + xygaus(5)",-4,4,-4,4); Double_t params2[] = {100,-1.4,1.9,1.1,2, 80,2,0.7,-2,0.5}; f2.SetParameters(params2); TH2F h2stb("h2stb","h2stb",20,-4,4,20,-4,4); h2stb.SetFillColor(46); h2stb.FillRandom("f2",3000); # We then add them onto our stacked histogram graph, and draw it. # In[4]: theStack.Add(&h2sta); theStack.Add(&h2stb); theStack.Draw(); # In[ ]: