import vtk import numpy import vtk from IPython.display import Image def vtk_show(renderer, width=400, height=300): """ Takes vtkRenderer instance and returns an IPython Image with the rendering. """ renderWindow = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() renderWindow.SetOffScreenRendering(1) renderWindow.AddRenderer(renderer) renderWindow.SetSize(width, height) renderWindow.Render() windowToImageFilter = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter() windowToImageFilter.SetInput(renderWindow) windowToImageFilter.Update() writer = vtk.vtkPNGWriter() writer.SetWriteToMemory(1) writer.SetInputConnection(windowToImageFilter.GetOutputPort()) writer.Write() data = str(buffer(writer.GetResult())) return Image(data) def addLine(renderer, p1, p2, color=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], opacity=1.0): line = vtk.vtkLineSource() line.SetPoint1(p1) line.SetPoint2(p2) mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputConnection(line.GetOutputPort()) actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.GetProperty().SetColor(color) actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) actor.GetProperty() renderer.AddActor(actor) def addPoint(renderer, p, color=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], radius=0.5): point = vtk.vtkSphereSource() point.SetCenter(p) point.SetRadius(radius) point.SetPhiResolution(100) point.SetThetaResolution(100) mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputConnection(point.GetOutputPort()) actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) actor.GetProperty().SetColor(color) renderer.AddActor(actor) l2n = lambda l: numpy.array(l) n2l = lambda n: list(n) # SUN OPTIONS # Radius of the sun half-sphere RadiusSun = 10.0 # Distance of sun's center from (0,0,0) DistanceSun = 50.0 # Phi & Theta Resolution of sun ResolutionSun = 6 # EARTH OPTIONS # Radius of the earth sphere RadiusEarth = 150.0 # Phi & Theta Resolution of earth ResolutionEarth = 120 # RAY OPTIONS # Length of rays cast from the sun. Since the rays we # cast are finite lines we set a length appropriate to the scene. # CAUTION: If your rays are too short they won't hit the earth # and ray-tracing won't be possible. Its better for the rays to be # longer than necessary than the other way around RayCastLength = 500.0 # COLOR OPTIONS # Color of the sun half-sphere's surface ColorSun = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] # Color of the sun half-sphere's edges ColorSunEdge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Color of the earth sphere's edges ColorEarthEdge = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] # Background color of the scene ColorBackground = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # Ambient color light ColorLight = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] # Color of the sun's cell-center points ColorSunPoints = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] # Color of the sun's cell-center normal-vector glyphs ColorSunGlyphs = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] # Color of sun rays that intersect with earth ColorRayHit = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] # Color of sun rays that miss the earth ColorRayMiss = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] # Opacity of sun rays that miss the earth OpacityRayMiss = 0.5 # Color of rays showing the normals from points on earth hit by sun rays ColorEarthGlyphs = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] # Color of sun rays bouncing off earth ColorRayReflected = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] # Create and configure then sun half-sphere sun = vtk.vtkSphereSource() sun.SetCenter(0.0, DistanceSun, 0.0) sun.SetRadius(RadiusSun) sun.SetThetaResolution(ResolutionSun) sun.SetPhiResolution(ResolutionSun) sun.SetStartTheta(180) # create a half-sphere # Create mapper mapperSun = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapperSun.SetInput(sun.GetOutput()) # Create actor actorSun = vtk.vtkActor() actorSun.SetMapper(mapperSun) actorSun.GetProperty().SetColor(ColorSun) #set color to yellow actorSun.GetProperty().EdgeVisibilityOn() # show edges/wireframe actorSun.GetProperty().SetEdgeColor(ColorSunEdge) #render edges as white renderer = vtk.vtkRenderer() renderer.AddActor(actorSun) renderer.SetBackground(ColorBackground) # Modify the camera with properties defined manually in Paraview camera = renderer.MakeCamera() camera.SetPosition(RadiusEarth, DistanceSun, RadiusEarth) camera.SetFocalPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) camera.SetViewAngle(30.0) renderer.SetActiveCamera(camera) vtk_show(renderer, 600, 600) # Create and configure the earth sphere earth = vtk.vtkSphereSource() earth.SetCenter(0.0, -RadiusEarth, 0.0) earth.SetThetaResolution(ResolutionEarth) earth.SetPhiResolution(ResolutionEarth) earth.SetRadius(RadiusEarth) # Load a JPEG file with an 'earth' texture downloaded from the above link reader = vtk.vtkJPEGReader() reader.SetFileName("earthmap1k.jpg") reader.Update() # Create a new 'vtkTexture' and set the loaded JPEG texture = vtk.vtkTexture() texture.SetInputConnection(reader.GetOutputPort()) texture.Update() # Map the earth texture to the earth sphere map_to_sphere = vtk.vtkTextureMapToSphere() map_to_sphere.SetInputConnection(earth.GetOutputPort()) map_to_sphere.PreventSeamOn() map_to_sphere.Update() # Create a new mapper with the mapped texture and sphere mapperEarth = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapperEarth.SetInputConnection(map_to_sphere.GetOutputPort()) # Create actor actorEarth = vtk.vtkActor() actorEarth.SetMapper(mapperEarth) actorEarth.SetTexture(texture) actorEarth.GetProperty().EdgeVisibilityOn() # show edges/wireframe actorEarth.GetProperty().SetEdgeColor(ColorEarthEdge) #render edges as white renderer.AddActor(actorEarth) vtk_show(renderer, 600, 600) # Create a new vtkLight light = vtk.vtkLight() # Set its ambient color to yellow light.SetAmbientColor(ColorLight) # Set a 180 degree cone angle to avoid a spotlight-effect light.SetConeAngle(180) # Set its position to the sun's center light.SetPosition(sun.GetCenter()) # Set its focal-point to the earth's center light.SetFocalPoint(earth.GetCenter()) # Set it as part of the scene (positional) and not following the camera light.SetPositional(True) renderer.AddLight(light) vtk_show(renderer, 600, 600) cellCenterCalcSun = vtk.vtkCellCenters() cellCenterCalcSun.SetInput(sun.GetOutput()) cellCenterCalcSun.Update() # Get the point centers from 'cellCenterCalc' pointsCellCentersSun = cellCenterCalcSun.GetOutput(0) # Loop through all point centers and add a point-actor through 'addPoint' for idx in range(pointsCellCentersSun.GetNumberOfPoints()): addPoint(renderer, pointsCellCentersSun.GetPoint(idx), ColorSunPoints) vtk_show(renderer, 600, 600) # Create a new 'vtkPolyDataNormals' and connect to the 'sun' half-sphere normalsCalcSun = vtk.vtkPolyDataNormals() normalsCalcSun.SetInputConnection(sun.GetOutputPort()) # Disable normal calculation at cell vertices normalsCalcSun.ComputePointNormalsOff() # Enable normal calculation at cell centers normalsCalcSun.ComputeCellNormalsOn() # Disable splitting of sharp edges normalsCalcSun.SplittingOff() # Disable global flipping of normal orientation normalsCalcSun.FlipNormalsOff() # Enable automatic determination of correct normal orientation normalsCalcSun.AutoOrientNormalsOn() # Perform calculation normalsCalcSun.Update() # Create a 'dummy' 'vtkCellCenters' to force the glyphs to the cell-centers dummy_cellCenterCalcSun = vtk.vtkCellCenters() dummy_cellCenterCalcSun.VertexCellsOn() dummy_cellCenterCalcSun.SetInputConnection(normalsCalcSun.GetOutputPort()) # Create a new 'default' arrow to use as a glyph arrow = vtk.vtkArrowSource() # Create a new 'vtkGlyph3D' glyphSun = vtk.vtkGlyph3D() # Set its 'input' as the cell-center normals calculated at the sun's cells glyphSun.SetInputConnection(dummy_cellCenterCalcSun.GetOutputPort()) # Set its 'source', i.e., the glyph object, as the 'arrow' glyphSun.SetSourceConnection(arrow.GetOutputPort()) # Enforce usage of normals for orientation glyphSun.SetVectorModeToUseNormal() # Set scale for the arrow object glyphSun.SetScaleFactor(5) # Create a mapper for all the arrow-glyphs glyphMapperSun = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() glyphMapperSun.SetInputConnection(glyphSun.GetOutputPort()) # Create an actor for the arrow-glyphs glyphActorSun = vtk.vtkActor() glyphActorSun.SetMapper(glyphMapperSun) glyphActorSun.GetProperty().SetColor(ColorSunGlyphs) # Add actor renderer.AddActor(glyphActorSun) vtk_show(renderer, 600, 600) obbEarth = vtk.vtkOBBTree() obbEarth.SetDataSet(earth.GetOutput()) obbEarth.BuildLocator() # Create a new 'vtkPolyDataNormals' and connect to the 'earth' sphere normalsCalcEarth = vtk.vtkPolyDataNormals() normalsCalcEarth.SetInputConnection(earth.GetOutputPort()) # Disable normal calculation at cell vertices normalsCalcEarth.ComputePointNormalsOff() # Enable normal calculation at cell centers normalsCalcEarth.ComputeCellNormalsOn() # Disable splitting of sharp edges normalsCalcEarth.SplittingOff() # Disable global flipping of normal orientation normalsCalcEarth.FlipNormalsOff() # Enable automatic determination of correct normal orientation normalsCalcEarth.AutoOrientNormalsOn() # Perform calculation normalsCalcEarth.Update() def isHit(obbTree, pSource, pTarget): r"""Returns True if the line intersects with the mesh in 'obbTree'""" code = obbTree.IntersectWithLine(pSource, pTarget, None, None) if code==0: return False return True def GetIntersect(obbTree, pSource, pTarget): # Create an empty 'vtkPoints' object to store the intersection point coordinates points = vtk.vtkPoints() # Create an empty 'vtkIdList' object to store the ids of the cells that intersect # with the cast rays cellIds = vtk.vtkIdList() # Perform intersection code = obbTree.IntersectWithLine(pSource, pTarget, points, cellIds) # Get point-data pointData = points.GetData() # Get number of intersection points found noPoints = pointData.GetNumberOfTuples() # Get number of intersected cell ids noIds = cellIds.GetNumberOfIds() assert (noPoints == noIds) # Loop through the found points and cells and store # them in lists pointsInter = [] cellIdsInter = [] for idx in range(noPoints): pointsInter.append(pointData.GetTuple3(idx)) cellIdsInter.append(cellIds.GetId(idx)) return pointsInter, cellIdsInter # Extract the normal-vector data at the sun's cells normalsSun = normalsCalcSun.GetOutput().GetCellData().GetNormals() # Loop through all of sun's cell-centers for idx in range(pointsCellCentersSun.GetNumberOfPoints()): # Get coordinates of sun's cell center pointSun = pointsCellCentersSun.GetPoint(idx) # Get normal vector at that cell normalSun = normalsSun.GetTuple(idx) # Calculate the 'target' of the ray based on 'RayCastLength' pointRayTarget = n2l(l2n(pointSun) + RayCastLength*l2n(normalSun)) # Check if there are any intersections for the given ray if isHit(obbEarth, pointSun, pointRayTarget): # intersections were found # Retrieve coordinates of intersection points and intersected cell ids pointsInter, cellIdsInter = GetIntersect(obbEarth, pointSun, pointRayTarget) # Render lines/rays emanating from the sun. Rays that intersect are # rendered with a 'ColorRayHit' color addLine(renderer, pointSun, pointsInter[0], ColorRayHit) # Render intersection points addPoint(renderer, pointsInter[0], ColorRayHit) else: # Rays that miss the earth are rendered with a 'ColorRayMiss' colors # and a 25% opacity addLine(renderer, pointSun, pointRayTarget, ColorRayMiss, opacity=0.25) vtk_show(renderer, 600, 600) # Extract the normal-vector data at the sun's cells normalsSun = normalsCalcSun.GetOutput().GetCellData().GetNormals() # Extract the normal-vector data at the earth's cells normalsEarth = normalsCalcEarth.GetOutput().GetCellData().GetNormals() # Create a dummy 'vtkPoints' to act as a container for the point coordinates # where intersections are found dummy_points = vtk.vtkPoints() # Create a dummy 'vtkDoubleArray' to act as a container for the normal # vectors where intersections are found dummy_vectors = vtk.vtkDoubleArray() dummy_vectors.SetNumberOfComponents(3) # Create a dummy 'vtkPolyData' to store points and normals dummy_polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() # Loop through all of sun's cell-centers for idx in range(pointsCellCentersSun.GetNumberOfPoints()): # Get coordinates of sun's cell center pointSun = pointsCellCentersSun.GetPoint(idx) # Get normal vector at that cell normalSun = normalsSun.GetTuple(idx) # Calculate the 'target' of the ray based on 'RayCastLength' pointRayTarget = n2l(l2n(pointSun) + RayCastLength*l2n(normalSun)) # Check if there are any intersections for the given ray if isHit(obbEarth, pointSun, pointRayTarget): # Retrieve coordinates of intersection points and intersected cell ids pointsInter, cellIdsInter = GetIntersect(obbEarth, pointSun, pointRayTarget) # Get the normal vector at the earth cell that intersected with the ray normalEarth = normalsEarth.GetTuple(cellIdsInter[0]) # Insert the coordinates of the intersection point in the dummy container dummy_points.InsertNextPoint(pointsInter[0]) # Insert the normal vector of the intersection cell in the dummy container dummy_vectors.InsertNextTuple(normalEarth) # Assign the dummy points to the dummy polydata dummy_polydata.SetPoints(dummy_points) # Assign the dummy vectors to the dummy polydata dummy_polydata.GetPointData().SetNormals(dummy_vectors) # Visualize normals as done previously but using # the 'dummyPolyData' arrow = vtk.vtkArrowSource() glyphEarth = vtk.vtkGlyph3D() glyphEarth.SetInput(dummy_polydata) glyphEarth.SetSourceConnection(arrow.GetOutputPort()) glyphEarth.SetVectorModeToUseNormal() glyphEarth.SetScaleFactor(5) glyphMapperEarth = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() glyphMapperEarth.SetInputConnection(glyphEarth.GetOutputPort()) glyphActorEarth = vtk.vtkActor() glyphActorEarth.SetMapper(glyphMapperEarth) glyphActorEarth.GetProperty().SetColor(ColorEarthGlyphs) renderer.AddActor(glyphActorEarth) vtk_show(renderer, 600, 600) def calcVecR(vecInc, vecNor): vecInc = l2n(vecInc) vecNor = l2n(vecNor) vecRef = vecInc - 2*, vecNor)*vecNor return n2l(vecRef) # Extract the normal-vector data at the sun's cells normalsSun = normalsCalcSun.GetOutput().GetCellData().GetNormals() # Extract the normal-vector data at the earth's cells normalsEarth = normalsCalcEarth.GetOutput().GetCellData().GetNormals() # Loop through all of sun's cell-centers for idx in range(pointsCellCentersSun.GetNumberOfPoints()): # Get coordinates of sun's cell center pointSun = pointsCellCentersSun.GetPoint(idx) # Get normal vector at that cell normalSun = normalsSun.GetTuple(idx) # Calculate the 'target' of the ray based on 'RayCastLength' pointRayTarget = n2l(l2n(pointSun) + RayCastLength*l2n(normalSun)) # Check if there are any intersections for the given ray if isHit(obbEarth, pointSun, pointRayTarget): # Retrieve coordinates of intersection points and intersected cell ids pointsInter, cellIdsInter = GetIntersect(obbEarth, pointSun, pointRayTarget) # Get the normal vector at the earth cell that intersected with the ray normalEarth = normalsEarth.GetTuple(cellIdsInter[0]) # Calculate the incident ray vector vecInc = n2l(l2n(pointRayTarget) - l2n(pointSun)) # Calculate the reflected ray vector vecRef = calcVecR(vecInc, normalEarth) # Calculate the 'target' of the reflected ray based on 'RayCastLength' pointRayReflectedTarget = n2l(l2n(pointsInter[0]) + RayCastLength*l2n(vecRef)) # Render lines/rays bouncing off earth with a 'ColorRayReflected' color addLine(renderer, pointsInter[0], pointRayReflectedTarget, ColorRayReflected) vtk_show(renderer, 600, 600) # Uncomment and run this code to create a new window # with an interactive view of the scene # renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() # renWin.AddRenderer(renderer) # iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() # iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin) # renWin.SetSize(600, 600) # iren.Initialize() # renWin.Render() # iren.Start()