import pandas as pd import jinja2 from IPython.display import display, Javascript, HTML def inline_dc(stuff): """ Embeds the HTML source of the dc charts directly into the IPython notebook. This method will not work if the dc charts depends on any files (json data). Also this uses the HTML5 srcdoc attribute, which may not be supported in all browsers. """ return HTML(''.format(srcdoc=stuff.replace('"', '"'))) head = HTML(""" """) body_html = HTML("""
Pie Chart

""") df = pd.DataFrame({'population':[234,345,345,34], 'age':[2,3,6,9], 'state':['a','b','c','d'], 'state2':['d','c','b','a']}) df dc = jinja2.Template( """ // Create Global Variables var PieChart = dc.pieChart("#piechart"); // Load data var dataset = {{ data }}; // Call function Graph(dataset); // Create function function Graph(data) { // Feed it through crossfilter var ndx = crossfilter(data); // for testing //console.log(data); //define a dimension //Here we will group by state var dim = ndx.dimension(function(d) {return d.state}); //Here we group by state and sum on column population var g ={return d.population;}); //Lets create a pie chart PieChart.dimension(dim) .radius(90) .innerRadius(45) // used to create the donut effect .group(g) // These last two lines are not needed but are // here to show you how to create custom titles .title(function(d){ return +": "+d.value;}) .renderTitle(true); dc.renderAll(); // render all charts on the page }; // end graph function """) body_js = Javascript(dc.render( data=df.to_json(orient='records') )) inline_dc( + + "")