#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # This notebook is from: http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/plot_gabor.html # # Your assignment is simply to run it, sign your name, and send it to the TA # YOUR NAME: # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') #

Gabor filter banks for texture classification


In this example, we will see how to classify textures based on Gabor filter # banks. Frequency and orientation representations of the Gabor filter are similar # to those of the human visual system.


The images are filtered using the real parts of various different Gabor filter # kernels. The mean and variance of the filtered images are then used as features # for classification, which is based on the least squared error for simplicity.

# # In[2]: from __future__ import print_function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy import ndimage as ndi from skimage import data from skimage.util import img_as_float from skimage.filters import gabor_kernel def compute_feats(image, kernels): feats = np.zeros((len(kernels), 2), dtype=np.double) for k, kernel in enumerate(kernels): filtered = ndi.convolve(image, kernel, mode='wrap') feats[k, 0] = filtered.mean() feats[k, 1] = filtered.var() return feats def match(feats, ref_feats): min_error = np.inf min_i = None for i in range(ref_feats.shape[0]): error = np.sum((feats - ref_feats[i, :])**2) if error < min_error: min_error = error min_i = i return min_i # prepare filter bank kernels kernels = [] for theta in range(4): theta = theta / 4. * np.pi for sigma in (1, 3): for frequency in (0.05, 0.25): kernel = np.real(gabor_kernel(frequency, theta=theta, sigma_x=sigma, sigma_y=sigma)) kernels.append(kernel) shrink = (slice(0, None, 3), slice(0, None, 3)) brick = img_as_float(data.load('brick.png'))[shrink] grass = img_as_float(data.load('grass.png'))[shrink] wall = img_as_float(data.load('rough-wall.png'))[shrink] image_names = ('brick', 'grass', 'wall') images = (brick, grass, wall) # prepare reference features ref_feats = np.zeros((3, len(kernels), 2), dtype=np.double) ref_feats[0, :, :] = compute_feats(brick, kernels) ref_feats[1, :, :] = compute_feats(grass, kernels) ref_feats[2, :, :] = compute_feats(wall, kernels) print('Rotated images matched against references using Gabor filter banks:') print('original: brick, rotated: 30deg, match result: ', end='') feats = compute_feats(ndi.rotate(brick, angle=190, reshape=False), kernels) print(image_names[match(feats, ref_feats)]) print('original: brick, rotated: 70deg, match result: ', end='') feats = compute_feats(ndi.rotate(brick, angle=70, reshape=False), kernels) print(image_names[match(feats, ref_feats)]) print('original: grass, rotated: 145deg, match result: ', end='') feats = compute_feats(ndi.rotate(grass, angle=145, reshape=False), kernels) print(image_names[match(feats, ref_feats)]) def power(image, kernel): # Normalize images for better comparison. image = (image - image.mean()) / image.std() return np.sqrt(ndi.convolve(image, np.real(kernel), mode='wrap')**2 + ndi.convolve(image, np.imag(kernel), mode='wrap')**2) # Plot a selection of the filter bank kernels and their responses. results = [] kernel_params = [] for theta in (0, 1): theta = theta / 4. * np.pi for frequency in (0.1, 0.4): kernel = gabor_kernel(frequency, theta=theta) params = 'theta=%d,\nfrequency=%.2f' % (theta * 180 / np.pi, frequency) kernel_params.append(params) # Save kernel and the power image for each image results.append((kernel, [power(img, kernel) for img in images])) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=4, figsize=(5, 6)) plt.gray() fig.suptitle('Image responses for Gabor filter kernels', fontsize=12) axes[0][0].axis('off') # Plot original images for label, img, ax in zip(image_names, images, axes[0][1:]): ax.imshow(img) ax.set_title(label, fontsize=9) ax.axis('off') for label, (kernel, powers), ax_row in zip(kernel_params, results, axes[1:]): # Plot Gabor kernel ax = ax_row[0] ax.imshow(np.real(kernel), interpolation='nearest') ax.set_ylabel(label, fontsize=7) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) # Plot Gabor responses with the contrast normalized for each filter vmin = np.min(powers) vmax = np.max(powers) for patch, ax in zip(powers, ax_row[1:]): ax.imshow(patch, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.axis('off') plt.show() # In[ ]: