class DeBruijnGraph: ''' De Bruijn directed multigraph built from a collection of strings. User supplies strings and k-mer length k. Nodes are k-1-mers. An Edge corresponds to the k-mer that joins a left k-1-mer to a right k-1-mer. ''' @staticmethod def chop(st, k): ''' Chop string into k-mers of given length ''' # workaround for the fact that length of the sequences # in the nodes was one less than size of k in the original implementation # as suggested by Katie Dean k = k + 1 for i in xrange(0, len(st)-(k-1)): yield (st[i:i+k], st[i:i+k-1], st[i+1:i+k]) class Node: ''' Node representing a k-1 mer. Keep track of # of incoming/outgoing edges so it's easy to check for balanced, semi-balanced. ''' def __init__(self, km1mer): self.km1mer = km1mer self.nin = 0 self.nout = 0 def isSemiBalanced(self): return abs(self.nin - self.nout) == 1 def isBalanced(self): return self.nin == self.nout def __hash__(self): return hash(self.km1mer) def __str__(self): return self.km1mer def __init__(self, strIter, k, circularize=False): ''' Build de Bruijn multigraph given string iterator and k-mer length k ''' self.G = {} # multimap from nodes to neighbors self.nodes = {} # maps k-1-mers to Node objects for st in strIter: if circularize: st += st[:k-1] for kmer, km1L, km1R in self.chop(st, k): nodeL, nodeR = None, None if km1L in self.nodes: nodeL = self.nodes[km1L] else: nodeL = self.nodes[km1L] = self.Node(km1L) if km1R in self.nodes: nodeR = self.nodes[km1R] else: nodeR = self.nodes[km1R] = self.Node(km1R) nodeL.nout += 1 nodeR.nin += 1 self.G.setdefault(nodeL, []).append(nodeR) # Iterate over nodes; tally # balanced, semi-balanced, neither self.nsemi, self.nbal, self.nneither = 0, 0, 0 # Keep track of head and tail nodes in the case of a graph with # Eularian walk (not cycle) self.head, self.tail = None, None for node in self.nodes.itervalues(): if node.isBalanced(): self.nbal += 1 elif node.isSemiBalanced(): if node.nin == node.nout + 1: self.tail = node if node.nin == node.nout - 1: self.head = node self.nsemi += 1 else: self.nneither += 1 def nnodes(self): ''' Return # nodes ''' return len(self.nodes) def nedges(self): ''' Return # edges ''' return len(self.G) def hasEulerianWalk(self): ''' Return true iff graph has Eulerian walk. ''' return self.nneither == 0 and self.nsemi == 2 def hasEulerianCycle(self): ''' Return true iff graph has Eulerian cycle. ''' return self.nneither == 0 and self.nsemi == 0 def isEulerian(self): ''' Return true iff graph has Eulerian walk or cycle ''' # technically, if it has an Eulerian walk return self.hasEulerianWalk() or self.hasEulerianCycle() def eulerianWalkOrCycle(self): ''' Find and return sequence of nodes (represented by their k-1-mer labels) corresponding to Eulerian walk or cycle ''' assert self.isEulerian() g = self.G if self.hasEulerianWalk(): g = g.copy() g.setdefault(self.tail, []).append(self.head) # graph g has an Eulerian cycle tour = [] src = g.iterkeys().next() # pick arbitrary starting node def __visit(n): while len(g[n]) > 0: dst = g[n].pop() __visit(dst) tour.append(n) __visit(src) tour = tour[::-1][:-1] # reverse and then take all but last node if self.hasEulerianWalk(): # Adjust node list so that it starts at head and ends at tail sti = tour.index(self.head) tour = tour[sti:] + tour[:sti] # Return node list return map(str, tour) class DeBruijnPlot(DeBruijnGraph): def to_dot(self, weights=False): """ Write dot representation to given filehandle. If 'weights' is true, label edges corresponding to distinct k-1-mers with weights, instead of writing a separate edge for each copy of a k-1-mer. """ dot_str = [] dot_str.append("digraph \"DeBruijn graph\" {\n") dot_str.append(" bgcolor=\"transparent\";\n") for node in self.G.iterkeys(): lab = node.km1mer dot_str.append(" %s [label=\"%s\"] ;\n" % (lab, lab)) for src, dsts in self.G.iteritems(): srclab = src.km1mer if weights: weightmap = {} if weights: for dst in dsts: weightmap[dst] = weightmap.get(dst, 0) + 1 for dst, v in weightmap.iteritems(): dstlab = dst.km1mer dot_str.append(" %s -> %s [label=\"%d\"] ;\n" % (srclab, dstlab, v)) else: for dst in dsts: srclab = src.km1mer dstlab = dst.km1mer dot_str.append(" %s -> %s [label=\"\"] ;\n" % (srclab, dstlab)) dot_str.append("}\n") return ''.join(dot_str) %install_ext %load_ext gvmagic %dotobj DeBruijnPlot(['GCTGATCGATTT'], 3) %dotobj DeBruijnPlot(['GCTGATCGATTT', 'CGATTTTCGGCGAA'], 4) %dotobj DeBruijnPlot(['GCTGATCGATTT', 'CGATTTTATCGAAA'], 4) %dotobj DeBruijnPlot(['GCTGATCGATATGGATTTTATCGAAAAGTCGTAGTC'], 5) %dotobj DeBruijnPlot(['GCTGATCGATTT','GCTGATCGATTT','GCTGATCGATTT','GCTGATCGATTT','GCTGATCGATTT','GCTGATAGATTT'], 5)