#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Powers Example


Meteorology 227

# Example power plotting script to demonstrate several features available for simple plots.
# First, let's import our desired packages and make sure our images appear in our notebook.
# In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pylab', 'inline') import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Next, let's setup a simple linear space and plot three powers of x on a single plot with a legend and gridines. # In[8]: x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 100) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('f(x)') ax.set_title('Powers of x', fontdict={'size':22}) ax.plot(x,x,label='$x$') ax.plot(x,x**2,'rs',label = '$x^2$') ax.plot(x,x**3,'g^',label = '$x^3$') ax.plot(x,x**4,'bo',label = '$x^4$') ax.grid(True) ax.legend(loc='lower right') plt.axis([-2,2,-10,10]) # To make the plots a little less busy, let's make two plots and put two powers on on each.
# Notice the use of markevery to reduce the number of marks on the lines and the use of subplots_adjust
# to help with spacing between the plots for readability. # # In[9]: fig, (ax0,ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2) ax0.set_xlabel('x') ax0.set_ylabel('f(x)') ax0.set_title('Powers of x', fontdict={'size':22}) ax0.plot(x,x,label='$x$') ax0.plot(x,x**2,'rs',label = '$x^2$', markevery=5) ax1.set_xlabel('x') ax1.set_ylabel('f(x)') ax1.plot(x,x**3,'g^',label = '$x^3$', markevery=5) ax1.plot(x,x**4,'bo',label = '$x^4$', markevery=5) ax0.grid(True) ax0.legend(loc='lower right') ax1.grid(True) ax1.legend(loc='lower right') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) # Finally, let's put each power on its own plot. Key additions here are the addtion of a linestyle (although I didn't use
# it all that creatively), an addtional subplots_adjust command with wspace to adjust the spacing between the plots in each row,
# and the suptitle command with sizing to make a single "super" title for the whole plot. # In[10]: fig, ([ax0, ax1], [ax2, ax3]) = plt.subplots(2,2) plt.suptitle('Powers of x',fontsize=22) ax0.set_xlabel('x') ax0.set_ylabel('f(x)') ax0.plot(x,x,'b+',label='$x$', markevery=10, linestyle="-") ax1.set_xlabel('x') ax1.set_ylabel('f(x)') ax1.plot(x,x**2,'rs',label='$x^2$', markevery=10, linestyle="-") ax2.set_xlabel('x') ax2.set_ylabel('f(x)') ax2.plot(x,x**3,'g^',label='$x^3$', markevery=10, linestyle="-") ax3.set_xlabel('x') ax3.set_ylabel('f(x)') ax3.plot(x,x**4,'bo',label='$x^4$', markevery=10, linestyle="-") ax0.grid(True) ax1.grid(True) ax2.grid(True) ax3.grid(True) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5) # In[ ]: