import os import numpy import SimpleITK import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %pylab inline def sitk_show(img, title=None, margin=0.05, dpi=40 ): nda = SimpleITK.GetArrayFromImage(img) spacing = img.GetSpacing() figsize = (1 + margin) * nda.shape[0] / dpi, (1 + margin) * nda.shape[1] / dpi extent = (0, nda.shape[1]*spacing[1], nda.shape[0]*spacing[0], 0) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) ax = fig.add_axes([margin, margin, 1 - 2*margin, 1 - 2*margin]) plt.set_cmap("gray") ax.imshow(nda,extent=extent,interpolation=None) if title: plt.title(title) # Directory where the DICOM files are being stored (in this # case the 'MyHead' folder). pathDicom = "./MyHead/" # Z slice of the DICOM files to process. In the interest of # simplicity, segmentation will be limited to a single 2D # image but all processes are entirely applicable to the 3D image idxSlice = 50 # int labels to assign to the segmented white and gray matter. # These need to be different integers but their values themselves # don't matter labelWhiteMatter = 1 labelGrayMatter = 2 reader = SimpleITK.ImageSeriesReader() filenamesDICOM = reader.GetGDCMSeriesFileNames(pathDicom) reader.SetFileNames(filenamesDICOM) imgOriginal = reader.Execute() imgOriginal = imgOriginal[:,:,idxSlice] sitk_show(imgOriginal) imgSmooth = SimpleITK.CurvatureFlow(image1=imgOriginal, timeStep=0.125, numberOfIterations=5) # blurFilter = SimpleITK.CurvatureFlowImageFilter() # blurFilter.SetNumberOfIterations(5) # blurFilter.SetTimeStep(0.125) # imgSmooth = blurFilter.Execute(imgOriginal) sitk_show(imgSmooth) lstSeeds = [(150,75)] imgWhiteMatter = SimpleITK.ConfidenceConnected(image1=imgSmooth, seedList=lstSeeds, numberOfIterations=5, multiplier=3, replaceValue=labelWhiteMatter) imgSmoothInt = SimpleITK.Cast(SimpleITK.RescaleIntensity(imgSmooth), imgWhiteMatter.GetPixelID()) sitk_show(SimpleITK.LabelOverlay(imgSmoothInt, imgWhiteMatter)) imgWhiteMatterNoHoles = SimpleITK.BinaryClosingByReconstruction(imgWhiteMatter, 100) sitk_show(SimpleITK.LabelOverlay(imgSmoothInt, imgWhiteMatterNoHoles)) lstSeeds = [(119, 83), (198, 80), (100,100), (185, 102), (164, 43)] imgGrayMatter = SimpleITK.ConfidenceConnected(image1=imgSmooth, seedList=lstSeeds, numberOfIterations=3, multiplier=1.75, replaceValue=labelGrayMatter) sitk_show(SimpleITK.LabelOverlay(imgSmoothInt, imgGrayMatter)) imgLabels = imgWhiteMatterNoHoles | imgGrayMatter sitk_show(SimpleITK.LabelOverlay(imgSmoothInt, imgLabels)) imgMask= imgWhiteMatterNoHoles/labelWhiteMatter * imgGrayMatter/labelGrayMatter imgWhiteMatterNoHoles -= imgMask*labelWhiteMatter imgLabels = imgWhiteMatterNoHoles + imgGrayMatter sitk_show(SimpleITK.LabelOverlay(imgSmoothInt, imgLabels))