%matplotlib inline from sympy import * from sympy.physics.quantum.circuitplot import CircuitPlot,labeller,Mz,CreateOneQubitGate from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import * from sympy.physics.quantum.qasm import Qasm CircuitPlot(CNOT(1,0),2) CircuitPlot(X(0),1) CircuitPlot(CPHASE(1,0),2) CircuitPlot(Z(0),1) VGate = CreateOneQubitGate('V') SqrtX = CreateOneQubitGate('sqrt-X','\sqrt{X}') CircuitPlot(SqrtX(0)*VGate(0),1) CircuitPlot(CGate(1,SqrtX(0)),2) class SqrtSWAP(TwoQubitGate): gate_name = 'sqrt-SWAP' gate_name_latex = u'\sqrt{SWAP}' # This doesn't work: # CircuitPlot(SqrtSWAP(0,1),2) CircuitPlot(CNOT(1,0)*H(1),2,labels=labeller(2)) q = Qasm('qubit q0','qubit q1','h q0','cnot q0,q1') q.plot() q = Qasm('qubit q_0','qubit q_1','h q_0','cnot q_0,q_1') q.plot() q = Qasm() q.qubit('q_0') q.qubit('q_1') q.h('q_0') q.cnot('q_0','q_1') q.plot() circuit = CGate(2,Z(0))*CGate(1,X(0))*Mz(2)*Mz(1)*H(2)*CNOT(2,1)*CNOT(1,0)*H(1) cp = CircuitPlot(circuit,3,labels=labeller(3)) # qasm version q = Qasm('qubit q_0','qubit q_1','qubit q_2','h q_1', 'cnot q_1,q_2','cnot q_0,q_1','h q_0', 'measure q_1','measure q_0', 'c-x q_1,q_2','c-z q_0,q_2') q.plot() CircuitPlot(CNOT(1,0)*CNOT(0,1)*CNOT(1,0),2,labels=labeller(2)) q = Qasm('qubit q_0','qubit q_1','cnot q_0,q_1','cnot q_1,q_0','cnot q_0,q_1') q.plot() CircuitPlot(SWAP(0,2)*H(0)* CGate((0,),S(1)) *H(1)*CGate((0,),T(2))*CGate((1,),S(2))*H(2),3,labels=labeller(3,'j')) # qasm version: q = Qasm("def c-S,1,'S'", "def c-T,1,'T'", "qubit j0", "qubit j1", "qubit j2", "h j0", "c-S j1,j0", "c-T j2,j0", "nop j1", "h j1", "c-S j2,j1", "h j2", "swap j0,j2") q.plot() # Note: you currently have to escape (double backslash) the \b and \t, # I guess b/c they're whitespace shortcuts class Rot1(OneQubitGate): gate_name = 'Rot' gate_name_latex = r'\begin{array}{ll}\cos\theta&-\sin\theta\end{array}' # This doesn't work: #CircuitPlot(Rot1(0),1) Can't stick a matrix in a qubit operator: ValueError: \begin{array}{ll}\cos\theta&-\sin\theta\end{array} ^ Unknown symbol: \begin (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) Doesn't work any better when I have $ at the beginning/end of the string. U = CreateOneQubitGate('U') CircuitPlot(Mz(0)*H(1)*CGate((0,1,3),U(2))*X(3)*CGateS((2,3),X(1)),4,labels=labeller(4,'j')) # Qasm version: q = Qasm("def c-U,3,'U'", "qubit j0", "qubit j1", "qubit j2", "qubit j3", "toffoli j0,j1,j2", "X j0", "c-U j2,j3,j0,j1", "H j2", "measure j3") q.plot() V = CreateOneQubitGate('V') CircuitPlot(CGate(1,V(0))*Mz(1)*H(1)*CGate(1,U(0))*H(1),2,labels=labeller(2)) # Qasm q = Qasm("def c-U,1,'U'","def c-V,1,'V'", "qubit q0","qubit q1", "H q0","c-U q0,q1","H q0", "measure q0","c-V q0,q1") q.plot() CircuitPlot(H(2)*H(2)*CGate(0,Z(2))*H(2)*CNOT(1,0)*CNOT(2,1)*CNOT(1,0)*CNOT(2,1)*H(1),3,labels=labeller(3)) #Qasm: q = Qasm("def c-Z,1,'Z'", "qubit q0,\psi","qubit q1,0","qubit q2,0", "H q1","cnot q0,q1","cnot q1,q2","cnot q0,q1","cnot q1,q2", "H q0","c-Z q2,q0","H q0","H q0") q.plot() SqrtX = CreateOneQubitGate('sqrt-X','\sqrt{X}') SqrtXdag = CreateOneQubitGate('sqrt-X-dag','\sqrt{X}^\dagger') CircuitPlot(CGate(2,SqrtX(0))*CNOT(2,1)*CGate(1,SqrtXdag(0))*CNOT(2,1)*CGate(1,SqrtX(0)),3,labels=labeller(3)) q = Qasm("def c-X,1,'\sqrt{X}'","def c-Xd,1,'{\sqrt{X}}^\dagger'", "qubit q0","qubit q1","qubit q2", "c-X q1,q2","cnot q0,q1","c-Xd q1,q2", "cnot q0,q1","c-X q0,q2") q.plot() # Only works if you convert the defboxes to defs and remove qubit s2: qasm_lines = """\ def CU,1,'U' def CU2,1,'U^2' def CU4,1,'U^4' def c-S,1,'S' def c-T,1,'T' qubit j0,0 # QFT qubits qubit j1,0 qubit j2,0 qubit s0 # U qubits h j0 # equal superposition h j1 h j2 CU4 j0,s0 # controlled-U CU2 j1,s0 CU j2,s0 h j0 # QFT c-S j0,j1 h j1 nop j0 c-T j0,j2 c-S j1,j2 h j2 nop j0 nop j0 nop j1 measure j0 # final measurement measure j1 measure j2""" q = Qasm(*qasm_lines.splitlines()) q.plot() CircuitPlot(Mz(1)*CPHASE(0,1),2,labels=['+','\psi']) CircuitPlot(Mz(0)*CNOT(1,0)*CPHASE(1,2),4,labels=['0','\phi','\psi','\psi']) CircuitPlot(Mz(2)*Mz(1)*CPHASE(1,2)*CPHASE(1,0)*CPHASE(3,2),4,labels=['\phi','+','+','\psi']) CircuitPlot(Mz(4)*H(4)*CNOT(4,0)*CNOT(4,1)*CNOT(4,2)*CNOT(4,3)*H(4),5,labels=['d_4','d_3','d_2','d_1','a_0']) CircuitPlot(Mz(4)*CNOT(0,4)*CNOT(1,4)*CNOT(2,4)*CNOT(3,4),5,labels=['d_4','d_3','d_2','d_1','a_0']) CircuitPlot(CNOT(6,0)*CNOT(5,4)*CNOT(3,2)*CNOT(5,1)*CNOT(3,0)*CNOT(6,2)*CNOT(6,4)*CNOT(3,0), 7,labels=["0","0","0","+","0","+","+"]) import operator def prod(c): return reduce(operator.mul, c, 1) steane_pairs = [(6,0),(5,4),(3,2),(5,1),(3,0),(6,2),(6,4),(3,0)] circuit2 = prod([CNOT(i,j) for i,j in steane_pairs]) labels=["0","0","0","+","0","+","+"] CircuitPlot(circuit2,7,labels=labels) circuit1 = prod([CNOT(i+7,j+7) for i,j in steane_pairs]) decoder = prod([CNOT(i+7,j+7) for i,j in reversed(steane_pairs)]) transverse = prod([CPHASE(i+7,i) for i in range(7)]) CircuitPlot(decoder*transverse*circuit2*circuit1,14,labels=labels+labels)