from IPython.nbconvert.utils.pandoc import pandoc from IPython.display import HTML, Javascript, display from IPython.nbconvert.filters import citation2latex, strip_files_prefix, \ markdown2html, markdown2latex def pandoc_render(markdown): """Render Pandoc Markdown->LaTeX content.""" ## Convert the markdown directly to latex. This is what nbconvert does. #latex = pandoc(markdown, "markdown", "latex") #html = pandoc(markdown, "markdown", "html", ["--mathjax"]) # nbconvert template conversions html = strip_files_prefix(markdown2html(markdown)) latex = markdown2latex(citation2latex(markdown)) display(HTML(data="
" \ "
NBConvert Latex Output
" \ "
" + latex + "
"\ "
" \ "
" \ "
" \ "
NBViewer Output
" \ "
" + html + "
" \ "
")) javascript = """ $.getScript(""); """ display(Javascript(data=javascript)) def notebook_render(markdown): javascript = """ var mdcell = new IPython.MarkdownCell(); mdcell.create_element(); mdcell.set_text('""" + markdown.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\'").replace("\n", "\\n") + """'); mdcell.render(); $(element).append(mdcell.element) .removeClass() .css('left', '66%') .css('position', 'absolute') .css('width', '30%') mdcell.element.prepend( $('
') .removeClass() .css('background', '#AAAAFF') .css('width', '100 %') .html('Notebook Output') ); """ display(Javascript(data=javascript)) def pandoc_html_render(markdown): """Render Pandoc Markdown->LaTeX content.""" # Convert the markdown directly to latex. This is what nbconvert does. latex = pandoc(markdown, "markdown", "latex") # Convert the pandoc generated latex to HTML so it can be rendered in # the web browser. html = pandoc(latex, "latex", "html", ["--mathjax"]) display(HTML(data="
HTML Pandoc Output
" \ "
" + html + "
")) return html def compare_render(markdown): notebook_render(markdown) pandoc_render(markdown) try: import lxml print 'LXML found!' except: print 'Warning! No LXML found - the old citation2latex filter will not work' compare_render(r""" # Heading 1 ## Heading 2 ### Heading 3 #### Heading 4 ##### Heading 5 ###### Heading 6""") compare_render(r""" # Heading 1 ## Heading 2 ### Heading 3 #### Heading 4 ##### Heading 5 ###### Heading 6 """) print("\n"*10) compare_render(r""" [Link2Heading]( """) compare_render(r""" This is Markdown **bold** and *italic* text. """) compare_render(r""" - li 1 - li 2 1. li 3 1. li 4 - li 5 """) compare_render(ur""" überschuß +***^°³³ α β θ """) compare_render(r""" # Heading 1 ~~strikeout~~ """) compare_render(r""" above -------- below """) compare_render(r""" This is Markdown ~subscript~ and ^superscript^ text. """) compare_render(r""" This is Markdown not_italic_. """) compare_render(r""" \newcommand{\tuple}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle} $\tuple{a, b, c}$ """) compare_render(r""" $\newcommand{\foo}[1]{...:: #1 ::...}$ $\foo{bar}$ """) compare_render(r""" This is HTML bold and italic text. """) compare_render(r"""
Center aligned
""") compare_render(r""" This is \LaTeX \bf{bold} and \emph{italic} text. """) compare_render(r""" **foo** $\left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \right)^2 \leq$ b\$ar $$test$$ \cite{} """) compare_render(r"""
a b
c d
""") compare_render(r""" +---+---+ | a | b | +---+---+ | c | d | +---+---+ """) compare_render(r""" |Left |Center |Right| |:----|:-----:|----:| |Text1|Text2 |Text3| """) compare_render(r""" Right Aligned Center Aligned Left Aligned ------------- -------------- ------------ Why does this actually work? Who knows ... """) print("\n"*5) compare_render(r""" ![Alternate Text]( """) compare_render(r""" """) compare_render(r""" My equation: $$ 5/x=2y $$ It is inline $ 5/x=2y $ here. """) compare_render(r""" $5 \cdot x=2$ $ 5 \cdot x=2$ $ 5 \cdot x=2 $ """) compare_render(r""" \begin{align} a & b\\ d & c \end{align} \begin{eqnarray} a & b \\ c & d \end{eqnarray} """) compare_render(r""" 1<2 is true, but 3>4 is false. $1<2$ is true, but $3>4$ is false. 1<2 it is even worse if it is alone in a line. """) compare_render(r""" some source code ``` a = "test" print(a) ``` """) compare_render(r""" some source code ```python a = "test" print(a) ``` """)