#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Building a polar graph in a square Canvas # Ported to nootbook by: Theis Hansen # In[1]: from ROOTaaS.iPyROOT import ROOT ROOT.toCpp() # ### The Graph # We create a new canvas using TCanvas. We then set rmin to 0 and rmax to the value of Pi times 6, the latter is done by calling on ROOT's mathematical toolkit using TMath. # We state the number of points that we would like on the graph. # We then write a loop too construct the graph. # And we set the title, line width, color finally and we draw it! # In[2]: TCanvas c("myCanvas","myCanvas",600,600); Double_t rmin=0.; Double_t rmax=TMath::Pi()*6.; const Int_t npoints=1000; Double_t r[npoints]; Double_t theta[npoints]; for (Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < npoints; ipt++) { r[ipt] = ipt*(rmax-rmin)/npoints+rmin; theta[ipt] = TMath::Sin(r[ipt]); } TGraphPolar grP1 (npoints,r,theta); grP1.SetTitle("A Fan"); grP1.SetLineWidth(3); grP1.SetLineColor(2); grP1.DrawClone("L"); # In[ ]: