#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Reading points from a file and produce a graph # In[2]: from ROOTaaS.iPyROOT import ROOT ROOT.toCpp() # Let's inspect the input file, which is in the appropriate format for filling a TGraphErrors # In[3]: .! cat macro2_input.txt # Now, let's start with the creation of the graphs as well as some beautification # In[4]: auto c=new TCanvas();c->SetGrid(); TGraphErrors graph_expected("./macro2_input_expected.txt","%lg %lg %lg"); graph_expected.SetTitle("Measurement XYZ and Expectation;lenght [cm];Arb.Units"); graph_expected.SetFillColor(kYellow); graph_expected.DrawClone("E3AL"); // E3 draws the band TGraphErrors graph("./macro2_input.txt","%lg %lg %lg"); graph.SetMarkerStyle(kCircle); graph.SetFillColor(0); graph.DrawClone("PESame"); # We add a legend to improve the clarity of the plot. It is always reccomended to make the plot "self descriptive". # In[5]: TLegend leg(.1,.7,.3,.9,"Lab. Lesson 2"); leg.SetFillColor(0); leg.AddEntry(&graph_expected,"Expected Points"); leg.AddEntry(&graph,"Measured Points"); leg.DrawClone("Same"); # In[ ]: