#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Goal - Explore on your own # # > Please start by downloading [05 - Lesson](http://bit.ly/1ScsAuz) # # Here are some ideas: # # * Go to ***http://localhost:8888/data2*** and compare the results to ***http://localhost:8888*** # You can see how Bootstrap makes it really easy to make your webapp look good. # # # * Take a look at ***app.py*** and notice all of the ***(r"/something", something)***. You will start to see how everything ties together. # # # * See if you can figure out how we were able to call a function in a script ***(i.e. to_json())*** and push the results to an HTML page. # # ## This concludes our 5 Lesson tutorial. I hope you enjoyed these lessons and are anxious to become a better Python Web Deveoper. # **Author:** [HEDARO](http://www.hedaro.com)