from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import RevealExporter from IPython.config import Config from IPython.nbformat import current as nbformat infile = "my_slideshow.ipynb" # load the name of your slideshow outfile = "my_slideshow.reveal.html" notebook = open(infile).read() notebook_json = nbformat.reads_json(notebook) # This is the config object I talked before, in the 'url_prefix', # you can set you proper location of your local reveal.js library, # i.e. if the reveal.js is located in the same directory as your # your_slideshow.reveal.html, then set 'url_prefix':'reveal.js'. c = Config({ 'RevealHelpTransformer':{ 'enabled':True, 'url_prefix':'reveal.js', }, }) exportHtml = RevealExporter(config=c) (body,resources) = exportHtml.from_notebook_node(notebook_json) open(outfile, 'w').write(body.encode('utf-8'))