import netCDF4 as netcdf import timeseries, pymbar import analyze import pylab filename = 'p-xylene/' #filename = '1-methylpyrrole/' ncfile = netcdf.Dataset(filename, 'r') niterations = ncfile.variables['positions'].shape[0] nstates = ncfile.variables['positions'].shape[1] natoms = ncfile.variables['positions'].shape[2] print "Read %(niterations)d iterations, %(nstates)d states, %(natoms)d atoms" % vars() u_n = analyze.extract_u_n(ncfile) figsize(20,6) pylab.clf() pylab.plot(u_n, 'k.') pylab.xlabel('iteration') pylab.ylabel('u_n') T = len(u_n) T = min(T, 2500) # just analyze beginning of simulation if it's really long g_t = numpy.ones([T-1], numpy.float32) Neff_t = numpy.ones([T-1], numpy.float32) for t in range(T-1): g_t[t] = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(u_n[t:T], method='fast') Neff_t[t] = (T-t+1) / g_t[t] figsize(20,6) pylab.clf() pylab.subplot(211) pylab.plot(g_t, 'k.') pylab.ylabel('$g$') pylab.xlabel('origin $t_0$') pylab.subplot(212) pylab.plot(Neff_t, 'k.') pylab.xlabel('origin $t_0$') pylab.ylabel('$N_{eff}$') T = len(u_n) nskip = 10 indices = range(0, T-1, nskip) N = len(indices) t0_t = numpy.ones([N], numpy.float32) g_t = numpy.ones([N], numpy.float32) Neff_t = numpy.ones([N], numpy.float32) for n in range(N): t0 = nskip*n t0_t[n] = t0 g_t[n] = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(u_n[t0:T], method='fast') Neff_t[n] = (T-t0) / g_t[n] figsize(20,6) pylab.clf() pylab.subplot(211) pylab.plot(t0_t, g_t, 'k.') pylab.ylabel('$g$') pylab.xlabel('origin $t_0$') pylab.subplot(212) pylab.plot(t0_t, Neff_t, 'k.') pylab.xlabel('origin $t_0$') pylab.ylabel('$N_{eff}$') [nequil, g, Neff_max] = analyze.detect_equilibration(u_n, nskip=10, method='fast') print "The first %d samples should be discarded to equilibration, leaving %.1f effectively uncorrelated samples in the remainder (statistical inefficiency g = %.1f)." % (nequil, Neff_max, g) analyze.show_mixing_statistics(ncfile, cutoff=0.05, nequil=nequil) (Deltaf_ij, dDeltaf_ij) = analyze.estimate_free_energies(ncfile, ndiscard=nequil, g=g) print "Free energy difference (estimated using all replicas): %8.3f +- %8.3f kT" % (Deltaf_ij[0,-1], dDeltaf_ij[0,-1]) replica_estimates = list() for replica in range(nstates): (Deltaf_ij_replica, dDeltaf_ij_replica) = analyze.estimate_free_energies(ncfile, ndiscard=nequil, g=g, replicas=[replica]) replica_estimates.append( (Deltaf_ij_replica, dDeltaf_ij_replica) ) print "Free energy difference (estimated using replica %5d): %8.3f +- %8.3f kT" % (replica, Deltaf_ij_replica[0,-1], dDeltaf_ij_replica[0,-1]) figsize(14,6) pylab.clf() pylab.hold(True) # State indices for free energy difference. (i,j) = (0,nstates-1) nreplicas = nstates # Plot global estimate and confidence bands. DeltaF = Deltaf_ij[i,j] dDeltaF = dDeltaf_ij[i,j] pylab.plot([0, nreplicas+1], [DeltaF, DeltaF], 'k-') pylab.plot([0, nreplicas+1], [DeltaF+2*dDeltaF, DeltaF+2*dDeltaF], 'r-') pylab.plot([0, nreplicas+1], [DeltaF-2*dDeltaF, DeltaF-2*dDeltaF], 'r-') # Plot replica estimates. for replica in range(nreplicas): (Deltaf_ij_replica, dDeltaf_ij_replica) = replica_estimates[replica] DeltaF = Deltaf_ij_replica[i,j] dDeltaF = dDeltaf_ij_replica[i,j] pylab.plot([replica], [DeltaF], 'ko') pylab.plot([replica,replica], [DeltaF+2*dDeltaF,DeltaF-2*dDeltaF], 'k-') pylab.xlabel('replica index') pylab.ylabel('$\Delta F$ (kT)') Zscores = numpy.zeros([nreplicas], numpy.float64) DeltaF_global = Deltaf_ij_replica[i,j] for replica in range(nreplicas): (Deltaf_ij_replica, dDeltaf_ij_replica) = replica_estimates[replica] DeltaF_replica = Deltaf_ij_replica[i,j] dDeltaF_replica = dDeltaf_ij_replica[i,j] Zscores[replica] = (DeltaF_replica - DeltaF_global) / dDeltaF_replica figsize(14,6) pyplot.clf() pyplot.hold(True) pyplot.plot([0, nreplicas], [0, 0], 'k-') pyplot.plot(Zscores, 'ko') for replica in range(nreplicas): pyplot.plot([replica, replica], [0, Zscores[replica]], 'k-') figsize(14,6) earlier_replica_estimates = list() nuse = int((niterations - nequil)/4.0) for replica in range(nstates): (Deltaf_ij_replica, dDeltaf_ij_replica) = analyze.estimate_free_energies(ncfile, ndiscard=nequil, g=g, replicas=[replica], nuse=nuse) earlier_replica_estimates.append( (Deltaf_ij_replica, dDeltaf_ij_replica) ) print "Free energy difference (estimated using replica %5d): %8.3f +- %8.3f kT" % (replica, Deltaf_ij_replica[0,-1], dDeltaf_ij_replica[0,-1]) pylab.clf() pylab.hold(True) # State indices for free energy difference. (i,j) = (0,nstates-1) nreplicas = nstates # Plot global estimate and confidence bands. DeltaF = Deltaf_ij[i,j] dDeltaF = dDeltaf_ij[i,j] pylab.plot([0, nreplicas+1], [DeltaF, DeltaF], 'k-') pylab.plot([0, nreplicas+1], [DeltaF+2*dDeltaF, DeltaF+2*dDeltaF], 'r-') pylab.plot([0, nreplicas+1], [DeltaF-2*dDeltaF, DeltaF-2*dDeltaF], 'r-') # Plot replica estimates. for replica in range(nreplicas): (Deltaf_ij_replica, dDeltaf_ij_replica) = earlier_replica_estimates[replica] DeltaF = Deltaf_ij_replica[i,j] dDeltaF = dDeltaf_ij_replica[i,j] pylab.plot([replica], [DeltaF], 'ro') pylab.plot([replica,replica], [DeltaF+2*dDeltaF,DeltaF-2*dDeltaF], 'r-') (Deltaf_ij_replica, dDeltaf_ij_replica) = replica_estimates[replica] DeltaF = Deltaf_ij_replica[i,j] dDeltaF = dDeltaf_ij_replica[i,j] pylab.plot([replica], [DeltaF], 'ko') pylab.plot([replica,replica], [DeltaF+2*dDeltaF,DeltaF-2*dDeltaF], 'k-') pylab.xlabel('replica index') pylab.ylabel('$\Delta F$ (kT)') Zscore = 0.0 DeltaF_global = Deltaf_ij_replica[i,j] for replica in range(nreplicas): (Deltaf_ij_replica, dDeltaf_ij_replica) = earlier_replica_estimates[replica] DeltaF_replica = Deltaf_ij_replica[i,j] dDeltaF_replica = dDeltaf_ij_replica[i,j] Zscore += ((DeltaF_replica - DeltaF_global) / dDeltaF_replica)**2 print numpy.sqrt(Zscore / (nreplicas-1)) state_nk = ncfile.variables['states'][:,:] figsize(24,24) pylab.clf() pylab.hold(True) for k in range(nstates): pylab.subplot(nstates,1,k+1) pylab.plot(state_nk[:,k], 'k.') pylab.axis([0, niterations, 0, nstates]) pylab.yticks([]) if k < (nstates-1): pylab.xticks([]) pylab.ylabel('%d' % k) phi_kt = analyze.compute_torsion_trajectories(ncfile) figsize(24,24) pylab.clf() pylab.hold(True) for k in range(nstates): pylab.subplot(nstates,1,k+1) pylab.plot(phi_kt[k,:], 'k.') pylab.yticks([]) pylab.ylabel('%d' % k) if k < (nstates-1): pylab.xticks([]) pylab.axis([0, niterations, -180, +180])