import itertools get_ipython().magic("matplotlib inline") # required for ipynb compability import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors import mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import numpy as np import scipy.integrate import scipy.interpolate import sympy import fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle("Preferred Direction Motion Response") # Motion response data from Schnell et al. 2010 Figure 2B SCHNELL_MR2BA = np.array([[0.113636, 0.541573], [0.520833, 0.676404], [0.757575, 0.721348], [1.022727, 0.885393], [1.212121, 0.883146], [1.505681, 0.795505], [1.998106, 0.730337], [3.011363, 0.528089], [5.009469, 0.337078]]).T A_wavelength = 22 MR2BA_tf, MR2BA = SCHNELL_MR2BA MR2BA_av, MR2BA_n = MR2BA_tf * A_wavelength, MR2BA / MR2BA.max() SCHNELL_MR2BB = np.array([[0.104166, 0.447191], [0.511363, 0.768539], [0.748106, 0.764044], [1.013257, 0.883146], [1.193181, 0.802247], [1.496212, 0.782022], [2.007575, 0.678651], [3.020833, 0.476404], [5.018939, 0.377528]]).T B_wavelength = 45 MR2BB_tf, MR2BB = SCHNELL_MR2BB MR2BB_av, MR2BB_n = MR2BB_tf * B_wavelength, MR2BB / MR2BB.max() # Plot the experimental data against angular velocity ax_omega = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 0)) ax_omega.set_xlabel("Angular Velocity (deg/s)") ax_omega.set_ylabel("Response (a.u.)") ax_omega.set_xlim(0, 250.) ax_omega.set_ylim(0, 1.1) ax_omega.plot(MR2BA_av, MR2BA_n, color="black", marker="s", lw=2, markersize=3.) ax_omega.plot(MR2BB_av, MR2BB_n, color="grey", marker="o", lw=2, markersize=3.) # Preferred direction motion response approximation def MotionResponsePD(temporal_frequency, optimal_frequency): """motion response in preferred direction""" _tf = temporal_frequency / optimal_frequency return 2 * _tf / (1 + _tf**2) # the factor 2 normalizes the reponse MR_PARAMETERS = {"optimal_frequency": 1.0} # Experimental data and model response against temporal frequency ax_tfreq = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 1)) ax_tfreq.set_xlabel("Temporal Frequency (Hz)") ax_tfreq.set_xlim(0, 5.) ax_tfreq.set_ylim(0, 1.1) ax_tfreq.set_yticklabels([]) ax_tfreq.plot(MR2BA_tf, MR2BA_n, color="black", marker="s", lw=2, markersize=3.) ax_tfreq.plot(MR2BB_tf, MR2BB_n, color="grey", marker="o", lw=2, markersize=3.) # the analytical motion response tf = np.linspace(0, 5) ax_tfreq.plot(tf, MotionResponsePD(tf, **MR_PARAMETERS), color="red", lw=2) #plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4.5)) plt.figure() plt.title("Asymmetric Motion Response") plt.xlabel("Temporal Frequency (Hz)") plt.ylabel("Response (a.u.)") plt.xlim(-5., 5.) plt.ylim(-0.5, 1.1) class motion_response_pattern_wavelength(object): def __init__(self, optimal_frequency, asymmetry, pattern_wavelength, preferred_direction): assert preferred_direction in ["CW", "CCW"] if preferred_direction == "CW": self._sign = 1 else: self._sign = -1 self._fopt = optimal_frequency self._asym = asymmetry self._lambdap = pattern_wavelength def _mrpd(self, tf): return MotionResponsePD(tf, self._fopt) def __call__(self, omega): tf = self._sign * np.atleast_1d(omega) / self._lambdap sign = np.clip(np.sign(tf), -self._asym, 1) return sign * self._mrpd(np.abs(tf)) # Constant taken from Fig 1D MR_PARAMETERS["asymmetry"] = 0.4 # Motion responses of both cells: test_pattern_wavelength = np.pi / 4. mr_l = motion_response_pattern_wavelength(preferred_direction="CW", pattern_wavelength=test_pattern_wavelength, **MR_PARAMETERS) mr_r = motion_response_pattern_wavelength(preferred_direction="CCW", pattern_wavelength=test_pattern_wavelength, **MR_PARAMETERS) # Plot motion response omega = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1001) plt.plot(omega, mr_l(omega), "r", lw=2) # left cell plt.plot(omega, mr_r(omega), "b", lw=2) # right cell plt.figure() plt.title("Receptive Field") plt.xlabel("Angular Position (deg)") plt.ylabel("Response (a.u.)") plt.xlim(-180., 180.) plt.xticks([-180, -120, -60, 0, 60, 120, 180]) plt.ylim(0., 0.6) plt.yticks([8 / (5 * np.pi)], [u"8/5\u03C0"]) # Receptive Field from Fig 3C SCHNELL_RF3C2Y = np.array([0.12, 0.32, 0.38, 0.35, 0.28, 0.32, 0.33, 0.38, 0.40, 0.44, 0.50, 0.63, 0.72, 0.76, 0.83, 0.84, 0.87, 0.95, 0.95, 0.92, 0.90, 0.90, 0.86, 0.83, 0.72]) SCHNELL_RF3C2X = np.linspace(-42, 94, 25) RF_X = SCHNELL_RF3C2X RF_Y = SCHNELL_RF3C2Y / SCHNELL_RF3C2Y.max() * 8 / (5 * np.pi) RF_PARAMETERS = {"phi_max": np.radians(60.)} phi = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 101) def receptive_field(phi, phi_max): return 8 / (5 * np.pi) * np.cos((phi - phi_max) / 2.) ** 6 # Plot experimental data plt.plot(RF_X, RF_Y, color="black", marker="s", ls="", markersize=3.) plt.plot(np.degrees(phi), receptive_field(phi, **RF_PARAMETERS), "r-", lw=2) plt.figure() plt.title("Receptive Fields") plt.xlabel("Angular Position (deg)") plt.ylabel("Response (a.u.)") plt.xlim(-180., 180.) plt.xticks([-180, -120, -60, 0, 60, 120, 180]) plt.ylim(0., 0.6) plt.yticks([8 / (5 * np.pi)], [u"8/5\u03C0"]) # left cell plt.plot(np.degrees(phi), receptive_field(phi, **RF_PARAMETERS), "r-", lw=2) # right cell plt.plot(-np.degrees(phi), receptive_field(phi, **RF_PARAMETERS), "b-", lw=2) plt.figure() class receptive_field_figure_width(object): def __init__(self, figure_width, phi_max, position): assert 0 <= figure_width <= 2 * np.pi assert -np.pi <= phi_max <= np.pi assert position in ["left", "right"] self._fwhalf = figure_width / 2. self._phi_max = abs(phi_max) if position is "left" else -abs(phi_max) _root = sympy.integrate( 8 / (5 * sympy.pi) * sympy.cos( / 2) ** 6, self._rootfunc = sympy.lambdify(, _root, np) def __call__(self, phi, background=False): phi = phi - self._phi_max if not background: return (self._rootfunc(phi + self._fwhalf) - self._rootfunc(phi - self._fwhalf)) else: return (self._rootfunc(phi - self._fwhalf + 2 * np.pi) - self._rootfunc(phi + self._fwhalf)) class cell_response(object): def __init__(self, position, figure_width, pattern_wavelength_fg, pattern_wavelength_bg=np.inf): assert position in ["left", "right"] if position == "left": PD = "CW" else: PD = "CCW" self._mrf = motion_response_pattern_wavelength(preferred_direction=PD, pattern_wavelength=pattern_wavelength_fg, **MR_PARAMETERS) self._mrg = motion_response_pattern_wavelength(preferred_direction=PD, pattern_wavelength=pattern_wavelength_bg, **MR_PARAMETERS) self._rf = receptive_field_figure_width(position=position, figure_width=figure_width, **RF_PARAMETERS) def __call__(self, phi, omega_F, omega_G=0): return (self._rf(phi) * self._mrf(omega_F) + self._rf(phi, background=True) * self._mrg(omega_G)) class torque_response(object): def __init__(self, figure_width, pattern_wavelength_fg, pattern_wavelength_bg=np.inf, ct=1.0): self._hsl = cell_response("left", figure_width=figure_width, pattern_wavelength_fg=pattern_wavelength_fg, pattern_wavelength_bg=pattern_wavelength_bg) self._hsr = cell_response("right", figure_width=figure_width, pattern_wavelength_fg=pattern_wavelength_fg, pattern_wavelength_bg=pattern_wavelength_bg) self._ct = ct def __call__(self, phi, omega_F, omega_G=0): return self._ct * (self._hsl(phi, omega_F, omega_G) - self._hsr(phi, omega_F, omega_G)) phi, tf_sf = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 101), np.radians(22.5)*np.linspace(-6, 6, 101)) extents1f = [-180, 180, -6, 6] torque = torque_response(np.radians(22.5), np.radians(22.5)) response = torque(phi, tf_sf) plt.title("Predicted Small-Field Behavioural Response") plt.xlabel("Angular Position (deg)") plt.ylabel("Temporal Frequency (Hz)") im = plt.imshow(response, origin="lower", cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu_r"), extent=extents1f, aspect='auto') plt.colorbar(label="Response (a.u.)") fig = plt.figure() grid = mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.ImageGrid(fig, 111, (5, 2), axes_pad=0.1) phi, omega = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 101), np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 101)) lambdap = np.radians(22.5) widths = np.radians([360, 270, 180, 90, 45]) positions = ["left", "right"] griddata = {} for i, (w, p) in enumerate(itertools.product(widths, positions)): HS = cell_response(p, figure_width=w, pattern_wavelength_fg=lambdap) DATA = HS(phi, omega) griddata[i] = DATA VMAX, VMIN = 1, -1 for i, data in griddata.items(): grid[i].imshow(data, origin="lower", vmin=VMIN, vmax=VMAX, cmap=plt.get_cmap("RdBu_r")) grid[i].set_xticks([1, 51, 101]) grid[i].set_xticklabels([-180, 0, 180 if i == 9 else ""]) grid[i].set_yticks([1, 51, 101]) grid[i].set_yticklabels([-8, 0, 8 if i < 2 else ""]) grid[4].set_ylabel("Temporal Frequency (Hz)") grid[8].set_xlabel("Angular Position (deg)", x=1.) grid[0].set_title("left\ncell") grid[1].set_title("right\ncell") grid[1].text(115, 110, "figure\nwidth") grid[1].text(110, 40, "360 deg") grid[3].text(110, 40, "270 deg") grid[5].text(110, 40, "180 deg") grid[7].text(110, 40, "90 deg") grid[9].text(110, 40, "45 deg") plt.figure() FIGURE_WIDTH_DEG = 22.5 BACKGROUND_WAVELENGTH_DEG = 22.5 M0 = 0.1 def figure_potential(phi, omega_bg, figure_width, pwlbg, m0): rfl = receptive_field_figure_width(position="left", figure_width=figure_width, **RF_PARAMETERS) rfr = receptive_field_figure_width(position="right", figure_width=figure_width, **RF_PARAMETERS) bgl = cell_response("left", figure_width=figure_width, pattern_wavelength_fg=np.inf, pattern_wavelength_bg=pwlbg) bgr = cell_response("right", figure_width=figure_width, pattern_wavelength_fg=np.inf, pattern_wavelength_bg=pwlbg) return ((rfl(phi) - rfr(phi)) * m0 + (bgl(phi, 0, omega_G=omega_bg) - bgr(phi, 0, omega_G=omega_bg))) force = lambda phi, rho: -figure_potential(phi, rho, np.radians(FIGURE_WIDTH_DEG), np.radians(BACKGROUND_WAVELENGTH_DEG), M0) rho_deg = np.linspace(0, -0.5, 71) # The upper bound should be > 2*OMEGAC phi_deg = np.linspace(0, 180, 51) rho_rad = np.radians(rho_deg) phi_rad = np.radians(phi_deg) RHO_RAD, PHI_RAD = np.meshgrid(rho_rad, phi_rad) RHO_DEG, PHI_DEG = np.meshgrid(rho_deg, phi_deg) Z = force(PHI_RAD, RHO_RAD) extent = (rho_deg[0], rho_deg[-1], phi_deg[-1], phi_deg[0]) clim = 0.5 * max(abs(Z.max()), abs(Z.min())) plt.imshow(Z, aspect='auto', extent=extent, clim=(-clim, clim), cmap=plt.get_cmap("PiYG")) im = plt.colorbar(label='Torque (a.u.)') quadcontour = plt.contour(RHO_DEG, PHI_DEG, Z, colors='k', linestyles='dashed', linewidths=2, levels=[0.0]) OMEGAC = None # color stable branches in green for linecollection in quadcontour.collections: lines = linecollection.get_segments() for line in lines: brho, bphi = line.T bx, by = np.radians(line.T) OMEGAC = np.degrees(bx.min()) m2 = stability = (force(by - 0.01, bx) - force(by + 0.01, bx)) >= 0 plt.plot(brho[m2], bphi[m2], color='k', ls='-', lw=2) plt.xlim(rho_deg[0], 2 * OMEGAC) plt.xticks([0, OMEGAC, 2 * OMEGAC], ["0", "$\\omega_{c}$", "2$\\omega_{c}$"]) plt.xlabel("Background Velocity") plt.ylabel("Figure Position (deg)") plt.ylim(phi_deg[0], phi_deg[-1]) FIG_WIDTH_RAD = np.radians(FIGURE_WIDTH_DEG) GND_WL_RAD = np.radians(BACKGROUND_WAVELENGTH_DEG) def NEWpotential(figure_width, m0): N = 128 rfl = receptive_field_figure_width(position="left", figure_width=figure_width, **RF_PARAMETERS) rfr = receptive_field_figure_width(position="right", figure_width=figure_width, **RF_PARAMETERS) def _integral_part(phi): _rf = lambda x: (rfl(x) - rfr(x)) * m0 return scipy.integrate.fixed_quad(_rf, 0., phi)[0] DATA = [] for pos in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, N, endpoint=False): DATA.append(_integral_part(pos)) res = np.array(DATA + DATA + DATA) phi = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 4 * np.pi, 3 * N, endpoint=False) func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(phi, res) def _potential(phi): arg = (phi + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi return func(arg) return _potential def LINpotential(omega_bg, figure_width, pwlbg): N = 256 bgl = cell_response("left", figure_width=figure_width, pattern_wavelength_fg=np.inf, pattern_wavelength_bg=pwlbg) bgr = cell_response("right", figure_width=figure_width, pattern_wavelength_fg=np.inf, pattern_wavelength_bg=pwlbg) def Vstar(phi): _cmr = lambda x: -(bgl(x, 0, omega_G=omega_bg) - bgr(x, 0, omega_G=omega_bg)) return scipy.integrate.fixed_quad(_cmr, 0, phi)[0] DATA = [] phis = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, N + 1, endpoint=True) for phi in phis: DATA.append(Vstar(phi)) res = np.array(DATA) func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(phis, res) return func def Ustar(m0, omega_bg=0.0, fw=FIG_WIDTH_RAD, bwl=GND_WL_RAD): func0 = NEWpotential(fw, m0) func1 = LINpotential(omega_bg, fw, bwl) def _potential(x): ret = func1(x) - func0(x) if np.isscalar(ret): try: return ret.asscalar() except AttributeError: return ret else: return ret return _potential def probability(omega_bg, m0, d, c): N = 91 phis, dphi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, N, endpoint=False, retstep=True) eta = d / float(c) ustar = Ustar(m0, omega_bg) _f1 = lambda x: np.exp(-eta * ustar(x)) P = [] for phi in phis: f0 = np.exp(eta * ustar(phi)) f1, _ = scipy.integrate.quad(_f1, phi - 2 * np.pi, phi, epsabs=1e-3, epsrel=1e-3) P.append(f0 * f1) arr = np.array(P) arr = arr / arr.sum() return arr, ustar(phis) plt.figure() ax0 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 0)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 1)) ax0.set_xlabel("Figure Position (deg)") ax0.set_ylabel("Probability (%/deg)") DATA = [] rho_rad = rho_rad[::4] M = 1. * len(rho_rad) LC = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "FigureGroundPaper", [(0x05/255., 0x71/255., 0xB0/255., 1.0), (0xCA/255., 0x00/255., 0x20/255., 1.0)], N=len(rho_rad)) for i, rho in enumerate(rho_rad): PROB, POT = probability(rho, M0, 4., 0.01) N = len(PROB)/2 PROB = PROB/np.sum(PROB) * len(PROB) / 360. * 100. ax0.plot(np.linspace(-180, 180, 91, endpoint=False), np.roll(PROB, N), color=LC(i/M)) DATA.append(np.roll(PROB, N)) ax0.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax0.set_xlim(-180, 180) arr = np.vstack(DATA).T[::-1, :] ax1.imshow(arr, cmap=plt.get_cmap("Greys"), aspect='auto', interpolation="None", extent=[np.degrees(rho_rad[0]), np.degrees(rho_rad[-1]), -180, 180]) # color stable branches in green for linecollection in quadcontour.collections: lines = linecollection.get_segments() for line in lines: brho, bphi = line.T bx, by = np.radians(line.T) m2 = stability = (force(by - 0.01, bx) - force(by + 0.01, bx)) <= 0 ax1.plot(brho[m2], bphi[m2], color='w', ls='--', lw=4) ax1.plot(brho[~m2], bphi[~m2], color='w', ls='-', lw=4) ax1.plot(brho[m2], bphi[m2], color='k', ls='--', lw=2) ax1.plot(brho[~m2], bphi[~m2], color='k', ls='-', lw=2) ax1.set_ylim(-20, 80) ax1.set_xlim(rho_deg[0], 2*OMEGAC) ax1.set_xticks([0, OMEGAC, 2*OMEGAC]) ax1.set_xticklabels(["0", "$\\omega_{c}$", "2$\\omega_{c}$"]) ax1.set_xlabel("Background Velocity") ax1.set_ylabel("Figure Position (deg)", labelpad=-8)