#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Food Energy Flows Exploratorium


A project by Dénes Csala and Sgouris Sgouridis at Lancaster University


Food Energy Flows Data Parser Notebook


This workbook will guide you through the mining, processing, formatting and saving the input data for the data analysis and visualizations. #


This is document has been created using IPython Notebook in the Anaconda distribution and it can be edited and run in active mode by clicking download in top right corner of this page. The code is partitioned into sections, called cells. When you are using this workbook in active mode, double-click on a cell to edit it and then run using Ctrl + Enter. Hitting Shift + Enter runs the code and steps into the next cell, while Alt + Enter runs the code and adds a new, empty cell. If you are running this notebook on a presonal computer, you will need a machine with at least 1GB of memory (2GB recommended) and a processor of 1GHz.




1. Data access


We start with importing the libraries that we are going to use into the Python workspace.

# In[3]: import numpy as np, requests, zipfile, StringIO, pandas as pd, json, copy #suppres warnings import warnings warnings.simplefilter(action = "ignore") # Afer importing the necessary libraries, we connect to the FAOSTAT database and define indicator paths. Alternatively, the *FAOSTAT* database is mirrored at the project website's data repository (FAOSTAT, has no directory listing access, just on a file-by-file basis). *FAOSTAT* offers the data in the format of zipped *CSV (comma-separated values)* files, and it has a separate file for each of their 17 domains. Should you choose to download the entire database to your local folder, please set the variable localpath to True and indicate this path in the masterpath variable. If you choose to use the online resources directly, please set localpath to False and use the appropiate masterpath (*FAOSTAT* or project website), as indicated below. Since the beginning of this project, *FAOSTAT* has changed their database access, this is reflected in the code below. It is recommended to use the alternative database mirror, tested to work with the code as of July 2015. # In[4]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # In[5]: masterpath = 'http://faostat3.fao.org/faostat-bulkdownloads/' #new FAOSTAT #masterpath = 'http://faostat.fao.org/Portals/_Faostat/Downloads/zip_files/' #old FAOSTAT #masterpath = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/531697/datarepo/Food-Energy/db/' #alternative for FAO database localpath=True if localpath: #local path for downloaded FAO database, only for developer purposes masterpath = 'E:/Dropbox (MIT)/Public/Food-Energy/db/' savepath = 'E:/Dropbox (MIT)/Public/Food-Energy/json/' indicators=[] #we store indicator name strings in this string array - do not touch indicators.append('Emissions_Agriculture_Energy_E_All_Data') #0 indicators.append('Inputs_Fertilizers_E_All_Data') #1 indicators.append('Resources_FertilizersArchive_E_All_Data') #2 indicators.append('Population_E_All_Data') #3 indicators.append('FoodBalanceSheets_E_All_Data') #4 indicators.append('Environment_Energy_E_All_Data') #5 indicators.append('Resources_Land_E_All_Data') #6 indicators.append('Trade_Crops_Livestock_E_All_Data') #7 # After defining the indicator names, we define the function get_data(ind,cols,icols) that loads the data from the respective *CSV* from inside the corresponding *ZIP* file into a *pandas* dataframe. This can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on your computer's performance. If you are running this notebook live and have access to paralell computing capabilites please turn them on at the *Clusters* tab of the main Ipython window. The syntax is slightly different for locally mirorred data and direct online access. By using compound indexing, we only load the relevant portions of the *CSV* files. The indicator oridnal (defined above) is passed with the argument ind, the argument cols defines which columns to load and icols defines which columns to use as indices and their hierarchy. Make sure you run the cells above first, as the get_data() function uses their output. The path variable is an array that containes 3 strings, in the following order: url or directory path, zip file name, csv file name (in case of *FAO*, the two last entries happend to coincide). The elements, items and units arguments are arrays of strings, providing different levels of data filtering, preserving order hierarchy. The new_get_data is the updated version of the function to support the changed *FAOSTAT API*. # In[6]: def get_data(path,cols=[],icols=[],elements=[],items=[],units=[]): if localpath: r = path[0]+path[1]+'.zip' #define name of zip file to read z = zipfile.ZipFile(r) #open zip file for access else: r = requests.get(path[0]+path[1]+'.zip') #define URL path of zip file to read z = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(r.content)) #stream web content of zip file to read if elements: if items: if units: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv'),usecols=cols,index_col=icols)\ .query('Element=='+repr(elements)+'and Item=='+repr(items)+'and Unit=='+repr(units))\ .drop('Unit', axis=1) else: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv'),usecols=cols,index_col=icols)\ .query('Element=='+repr(elements)+'and Item=='+repr(items)) else: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv'),usecols=cols,index_col=icols)\ .query('Element=='+repr(elements)) elif icols: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv'),usecols=cols,index_col=icols) elif cols: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv'),usecols=cols) else: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv')) # In[7]: def new_get_data(path,cols=[],icols=[],elements=[],items=[],units=[],years=[1961,2011]): if localpath: r = path[0]+path[1]+'.zip' #define name of zip file to read z = zipfile.ZipFile(r) #open zip file for access else: r = requests.get(path[0]+path[1]+'.zip') #define URL path of zip file to read z = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(r.content)) #stream web content of zip file to read yrrange=['Y'+repr(year) for year in range(years[0],years[1])] #keep only good years, drop fiscal years if elements: if items: if units: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv'),usecols=cols+yrrange,index_col=icols)\ .query('Element=='+repr(elements)+'and Item=='+repr(items)+'and Unit=='+repr(units))\ .drop('Unit', axis=1) else: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv'),usecols=cols+yrrange,index_col=icols)\ .query('Element=='+repr(elements)+'and Item=='+repr(items)) else: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv'),usecols=cols+yrrange,index_col=icols)\ .query('Element=='+repr(elements)) elif icols: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv'),usecols=cols+yrrange,index_col=icols) elif cols: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv'),usecols=cols+yrrange) else: return pd.read_csv(z.open(path[2]+'.csv')) # For this work, we will use the *Food Balance Sheets*, the *Emissions Agriculture Energy*, the *Fertilizers* and *Fertilizers Archive* and *Population* and *Import* modules of *FAOSTAT*. Prior to processing into a *pandas* dataframe with the above get_data or new_get_data function, we will refer to the data contained in the above modules as *datasets* (*Food Balance Sheets, Emissions Agriculture Energy, Fertilizers, Fertilizers Archive, Population, Import*). After processing and cleaning up, we will refer to them as *dataframes* (balance, energy, fertilizers, population, imports) and they will correspond to the actual *pandas dataframe* objects with idem names in the *Python* workspace. # # To optimize for speed, when loading the datasets into the dataframes, we will filter and only save the entries that are needed for the study, for each of the datasets. This is defined by elements and items arguments. On top of that, we use further customizations for certain datasets. The entries of the energy dataframe are provided both in units of *TJ* and *GWh*, but we will only use one of them. After filtering the dataframe for the selected unit, the entries of *Unit* colum can be dropped to conserve memory. For the balance dataframe, all *Item* entries are needed, hence no filtering is done on this column. # #

1.1. Energy

# # First, let's create the energy dataframe. Emissions Agriculture Energy is the second largest of the datasets, and processing can take anywhere from a few seconds in case of locally mirrored data, for up to 5 minutes or more in case of direct online access. (The balance dataframe will be the largest. It needs at least 1GB of memory. We will leave it to load last). We display only the first 5 items of the pandas dataframe returned by the get_data() function by calling head(). # In[5]: elements=['Consumption in Agriculture'] items=['Electricity', 'Energy for power irrigation']+['Motor Gasoline','Gas-Diesel oil', 'Natural gas (including LNG)',\ 'Fuel oil', 'Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)','Coal',\ 'Gas-diesel oils used in fisheries','Fuel oil used in fisheries'] units=['Terajoule'] energy = new_get_data([masterpath,indicators[0],indicators[0]],\ ['Country','Item','Element','Unit'],[0,2,1],elements,items,units,[1970,2012]) #extra processing for new FAO data tables energy.columns=range(1970,2012) energy=pd.DataFrame(energy.stack()) energy.index = energy.index.swaplevel(1, 3).swaplevel(2, 3) energy.index.names=([u'Country', 'Year', u'Element', u'Item']) energy.columns=['Value'] print energy.count() energy.head() #remove .head() to view all items # As we can see, there are *48184* entries in the returned energy dataframe. We are interested in categorizing the food energy flows based on their destinations, which is depicted under the *Element* or *Item* column, depending on the dataframe. In order to have a well-manageable *JSON* output, we will always index the data after countries and years first. Using hierarchical indexing over *Country, Year* and *Element* and/or *Item*, we obtain the reduced dataframes that contain the values of interest to us in the *Value* column. # # In the following cell, for demonstration purposes, we will display the data for *Brazil*, for the *earliest* available year. The *pandas* function xs creates a cross-section of a dataframe, indexed after the first argument (list of strings of indices) and with the hiercharchy defined by the second argument (list of integers *level*). # In[6]: #note that for energy, the categories that are of interest to us are stored in the Item column energy.xs(['Brazil',1980], level=[0,1]) #data availability is 1970-2011 #

1.2. Fertilizers

# # We repeat the operations for the *Fertilizers* and *Fertilizers Archive*, *Population*, *Food Balance Sheets* and *Import* modules. # (To conserve display space, we only dispaly the first 5 elements - i.e. *head* - of the dataframes.) #
For the fertilizer dataframes (fertilizers1, fertilizers2), the units are implicit (*tonnes*) and hence are not loaded to conserve memory. # In[7]: elements=['Consumption in nutrients'] items=['Potash Fertilizers (K20 total nutrients)', 'Phosphate Fertilizers (P205 total nutrients)',\ 'Nitrogen Fertilizers (N total nutrients)'] fertilizers1 = new_get_data([masterpath,indicators[1],indicators[1]],\ ['Country','Item','Element'],[0,2,1],elements,items,[],[2002,2013]) #note that for fertilizers1, the categories that are of interest to us are stored in the Item column #extra processing for new FAO data tables fertilizers1.columns=range(2002,2013) fertilizers1=pd.DataFrame(fertilizers1.stack()) fertilizers1.index = fertilizers1.index.swaplevel(1, 3).swaplevel(2, 3) fertilizers1.index.names=([u'Country', 'Year', u'Element', u'Item']) fertilizers1.columns=['Value'] fertilizers1.xs(['Brazil',2002], level=[0,1]).head() #remove .head() to view all items #data availability is 2002-2012 # In[8]: elements=['Consumption'] items=['Phosphate fertilizers', 'Potash fertilizers', 'Nitrogenous fertilizers'] fertilizers2 = get_data([masterpath,indicators[2],indicators[2]],\ ['Country','Item','Element','Year','Value'],[0,3,2,1],elements,items) #note that for fertilizers2, the categories that are of interest to us are stored in the Item column fertilizers2.xs(['Brazil',1961], level=[0,1]).head() #remove .head() to view all items #data availability is 1961-2002 #

1.3. Labor


In order to estimate labor energy, we create the population dataframe from the Population module of FAOSTAT.

# In[9]: elements=['Total economically active population in Agr','Total Population - Both sexes'] items=['Population - Est. & Proj.'] population = new_get_data([masterpath,indicators[3],indicators[3]],\ ['Country','Item','Element'],[0,2,1],elements,items,[],[1961,2051]) #note that for population, the categories that are of interest to us are stored in the Item column #extra processing for new FAO data tables population.columns=range(1961,2051) population=pd.DataFrame(population.stack()) population.index = population.index.swaplevel(1, 3).swaplevel(2, 3) population.index.names=([u'Country', 'Year', u'Element', u'Item']) population.columns=['Value'] population.xs(['Brazil',1980], level=[0,1]).head() #data availability is 1961-2050 for some countries, but mostly only 1980-2020 #

1.4. Food

# # Food balance sheets are the last items to load. Note that for the balance dataframe, the categories of interest are stored in the *Element* column. We also need to import the *ItemCode* column for categorization purposes. Hence the indexing order changes to 0,3,2. Just like in for the case of fertilizers, the units are implicit (*1000 tonnes*) and hence are not loaded to conserve memory. Due to the size of the balance dataframe, execution of the following cell can take several minutes to complete. # In[10]: elements=['Food supply (kcal/capita/day)','Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)']\ +['Feed','Food','Processing','Other uses','Seed','Waste',\ 'Import Quantity','Export Quantity','Stock Variation']\ +['Production'] itemfilter='(((2511<=ItemCode)&(ItemCode<=2782))\ |(ItemCode==2805)\ |(ItemCode==2899)\ |(ItemCode==2912)\ |(ItemCode==2948)\ |(ItemCode==2901)\ |(ItemCode==2960)\ |(ItemCode==2961))' balance = new_get_data([masterpath,indicators[4],indicators[4]],\ ['Country','Item','Element','Item Code'],[0,3,2],elements,[],[],[1961,2012]) #need to save ItemCodes for categorization #note that for balance, the categories that are of interest to us are stored in the Element column #extra processing for new FAO data tables balance.columns=['ItemCode']+range(1961,2012) balance=balance.query(itemfilter).set_index("ItemCode", append=True) balance=pd.DataFrame(balance.stack()).reset_index(level='ItemCode') balance.columns=['ItemCode','Value'] balance.index = balance.index.swaplevel(1, 3) balance.index.names=([u'Country', 'Year', u'Item', u'Element']) balance.xs(['Brazil',1961,'Maize and products'], level=[0,1,2])#.head() #data availability is 1961-2011 #

1.5. Imports

# # The value added imports of all agricultural products are the last items to load. Note that for the imports dataframe, the categories of interest are stored in the *Element* column. Just like the balance dataframe, execution of the following cell can take several minutes to complete. # In[8]: elements=['Import Value'] items=['Agricult.Products,Total'] imports = new_get_data([masterpath,indicators[7],indicators[7]],\ ['Country','Item','Element'],[0,2,1],elements,items,[],[1961,2012]) #note that for imports, the categories that are of interest to us are stored in the Element column #extra processing for new FAO data tables imports.columns=range(1961,2012) imports=pd.DataFrame(imports.stack()) imports.index = imports.index.swaplevel(1, 3).swaplevel(2, 3) imports.index.names=([u'Country', 'Year', u'Element', u'Item']) imports.columns=['Value'] imports.xs(['Brazil',1980], level=[0,1]).head() #data availability is 1961-2011 # In[9]: imports.loc['United Arab Emirates'] #

2. Processing


In the following section we convert the dataframes defined above into JSON format that can be read by the D3.js javascript framework for web visualization. Aside form the data manipulation, we also compute and add additional information such as caloric values and food category sums into the JSON files. The Sankey plugin of D3.js requires the input JSONs to be in a very specific format. All of them have to inclue at least the following key-value pairs:

# # # Later this has been extended to add support for the indvidual coloring of nodes, positioning in the horizontal plane, as well as value fixation. # # # # From this point forward, we will interchangibly refer to links as flows, due to the energetic aspect of the links. We will include additional information such as breakdown (stored under the key supply) or secondary flow values for a different type of category (stored under the key prod). As a first step, we define the function add_to_json(i,k,source,target,value,prod,supply) which will take numeric entries and create the JSON-like structure presented above. The conversion is made easy using Python dictionaries. The argument i defines the detail level at which we are passing the data and it is one of the following: #
  1. Food hypergroups
  2. #
  3. Food supergroups
  4. #
  5. FAO food groups
  6. #
  7. FAO crop groups
  8. #
# The argument k corresponds to the Python dictionary in the global variable data[i][k] to which the data will be written to. We will generate the following datasets: # # In[12]: def add_to_json(i,k,source,target,value,prod,supply,targetvalue=""): global groupdict global count global data if (~np.isnan(value)&(value!=0)): #only add non-zero and non-NaN values #update group dictionary if source not yet encountered if source not in groupdict[i][k].keys(): groupdict[i][k][source]=count[i][k] nodes_innerdict={} nodes_innerdict["name"]=source if (layer(k,source)!=-1): nodes_innerdict["layer"]=layer(k,source) if (color(k,source)!=""): nodes_innerdict["fill"]=color(k,source) data[i][k]["nodes"].append(nodes_innerdict) count[i][k] += 1 #update group dictionary if target not yet encountered if target not in groupdict[i][k].keys(): groupdict[i][k][target]=count[i][k] nodes_innerdict={} nodes_innerdict["name"]=target if (layer(k,target)!=-1): nodes_innerdict["layer"]=layer(k,target) if (color(k,target)!=""): nodes_innerdict["fill"]=color(k,target) if (targetvalue!=""): nodes_innerdict["value"]=targetvalue data[i][k]["nodes"].append(nodes_innerdict) count[i][k] += 1 links_innerdict={} links_innerdict["source"]=groupdict[i][k][source] links_innerdict["target"]=groupdict[i][k][target] links_innerdict["value"]=value links_innerdict["prod"]=prod links_innerdict["supply"]=supply data[i][k]["links"].append(links_innerdict) else: pass #print 'NaN',source,target # We define the main nodes, based on the flows of the *Food Balance Sheets*. An extension of these nodes is used when loading the data in *Section 1*. # In[13]: elements1=['Feed','Food','Processing','Other uses','Seed','Waste',\ 'Import Quantity','Export Quantity','Stock Variation','Production'] elements2=['Food supply (kcal/capita/day)','Food supply quantity (kg/capita/yr)'] fuels1=['Electricity', 'Energy for power irrigation'] fuels2=['Motor Gasoline','Gas-Diesel oil', 'Natural gas (including LNG)',\ 'Fuel oil', 'Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)','Coal'] fuels3=['Gas-diesel oils used in fisheries','Fuel oil used in fisheries'] fert1=['Phosphate fertilizers', 'Potash fertilizers', 'Nitrogenous fertilizers'] fert2=['Potash Fertilizers (K20 total nutrients)', 'Phosphate Fertilizers (P205 total nutrients)',\ 'Nitrogen Fertilizers (N total nutrients)'] # The code functions is structured into 5 *parts* over 2 *modules*: # # - *OUTPUT* module # - Food part # - Define food groups # - Calculate food flows # - *INPUT* module # - Fuels part # - Electricity # - Fossil fuels # - Fertilizers part # - Labor part # - Imports part # # This is followed by the main code section which calls the above parts and saves the data in the desired format. # # - Save data # - Main # # Then main code is executed within two for cycles that loop over all countries and years. All code parts take as arguments country and year. In the following we present the code parts one by one. Throughout code development it has been assumed that the order in which the *IPython cells* corresponding to the code parts defined below are run is preserved. Therefore we define the main procedure in *Section 3*, after everything else has been defined, including the save data procedure in *Section 2.6*. # #

2.1 Food part

# #

2.1.1. Define food groups

# # First we need to define the food groups, for all abstraction levels. In adition to the standard *FAOSTAT* categories, we use our own group definitions. These groups are referred to as *supergroups* throughout the code and are stored in the supergroup array since the *FAOSTAT* entries in the *Food Balance Sheets* dataset are already aggregated, such as *Apples & Products or Wheat & Products*. We will refer to individual entries of the balance dataframe as *food items* or *food item groups* bearing in mind that these do not represent individual crop types, but an already aggregated category, as per the FAOSTAT handbook. However, it is possible to retrive the production data for individual crops such as *Apples* or *Wheat Bran* from the *Production Crops* database by calling get_data(10), but this is outside the scope of this work and we will exclusively use the balance dataframe. # # To create our own classification with a comfortable detail level, as well as to doublecheck the *FAOSTAT* groupings, we use the *FAOSTAT* item codes, as per their handbook. Likewise, within a for loop we define the corresponding *supergroups* for all items for all abstraction levels and where applicable, also their *parent* groups: secondary food items have their origin in another food item, called a *parent*, such as *Feed* for *Animal Products* or *Processing* for *Oils*. This information will be stored in the supergroup and parent array variables, accesible globally. # In[14]: def food_groups(country, year): ############################################################################################### ###### FOOD PART - define food groups ###### ############################################################################################### # associate food items to their respective groups global supergroup #supergroup to which the food item group belongs to, #i.e. Fruits is the supergroup for Apples & Products global parent #certain food items have their origin in another food item, called a parent #i.e. Feed is the parent for Animal Products and Processing is the parent for Oils global gross #this is necessary for recording crop residues on the gross energy details level #precentage of crop that is unused but has energy residues remaining inside it, husk #http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160412004001564 #crop residue average energy content for burning 300kcal/100g #another possibility is to estimate from emissions and back-calculate #energy content from carbon #http://www.gutenberg.org/files/22657/22657-h/chapters/value.html#equn_18 for element in elements1+elements2: for i in balance.xs([country,year,element], level=[0,1,3]).T.iteritems(): fooditem = i[0] #choose column in which food item names are stored, might need to change it if "+" in fooditem: #simplify food names for the sake of visualization fooditem=fooditem[0:fooditem.find("+")-1] if "(" in fooditem: fooditem=fooditem[0:fooditem.find("(")-1] if "and products" in fooditem: fooditem=fooditem[0:fooditem.find("and products")-1] # if fooditem has not been encountered yet, assing its properties if fooditem not in supergroup[3].keys(): index = i[1][0] #choose column in which food group codes are stored, might need to change it parent[fooditem]='None' supergroup[3][fooditem]=fooditem #default supergroup is self supergroup[0][fooditem]='Fruits, Roots & Vegetables' for i in range (1,3): #assign default supergroup to all aggregate food items supergroup[i][fooditem]='Others' if ((2511<=index<=2659) | (index==2745) | (index==2805) | (index==2899) | (index==2912)): if ((2511<=index<=2520) | (index==2805)): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Cereals - Excluding Beer' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Cereals' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Cereals' parent[fooditem] = 'None' gross[fooditem] =gross[supergroup[0][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[1][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[2][fooditem]] = 1.0 elif (2531<=index<=2535): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Starchy Roots' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Starchy Roots' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Fruits, Roots & Vegetables' parent[fooditem] = 'None' gross[fooditem] =gross[supergroup[0][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[1][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[2][fooditem]] = 0.25 elif (2536<=index<=2537): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Sugar Crops' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Sugar Crops' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Sugar Crops' parent[fooditem] = 'None' gross[fooditem] =gross[supergroup[0][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[1][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[2][fooditem]] = 0.2 elif ((2541<=index<=2543)|(index==2745)): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Sugar & Sweeteners' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Sugar' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Sugar' parent[fooditem] = 'Processing' elif (2546<=index<=2549): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Pulses' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Fruits & Vegetables' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Fruits, Roots & Vegetables' parent[fooditem] = 'None' gross[fooditem] =gross[supergroup[0][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[1][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[2][fooditem]] = 0.5#1.0 elif (2555<=index<=2570): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Oilcrops' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Oilcrops' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Oilcrops' parent[fooditem] = 'None' gross[fooditem] =gross[supergroup[0][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[1][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[2][fooditem]] = 0.5#1.0 elif (2571<=index<=2586): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Vegetable Oils' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Vegetable Oils' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Vegetable Oils' parent[fooditem] = 'Processing' elif (2601<=index<=2605): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Vegetables' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Fruits & Vegetables' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Fruits, Roots & Vegetables' parent[fooditem] = 'None' gross[fooditem] =gross[supergroup[0][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[1][fooditem]]\ =gross[supergroup[2][fooditem]] = 0.5#1.0 elif (2611<=index<=2625): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Fruits - Excluding Wine' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Fruits & Vegetables' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Fruits, Roots & Vegetables' parent[fooditem] = 'None' elif (2630<=index<=2635): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Stimulants' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Others' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Fruits, Roots & Vegetables' parent[fooditem] = 'None' elif (2640<=index<=2645): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Spices' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Others' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Fruits, Roots & Vegetables' parent[fooditem] = 'None' elif (2655<=index<=2659): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Alcoholic Beverages' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Other Processed' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Other Processed' parent[fooditem] = 'Processing' elif (index==2899): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Miscellaneous' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Others' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Fruits, Roots & Vegetables' parent[fooditem] = 'None' elif (index==2912): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Treenuts' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Fruits & Vegetables' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Fruits, Roots & Vegetables' parent[fooditem] = 'None' elif ((2731<=index<=2782) | (index==2945)| (index==2948) | (index==2949) | (index==2961)): if (2731<=index<=2736): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Meat' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Animal Products' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Animal Products' parent[fooditem] = 'Feed' elif (2737<=index<=2743): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Animal Fats' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Other Processed' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Other Processed' parent[fooditem] = 'Processing' elif (index==2744): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Eggs' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Animal Products' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Animal Products' parent[fooditem] = 'Feed' elif (2761<=index<=2768): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Fish, Seafood' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Aquatic Products' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Aquatic Products' parent[fooditem] = 'Feed' elif ((2769<=index<=2775)|(index==2961)): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Aquatic Products, Other' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Aquatic Products' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Aquatic Products' parent[fooditem] = 'Feed' elif (2781<=index<=2782): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Animal Fats' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Other Processed' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Other Processed' parent[fooditem] = 'Processing' elif (index==2948): supergroup[2][fooditem] = 'Milk - Excluding Butter' supergroup[1][fooditem] = 'Animal Products' supergroup[0][fooditem] = 'Animal Products' parent[fooditem] = 'Feed' #section for variables which only have a secondary flow (from Feed or Processing) #currently only Palm Oil because it only belongs to Processing, no other categories #need to create (practically non-food) super crop flow supergroup[0]["Oil Palm"]=supergroup[1]["Oil Palm"]=supergroup[2]["Oil Palm"]='Oilcrops' supergroup[3]["Oil Palm"]='Oil Palm' parent["Oil Palm"]='None' #create supergroups of supergroups supergroup[2][supergroup[2][fooditem]] = supergroup[2][fooditem] supergroup[2][supergroup[1][fooditem]] = supergroup[2][fooditem] supergroup[2][supergroup[0][fooditem]] = supergroup[2][fooditem] supergroup[1][supergroup[2][fooditem]] = supergroup[1][fooditem] supergroup[1][supergroup[1][fooditem]] = supergroup[1][fooditem] supergroup[1][supergroup[0][fooditem]] = supergroup[1][fooditem] supergroup[0][supergroup[2][fooditem]] = supergroup[0][fooditem] supergroup[0][supergroup[1][fooditem]] = supergroup[0][fooditem] supergroup[0][supergroup[0][fooditem]] = supergroup[0][fooditem] #create parents of supergroups parent[supergroup[0][fooditem]]=parent[supergroup[1][fooditem]]=\ parent[supergroup[2][fooditem]]=parent[fooditem] # Before every section, we conduct a data profiling - this meas we interpolate the missing values of the dataframe using data from the neighboring countries or global values. This is the food_profiling, which eliminates *0* and *NaN* values from the dataframes. Food values are an exception compared to the rest of energy data as they are not interpolated. # In[15]: def food_profiling(country): y={} for i in balance.loc[country].T.iteritems(): #make just one call, filter to country, superfast foodvalue=i[1][0] #choose column in which food item values are stored if (~np.isnan(foodvalue)&(foodvalue!=0)): year = int(i[0][0]) #choose column in which years are stored element = i[0][2] #choose column in which element names are stored fooditem = i[0][1] #choose column in which food item names are stored, might need to change it if "+" in fooditem: #simplify food names for the sake of visualization, remove +,(),'and products' fooditem=fooditem[0:fooditem.find("+")-1] if "(" in fooditem: fooditem=fooditem[0:fooditem.find("(")-1] if "and products" in fooditem: fooditem=fooditem[0:fooditem.find("and products")-1] if element not in y: y[element]={} if year not in y[element]: y[element][year]={} y[element][year].update({fooditem:foodvalue}) #no interpolation for indiviudal food items return y #

2.1.2. Calculate food flows

# # The next part is perhaps the most susbtantial part of this work, the calculation of the food energy and weight flows. It is structured into 3 sections: # # - Calculate caloric values of food items # - Extract supply weight data for food items # - Calculate energy data for food items # #

Caloric values

# # The function food_cal returns caloric value for food items and their supergroups on all detail levels, using the per capita food supply information in *kcal/day/person* and *kg/year/person* from the balance dataframe. It starts by filtering the dataframe to the country and year of interest and then extracts the values under query using an auxiliary array of length 2 counter. If an exact match is not found in either of dataframe columns (energy or supply values), then the supergroup value is attributed. E.g. if is there is no data for *Maize* in either of the columns, then the values of the aggregate group *Cereals* are attrbiuted, trying for the smaller supergroup (detail level 2) first. If data is completely non-existent for an entire supergroup for one country, then global values are used. In the very rare case that even global values do not exist, then a standard *100kcal/100g* caloric value is attributed to the food item. The function returns the *dictionary* foodcalorie which has the food items as *keys* and their respective caloric values as entries. # In[16]: def food_cal_profiling(country): ############################################################################################### ###### FOOD PART - Calculate caloric values of food items ###### ############################################################################################### #extract food item caloric values foodcalorie={} if (set(food_extended.keys()).intersection(set(elements2))==set(elements2)): for year in food_extended[elements2[0]].keys(): if year in food_extended[elements2[1]].keys(): for fooditem in food_extended[elements2[0]][year].keys(): if fooditem in food_extended[elements2[1]][year].keys(): if fooditem not in {'Grand Total'}: if fooditem not in foodcalorie: foodcalorie[fooditem]={} energy = food_extended[elements2[0]][year][fooditem] weight = food_extended[elements2[1]][year][fooditem] foodcalorie[fooditem].update({year:[100*energy/(weight*1000/365.25)]}) #kcal / 100g : energy / supply, need to transfrom from kg/year/capita to g/day/capita for k in range(3): if supergroup[k][fooditem] not in foodcalorie: foodcalorie[supergroup[k][fooditem]]={} if year not in foodcalorie[supergroup[k][fooditem]]: foodcalorie[supergroup[k][fooditem]][year]=[] foodcalorie[supergroup[k][fooditem]][year].append(100*energy/(weight*1000/365.25)) #create supergroup values for i in foodcalorie.keys(): for j in foodcalorie[i].keys(): foodcalorie[i][j]=np.median(foodcalorie[i][j]) return foodcalorie #

Supply and energy data

# # The food_part function extract food item flows from the balance dataframe and saves them into the global variable data using the add_to_json function, effectively creating the core structure of the *FEF* *Sankey* diagram. The function iteratively adds the flows by filtering the dataframe after the entries of elements string array, which contains the designations of the nodes (such as *Feed* or *Processing*) and looping through it item-by-item. The core logic of the food_part function follows the following sequence: # # - Access and extract food item name and value in *1000 tonnes*. # - Using the specific energy content from the foodcalorie variable, calculate energy values (and subsequently convert to *TWh*). # - Populate item dictionary isum with numeric entries, for all detail levels. # - After all food items have been parsed, create links from them to the element (i.e. node) under iteration. # # This will create the links for the highest detail level where the supergroups will only contain the food items tehmselves. In the next section of the function, aggregated and special links are added: # # - Supergroup item aggregations are calculated and saved in the supersum variable for all remaining detail levels. # - Aggregations are also calculated for non-primary food items (i.e. those with a *parent*) and the parent-to-fooditem links are added. # - Eventually special links are dealt with: # - Crop residues (which only exist for a certain detail level) # - Processed foods of animal origin (which would have two *parents*, both *Processed* and *Feed*) # - Oil palm (Only the end product *Palm Oil* is included in the *FAO* database, with oil palm not being a food item, but necessary to maintain the energy balance of the model). # # Finally the share of primary crops is calculated and saved in the global variable share for all detail levels, necessary for the proportionate distribution of fossil inputs. # In[17]: def food_part(country, year): ############################################################################################### ###### FOOD PART - Extract supply data and calculate energy data ###### ############################################################################################### global foodinput #summation variables for EROEI calculation global foodoutput #extract supply data and calculate energy data global data global supersum #auxiliary dictionaries for use, with accurate preassigned dimensions #dictionary to record item parent sums helperdict = [[{} for k in range(m)] for i in range(n)] palmsum = 0 for element in elements1: #discard world level imports and exports. they should balance out. if ((country=="World") & (element in {"Import Quantity", "Export Quantity"})): continue #dictionary to keep track of item sums in case of aggregations, based on the supergroup isum=[[{} for i in range(m)] for j in range(n)] if element in food_extended.keys(): if year in food_extended[element].keys(): for fooditem in food_extended[element][year].keys(): foodvalue = food_extended[element][year][fooditem] #try to set default caloric value equal to global values try: foodcal=food_cal_world[fooditem][year] #fooditem was not found, set default caloric value, necessary to handle exceptions except: foodcal=100 #check if caloric value has been obtained for fooditem, attempt to get from supergroup otherwise if fooditem in foodcalorie.keys(): if year in foodcalorie[fooditem].keys(): foodcal=foodcalorie[fooditem][year] else: if supergroup[2][fooditem] in foodcalorie.keys(): if year in foodcalorie[supergroup[2][fooditem]].keys(): foodcal=foodcalorie[supergroup[2][fooditem]][year] elif supergroup[1][fooditem] in foodcalorie.keys(): if year in foodcalorie[supergroup[1][fooditem]].keys(): foodcal=foodcalorie[supergroup[1][fooditem]][year] elif supergroup[0][fooditem] in foodcalorie.keys(): if year in foodcalorie[supergroup[0][fooditem]].keys(): foodcal=foodcalorie[supergroup[0][fooditem]][year] energyvalue=foodvalue*foodcal*0.00116222222/100 #TWh = 1000tons * kcal/100g # 10^9) /100g * 0.00116222222 kwh/kcal *10^-9 TWh/kWh #define sequence of variable assignemt over k axis sequence=[] for k in range(m-1): sequence.append(energyvalue) sequence.append(foodvalue) #sum all links going into food for small Sankey EROEI representation if (element=="Food"): for k in range(m-1): if (k!=2): foodoutput["Food"][k]+=sequence[k] if (element=="Export Quantity"): for k in range(m-1): if (k!=2): foodoutput["Export"][k]+=sequence[k] if (element=="Import Quantity"): for k in range(m): #foodinput[k]+=sequence[k] #old, discounted version foodimport[k]+=sequence[k] #auxiliary variable for Palm Oil processing if fooditem=="Palm Oil": palmsum=energyvalue if (element=="Stock Variation"): if (sequence[0]<0): #decide whether is a stock deposit or withdrawal for k in range(m-1): #food weight handled sepparately if (k!=2): foodoutput["Stock Deposit"][k]+=-sequence[k] else: for k in range(m-1): #food weight handled sepparately if (k!=2): foodinput[k]+=sequence[k] foodinput2["Stock Draw"][k]+=sequence[k] if (element=="Other uses"): for k in range(m-1): if (k!=2): foodoutput["Biofuels & Other"][k]+=sequence[k] if (element=="Production"): if parent[fooditem]=="None": foodoutput["Food"][2]+=sequence[2] foodoutput["Food"][m-1]+=sequence[m-1] #for WROWI - Seeds are input if (element=="Seed"): if (parent[fooditem]=="None"): foodinput[m-1]+=sequence[m-1] foodinput2["Seed"][m-1]+=sequence[m-1] #save food item values for detail levels 1-3 (level 4 is currently not in use) isum = food_isum(country,year,element,fooditem,sequence,isum) #create links food_links(country,year,element,isum) #create aggregate values for all items detail levels 1-4 helperdict = food_aggregate(country,year,element,isum,helperdict) #create parent links parentsum = food_parent(country,year,helperdict) #create special links #add extra links needed for processed foods of animal origin food_animal(country,year,parentsum) #add links for crop residues food_residue(country,year) #Palm Oil only belongs to Processing, no other categories #Create Oil Palm (practically non-food) parent crop flow food_palm(country,year,palmsum) #calculate crops share for energy input distribution food_share(country,year) #

Food item values

# # The function food_isum progressively (has itself as an argument) creates a *dictionary* that eventually will contain food item names as *keys* and their values as entries. This process is repeatd for every element. Food item names are passed through the fooditem argument, whereas their values in the sequence variable of length *m*, corresponding to the number of different datasets the user wants to create. Currently *m = 4* and it contains food item energy values on indices *0,1,2* and weight values on the last index position. Based on the element, some modifications are made: # # - Import becomes a source not a sink node. # - Stock Variation is treated either as sink or source, based on its polarity. The node name is also modified correspondigly. # In[18]: def food_isum(country,year,element,fooditem,sequence,isum): #save fooditem values for detail levels 1-3 (level 4 is currently not in use) - was put back in for i in range(n): #save food item values over different groups #save components for the piechart breakdown (isum) for k in range(m): if (element=="Import Quantity"): if parent[fooditem]!="None": target=parent[fooditem] else: target=supergroup[i][fooditem] target="Import"+target elif (element=="Stock Variation"): if sequence[k]<0: target="Stock Deposit"+supergroup[i][fooditem] else: if parent[fooditem]!="None": target=parent[fooditem] else: target=supergroup[i][fooditem] target="Stock Draw"+target else: target=supergroup[i][fooditem] if target in isum[i][k].keys(): isum[i][k][target].append({"l":fooditem, "v":abs(sequence[k])}) else: isum[i][k][target]=[{"l":fooditem, "v":abs(sequence[k])}] return isum #

Food item links

# # The food_links function iterates through the entries of the isum dictionary (i.e. food items for which data exists and it has been added for certain country, for a certain year) and saves them in the global data variable by invoking the add_to_json function. In some cases, node names (given by the element argument) are altered for clarity and better legibility. # In[19]: def food_links(country,year,element,isum): #create links for i in range(n): for k in range(m): for j in isum[i][k].keys(): #second index for isum can be any, keys dont change over k source=j if (element=="Seed"): #replace 'Seed' group with self-loops if ((k==m-1)&(parent[j]=="None")): #except in weight view target=element else: target=j elif (element=="Other uses"): #rename 'Other uses' group to Biofuels & Other target="Biofuels & Other" elif (element=="Export Quantity"): #rename 'Export Quantity' group to Export target="Export" elif ("Import" in j): #rename 'Import Quantity' group to Import and reverse links source="Import" target=j[j.find("Import")+6:len(j)] elif ("Stock Draw" in j): #identify 'Stock Draw' and reverse links source="Stock Draw" target=j[j.find("Stock Draw")+10:len(j)] elif ("Stock Deposit" in j): #identify 'Stock Deposit' links target="Stock Deposit" source=j[j.find("Stock Deposit")+13:len(j)] else: target=element if (k==m-1): c=0 else: c=m-1 if (element!="Production"): if (k!=m-2): #if not only agri-system add_to_json(i,k,source,target,sum([w['v'] for w in isum[i][k][j]]),\ sum([w['v'] for w in isum[i][c][j]]),isum[i][k][j]) #Production elif (k==m-2): #if only agri-system if (parent[j]=="None"): add_to_json(i,k,source,target,sum([w['v'] for w in isum[i][k][j]]),\ sum([w['v'] for w in isum[i][c][j]]),isum[i][k][j]) elif (k==m-1): #if onlyfood weight if (parent[j]=="None"): add_to_json(i,k,target,source,sum([w['v'] for w in isum[i][k][j]]),\ sum([w['v'] for w in isum[i][c][j]]),isum[i][k][j]) #

Supergroup links

# # The food_aggregate function populates the supersum dictionary by aggregating links for all detail levels into their supergroups (themselves for detail level 3). In additions, it also creates sums of the links going into a certain node and saves these into the helperdict dictionary. This is necessary for adding parent links and special links later on. # In[20]: def food_aggregate(country,year,element,isum,helperdict): #create aggregate values for all items for i in range(n): for k in range(m): for j in isum[i][k].keys(): #if link is not a parent aggregation itself if (("Import" not in j) and ("Stock Draw" not in j)): if ("Stock Deposit" in j): p=j[13:] else: p=j if ((k!=m-2)&(element!="Production")): #if not only agri-system #do not include seed values in parent links if not ((parent[p]!="None")&(element=="Seed")): if p in supersum[i][k].keys(): supersum[i][k][p]+=sum([w['v'] for w in isum[i][k][j]]) else: supersum[i][k][p]=sum([w['v'] for w in isum[i][k][j]]) #create breakdowns for parent links detail levels 1-4 if (parent[p]!="None"): if parent[p] in helperdict[i][k].keys(): if supergroup[i][p] in helperdict[i][k][parent[p]]: helperdict[i][k][parent[p]][supergroup[i][p]].append(isum[i][k][j]) else: helperdict[i][k][parent[p]][supergroup[i][p]]=[isum[i][k][j]] else: helperdict[i][k][parent[p]]={supergroup[i][p]:[isum[i][k][j]]} #on agri-system level only include production values for crops with no parent links elif ((parent[p]=="None")&(element=="Production")): if p in supersum[i][k].keys(): supersum[i][k][p]+=sum([w['v'] for w in isum[i][k][j]]) else: supersum[i][k][p]=sum([w['v'] for w in isum[i][k][j]]) return helperdict #

Parent links

# # The food_parent function iterates through the entries of the helperdict dictionary (i.e. food items with parent nodes) and saves them in the global data variable by invoking the add_to_json function. The diagram has been designed so that flows which terminate at nodes that are parents for other flows will represent the breakdown of the aggregate of items departing from the parent node. Therefore a flow containing the food item *Milk* going from *Feed* to *Animal Products* might have *Milk* in the *Animal Products* to *Food* and *Animal Products* to *Waste* flows, but it's depicted proportion in the *Feed* to *Animal Products* flow will correspond to the sum of the *Animal Products* to *Food* and *Animal Products* to *Waste* flows. Also in order to preserve the energetic equilibrium of the flows, a flow with source in the nodes *Import* or *Stock Draw* that cocntains *Milk* among its elements will have *Feed* as its sink. # In[21]: def food_parent(country,year,helperdict): #create parent links global parentsum parentsum = [[{} for k in range(m)] for i in range(n)] for i in range(n): for k in range(m): for d in helperdict[i][k].keys(): for e in helperdict[i][k][d].keys(): mydict={} for f in helperdict[i][k][d][e]: for j in f: if j['l'] in mydict: mydict[j['l']]+=j['v'] else: mydict[j['l']]=j['v'] if d in parentsum[i][k]: if e in parentsum[i][k][d]: parentsum[i][k][d][e]=[{'l':p,'v':mydict[p]} for p in mydict.keys()] else: parentsum[i][k][d].update({e:[{'l':p,'v':mydict[p]} for p in mydict.keys()]}) else: parentsum[i][k].update({d:{e:[{'l':p,'v':mydict[p]} for p in mydict.keys()]}}) if (k==m-1): c=0 else: c=m-1 if (k!=m-2): #if not only agri-system try: add_to_json(i,k,d,e,supersum[i][k][e],supersum[i][c][e],parentsum[i][k][d][e]) except: pass return parentsum #

Crop residues

# # The food_residue function calculates food residues and add the corresponding links from food items to the *Crop Residue* node. Cros residue fractions are stroed in the global variable gross and they represent the fraction of the plant mass that can be further used for energy harvesting (mainly through combustion) pruposes. This is logcially restricted to primary crops only. # # Detail levels 0 and 1 differ by the the former incorporating crop residue links into the diagram. However, the estimation of crop residue fraction is highly subejctive and uncertain and it depends on the type of crop and the measuring method used. Therefore the scope of this detail level is only orientative. It can provide the reader with a very accurate general picture of the food energy system, but the actual crop residue mass values might differ. Estimating the accurate energy content of crop residues also repsents a challenge as it depends on the type of energy-extraction method used. Here we estimate the energy that a crops may yield after only stage of energy conversion - which in most of the cases will be conversion to heat energy through burning. An average heat energy content of *300kcal/100g* has been used throughout the crop spectrum, corresponding to typical caloric values of rice husk/straw/dry grass. Therefore, the calculated crop residue mass is multiplied by the *300* / foodcalorie ratio, where foodcalorie is the energy content of the each food item. # # Crop residue values are saved in the residue dictionary and subsequently added to the global data variable. For detail level 0, the crop residues are counted as usable energy, therefore they influence the *EROEI* - this is reflected by adding their sum to the global variable foodoutput. # In[22]: def food_residue(country,year): #add links for crop residues global foodoutput residue=[{} for i in range(n)] for i in range(n): for j in supersum[3][m-1].keys(): #process only primary crops if (parent[j]=="None"): if j in gross.keys(): #adjust for fact that crop residues are burnt #therefore have a rather uniform energy content (300) try: calorie_multiplier=300/foodcalorie[j][year] except: try: calorie_multiplier=300/foodcalorie[supergroup[1][j]][year] except: calorie_multiplier=1 cr_en=supersum[3][0][j]*gross[j]*calorie_multiplier if supergroup[i][j] in residue[i].keys(): residue[i][supergroup[i][j]].append({'l':j,'v':cr_en}) else: residue[i][supergroup[i][j]]=[{'l':j,'v':cr_en}] for j in residue[i].keys(): try: calorie_multiplier=300/foodcalorie[j][year] except: try: calorie_multiplier=300/foodcalorie[supergroup[1][j]][year] except: calorie_multiplier=1 cr_en=supersum[i][0][j]*gross[j]*calorie_multiplier cr_su=supersum[i][m-1][j]*gross[j] add_to_json(i,0,j,"Crop Residue",cr_en,cr_su,residue[i][j]) if (i==0): foodoutput["Crop Residue"][0]+=cr_en #

Processed foods of animal origin

# # Processed foods of animal origin represent a special types of links because them having two parent nodes, both *Processed* and *Feed*. Therefore extra links between the nodes *Feed* and *Processed* need to be added. The *FAO* supergroup for these food items is called *Animal Fats*. The function food_animal looks for the existence of such a key in the supersum dictionary and saves the extra links into data if needed. # In[23]: def food_animal(country,year,parentsum): #add extra links needed for processed foods of animal origin for i in range(n): for k in range(m): if (k==m-1): c=0 else: c=m-1 if (k!=m-2): #if not only agri-system if "Animal Fats" in supersum[1][k].keys(): add_to_json(i,k,"Feed","Processing",supersum[1][k]["Animal Fats"],\ supersum[1][c]["Animal Fats"],parentsum[1][k]["Processing"]["Animal Fats"]) #

Oil palm

# # Palm oil represents a special category, as it is a secondary (processed) food product, but it does not have an originating primary crop. Therefore the *Oil Palm* primary food crop has to be created artificially, using consistent number and processing ratios with other oil crops and a 50% oil extraction ratio in lack of these. # In[24]: def food_palm(country,year,palmsum): #Palm Oil only belongs to Processing, no other categories #Create Oil Palm (practically non-food) parent crop flow adjuster=1/0.5 #if no data assume 50% oil extraction ratio from palm, otherwise based on other oilcrops for i in range(n): for k in range(m): if "Palm Oil" in supersum[3][k].keys(): #if not all of Palm Oil is imported if supersum[3][0]["Palm Oil"]>palmsum: try: #if ((supersum[0][0]["Vegetable Oils"]-supersum[3][0]["Palm Oil"]!=0) & \ #("Oilcrops" in supersum[0][0].keys())): #if ((i==0)&(k==0)): #need to adjust for average oil products processing rate, only once #adjuster = supersum[i][k]["Oilcrops"]/\ # (supersum[0][0]["Vegetable Oils"]-supersum[3][0]["Palm Oil"]) #old version, just use universal value instead value=(supersum[3][0]["Palm Oil"]-palmsum)*adjuster #if "Oilcrops" in foodcalorie.keys(): cal=foodcalorie["Oilcrops"][year] #else: cal=300 #old version, just use global average instead cal=365.25 prod=value/(cal*0.00116222222/100) #use average Oilcrop energy content to calculate Palm Oil weight if (k==m-1): #if in weight group, then swap values value, prod = prod, value if ((i<(n-1)) & ("Oilcrops" in groupdict[i][k].keys()) & \ ("Oilcrops" in supersum[i][k].keys())): for w in data[i][k]['links']: if ((w['source']==groupdict[i][k]["Oilcrops"]) & \ (w['target']==groupdict[i][k]["Processing"])): w['value']+=value w['prod']+=prod w['supply'].append({'l':"Oil Palm", 'v':value}) supersum[i][k]["Oilcrops"]+=value if (k==1): for w in data[i][2]['links']: if ((w['source']==groupdict[i][2]["Oilcrops"]) & \ (w['target']==groupdict[i][2]["Production"])): w['value']+=value w['prod']+=prod w['supply'].append({'l':"Oil Palm", 'v':value}) supersum[i][2]["Oilcrops"]+=value for w in data[i][3]['links']: if ((w['source']==groupdict[i][3]["Production"]) & \ (w['target']==groupdict[i][3]["Oilcrops"])): w['value']+=prod w['prod']+=value w['supply'].append({'l':"Oil Palm", 'v':prod}) supersum[i][3]["Oilcrops"]+=prod #questionable if (i==1): #add production link, only once foodoutput["Food"][2]+=value add_to_json(3,2,"Oil Palm","Production",value,prod,[{'l':"Oil Palm", 'v':value}]) supersum[3][2]["Oil Palm"]=value else: if (i<(n-1)): source="Oilcrops" else: source="Oil Palm" supersum[i][k][source]=value if (kCrop Share # # Calculate primary crop shares in weight. These values are used later for a proportional distribution of fossil fuel and electricity inputs into agriculture. This information is saved into the share variable, for all dimensions and all crops. # In[25]: def food_share(country,year): #calculate crops share for energy input distribution global foodinput #summation variable for EROEI calculation global share for i in range(n): crop=[0 for k in range(m)] for k in range(m): for j in supersum[i][k].keys(): if (parent[j]=='None'): #calculate primary crops share - parentless entries crop[k]+=supersum[i][k][j] for k in range(m): for j in supersum[i][k].keys(): if (parent[j]=='None'): share[i][k][j] = supersum[i][k][j]/crop[k] if (supergroup[0][j]=="Aquatic Products"): # calculate aquatic products share share[i][k][j] = supersum[i][k][j]/supersum[0][k]["Aquatic Products"] #

2.2. Fuels part


Define global regions for interpolation.

# In[26]: #South Asia SAS={'Afghanistan', 'Maldives', 'Bangladesh', 'Nepal', 'Bhutan', 'Pakistan', 'India', 'Sri Lanka'} #East Asia and Pacific EAP={'American Samoa', 'Myanmar', 'Cambodia', 'Palau', 'China', 'Papua New Guinea', 'Fiji', 'Philippines', 'Indonesia', 'Samoa', 'Kiribati', 'Solomon Islands', 'Korea, Dem. Rep.', 'Thailand', 'Lao PDR', 'Timor-Leste', 'Malaysia', 'Tonga', 'Marshall Islands', 'Tuvalu', 'Micronesia, Fed. Sts.', 'Vanuatu', 'Mongolia', 'Vietnam'} #South America SA={'Argentina', 'Guyana', 'Belize', 'Haiti', 'Bolivia', 'Honduras', 'Brazil', 'Jamaica', 'Colombia', 'Mexico', 'Costa Rica', 'Nicaragua', 'Cuba', 'Panama', 'Dominica', 'Paraguay', 'Dominican Republic', 'Peru', 'Ecuador', 'St. Lucia', 'El Salvador', 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines', 'Grenada', 'Suriname', 'Guatemala', 'Venezuela, RB'} #Low income food deficit countries LIFDC={'Afghanistan', 'Korea, Dem. Rep.', 'Bangladesh', 'Liberia', 'Benin', 'Madagascar', 'Burkina Faso', 'Malawi', 'Burundi', 'Mali', 'Cambodia', 'Mozambique', 'Central African Republic', 'Myanmar', 'Chad', 'Nepal', 'Comoros', 'Niger', 'Congo, Dem. Rep.', 'Rwanda', 'Eritrea', 'Sierra Leone', 'Ethiopia', 'Somalia', 'Gambia, The', 'Tajikistan', 'Guinea', 'Tanzania', 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Togo', 'Haiti', 'Uganda', 'Kenya', 'Zimbabwe'} #EU EU={'Austria', 'Italy', 'Belgium', 'Latvia', 'Bulgaria', 'Lithuania', 'Croatia', 'Luxembourg', 'Cyprus', 'Malta', 'Czech Republic', 'Netherlands', 'Denmark', 'Poland', 'Estonia', 'Portugal', 'Finland', 'Romania', 'France', 'Slovak Republic', 'Germany', 'Slovenia', 'Greece', 'Spain', 'Hungary', 'Sweden', 'Ireland', 'United Kingdom'} #Carribean CAR={'Antigua and Barbuda', 'Jamaica', 'Bahamas, The', 'St. Kitts and Nevis', 'Barbados', 'St. Lucia', 'Belize', 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines', 'Dominica', 'Suriname', 'Grenada', 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'Guyana'} #Least developed countries LDC={'Afghanistan', 'Madagascar', 'Angola', 'Malawi', 'Bangladesh', 'Mali', 'Benin', 'Mauritania', 'Bhutan', 'Mozambique', 'Burkina Faso', 'Myanmar', 'Burundi', 'Nepal', 'Cambodia', 'Niger', 'Central African Republic', 'Rwanda', 'Chad', 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'Comoros', 'Senegal', 'Congo, Dem. Rep.', 'Sierra Leone', 'Djibouti', 'Solomon Islands', 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Somalia', 'Eritrea', 'South Sudan', 'Ethiopia', 'Sudan', 'Gambia, The', 'Tanzania', 'Guinea', 'Timor-Leste', 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Togo', 'Haiti', 'Tuvalu', 'Kiribati', 'Uganda', 'Lao PDR', 'Vanuatu', 'Lesotho', 'Yemen, Rep.', 'Liberia', 'Zambia'} #North America NA={'Canada','United States'} # In[27]: def get_pcountry(country): if country in LDC: return 'Least Developed Countries' elif country in LIFDC: return 'Low Income Food Deficit Countries' elif country in CAR: return 'Caribbean' elif country in EU: return 'European Union' elif country in NA: return 'Northern America' elif country in SA: return 'South America' elif country in SAS: return 'Southern Asia' elif country in EAP: return 'Eastern Asia' else: return 'World' # In[28]: def get_ptcountry(country): if country in LDC: return 'Least Developed Countries + (Total)' elif country in LIFDC: return 'Low Income Food Deficit Countries + (Total)' elif country in CAR: return 'Caribbean + (Total)' elif country in EU: return 'European Union + (Total)' elif country in NA: return 'Northern America + (Total)' elif country in SA: return 'South America + (Total)' elif country in SAS: return 'Southern Asia + (Total)' elif country in EAP: return 'Eastern Asia + (Total)' else: return 'World + (Total)' # In[29]: def country_name_converter6(country): #convert country names for new FAOSTAT #aggregate regions if "+" in country: return country[0:country.find("+")-1] else: return country # Define interpolation function which interpolates proportionally with the change of a country's GDP. # In[30]: def gdp_interpolate(y,years,fit=2,depth=1,order=1,override=False): if 'GDP (current US$)' in wdi_import_extended: ratio={} w={} for year in y: try: ratio[year]=y[year]/(wdi_import_extended['GDP (current US$)'][year]/1000000) except: pass ratio=interpolate(ratio,years,1) for year in ratio: w[year]=ratio[year]*(wdi_import_extended['GDP (current US$)'][year]/1000000) return w else: return interpolate(y,years,fit,depth,order,override) #

2.2.1 Fuel profiling


Fuel pre-profiling

# # Conduct fuel pre-profiling. For the energy inputs, we need to calculate the electricity used for food processing. This data comes from *FAOSTAT*, where available. Otherwise an alternative approach is used. # # - First, we try energy proportionality: # # - If the World Bank Development Indicators (WDI) reports the electricity used by agriculture, then that value is used. # - If not then if the WDI has agriculture electricity usage share and total electricity consumption, we calculate the electricity used by agriculture from there. # - If electricity data is not available but total energy is, the data is scaled proportionally with the electricity's share in the total energy mix for a particular country in a particular year. # # - If none of the above works, we try GDP proportionality: # - If *Agriculture as a fraction of GDP* is reported in the *WDI* for a particular country, then we calculate the country specific energy intensity of the economy using energy consumption per unit of GDP. Then continuing the process above, we get the electricity used by agriculture. # # The results are saved into the agrienergyshare variable. This code is invoked each years, for each country. # In[31]: def remove_total(agrienergyshare): newindex=[] agrienergyshare=agrienergyshare.unstack() for i in agrienergyshare.index: if '+ (Total)' in i: newindex.append(i[:-10]) else: newindex.append(i) agrienergyshare.index=newindex agrienergyshare=agrienergyshare.stack() return agrienergyshare # In[32]: def fuel_preprofiling(years,fit=2): elements=['Agriculture and forestry energy use as a % of total Energy use'] agrienergyshare = get_data([masterpath,indicators[5],indicators[5]],\ ['Country','Element','Year','Value'],[0,2],elements).drop("Element",axis=1) agrienergyshare=remove_total(agrienergyshare) x={} #load agriculture energy share from the FAO database for i in agrienergyshare.T.iteritems(): #make just one call, filter to country, superfast v=i[1][0] #choose column in which food item values are stored if (~np.isnan(v)&(v!=0)): #in FAOSTAT, NaN and 0 are the same thing year = int(i[0][1]) #choose column in which years are stored country = i[0][0] #choose column in which country names names are stored v = i[1][0] #choose column in which values are stored, might need to change it if country not in x: x[country]={} if year not in x[country]: x[country][year]={} x[country].update({year:v}) #extrapolate from regional or global values for missing countries for country in countries: if ((country not in x)&(country!='World')): if country!='World': pcountry=get_pcountry(country) x[country]=x[pcountry] for j in x.keys(): #interpolate missing values if set(x[j].keys()).intersection(years): x[j].update(interpolate(x[j],years,1)) #as a last resort try GDP proportionality elsources_backup=['GDP (current US$)',\ 'Energy use (kt of oil equivalent)','Electric power consumption (kWh)',\ 'Electric power consumption (kWh per capita)','Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita)'\ 'Population, total'] electricity2=get_data([wdipath,'WDI_csv',wdindicators[0]]) electricity2.columns=['Country','Code','Indicator','ICode']+[1960+i for i in range(55)] #range(54) old electricity2=electricity2.drop('Code', axis=1).drop('ICode', axis=1)\ .query('Indicator=='+repr(elsources_backup)).set_index(['Country','Indicator'],drop=True) y={} #load data from the WDI database for i in electricity2.T.iteritems(): country=i[0][0] item=i[0][1] if country not in y: y[country]={} for j in range(len(i[1])): v=i[1][i[1].index[j]] if (~np.isnan(v)&(v!=0)): if item not in y[country]: y[country][item]={} y[country][item].update({int(i[1].index[j]):v}) for j in y.keys(): for k in y[j].keys(): #interpolate missing values if set(y[j][k].keys()).intersection(years): y[j][k].update(interpolate(y[j][k],years,fit)) z={} w={} for country in countries: if ((country_name_converter(country) in y.keys()) and (country in x.keys())): #if both interpolations sccessful, there should be a complete overlap of years for year in x[country].keys(): v1=v2=0 #fill electricity data, try agriculture energy share if elsources_backup[2] in y[country_name_converter(country)]: v1=x[country][year]/100*\ y[country_name_converter(country)][elsources_backup[2]][year]*1E-9 #if not try GDP proportionality elif elsources_backup[0] in y[country_name_converter(country)]: pcountry=country_name_converter(get_pcountry(country)) if pcountry in y.keys(): if ((elsources_backup[2] in y[pcountry].keys()) and \ (elsources_backup[0] in y[pcountry].keys())): helpervalue=y[pcountry][elsources_backup[2]][year]*\ y[country_name_converter(country)][elsources_backup[0]][year]/\ y[pcountry][elsources_backup[0]][year] v1=x[country][year]/100*helpervalue*1E-9 #same for energy if elsources_backup[1] in y[country_name_converter(country)]: v2=x[country][year]/100*\ y[country_name_converter(country)][elsources_backup[1]][year] elif elsources_backup[0] in y[country_name_converter(country)]: pcountry=country_name_converter(get_pcountry(country)) if pcountry in y.keys(): if ((elsources_backup[1] in y[pcountry].keys()) and \ (elsources_backup[0] in y[pcountry].keys())): helpervalue=y[pcountry][elsources_backup[1]][year]*\ y[country_name_converter(country)][elsources_backup[0]][year]/\ y[pcountry][elsources_backup[0]][year] v2=x[country][year]/100*helpervalue #record into dictionary if (~np.isnan(v1)&(v1!=0)): if country not in z: z[country]={} if year not in z[country]: z[country][year]={} z[country].update({year:v1/0.000277777778}) #convert from Wh to J if (~np.isnan(v2)&(v2!=0)): if country not in w: w[country]={} if year not in w[country]: w[country][year]={} w[country].update({year:v2*41.868}) #convert from ktoe to TJ return [z,w] #

Fuel profiling

# # Direct energy inputs from the *FAOSTAT* and *WDI* databases, as well as those obtained during the pre-profiling are loaded, interpolated and normalized for a certain country, for a given time period (given by the years argument of the function). During the process, data quality indicators are collected in the missing and integrity global variables. The fuel_profiling returns a dictionary which has elements of the years array as (secondary) keys and profiled values as values, for all fuel types (primary keys). # In[33]: def fuel_profiling(country,years): global integrity global missing zerodata=[] y={} country=country_name_converter6(country) #need to convert old FAOSTAT country names to new FAOSTAT for year in years: #fill exiting data for fuel in fuels1+fuels2+fuels3: try: for i in energy.xs([country,year,fuel], level=[0,1,3]).T.iteritems(): fuelvalue=i[1][0] #choose column in which fuel item values are stored if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)&(fuelvalue!=0)): if fuel not in y: y[fuel]={} y[fuel].update({year:fuelvalue}) else: zerodata.append(fuel) except: pass for i in y.keys(): #update data integrity for j in set(years).difference(y[i].keys()): integrity[j].append(i) #interpolate missing dataframe values if set(y[i].keys()).intersection(years): if i in fuels1: y[i].update(gdp_interpolate(y[i],years,2)) #electricity values change with GDP else: y[i].update(interpolate(y[i],years,1)) else: print country, 'no data in the entire time range', i if set(fuels1+fuels2+fuels3).difference(y.keys()): for i in set(fuels1+fuels2+fuels3).difference(y.keys()): if i not in zerodata: print country, 'no data in the entire time range', i missing.add(i) return y #

Fuel re-profiling

# # Fossil fuels used in fisheries and electricity used in agriculture for power irrigation and processing of secondary food products are profiled again, after the initial fossil fuel values are obtained during profiling (y argument), using a different approach to obtain values not yet present in the dataframe - and then interpolated and normalized for a certain country in a similar manner to the main profiling function, for a given time period (given by the years argument of the function). During the process, data quality indicators are updated in the missing, estimated and integrity global variables. The fuel_reprofiling returns a dictionary which has elements of the years array as (secondary) keys and profiled values as values, for all fuel types (primary keys). # # - Electricity for irrigation - this data comes from *FAOSTAT*, where available. Otherwise we have calculated a characteristic energy requirement per acre of irrigated land for each climate belt based on the irrigation intensities of neighboring countries and global values based on geographical latitude bands. # - Fossil fuels for fishing - this data comes from *FAOSTAT* for larger fishing nations. For smaller ones, we calculate a characteristic fossil energy requirement per ton of fish for the neighboring countries or global values based on geographical latitude bands. # In[34]: def fuel_reprofiling(country,years,y): global integrity global missing global estimated zerodata=[] fuels=['Electricity','Energy for power irrigation']+fuels3+fuels2 for fuel in fuels: if (fuel not in y): if fuel=='Electricity': for year in years: #fill exiting data try: fuelvalue=agrienergy[0][country][year] if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)&(fuelvalue!=0)): if fuel not in y: y[fuel]={} y[fuel].update({year:fuelvalue}) except: pass if fuel=='Energy for power irrigation': for year in years: #fill exiting data try: #try assigning irrigation belt characteristic value (area*irrigation intensity for latitude) fuelvalue=land.xs([country,year], level=[0,1]).values[0][0]*\ irrig_intensity[(int)(country_lat[country])] if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)&(fuelvalue!=0)): if fuel not in y: y[fuel]={} y[fuel].update({year:fuelvalue}) #no need to convert data already in TJ except: pass if [i for i in fuels3 if i not in y]:#if none of fuels for fishing is in y #old fuel=fuels3[0] #assume all fishery fuel is Gas-diesel fuel="Fossil fuels in fisheries" missing.add(fuel) for year in years: #fill exiting data try: #try assigning fishery characteristic value try: fuelvalue=fishing_energy(country,year) except: pass if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)&(fuelvalue!=0)): if fuel not in y: y[fuel]={} y[fuel].update({year:fuelvalue}) #no need to convert data already in TJ except: pass if [i for i in fuels2 if i not in y]:#if none of fossil fuels is in y #old fuel=fuels2[0] #assume all fossil fuel is Gasoline fuel="Other fossil fuels" missing.add(fuel) for year in years: #fill exiting data try: #try assigning fossil characteristic value fuelvalue=agrienergy[1][country][year] if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)&(fuelvalue!=0)): if fuel not in y: y[fuel]={} y[fuel].update({year:fuelvalue}) #no need to convert data already in TJ except: pass for i in fuels+["Other fossil fuels","Fossil fuels in fisheries"]: if ((i in y)&(i in missing)): #update data integrity for j in set(years).difference(y[i].keys()): integrity[j].append(i) #interpolate missing dataframe values if set(y[i].keys()).intersection(years): y[i].update(interpolate(y[i],years,1)) print country, 'tried alternate source for', i,', success' if i in ["Fossil fuels in fisheries"]: #if fishing fuel, then remove all for j in fuels3+["Fossil fuels in fisheries"]: if j in missing: missing.remove(j) elif i in ["Other fossil fuels"]: #if fossil fuel, then remove all for j in fuels2+["Other fossil fuels"]: if j in missing: missing.remove(j) elif i in missing: missing.remove(i) estimated.add(i) else: print country, 'tried alternate source for', i,', no luck' if "Fossil fuels in fisheries" in missing.copy(): #if fishing fuel, then remove all for j in fuels3: if j in missing: missing.remove(j) elif "Other fossil fuels" in missing.copy(): #if fossil fuel, then remove all for j in fuels2: if j in missing: missing.remove(j) return y #

2.2.2 Fuel parsing


Electricity Output

# # Direct elelctricity outputs are loaded from the electricity_extended global dictionary, which has been returned by the fuel_reprofiling function. Using the add_to_json function, the electricity-to-primary crops (irrigation) and electricity-to-processing flows are saved into the data variable and effectively added to the visualization structure. # In[35]: def fuels_part1(country, year): #if True: # placeholder dummy ############################################################################################### ###### FUELS PART - Electricity ###### ############################################################################################### if True: # placeholder dummy global foodinput #summation variable for EROEI calculation global eltotal global eltotal_n #distribute electricity input for crop irrigation for fuel in [fuels1[1]]: if fuel in energy_extended.keys(): try: fuelvalue=energy_extended[fuel][year] if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)&(fuelvalue!=0)): electricityvalue=fuelvalue*0.000277777778 #1 joule = 0.000277777778 Wh for i in range(n): for k in range(m-1): #supply data (k=3) does not have non-food inputs #distribute electricity input by locally grown crops share only (arg 2 instead of k) for j in supersum[i][2]: if (parent[j]=='None'): #distribute total input based on supply-based share add_to_json(i,k,fuels1[0],j,electricityvalue*share[i][3][j],0,\ '[{"l":'+repr(fuel)+',"v":'+repr(electricityvalue*share[i][3][j])+'}]') eltotal+=electricityvalue eltotal_n+=electricityvalue except: pass #electricity not used for irrigation goes for food processing for fuel in [fuels1[0]]: if fuel in energy_extended.keys(): try: fuelvalue=energy_extended[fuel][year] if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)&(fuelvalue!=0)): electricityvalue=fuelvalue*0.000277777778 #1 joule = 0.000277777778 Wh for i in range(n): #exclude level 4 for now - was put back in for k in range(m-1): #supply data (k=3) does not have non-food inputs if (k!=m-2): #if not only agri-system add_to_json(i,k,fuel,"Processing",electricityvalue,0,\ '[{"l":'+repr(fuel)+',"v":'+repr(electricityvalue)+'}]') eltotal+=electricityvalue except: pass #

Fossil to Electricity - Database setup

# # This section calculates the equivalent primary energy inputs for the required electric energy defined by the above cell. First, the data is loaded from the *WDI* database, where available. # In[36]: #WDI database access, needed for fossil-to-electrcity part wdipath = 'http://databank.worldbank.org/data/download/' #wdipath = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/531697/datarepo/Food-Energy/db/' #alternative mirror for WDI database if localpath: #local path for downloaded FAO database, only for developer purposes wdipath = 'E:/Dropbox (MIT)/Public/Food-Energy/db/' wdindicators=[] #we store indicator name strings in this string array - do not touch wdindicators.append('WDI_Data') #0 wdindicators.append('WDI_Description') #1 wdindicators.append('WDI_Country') #2 wdindicators.append('WDI_Series') #3 wdindicators.append('WDI_CS_Notes') #4 wdindicators.append('WDI_ST_Notes') #5 wdindicators.append('WDI_Footnotes') #6 elsources1=['Electricity production from coal sources (% of total)',\ 'Electricity production from natural gas sources (% of total)',\ 'Electricity production from oil sources (% of total)'] elsources2=['Electricity production from nuclear sources (% of total)',\ 'Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (% of total)',\ 'Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (% of total)'] electricity=get_data([wdipath,'WDI_csv',wdindicators[0]]) electricity.columns=['Country','Code','Indicator','ICode']+[1960+i for i in range(55)] #range(54) #old WDI electricity=electricity.drop('Code', axis=1).drop('ICode', axis=1)\ .query('Indicator=='+repr(elsources1+elsources2)).set_index(['Country','Indicator'],drop=True) #data availability is 1960-2014 #

Fossil to Electricity - Data processing

# # After loading the data into the global variable electricity, country-specific electricty mixes and primary-energy (fossil fuels and renewables and nuclear) specific energy conversion factors are used to calculate the priamry energy inputs entering into electricity. Essentially, this is a profiling process, therefore the data is loaded, interpolated and normalized for a certain country - or extrapolated from the neighbors or global values, for a given time period (given by the years argument of the function). During the process, data quality indicators are collected in the missing, estimated and integrity global variables. The electricity_profiling returns a dictionary which has elements of the years array as (secondary) keys and profiled values as values, for all fuel types (primary keys). # In[37]: def electricity_profiling(country,years): global integrity global missing global estimated zerodata=[] #locally convert country names between databases country=country_name_converter(country) y={} for year in years: #fill exiting data for t in range(2): if (t<1): elsources=elsources1 else: elsources=elsources2 for c in range(len(elsources)): try: #choose column in which fuel item values are stored fuelvalue=electricity.xs([country,elsources[c]])[year] #WDI database consistently reports 0 values if that's the case #if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)&(fuelvalue!=0)): if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)): if elsources[c] not in y: y[elsources[c]]={} y[elsources[c]].update({year:fuelvalue}) else: zerodata.append(elsources[c]) except: pass for i in y.keys(): #update data integrity for j in set(years).difference(y[i].keys()): label=i try: label="Electricity from "+label[label.find("Elec")+28:label.find("sources")-1].capitalize() except: pass integrity[j].append(label) #interpolate missing dataframe values if set(y[i].keys()).intersection(years): y[i].update(interpolate(y[i],years,1)) #electricity share, changes linearly if set(elsources1+elsources2).difference(y.keys()): for i in set(elsources1+elsources2).difference(y.keys()): if i not in zerodata: label=i try: label=label[label.find("Elec")+28:label.find("sources")-1].capitalize()+" Electricity" except: pass print country, 'no data in the entire time range', label missing.add(label) #if all fuel sources missing data, then take regional/global average for fuel sources if ((y=={})&(country!='World')): if country!='World': if country in LDC: pcountry='Least Developed Countries' elif country in LIFDC: pcountry='Low Income Food Deficit Countries' elif country in CAR: pcountry='Caribbean' elif country in EU: pcountry='European Union' elif country in NA: pcountry='Northern America' elif country in SA: pcountry='South America' elif country in SAS: pcountry='Southern Asia' elif country in EAP: pcountry='Eastern Asia' else: pcountry='World' print country, 'no data in the entire time range','All electricity sources, extrapolating from', pcountry y=electricity_profiling(pcountry,years) estimated.add("All electricity sources") for year in years: #renormalize shares to 100% s=0 for fuel in y.keys(): s+=y[fuel][year] for fuel in y.keys(): y[fuel][year]=(y[fuel][year]/s)*100 return y #

Electricity Input

# # Direct elelctricity inputs are loaded from the electricity_extended global dictionary, which has been updated by the electricity_profiling function. Using the add_to_json function, the fossil-to-electrcity and renewable-to-electricity flows are saved into the data variable and effectively added to the visualization structure. # In[38]: def fuels_part2(country, year, eltotal2, it): #if True: # placeholder dummy ############################################################################################### ###### FUELS PART - Fossil to Electricity ###### ############################################################################################### if True: # placeholder dummy global foodinput #summation variable for EROEI calculation global foodinput2 #summation variable for EROEI calculation global electricity_to_fossil #summation for primary equivalent of electricity electricity_to_fossil=0 #create fossil to electricity links #need to define fossil-to-electrcity conversion efficiencies #http://www.eurelectric.org/Download/Download.aspx?DocumentID=13549 #http://www.ecofys.com/files/files/ecofys-2012-international-comparison-fossil-power-efficiency.pdf #locally convert country names between databases country=country_name_converter(country) for t in range(2): ffsum={} if (t<1): elsources=elsources1 #conversion efficiency of fossil source into electrcity conv_eff=[0.39,0.38+((year-1960)/60.0)*0.2,0.38] src="Fossil Fuels" else: elsources=elsources2 #conversion efficiency of renewables & nucelar into electricity, currently outside of scope conv_eff=[1,1,1] #[0.34,0.93,0.3] src="Renewables & Nuclear" for c in range(len(elsources)): if elsources[c] in electricity_extended.keys(): try: if elsources[c] in ffsum: ffsum[elsources[c]]+=eltotal2*(1/conv_eff[c])\ *electricity_extended[elsources[c]][year]/100.0 else: ffsum[elsources[c]]=eltotal2*(1/conv_eff[c])\ *electricity_extended[elsources[c]][year]/100.0 if (it==0): #sum primary equivalent of electricity electricity_to_fossil+=eltotal2*(1/conv_eff[c])\ *electricity_extended[elsources[c]][year]/100.0 except: pass mydata=[] for c in range(len(elsources)): if elsources[c] in electricity_extended.keys(): try: label=elsources[c] label=label[label.find("Elec")+28:label.find("sources")-1].capitalize() mydata.append({"l":label, "v":ffsum[elsources[c]]}) except: pass if (~np.isnan(sum(ffsum.values()))&(sum(ffsum.values())!=0)): for i in range(n): #exclude level 4 for now - was put back in for k in range(m-1): if (k!=2): if (it==0): add_to_json(i,k,src,"Electricity",sum(ffsum.values()),0,mydata) elif (it==1): add_to_json(i,k,src,"Electricity",sum(ffsum.values()),0,mydata) if (it==0): for k in range(m-2): foodinput[k]+=sum(ffsum.values()) foodinput2[src][k]+=sum(ffsum.values()) else: foodinput[2]+=sum(ffsum.values()) foodinput2[src][2]+=sum(ffsum.values()) #

Fossil Fuels

# # Direct fossil inputs are loaded from the energy_extended global dictionary, which has been created by the fuel_profiling function. Using the add_to_json function, the fossil-to-primary crops and fossil-to-aquatic products flows are saved into the data variable and effectively added to the visualization structure. Fossil fuels not reported in *FAOSTAT* are estimated from *WDI*. # In[39]: def fuels_part3(country, year): #if True: # placeholder dummy ############################################################################################### ###### FUELS PART - Fossil fuels ###### ############################################################################################### if True: # placeholder dummy global foodinput ### FOSSIL FUELS DIRECT INTO AGRICULTURE fuelsum=[[{} for k in range(m-1)] for i in range(n)] #supply data (k=3) does not have non-food inputs #distribute fossil fuel input for crop cultivation for fuel in fuels2: if fuel in energy_extended.keys(): try: fuelvalue=energy_extended[fuel][year] if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)&(fuelvalue!=0)): fuelvalue*=0.000277777778 #1 joule = 0.000277777778 Wh for i in range(n): #sum fuel item values over all groups supergroup[i][fuel]="Fossil Fuels" #save sum, but also components for the piechart breakdown for k in range(m-1): if supergroup[i][fuel] in fuelsum[i][k]: fuelsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fuel]].append({"l":fuel, "v":fuelvalue}) else: fuelsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fuel]]=[{"l":fuel, "v":fuelvalue}] except: pass #add any mising fossil fuels if 'Other fossil fuels' in energy_extended.keys(): if year in energy_extended['Other fossil fuels']: fuelvalue=energy_extended['Other fossil fuels'][year]*0.000277777778 #1 joule = 0.000277777778 Wh if "Fossil Fuels" in fuelsum[0][0]: if (sum([w['v'] for w in fuelsum[0][0]["Fossil Fuels"]])<(fuelvalue-electricity_to_fossil)): fuel='Other fossil fuels' fuelvalue=energy_extended['Other fossil fuels'][year]*0.000277777778-\ electricity_to_fossil-sum([w['v'] for w in fuelsum[0][0]["Fossil Fuels"]]) #save sum, but also components for the piechart breakdown for i in range(n): #sum fuel item values over all groups supergroup[i][fuel]="Fossil Fuels" for k in range(m-1): if supergroup[i][fuel] in fuelsum[i][k]: fuelsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fuel]].append({"l":fuel, "v":fuelvalue}) else: fuelsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fuel]]=[{"l":fuel, "v":fuelvalue}] else: fuel='Other fossil fuels' fuelvalue=energy_extended['Other fossil fuels'][year]*0.000277777778-electricity_to_fossil #save sum, but also components for the piechart breakdown for i in range(n): #sum fuel item values over all groups supergroup[i][fuel]="Fossil Fuels" for k in range(m-1): fuelsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fuel]]=[{"l":fuel, "v":fuelvalue}] #return fuelsum for i in range(n): for k in range(m-1): #distribute electricity input by locally grown crops share only (arg 2 instead of k) for j in supersum[i][2]: if (parent[j]=='None'): for p in fuelsum[i][k]: helper=[] for w in fuelsum[i][k][p]: #distribute total input based on supply-based share helper.append({"l":w['l'],"v":w['v']*share[i][3][j]}) add_to_json(i,k,p,j,sum([w['v'] for w in fuelsum[i][k][p]])*share[i][3][j],0,helper) for k in range (m-1): if fuelsum[0][k]: foodinput[k]+=sum([w['v'] for w in fuelsum[0][k]["Fossil Fuels"]]) foodinput2["Fossil Fuels"][k]+=sum([w['v'] for w in fuelsum[0][k]["Fossil Fuels"]]) ######################################################################################################### ### FOSSIL FUELS IN FISHERIES #reinitialize fuelsum for fishery data fuelsum=[[{} for k in range(m-1)] for i in range(n)] #distribute fossil fuel input for fisheries for fuel in fuels3: if fuel in energy_extended.keys(): try: fuelvalue=energy_extended[fuel][year] if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)&(fuelvalue!=0)): fuelvalue*=0.000277777778 #1 joule = 0.000277777778 Wh for i in range(n): #sum fuel item values over all groups supergroup[i][fuel]="Fossil Fuels" #save sum, but also components for the piechart breakdown for k in range(m-1): if supergroup[i][fuel] in fuelsum[i][k]: fuelsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fuel]].append({"l":fuel, "v":fuelvalue}) else: fuelsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fuel]]=[{"l":fuel, "v":fuelvalue}] except: pass #add any mising fossil fuels if 'Fossil fuels in fisheries' in energy_extended.keys(): if year in energy_extended['Fossil fuels in fisheries']: fuelvalue=energy_extended['Fossil fuels in fisheries'][year]*0.000277777778 #1 joule = 0.000278 Wh if "Fossil Fuels" in fuelsum[0][0]: if (sum([w['v'] for w in fuelsum[0][0]["Fossil Fuels"]])<(fuelvalue)): fuel='Fossil fuels in fisheries' fuelvalue=energy_extended['Fossil fuels in fisheries'][year]*0.000277777778-\ sum([w['v'] for w in fuelsum[0][0]["Fossil Fuels"]]) #save sum, but also components for the piechart breakdown for i in range(n): #sum fuel item values over all groups supergroup[i][fuel]="Fossil Fuels" for k in range(m-1): if supergroup[i][fuel] in fuelsum[i][k]: fuelsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fuel]].append({"l":fuel, "v":fuelvalue}) else: fuelsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fuel]]=[{"l":fuel, "v":fuelvalue}] else: fuel='Fossil fuels in fisheries' fuelvalue=energy_extended['Fossil fuels in fisheries'][year]*0.000277777778 #save sum, but also components for the piechart breakdown for i in range(n): #sum fuel item values over all groups supergroup[i][fuel]="Fossil Fuels" for k in range(m-1): fuelsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fuel]]=[{"l":fuel, "v":fuelvalue}] #return fuelsum for i in range(n): for k in range(m-2): #distribute electricity input by locally grown crops share only (arg 2 instead of k) for p in fuelsum[i][k]: add_to_json(i,k,p,"Feed",sum([w['v'] for w in fuelsum[i][k][p]]),0,fuelsum[i][k][p]) for k in range (m-1): if (k!=2): if fuelsum[0][k]: foodinput[k]+=sum([w['v'] for w in fuelsum[0][k]["Fossil Fuels"]]) foodinput2["Fossil Fuels"][k]+=sum([w['v'] for w in fuelsum[0][k]["Fossil Fuels"]]) #

2.3. Fertilizers Part


2.3.1 Fertilizer profiling

# # Direct fertilizer inputs from the *FAOSTAT* database are loaded, interpolated and normalized for a certain country, for a given time period (given by the years argument of the function). During the process, data quality indicators are collected in the missing and integrity global variables. The fert_profiling returns a dictionary which has elements of the years array as (secondary) keys and profiled values as values, for all fertilizer types (primary keys). Remember that the fertilizers database is composed of two sepparate dataframes, fertilizers1 and fertilizers2. This combines the two to yield a single, unified dictionary. # In[40]: def fert_profiling(country,years): global integrity global missing zerodata=[] y={} for year in years: #fill exiting data if (year<2003): fertilizers=fertilizers2 #inverted on purpose fertnames=fert1 fertelement='Consumption' else: fertilizers=fertilizers1 fertnames=fert2 fertelement='Consumption in nutrients' country=country_name_converter6(country) #convert country names from old FAOSTAT to new FAOSTAT for fert in fertnames: try: for i in fertilizers.xs([country,year,fertelement,fert], level=[0,1,2,3]).T.iteritems(): fertvalue=i[1][0] #choose column in which fert item values are stored if fert in ['Phosphate fertilizers', 'Phosphate Fertilizers (P205 total nutrients)']: fertitem='Phosphate' if fert in ['Potash fertilizers', 'Potash Fertilizers (K20 total nutrients)']: fertitem='Potash' if fert in ['Nitrogenous fertilizers', 'Nitrogen Fertilizers (N total nutrients)']: fertitem='Nitrogen' if (~np.isnan(fertvalue)&(fertvalue!=0)): #in FAOSTAT, NaN and 0 are the same thing if fertitem not in y: y[fertitem]={} y[fertitem].update({year:fertvalue}) else: zerodata.append(fert) except: pass for i in y.keys(): #update data integrity for j in set(years).difference(y[i].keys()): integrity[j].append(i) #interpolate missing dataframe values if set(y[i].keys()).intersection(years): #old y[i].update(interpolate(y[i],years,1)) #value, use linear y[i].update(gdp_interpolate(y[i],years,1)) #fertilizer values change with GDP label=[] for i in fert1+fert2: if i in ['Phosphate fertilizers', 'Phosphate Fertilizers (P205 total nutrients)']: label='Phosphate' if i in ['Potash fertilizers', 'Potash Fertilizers (K20 total nutrients)']: label='Potash' if i in ['Nitrogenous fertilizers', 'Nitrogen Fertilizers (N total nutrients)']: label='Nitrogen' if label: if label not in y.keys(): if label not in zerodata: if label not in missing: print country, 'no data in the entire time range', label missing.add(label) return y #

2.3.2. Fertilizer Parsing

# # The fertilizer data comes from the *FAOSTAT* in tonnage for each fertilizer end product (urea, potash, etc.). Then we categorize these into P, K and N type fertilizers and convert the tonnage for each fertilizer type to nutrient content. Then, using the specific energy conversion factors of the chemical processes of fertilizers manufacturing, we convert these into equivalent fossil fuel energy input. Since each fertilizers can be manufactured from multiple types of fossil fuels, the total fossil energy requirement is split accordingly. Profiled fertilizer inputs are loaded from the unified fertilizers_extended global dictionary, which has been created by the fuel_profiling function. Using the add_to_json function, the fossil-to-fertilizer and fertilizer-to-primary crop flows are saved into the data variable and effectively added to the visualization structure. # In[41]: def fertilizers_part(country, year): #if True: # placeholder dummy ############################################################################################### ###### FERTILIZERS PART ###### ############################################################################################### if True: # placeholder dummy global foodinput #need to save fertilizer weight and fossil sources fertsum=[[{} for k in range(m-1)] for i in range(n)] fertweight=[[{} for k in range(m-1)] for i in range(n)] #supply data (k=3) does not have non-food inputs fertfossil=["Natural gas (including LNG)","Fuel oil","Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)","Coal"] ngratio=[0 for i in range(n)] ffsum={} if (year<2003): fertilizers=fertilizers2 #inverted on purpose fertnames=fert1 fertelement='Consumption' else: fertilizers=fertilizers1 fertnames=fert2 fertelement='Consumption in nutrients' for fertitem in fertilizers_extended: fertvalue=fertilizers_extended[fertitem][year] if (~np.isnan(fertvalue)&(fertvalue!=0)): #define energy content+packaging and transport (http://www.engr.usask.ca/societies/csae/c9915.pdf page10) #define production energy requirement (http://www.sswm.info/sites/default/files/reference_attachments/ #GELLINGS%20et%20al%202004%20Energy%20Efficiency%20in%20Fertiliser%20Production.pdf #(http://bioscience.oxfordjournals.org/content/63/4/263/F3.expansion.html) if fertitem=='Phosphate': fertenergycontent=6.82 #MJ/kg fertenergyprod=7.7 #MJ/kg fertenergytrans=8.33 #MJ/kg ngratio[0]=0.75 ngratio[1]=0.25 ngratio[2]=0 ngratio[3]=0 if fertitem=='Potash': fertenergycontent=2.88 #MJ/kg fertenergyprod=6.4 #MJ/kg fertenergytrans=6.35 #MJ/kg ngratio[0]=0.5 ngratio[1]=0.5 ngratio[2]=0 ngratio[3]=0 if fertitem=='Nitrogen': fertenergycontent=59 #MJ/kg fertenergyprod=69.53 #MJ/kg fertenergytrans=7.05 #MJ/kg ngratio[0]=0.85*0.8 ngratio[1]=0.85*0.2 ngratio[2]=0.15*0.5 ngratio[3]=0.15*0.5 fertvalue=fertvalue/1000 #model units are in 1000 tonnes fertenergy=fertvalue*(fertenergycontent+fertenergytrans)* 0.000277777778 #TWh #MJ/kg / TJ/1000tonne * #1 joule = 0.000277777778 Wh fertratio=fertenergyprod/fertenergycontent for i in range(n): #sum fert item values over all groups supergroup[i][fertitem]="Fertilizers" #save sum, but also components for the piechart breakdown for k in range(m-1): if supergroup[i][fertitem] in fertsum[i][k]: fertsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fertitem]].append({"l":fertitem, "v":fertenergy}) fertweight[i][k][supergroup[i][fertitem]].append({"l":fertitem, "v":fertvalue}) else: fertsum[i][k][supergroup[i][fertitem]]=[{"l":fertitem, "v":fertenergy}] fertweight[i][k][supergroup[i][fertitem]]=[{"l":fertitem, "v":fertvalue}] #save fossil to fertilizer link data for c in range(len(fertfossil)): if fertfossil[c] in ffsum: ffsum[fertfossil[c]]+=fertenergy*fertratio*ngratio[c] else: ffsum[fertfossil[c]]=fertenergy*fertratio*ngratio[c] for i in range(n): for k in range(m-1): #distribute fertilizer input by locally grown crops share only (arg 2 instead of k) #distribute total input based on supply-based share for j in supersum[i][2]: if (parent[j]=='None'): for p in fertsum[i][k]: add_to_json(i,k,p,j,sum([w['v'] for w in fertsum[i][k][p]])*share[i][3][j],\ sum([w['v'] for w in fertweight[i][k][p]])*share[i][3][j],fertsum[i][k][p]) #create fossil to fertilizer links mydata=[] try: for c in range(len(fertfossil)): mydata.append({"l":fertfossil[c], "v":ffsum[fertfossil[c]]}) for i in range(n): #exclude level 4 for - now added back in for k in range(m-1): add_to_json(i,k,"Fossil Fuels","Fertilizers",sum(ffsum.values()),0,mydata) except: pass for k in range(m-1): foodinput[k]+=sum(ffsum.values()) foodinput2["Fossil Fuels"][k]+=sum(ffsum.values()) #

2.4. Labor Part


2.4.1 Labor profiling

# # Labor inputs from the *FAOSTAT* database are loaded, interpolated and normalized for a certain country, for a given time period (given by the years argument of the function). During the process, data quality indicators are collected in the missing and integrity global variables. The labor_profiling returns a dictionary which has elements of the years array as keys and profiled values as values. If direct numbers about the number of people working in agriculture cannot be found in the population dataframe, total population numbers (mostly available) are multiplied by a regionally characteristic population fraction. # In[42]: def labor_profiling(country,years): global integrity global missing y={} x={} w={} country=country_name_converter6(country) #convert country names from old FAOSTAT to new FAOSTAT try: for i in population.xs([country,'Total economically active population in Agr'],level=[0,2]).T.iteritems(): year = i[0][0] popvalue = i[1][0] if (~np.isnan(popvalue)&(popvalue!=0)): x[year]=popvalue except: pass try: for i in population.xs([country,'Total Population - Both sexes'],level=[0,2]).T.iteritems(): year = i[0][0] popvalue = i[1][0] if (~np.isnan(popvalue)&(popvalue!=0)): w[year]=popvalue except: pass #caclulate agricultural population share for year in set(x.keys()).intersection(w.keys()): y[year]=x[year]/w[year] if set(y.keys()).intersection(years): #update data integrity for i in set(years).difference(y.keys()): integrity[i].append("Labor") #interpolate missing dataframe values y.update(interpolate(y,years,1)) #share, use linear else: print country, 'no data in the entire time range for Labor' missing.add("Labor") #convert share back to number of people for year in set(y.keys()).intersection(w.keys()): y[year]=y[year]*w[year] #interpolate again, if necessary if set(y.keys()).intersection(years): y.update(interpolate(y,years,2)) #population, use exponential return y #

2.4.2. Labor Parsing

# # Labor data is calculated using the daily per capita energy intakes from *FAOSTAT*. A certain number of workhours/workday (hoursperday) and workdays/year (workyear) are used alongside a characteristic average energy expenditure intensity for the activity of farming (hourlycalorieburn). Then the fraction of population working in agriculture (*FAOSTAT* or extrapolated from neighbors) gets multiplied by the population (*FAOSTAT* or *WDI*) to get the number of people involved in agriculture (popvalue). Using the energy intensity calculated above, we get the total energy input as labor. For countries where the daily food energy intake does not meet the necessary minimum for the agricultural activity-specific energy expenditure, it is assumed that all food energy intake is expended for the activity. Profiled labor inputs are loaded from the unified population_extended global dictionary, which has been created by the labor_profiling function. Using the add_to_json function, the labor-to-primary crop flows are saved into the data variable and effectively added to the visualization structure. # In[43]: def labor_part(country, year): #if True: # placeholder dummy ############################################################################################### ###### LABOR PART ###### ############################################################################################### if True: # placeholder dummy global foodinput #old version, without extrapolation, slow #calorietotal=balance.xs([country,year,'Food supply','Grand Total'],level=[0,1,3,2]).values[0][1] #second index: choose column in which calorie item values are stored, might need to change it try: calorietotal=food_extended['Food supply (kcal/capita/day)'][year]['Grand Total'] except: try: sum(food_extended['Food supply (kcal/capita/day)'][year].values()) except: pass #old version, without extrapolation, slow #popvalue=population.xs([country,year,'Total economically active population in Agr'],level=[0,1,2]).values[0][0] #second index: choose column in which pop item values are stored, might need to change it #new version, after extrapolation if year in population_extended.keys(): try: popvalue = population_extended[year] if (~np.isnan(popvalue)&(popvalue!=0)): workyear=5.0/7.0*365.25 #working days spent with farming per year hourlycalorieburn=372 #calories needed per hour of farming #http://calorielab.com/burned/?mo=se&gr=11&ti=Occupation&wt=150&un=lb&kg=68 #http://www.nutristrategy.com/activitylist.htm, #for 155 pound, average of 4 types of activities 372 cal/hour hoursperday=12 #hours per day spent farming minimumcalorieburn=hourlycalorieburn*hoursperday calorieburn=0.9 #percent of calorie intake burned for farming, if above minimum laborenergy=min(minimumcalorieburn,calorieburn*calorietotal)\ *workyear\ *popvalue\ *1000\ *0.00116222222/1000000000 # 0.00116222222 kwh/kcal *10^-9 TWh/kWh for i in range(n): for k in range(m-1): #supply data (k=3) does not have non-food inputs, but supply-based share for j in supersum[i][k]: if (parent[j]=='None'): add_to_json(i,k,"Labor",j,laborenergy*share[i][3][j],0,\ '[{"l":'+repr("Labor")+',"v":'+repr(laborenergy*share[i][3][j])+'}]') for k in range(m-1): foodinput[k]+=laborenergy foodinput2["Labor"][k]+=laborenergy except: pass #

2.5. Value Added Imports Part


2.5.1 Imports profiling

# # - Food imports and export flows are present for all individual countries, but World values. # - Imports need to converted to *Value Added Imports* in order to accommodate the fact that they have been produced in a country with a different energy intensity than the target. This is a compromise solution since the alternative is to use the energy return on energy investment (EROEI) values of the source countries of the imported products. However, this would require to calcualte individual crop EROEI's, since the final energy intennsity of crop imports would greatly depend on the imported crop mix. Therefore the total dollar value of food imports (from *FAOSTAT*, if not available then *WDI*, if not available then *UN COMTRADE*) gets multiplied by the energy intensity of the economy of the target country. The energy intensity data comes from *WDI* - as it involves GDP and total energy consumption. This yields the energy expended in the target country to purchase the imports in question. # - The inflow of the imports is then calculated using the primary energy share by source breakdown (fossils, non-combustible renewables & nuclear, biomass) from *WDI* database. # - However, we also have direct information about the energy content of the imports directly from *FAOSTAT* (which is not the same as the expended energy to purchase them). This is the outflow of the imports. # # Therefore in the *Import profiling* section first set up the database access for each of the above mentioned 3 databases. The energy intensity of the economy (energy use/GDP) is calculated using *WDI* data. On top of that, the breakdown of primary energy sources (that run the economy) are also loaded from *WDI*, as well as the total value of mechandise imports and the food imports' share in this - to get the *Value Added Imports* of all food products. This database connection is set up in the next cell. # #

Database Setup: *WDI*

# In[44]: #WDI access, already set up for fossil-to-electricity part wdi_import_indicators=['Energy use (kt of oil equivalent)','GDP (current US$)',\ 'Food imports (% of merchandise imports)',\ 'Merchandise imports (current US$)',\ 'Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total)',\ 'Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use)',\ 'Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy)'] wdi_import=get_data([wdipath,'WDI_csv',wdindicators[0]]) wdi_import.columns=['Country','Code','Indicator','ICode']+[1960+i for i in range(55)] #old 54 wdi_import=wdi_import.drop('Code', axis=1).drop('ICode', axis=1)\ .query('Indicator=='+repr(wdi_import_indicators)).set_index(['Country','Indicator'],drop=True) # We define a custom interpolation function that can interpolate and extrapolate using polynomials of different grade, as well as an exponential function. Furthermore, it has the option to extrapolate or truncate the values at the interpolation interval's edges to the depth nereast values. # In[45]: def interpolate(d,years,gfit=2,depth=1,polyorder=1,override=False): #depth * length of interpolation substrings will be taken to the left and right #for example for {1971:5,1972:6,1973:7,1974:5} interpolating it over 1969-1990 #for the section 1960-1970 (2 elements) the values from 1972,1973,1974 (3 elements) will be taken with depth 1.5 #for the section 1974-1990 (15 elements) all values (4 elements) will be taken to extrapolate if (gfit>2): print 'interpolate takes only 1 (polynomial) or 2 (exponential) as 3rd argument [default=2]' return mydict={} missing_points=[[]] for year in years: if year not in d.keys(): missing_points[-1].append(year) else: missing_points.append([]) for m in missing_points: if m: fit=gfit if ((m[-1]np.sort(d.keys())[-1])): #check if it is ends of the interval, then extrapolate mean only if not override: fit=0 if fit==0: #take average y = {k: d[k] for k in set(d.keys()).intersection(range(max(min(years),min(m)-int(3)),\ min(max(years),max(m)+int(3))+1))} for i in range(len(m)): mydict[m[i]]=np.mean(y.values()) elif fit==1: #intersector y = {k: d[k] for k in set(d.keys()).intersection(range(max(min(years),\ min(m)-int(depth*len(m))),min(max(years),max(m)+int(depth*len(m)))+1))} #print y w = np.polyfit(y.keys(),y.values(),polyorder) # obtaining regression parameters if (polyorder==1): intersector=w[0]*np.array(m)+w[1] else: intersector=w[0]*np.array(m)*np.array(m)+w[1]*np.array(m)+w[2] for i in range(len(m)): mydict[m[i]]=max(0,intersector[i]) else: #intersector y = {k: d[k] for k in set(d.keys()).intersection(range(max(min(years),\ min(m)-int(depth*len(m))),min(max(years),max(m)+int(depth*len(m)))+1))} #print y w = np.polyfit(y.keys(),np.log(y.values()),1) # obtaining log regression parameters (exp fitting) intersector=np.exp(w[1])*np.exp(w[0]*np.array(m)) for i in range(len(m)): mydict[m[i]]=max(0,intersector[i]) #return interpolated points return mydict # Then the values for the *Value Added Imports* of all food products are loaded, interpolated and normalized for a certain country, for a given time period (given by the years argument of the wdi_impot_profiling function). During the process, data quality indicators are collected in the missing, estimated and integrity global variables. The wdi_import_profiling parses the value added food imports, calculates the equivalent enegrgy expenditure in the country's economy, distributes this energy over the primary energy mix and returns a dictionary which has elements of the years array as (scondary) keys and profiled values as values for each primary energy type (primary keys). # In[46]: #create global energy intensity of the economy values def wdi_global(country): y={} years=range(1961,2012) country=country_name_converter(country) for year in years: w=wdi_import.loc[country] if ((year in w.loc['Energy use (kt of oil equivalent)']) and (year in w.loc['GDP (current US$)'])): y[year]=w.loc['Energy use (kt of oil equivalent)'][year]/w.loc['GDP (current US$)'][year] if np.isnan(y[year]): y.pop(year); y.update(interpolate(y,years,1)) #energy/GDP ratio is quasilinear return y # In[47]: def wdi_import_profiling(country,years): global integrity global missing global estimated zerodata=[] temp=set() #locally convert country names between databases country=country_name_converter(country) y={} #create global primary energy share fuelsources={'Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total)':'Fossil Fuels',\ 'Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use)':'Renewables & Nuclear',\ 'Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy)':'Renewables & Nuclear'} for year in years: #fill exiting data for fuel in wdi_import_indicators: try: fuelvalue=wdi_import.xs([country,fuel])[year] #choose column in which fuel item values are stored #if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)&(fuelvalue!=0)): if (~np.isnan(fuelvalue)): #accept 0 data, except for energy use and GDP if (fuelvalue==0): if fuel not in {'Energy use (kt of oil equivalent)','GDP (current US$)'}: if fuel not in y: y[fuel]={} y[fuel].update({year:fuelvalue}) else: if fuel not in y: y[fuel]={} y[fuel].update({year:fuelvalue}) else: zerodata.append(fuel) except: pass for i in y.keys(): #remove all zero values if not any(y[i].values()): y.pop(i) else: #update data integrity for j in set(years).difference(y[i].keys()): label=i try: label=label[:label.find("(")-1] except: pass integrity[j].append(label) #interpolate missing dataframe values if set(y[i].keys()).intersection(years): if i in {'Energy use (kt of oil equivalent)','GDP (current US$)'}: fit=2 #consumption, exponential override=True else: fit = 1 #share, linear override=False y[i].update(interpolate(y[i],years,fit,1,1,override)) if set(wdi_import_indicators).difference(y.keys()): for i in set(wdi_import_indicators).difference(y.keys()): #if i not in zerodata: label=i try: label=label[:label.find("(")-1] except: pass print country, 'no data in the entire time range', label #missing.add(label) temp.add(i) #if all fuel sources missing data, then take regional/global average for fuel sources if not set(fuelsources).difference(temp): if country!='World': if country in LDC: pcountry='Least Developed Countries' elif country in LIFDC: pcountry='Low Income Food Deficit Countries' elif country in CAR: pcountry='Caribbean' elif country in EU: pcountry='European Union' elif country in NA: pcountry='Northern America' elif country in SA: pcountry='South America' elif country in SAS: pcountry='Southern Asia' elif country in EAP: pcountry='Eastern Asia' else: pcountry='World' print country, 'no data in the entire time range','All primary energy sources, extrapolating from', pcountry w=wdi_import_profiling(pcountry,years) estimated.add("All primary energy sources") for i in fuelsources: y[i]=w[i] for year in years: #renormalize shares to 100% s=0 for fuel in fuelsources.keys(): if fuel in y.keys(): s+=y[fuel][year] for fuel in fuelsources.keys(): if fuel in y.keys(): y[fuel][year]=(y[fuel][year]/s)*100 return y #

Database setup: *FAOSTAT*

# # From the *FAOSTAT* database the value addedd imports are loaded directly from the imports dataframe, where available. Where necessary, values are interpolated using a GDP-driven interpolation. # In[48]: def fao_import_profiling(country,years): y={} country=country_name_converter6(country) #convert country names from old FAOSTAT to new FAOSTAT try: for i in imports.xs([country,'Import Value'],level=[0,2]).T.iteritems(): year = i[0][0] impvalue = i[1][0] if (~np.isnan(impvalue)&(impvalue!=0)): y[year]=impvalue except: pass if set(y.keys()).intersection(years): #interpolate missing dataframe values y.update(gdp_interpolate(y,years,2)) #food imports change with GDP, is exponentially return y # The import_profiling function calculates and combines the output of the *WDI* and *FAOSTAT* profilings. The values for the *Value Added Imports* of all food products are loaded, first from *FAOSTAT*, if not available then *WDI*, then interpolated values in the same manner, then they are complied and interpolated and normalized for a certain country, for a given time period (given by the years argument of the wdi_impot_profiling function). During the process, data quality indicators are collected in the missing, estimated and integrity global variables. The import_profiling function returns a dictionary which has elements of the years array as keys and profiled value added food imports values as values. # In[49]: def import_profiling(country,years): global integrity global missing global estimated y={} w=wdi_import_extended u=fao_import_profiling(country,years) #calculate value added total food import value for year in years: if year not in u: #data not found in FAOSTAT, try WDI if (('Merchandise imports (current US$)' in w) and \ ('Food imports (% of merchandise imports)' in w)): if ((year in w['Merchandise imports (current US$)']) and \ (year in w['Food imports (% of merchandise imports)'])): v=w['Food imports (% of merchandise imports)'][year]/\ 100*w['Merchandise imports (current US$)'][year] print country, 'tried alternate source for Value Added Imports , success' else: v=0 print country, 'tried alternate source for Value Added Imports , no luck' else: v=u[year]*1000 if (('Energy use (kt of oil equivalent)' in w) and \ ('GDP (current US$)' in w)): if ((year in w['Energy use (kt of oil equivalent)']) and \ (year in w['GDP (current US$)'])): #energy intenity of GDP is needed no matter what if (w['GDP (current US$)'][year]!=0): if (v!=0): y[year]=v*w['Energy use (kt of oil equivalent)'][year]/\ w['GDP (current US$)'][year]*0.01163 # %/100 * $ * ktoe / $ * ktoe/TWh = TWh else: #otherwise use regional/global energy intensity values if (v!=0): if country!='World': if country in LDC: pcountry='Least Developed Countries' elif country in LIFDC: pcountry='Low Income Food Deficit Countries' elif country in CAR: pcountry='Caribbean' elif country in EU: pcountry='European Union' elif country in NA: pcountry='Northern America' elif country in SA: pcountry='South America' elif country in SAS: pcountry='Southern Asia' elif country in EAP: pcountry='Eastern Asia' else: pcountry='World' print country, year, 'no data Value added imports, extrapolating from', pcountry y[year]=v*wdi_global(pcountry)[year]*0.01163 # %/100 * $ * ktoe / $ * ktoe/TWh = TWh if "Value Added Imports" not in integrity[year]: integrity[year].append("Value added imports") if set(y.keys()).intersection(years): #update data integrity for i in set(years).difference(y.keys()): if "Value Added Imports" not in integrity[i]: integrity[i].append("Value added imports") #interpolate missing dataframe values y.update(interpolate(y,years,2,1,1,True)) #economy is exponential else: if "Value Added Imports" not in missing: print country, 'no data in the entire time range Value Added Imports' missing.add("Value added imports") return y #

2.5.2. Imports Parsing

# # Profiled imports inputs are loaded from the unified import_extended global dictionary, which has been created by the import_profiling function. Then, the value added food imports are use to calculate the equivalent enegrgy expenditure in the country's economy, distributes this energy over the primary energy mix (calculated by wdi_import_profiling and stored in wdi_import_extended). Then, using the add_to_json function, the imports-to-primary crop flows (from fao_import_profiling) and primary energy sources-to-imports are saved into the data variable and effectively added to the visualization structure. # In[50]: def import_part(country, year): #if True: # placeholder dummy ############################################################################################### ###### IMPORTS PART ###### ############################################################################################### if country not in {"World"}: global foodinput if year in import_extended.keys(): fuelsources={'Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total)':'Fossil Fuels',\ 'Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use)':'Renewables & Nuclear',\ 'Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy)':'Renewables & Nuclear'} if set(fuelsources.keys()).intersection(wdi_import_extended.keys()): try: impvalue = import_extended[year]*\ wdi_import_extended['Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total)'][year]/100 if (~np.isnan(impvalue)&(impvalue!=0)): for i in range(n): for k in range(m-1): #supply data (k=3) does not have non-food inputs if (k!=m-2): #if not only agri-system add_to_json(i,k,"Fossil Fuels","Import",impvalue,0,\ '[{"l":'+repr("Fossil Fuels")+',"v":'+repr(impvalue)+'}]') for k in range(m-1): if (k!=2): foodinput[k]+=impvalue foodinput2["Fossil Fuels"][k]+=impvalue except: pass impvalue1 = 0 try: impvalue1 = import_extended[year]*\ wdi_import_extended['Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use)'][year]/100 except: pass impvalue2 = 0 try: impvalue2 = import_extended[year]*\ wdi_import_extended['Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy)'][year]/100 except: pass try: if ((~np.isnan(impvalue1+impvalue2))&(impvalue1+impvalue2!=0)): for i in range(n): for k in range(m-1): #supply data (k=3) does not have non-food inputs if (k!=m-2): #if not only agri-system add_to_json(i,k,"Renewables & Nuclear","Import",impvalue1+impvalue2,0,\ '[{"l":'+repr("Renewables & Nuclear")+\ ',"v":'+repr(impvalue1)+'},{"l":'+\ repr("Biomass & Waste")+',"v":'+repr(impvalue2)+'}]') for k in range(m-1): if ((~np.isnan(impvalue1+impvalue2))&(impvalue1+impvalue2!=0)): if (k!=2): foodinput[k]+=impvalue1+impvalue2 foodinput2["Renewables & Nuclear"][k]+=impvalue1+impvalue2 except: pass else: try: impvalue = import_extended[year] if (~np.isnan(impvalue)&(impvalue!=0)): for i in range(n): for k in range(m-1): #supply data (k=3) does not have non-food inputs if (k!=m-2): #if not only agri-system add_to_json(i,k,"Fossil Fuels","Import",impvalue,0,\ '[{"l":'+repr("Fossil Fuels")+',"v":'+repr(impvalue)+'}]') for k in range(m-1): if (k!=2): foodinput[k]+=impvalue foodinput2["Fossil Fuels"][k]+=impvalue except: pass print country, year, "no data for Energy composition, using 100% Fossil" #

2.6. Save Data

# # This workflow leads to 3 large categories of inputs: # # - Fossil Fuels, Renewables & Nuclear, Labor # # And 3 large categories of outputs: # # - Food (Domestic consumption), Exports, Biofuels & Other (and Waste, not part of the balance) # # In addition the Stock Variation for each year is added to both sides. # # Then, the energy return on energy investment (EROEI) of each country and region and the globe for each year can be calculated by taking the ratio of the sum of the energy outputs over the sum of the energy inputs. MOnitoring the evolution of the EROEI can offer valuable information into the dynamics of of food and agriculture systems. # # We construct two EROEIs: # # - An EROEI of the agricultural system, that includes locally grown primary crops. We call this the **Agri-system EROEI**. # - Another EROEI, when, of top of the above, we include secondary food products, imports and exports. We call this the ** Food system EROEI**. # # Normalization: # # - Since the EROEI is subject to variations in the average crop energy content - resutling from changes in the crop mix, as well the subtle evolution of the energy content of seeds and subseeutn crops, we will do a normalization of the EROEI based on the normalized average crop energy content (NAEC) thus removing the effect of crop shifting from the system. # - The the NAEC has different values for agri-system and food systems, as they are driven by different phenomena: # # - For the agri-system, the NAEC is equivalent to the intrinsic change in produced primary crop energy content. That is, if a country starts replacing fruits with cereals - i.e. a crop with low energy content with a higher one, this leads to an increase in the average crop energy content of the argi-system. Thus, the real change in the agri-sytem EROEI has to be discounted by this phenomenon. # - For the food system the process is bit more complicated. In the food system the NAEC changes because of the change in the agri-system NAEC, but on top of that also because of a few other factors: # # - The energy intensity of the imported crops to the country changes over time # - The end-use of primary crops changes over time - i.e. cereals start being fed to animals in larger proportions rather than direct human consumption, effectively reducing the NAEC. # # Data is stored in a number of *JSON* files for each country and each year. In the beginning of this workbook, we have defined the argument i as the detail level at which we are passing the data and it is one of the following:
  1. Food hypergroups
  2. Food supergroups
  3. FAO food groups
  4. FAO crop groups
# And the argument k corresponds to the *Python* dictionary in the global variable data[i][k] to which the data will be written to. We will generate the following datasets: # # Since we have 4 (defined as n throughout the code) different values of i and 4 (defined as m throughout the code) different values of k, this leads to a total of 16 files for each country and each year. The naming convetion we us is: # # - [country]+[year]+[i]+[k].json, without spaces # # On top of that, for each dataset, we calculate a sepparate *EROEI* and *NAEC*, storing them in 4 files indexed after k and prefixed with k: # # - [country]+[year]+k+[k].json, without spaces # # Finally, the data integriy for each country is stored in one file per country, listing the contents of the missing, etimated and integrity (interpolated) dictionaries over time. # # This leads to a grand total of (number of countries and regions)·(years·m·n+1) number of files. This equals 197·(51·4·4+1)=160949 # In[51]: def save_data(country, year): ############################################################################################### ###### SAVE DATA ###### ############################################################################################### global eroei for k in range(m): #if ((sum([foodoutput[i][k] for i in foodoutput.keys()])!=0) & (foodinput[k]!=0)): #old, deprecated - null foodinput condition was needed to avoid Inf EROEI if ((sum([foodoutput[i][k] for i in foodoutput.keys()])!=0)): #save main Sankey data for i in range(n): file(savepath+country+repr(year)+repr(i)+repr(k)+'.json','w').write(json.dumps(data[i][k])) #create global input-output graph (top right corner) fooddata={"nodes":[{"name": "Balance","fill":"#9edae5"}],"links":[]} for j in range(len(foodoutput.keys())): if foodoutput[foodoutput.keys()[j]][k]: nodes_innerdict={} nodes_innerdict["name"] = foodoutput.keys()[j] if (color(k,foodoutput.keys()[j])!=""): nodes_innerdict["fill"]=color(k,foodoutput.keys()[j]) fooddata["nodes"].append(nodes_innerdict) for j in range(len(foodinput2.keys())): if foodinput2[foodinput2.keys()[j]][k]: nodes_innerdict={} nodes_innerdict["name"] = foodinput2.keys()[j] if (color(k,foodinput2.keys()[j])!=""): nodes_innerdict["fill"]=color(k,foodinput2.keys()[j]) fooddata["nodes"].append(nodes_innerdict) for j in range(1,len(fooddata["nodes"])): if fooddata["nodes"][j]["name"] in foodinput2: links_innerdict={} links_innerdict["source"]=j links_innerdict["target"]=0 links_innerdict["value"]=foodinput2[fooddata["nodes"][j]["name"]][k] fooddata["links"].append(links_innerdict) else: links_innerdict={} links_innerdict["source"]=0 links_innerdict["target"]=j links_innerdict["value"]=foodoutput[fooddata["nodes"][j]["name"]][k] fooddata["links"].append(links_innerdict) #if (k!=m-1): #eroei[k][year]=sum([foodoutput[i][k] for i in foodoutput])/(foodinput[k]) #old discounted imports for WROWI #else: eroei[k][year]=(sum([foodoutput[i][k] for i in foodoutput])-foodimport[k])/(foodinput[k]) if (foodinput[k]!=0): eroei[k][year]=sum([foodoutput[i][k] for i in foodoutput])/(foodinput[k]) else: eroei[k][year]=0 #calculate aec global aec aec[k][year]=0 aec1=0 aec2=0 for item in foodoutput.keys()+["Production"]: if item in groupdict[0][k]: try: aec1+=sum([z['prod'] for z in data[0][k]['links'] if \ z['target']==groupdict[0][k][item]]) aec2+=sum([z['value'] for z in data[0][k]['links'] if \ z['target']==groupdict[0][k][item]]) except:pass #division by zero, interpolate later if (k!=m-1): aec[k][year]=aec2/aec1*100*859.845 #convert TWh/ktonnes to kcal/100g else: aec[k][year]=aec1/aec2*100*859.845 #save mini-Sankey data file(savepath+country+repr(year)+'k'+repr(k)+'.json','w').write(json.dumps(fooddata)) #safety switch else: aec[k][year]=0 eroei[k][year]=0 #

3. Main

# The main section of the code defines over which countries and years iterate over and calls the functions defined in *Section 2* in order. There are also minor pre-profiling functions to be run first. #

Country name converters

# # In order to establosh a smooth communication between the different databases used, we need to create 4 country_name_converter functions. We used a nromalization over the *FAO* country names, hence all other database country names are converted to *FAO* names. For saving we use a simplified version of the *FAO* nameset. # In[52]: def country_name_converter(country): #convert country names between FAO and WDI databases if "\xf4" in country: return country[0:country.find("\xf4")]+"o"+country[country.find("\xf4")+1:len(country)] elif "of America" in country: return country[0:country.find("of America")-1] elif country == 'China, Hong Kong SAR': return 'Hong Kong SAR, China' elif country == 'China, Macao SAR': return 'Macao SAR, China' elif country == 'Democratic Republic of the Congo': return 'Congo, Dem. Rep.' elif country == 'Egypt': return 'Egypt, Arab Rep.' elif country == 'Faroe Islands': return 'Faeroe Islands' elif country == 'Iran': return 'Iran, Islamic Rep.' elif country == 'Iran (Islamic Republic of)': return 'Iran, Islamic Rep.' elif country == 'Kyrgyzstan': return 'Kyrgyz Republic' elif country == "Lao People's Democratic Republic": return 'Lao PDR' elif country == 'Occupied Palestinian Territory': return 'West Bank and Gaza' elif country == 'Republic of Korea': return 'Korea, Rep.' elif country == 'Republic of Moldova': return 'Moldova' elif country == 'Slovakia': return 'Slovak Republic' elif country == 'The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia': return 'Macedonia, FYR' elif country == 'Yemen': return 'Yemen, Rep.' elif country == 'Viet Nam': return 'Vietnam' elif country == 'Venezuela': return 'Venezuela, RB' elif country == 'Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)': return 'Venezuela, RB' elif country == 'United Republic of Tanzania': return 'Tanzania' #special countries, existing in the past, electricity generation values estimated from contemporary countries elif country == 'Serbia and Montenegro': return 'Serbia' elif country == 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines': return 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines' elif country == 'China, mainland': return 'China' elif country == 'Ethiopia PDR': return 'Ethiopia' elif country == 'USSR': return 'Russian Federation' elif country == 'Yugoslav SFR': return 'Serbia' elif country == 'Bahamas': return 'Bahamas, The' elif country == 'Saint Lucia': return 'St. Lucia' elif country == 'Belgium-Luxembourg': return 'Belgium' elif country == 'Gambia': return 'Gambia, The' elif country == "Democratic People's Republic of Korea": return 'Korea, Dem. Rep.' elif country == 'Saint Kitts and Nevis': return 'St. Kitts and Nevis' elif country == 'Congo': return 'Congo, Rep.' elif country == 'Czechoslovakia': return 'Czech Republic' #aggregate regions elif country == 'Central America': return 'Mexico and Central America' elif country == 'Eastern Asia': return 'East Asia & Pacific (all income levels)' elif country == 'Least Developed Countries': return 'Least developed countries: UN classification' elif country == 'Low Income Food Deficit Countries': return 'Low income' elif country == 'Northern Africa': return 'Middle East & North Africa (all income levels)' elif country == 'Northern America': return 'North America' elif country == 'South America': return 'Latin America & Caribbean (all income levels)' elif country == 'Southern Africa': return 'Sub-Saharan Africa (all income levels)' elif country == 'Southern Asia': return 'South Asia' elif country == 'Caribbean': return 'Caribbean small states' elif country == 'Small Island Developing States': return 'Pacific island small states' elif "+" in country: return country[0:country.find("+")-1] elif "(" in country: return country[0:country.find("(")-1] else: return country # In[53]: def country_name_converter2(country): #convert country names between databases: FAO to latitude bands map/info if country=='Serbia and Montenegro': return 'Serbia' elif country=='Russian Federation': return 'Russia' elif country=='United States Virgin Islands': return 'Virgin Islands' elif country=='Iran (Islamic Republic of)': return 'Iran' elif country=='Viet Nam': return 'Vietnam' elif country=='China, mainland': return 'China' elif country=='United States of America': return 'United States' elif country=='Falkland Islands (Malvinas)': return 'Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)' elif country=='Ethiopia PDR': return 'Ethiopia' elif country=='Bolivia (Plurinational State of)': return 'Bolivia' elif country=='USSR': return 'Russia' elif country=='World': return 'Pacific Ocean' elif country=='Yugoslav SFR': return 'Serbia' elif country=='Republic of Moldova': return 'Moldova' elif country=='Bahamas': return 'Bahamas, The' elif country=='Pacific Islands Trust Territory': return 'Pacific Ocean' elif country=="Lao People's Democratic Republic": return 'Laos' elif country=='Belgium-Luxembourg': return 'Belgium' elif country=='China, Hong Kong SAR': return 'Hong Kong' elif country=='Gambia': return 'Gambia, The' elif country=='China, Macao SAR': return 'Macau' elif country=='United Republic of Tanzania': return 'Tanzania' elif country=='Wallis and Futuna Islands': return 'Wallis and Futuna' elif country=='Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)': return 'Venezuela' elif country=='Occupied Palestinian Territory': return 'West Bank' elif country=='Syrian Arab Republic': return 'Syria' elif country=='Republic of Korea': return 'Korea, South' elif country=="Democratic People's Republic of Korea": return 'Korea, North' elif country=='Brunei Darussalam': return 'Brunei' elif country=='Democratic Republic of the Congo': return 'Congo, Democratic Republic of the' elif country=='Micronesia (Federated States of)': return 'Micronesia, Federated States of' elif country=='Holy See': return 'Holy See (Vatican City)' elif country=='The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia': return 'Macedonia' elif country=='R\xe9union': return 'Reunion' elif country=='China, Taiwan Province of': return 'Taiwan' elif country=="C\xf4te d'Ivoire": return "Cote d'Ivoire" elif country=='Myanmar': return 'Burma' elif country=='Sudan (former)': return 'Sudan' elif country=='Congo': return 'Congo, Republic of the' elif country=='Netherlands Antilles': return 'Aruba' elif country=='Czechoslovakia': return 'Czech Republic' else: return country # In[54]: def country_name_converter3(country): #convert country names for Sankey app #aggregate regions if "+" in country: return "~ "+country[0:country.find("+")-1] elif "(" in country: return country[0:country.find("(")-1] regions={'Small Island Developing States','Caribbean','Eastern Asia',\ 'European Union','Least Developed Countries',\ 'Low Income Food Deficit Countries','Northern Africa','Northern America',\ 'South America','Southern Africa','Southern Asia','World'} if country in regions: return "~ "+country #countries elif "\xf4" in country: return country[0:country.find("\xf4")]+"o"+country[country.find("\xf4")+1:len(country)] elif "of America" in country: return country[0:country.find("of America")-1] elif country == 'China, Hong Kong SAR': return 'Hong Kong SAR, China' elif country == 'China, Macao SAR': return 'Macao SAR, China' elif country == 'China, Taiwan province of': return 'Taiwan' elif country == 'Democratic Republic of the Congo': return 'Congo, DRC' elif country == "Lao People's Democratic Republic": return 'Lao PDR' elif country == 'Republic of Korea': return 'Korea, South' elif country == 'Republic of Moldova': return 'Moldova' elif country == 'The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia': return 'Macedonia, FYR' elif country == 'Viet Nam': return 'Vietnam' elif country == 'United Republic of Tanzania': return 'Tanzania' elif country == "Democratic People's Republic of Korea": return 'Korea, North' elif country == "Syrian Arab Republic": return 'Syria' #special countries, existing in the past, electricity generation values estimated from contemporary countries elif country == 'Serbia and Montenegro': return '{former} Serbia and Montenegro' elif country == 'China, mainland': return '{former} China, mainland' elif country == 'Ethiopia PDR': return '{former} Ethiopia, PDR' elif country == 'USSR': return '{former} USSR' elif country == 'Yugoslav SFR': return '{former} Yugoslav SFR' elif country == 'Belgium-Luxembourg': return '{former} Belgium-Luxembourg' elif country == 'Czechoslovakia': return '{former} Czechoslovakia' else: return country # In[55]: def country_name_converter4(country): #convert country names for World Map app #from FAO if country == 'China, Hong Kong SAR': return 'Hong Kong' #elif country == 'China, mainland': return 'China' elif country == 'China, Macao SAR': return 'Macao, China' elif country == "Lao People's Democratic Republic": return "Lao People's Dem. Rep." elif country == 'Sao Tome and Principe': return 'S\xe3o Tom\xe9 and Principe' elif country == 'Cabo Verde': return 'Cape Verde' elif country == 'Iran (Islamic Republic of)': return 'Iran' elif country == 'Viet Nam': return 'Vietnam' elif country == 'United States of America': return 'United States' elif country == 'Bolivia (Plurinational State of)': return 'Bolivia' elif country == 'Central African Republic': return 'Cent African Rep' elif country == 'Occupied Palestinian Territory': return 'Palestinian Territories' elif country == 'Republic of Moldova': return 'Rep. of Moldova' elif country == 'Libya': return 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya' elif country == 'United Republic of Tanzania': return 'Tanzania' elif country == 'Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)': return 'Venezuela' elif country == 'Republic of Korea': return 'Rep. of Korea' elif country == "Democratic People's Republic of Korea": return "People's Republic of Korea" elif country == 'The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia': return 'FYR of Macedonia' elif country == 'China, Taiwan Province of': return 'Taiwan' elif country == 'Sudan (former)': return 'Sudan' elif country == 'Myanmar': return 'Myanmar (Burma)' #from WDI elif country == 'Bahamas, The' :return 'Bahamas' elif country == 'Congo, Dem. Rep.':return 'Dem. Rep. of Congo' elif country == 'Congo, Rep.':return 'Congo' elif country == "Cote d'Ivoire": return "C\xf4te d'Ivoire" elif country == 'Egypt, Arab Rep.':return 'Egypt' elif country == 'Gambia, The':return 'Gambia' elif country == 'Hong Kong SAR, China': return 'Hong Kong' elif country == 'Iran, Islamic Rep.': return 'Iran' elif country == 'Korea, Dem. Rep.' : return "People's Republic of Korea" elif country == 'Korea, Rep.': return 'Rep. of Korea' elif country == 'Kyrgyz Republic':return 'Kyrgyzstan' elif country == 'Lao PDR': return "Lao People's Dem. Rep." elif country == 'Macao SAR, China': return 'Macao, China' elif country == 'Macedonia, FYR': return 'FYR of Macedonia' elif country == 'Micronesia, Fed. Sts.' :return 'Micronesia (Federated States of)' elif country == 'Moldova':return 'Rep. of Moldova' elif country == 'Slovak Republic':return 'Slovakia' elif country == 'St. Kitts and Nevis':return 'Saint Kitts and Nevis' elif country == 'St. Lucia':return 'Saint Lucia' elif country == 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines':return 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' elif country == 'Venezuela, RB': return 'Venezuela' elif country == 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)':return 'US Virgin Islands' elif country == 'West Bank and Gaza':return 'Palestinian Territories' elif country == 'Yemen, Rep.':return 'Yemen' else: return country #

Irrigation profiling

# # In order to decide on the average water and consequent energy needs of certain crop types in different climatic belts, we conduct an irrigation profiling. Countries without specific irrigation data are assigned a characteristic irrigation energy intensity for their climatic belt, based on the GPS coordinates of their centroid. For this you will need to access the centroids.csv file either directly or locally after download. # In[56]: #irrigation profiling #calculate country geo centroids centroids=pd.read_csv(masterpath+'centroids.csv',sep='\t') country_lat={} countries={i[0][0] for i in population.T.iteritems() if "+" not in i[0][0]} | {"World"} for country in countries: try: mystring=centroids.xs(country_name_converter2(country)).index[0] if mystring[0]==' ': mystring=mystring[1:len(mystring)] country_lat[country]=int(mystring[0:mystring.find(' ')]) mystring=mystring[(mystring.find(' ')+1):] country_lat[country]+=int(mystring[0:mystring.find(' ')])/60.0 if (mystring[(mystring.find(' ')+1):]=='S'): country_lat[country]=country_lat[country]*(-1) except: pass #load land data land = get_data([masterpath,indicators[6],indicators[6]],\ ['Country','Item','Element','Year','Value'],[0,3,1],['Area'],\ ['Total area equipped for irrigation']).drop('Element', axis=1).query('Value!=0') #drop null values points=[] points2=[] #get available irrigation data irrigation=energy.xs(['Energy for power irrigation'],level=[3]).reset_index().drop('Element',\ axis=1).set_index(['Country', 'Year']).query('Value!=0') for country in countries: if '+ (Total)' not in country: land_list={} irrig_list={} land_list2={} irrig_list2={} try: years=range(1961,2012) for year in years: try: #power for irrigation per area (TWh/100Ha) land_list[year]=land.xs([country,year], level=[0,1]).values[0][0] irrig_list[year]=irrigation.xs([country,year],level=[0,1]).values[0][0]/land_list[year] if year>2005: land_list2[year]=land.xs([country,year], level=[0,1]).values[0][0] irrig_list2[year]=irrigation.xs([country,year],level=[0,1]).values[0][0]/land_list2[year] except: pass try: points.append([country,country_lat[country],pd.DataFrame(irrig_list.values()).mean().values[0],\ pd.DataFrame(land_list.values()).mean().values[0]]) points2.append([country,country_lat[country],pd.DataFrame(irrig_list2.values()).mean().values[0],\ pd.DataFrame(land_list2.values()).mean().values[0]]) except: pass except: pass # We plot the results and notice that the countries in the tropical desert regions indeed have a much higher irrigation energy intensity than others. # In[57]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 mpld3.enable_notebook() fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2,subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE'),figsize=(13,4)) #latest irrigation intensity, average all years, for display avg={} wgts={} for i in range(len(points2)): if int(points2[i][1])in avg.keys(): avg[int(points2[i][1])].append(points2[i][2]) wgts[int(points2[i][1])].append(points2[i][3]) else: avg[int(points2[i][1])]=[points2[i][2]] wgts[int(points2[i][1])]=[points2[i][3]] for i in avg.keys(): avg[i]=np.average(avg[i],weights=wgts[i]) #simple average, old #avg[i]=np.average(avg[i]) avg[90]=avg[-90]=0 irrig_intensity={} kys=np.sort(avg.keys()) for i in range(2,len(kys)-2): irrig_intensity[kys[i]] = np.average([avg[kys[i-2]],avg[kys[i-1]],avg[kys[i]],avg[kys[i+1]],avg[kys[i+2]]]) ax=axes[1] scatter = ax.scatter([i[1] for i in points2], [i[2] for i in points2], s=[i[3]**(0.7) for i in points2], #c=range(len(points)), c="yellow", alpha=0.5) x=[] y=[] for i in range(len(irrig_intensity)): x.append(np.sort(irrig_intensity.keys())[i]) y.append(irrig_intensity[x[i]]) ax.plot(x,y,'r',linewidth=4) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_xlim([-45,80]) ax.set_ylim([-2,15]) ax.set_title("Average Irrigation Energy Intensity 2006-2011", size=14) ax.text(0.99,-0.15,'Bubble size ~ Irrigated Area [kHa]',size=12, horizontalalignment='right',transform=ax.transAxes) #ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-90, 91, 20)) tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(scatter, labels= [repr(i[0]) for i in points2]) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip) #set labels for countries with large enough territory #load country codes for plot annotations cc=pd.read_csv(masterpath.replace('db','map/0')+'cc.csv',';') for i in points2: try: #if ((i[3]>1000) or (i[1]<-15) or (i[1]>45) or ((i[2]>7)and(i[3]>1000))): ax.text(i[1],i[2]-0.0,cc[country_name_converter4(i[0])][0],\ size=7+i[3]**0.2, horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',alpha=0.5) except: pass #irrig_intensity.update(interpolate(irrig_intensity,[-50,60])) irrig_intensity[90]=irrig_intensity[-90]=max(irrig_intensity.values())/3 irrig_intensity.update(interpolate(irrig_intensity,range(-37,60),1,1,2)) for i in range(50,60): irrig_intensity.pop(i) for i in range(-89,-37): irrig_intensity[i]=irrig_intensity[-37] for i in range(50,90): irrig_intensity[i]=irrig_intensity[49] ax.scatter([80],[-1.5],[1000**0.7],facecolors='none',alpha=0.5) ax.scatter([80],[-1.0],[10000**0.7],facecolors='none',alpha=0.5) ax.scatter([80],[-0.3],[50000**0.7],facecolors='none',alpha=0.5) ax.text(1.01,0.05,1000,size=10, horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='center',transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(1.01,0.12,10000,size=10, horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='center',transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(1.01,0.2,50000,size=10, horizontalalignment='left',verticalalignment='center',transform=ax.transAxes) #real irrigation intensity, average all years, for access avg={} wgts={} for i in range(len(points)): if int(points[i][1])in avg.keys(): avg[int(points[i][1])].append(points[i][2]) wgts[int(points[i][1])].append(points[i][3]) else: avg[int(points[i][1])]=[points[i][2]] wgts[int(points[i][1])]=[points[i][3]] for i in avg.keys(): avg[i]=np.average(avg[i],weights=wgts[i]) #simple average, old #avg[i]=np.average(avg[i]) avg[90]=avg[-90]=0 irrig_intensity={} kys=np.sort(avg.keys()) for i in range(2,len(kys)-2): irrig_intensity[kys[i]] = np.average([avg[kys[i-2]],avg[kys[i-1]],avg[kys[i]],avg[kys[i+1]],avg[kys[i+2]]]) ax=axes[0] scatter = ax.scatter([i[1] for i in points], [i[2] for i in points], s=[i[3]**(0.7) for i in points], #c=range(len(points)), c="yellow", alpha=0.5) x=[] y=[] for i in range(len(irrig_intensity)): x.append(np.sort(irrig_intensity.keys())[i]) y.append(irrig_intensity[x[i]]) ax.plot(x,y,'r',linewidth=4) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_xlim([-45,80]) ax.set_ylim([-2,15]) ax.set_title("Average Irrigation Energy Intensity 1961-2011", size=14) ax.text(0.01,-0.15,'Geographic Latitude',size=12, horizontalalignment='left',transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text(-0.1,0.5,'Irrigation Energy Intensity [TJ / kHa]',size=12, horizontalalignment='center',\ verticalalignment='center',rotation=90,transform=ax.transAxes) #ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-90, 91, 20)) tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(scatter, labels= [repr(i[0]) for i in points]) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip) #set labels for countries with large enough territory #load country codes for plot annotations cc=pd.read_csv(masterpath.replace('db','map/0')+'cc.csv',';') for i in points: try: #if ((i[3]>1000) or (i[1]<-15) or (i[1]>45) or ((i[2]>7)and(i[3]>1000))): ax.text(i[1],i[2]-0.0,cc[country_name_converter4(i[0])][0],\ size=7+i[3]**0.2, horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',alpha=0.5) except: pass #irrig_intensity.update(interpolate(irrig_intensity,[-50,60])) irrig_intensity[90]=irrig_intensity[-90]=max(irrig_intensity.values())/3 irrig_intensity.update(interpolate(irrig_intensity,range(-37,60),1,1,2)) for i in range(50,60): irrig_intensity.pop(i) for i in range(-89,-37): irrig_intensity[i]=irrig_intensity[-37] for i in range(50,90): irrig_intensity[i]=irrig_intensity[49] plotpath="E:/Dropbox (MIT)/Public/Food-Energy/plots/" fig.savefig(plotpath+'irrig.png',bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0.1, dpi=150) plt.show() #

Fishing profiling

# # In order to decide on the average energy needs of fishing at different industry scales, we conduct an fishing profiling. Countries without specific fishing energy data are assigned a characteristic fishing energy intensity for their other fishing nations comparable to their size. For this we use the already parsed balance dataframe. # In[58]: #fishing profiling fishing = balance.xs(['Production','Fish, Seafood'],level=[3,2]).drop('ItemCode',axis=1) points=[] #get available fishing data fish_diesel1=energy.xs([fuels3[0]],level=[3]).reset_index().drop('Element', axis=1).set_index(['Country', 'Year']) fish_diesel2=energy.xs([fuels3[1]],level=[3]).reset_index().drop('Element', axis=1).set_index(['Country', 'Year']) for country in countries: if '+ (Total)' not in country: fishing_list={} land_list={} try: years=range(1961,2012) for year in years: try: #power for fishing per area (TJ/ktonnes of fish) land_list[year]=fishing.xs([country,year],level=[0,1]).values[0][0] if (land_list[year]!=0): if (fish_diesel1.xs([country,year],level=[0,1]).values[0][0]+\ fish_diesel2.xs([country,year],level=[0,1]).values[0][0] != 0): fishing_list[year]=(fish_diesel1.xs([country,year],level=[0,1]).values[0][0]+\ fish_diesel2.xs([country,year],level=[0,1]).values[0][0])\ /land_list[year] except: pass try: points.append([country,pd.DataFrame(fishing_list.values()).mean().values[0],\ pd.DataFrame(land_list.values()).mean().values[0]]) except: pass except: pass # In[59]: import mpld3 mpld3.enable_notebook() y=[np.log(i[1]) for i in points] x=[np.log(i[2]) for i in points] w = np.linalg.lstsq(np.array([ np.array(x), np.ones(len(x))]).T,y)[0] # obtaining regression parameters fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) scatter = ax.scatter(x,y,s=500,c=range(len(x)),alpha=0.5) ax.plot(x,w[0]*np.array(x)+w[1],'r',linewidth=4) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_title("Fishing Energy Intensity", size=14) ax.set_xlabel('log ( Total Fish & Seafood [ktonnes] )') ax.set_ylabel('log ( Fishing Energy Intensity [TJ / ktonnes] )') tooltip = mpld3.plugins.PointLabelTooltip(scatter, labels= [repr(i[0]) for i in points]) fig.savefig(plotpath+'fishing.png',bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0.1, dpi=150) mpld3.plugins.connect(fig, tooltip) # In[60]: def fishing_energy(country,year): try: return np.exp(w[0]*np.log(fishing.xs([country,year],level=[0,1]).values[0][0])+w[1])\ *fishing.xs([country,year],level=[0,1]).values[0][0] except: return 0 #

Main code setup

# In[61]: def elapsed(): from time import time global t0 print time()-t0 t0=time() # Assign predfined colors for major nodes. # In[62]: def color(i,node): #Sankey Diagram coloring function (optional, Sankey.js does automatic coloring if missing) if node in {"Fossil Fuels"}: return "#c49c94" elif node in {"Labor"}: return "#7f7f7f" elif node in {"Renewables & Nuclear"}: return "#2ca02c" elif node in {"Stock Draw","Stock Deposit","Waste"}: return "#c7c7c7" elif node in {"Fertilizers"}: return "#c5b0d5" elif node in {"Import","Export"}: return "#aec7e8" elif node in {"Electricity"}: return "#bcbd22" elif node in {'Cereals'}: return "#e7ba52" elif node in {'Oilcrops'}: return "#ff9896" elif node in {'Fruits, Roots & Vegetables'}: return "#98df8a" elif node in {'Sugar Crops'}: return "#ffbb78" elif node in {"Feed"}: return "#dbdb8d" elif node in {"Seed"}: return "#dbdb8d" elif node in {"Processing"}: return "#9edae5" elif node in {'Animal Products'}: return "#17becf" elif node in {'Aquatic Products'}: return "#1f77b4" elif node in {'Vegetable Oils'}: return "#f7b6d2" elif node in {'Other Processed'}: return "#9c9ede" elif node in {'Sugar'}: return "#d6616b" elif node in {"Food", "Production"}: return "#b5cf6b" elif node in {"Biofuels & Other"}: return "#e7ba52" elif node in {'Crop Residue'}: return "#bd9e39" else: return "" # Assign a predfined position in the horizontal plane for major nodes. # In[63]: def layer(i,node): if (i==2): #Sankey Diagram layering function (optional, Sankey.js does automatic layering if missing) if node in {"Fossil Fuels", "Labor", "Renewables & Nuclear", "Stock Draw"}: return 0 elif node in {"Fertilizers", "Electricity", "Import"}: return 1 elif node in {"Production"}: return 5 elif node in parent: if (parent[node] == 'None'): return 3 else: return 4 else: return -1 elif (i==3): #Sankey Diagram layering function (optional, Sankey.js does automatic layering if missing) if node in {"Production","Import", "Stock Draw"}: return 0 elif node in {"Export", "Biofuels & Other", "Food", "Stock Deposit", "Waste, Crop Residue"}: return 16 elif node in {"Feed", "Processing"}: return 10 elif node in parent: if (parent[node] == 'None'): return 5 else: return 13 else: return -1 else: #Sankey Diagram layering function (optional, Sankey.js does automatic layering if missing) if node in {"Fossil Fuels", "Labor", "Renewables & Nuclear", "Stock Draw"}: return 0 elif node in {"Fertilizers", "Electricity", "Import"}: return 2 elif node in {"Export", "Biofuels & Other", "Food", "Stock Deposit", "Waste, Crop Residue","Seed"}: return 16 elif node in {"Feed", "Processing"}: return 10 elif node in parent: if (parent[node] == 'None'): return 5 else: return 13 else: return -1 #

First run profiling

# # Define first run profiling parameters, i.e. set a baseline for all values, intensities, etc. using global values. The following 2 cells always need to be run before the *Main* code, but *only once*, before the first run. # In[64]: firstrun = True #define all countries and regions to iterate over during pre-profiling countries={i for i in balance.index.get_level_values('Country').unique() if "+" not in i} regions={'Small Island Developing States','Caribbean','Eastern Asia',\ 'European Union','Least Developed Countries',\ 'Low Income Food Deficit Countries','Northern Africa','Northern America',\ 'South America','Southern Africa','Southern Asia','World'} countries=set(list(countries.union(regions))) # Conduct first run profiling. This defines the crop supergroups and parents, defines a basic agriculture energy share for countries and defines a basic calorie content for all products. # In[65]: #code to execture only once, on startup if (firstrun): try: n = 4 #number of grouping variations = number of detail levels m = 4 #number of data variations = number of data levels #group to which food item entry belongs to. defined in food_groups() #custom groups possible, along the FAO official ones #i.e. Cereals for Wheat, Meat for Poultrymeat, Alcoholic Beverages for Wine supergroup=[{} for i in range(n)] #food item parent(source) node, where applicable (secondary food items) #i.e. Feed for Animal Products, Milk for Cheese, Processing for Vegetable Oils & Sugar parent={} #precentage of crop that is unused but has energy residues remaining inside it, husk #this is necessary for recording crop residues on the gross energy details level gross={} #define food categories. this is done globally, from World 2008 data #presumed to be one of the most comprehensive food_groups('World',2008) #afer processing we can drop the itemcode column from balance, unless it has already been done balance.drop('ItemCode', axis=1, inplace=True) #agri preprofiling: load agriculture energy share from dataframe and extrapolate where necessary agrienergy=fuel_preprofiling(range(1960,2015)) #food calorie profiling for world to set benchmark crop calorific values food_extended = food_profiling('World') food_cal_world = food_cal_profiling('World') firstrun=False print 'firstrun configuration finished' except: print 'firstrun configuration error' #


# The main code is structured a two nested loops: he outer loops over the countries and regions, whereas the inner loops over the years. For every country and region, before entering the years loop, variable initializations and profilings are conducted. Based on teh availability of years obtained upon food_profiling, the rest of code is invoked only for those years. # In[ ]: ############################################################################################### ###### MAIN ###### ############################################################################################### #define countries and regions to iterate over countries={i for i in balance.index.get_level_values('Country').unique() if "+" not in i} regions={'Small Island Developing States','Caribbean','Eastern Asia',\ 'European Union','Least Developed Countries',\ 'Low Income Food Deficit Countries','Northern Africa','Northern America',\ 'South America','Southern Africa','Southern Asia','World'} #countries={"Afghanistan"} #countries=set(list({i[0][0] for i in population.T.iteritems() if "+" not in i[0][0]} | {"World"})[0:200]) #countries={"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha","Sao Tome and Principe"} #countries={"United States"} #countries={"Romania"} #countries={"C\xf4te d'Ivoire",'Ghana','Zambia','Rwanda','India','China'} #countries={"Russian Federation","United States of America","Brazil","Hungary","Romania","United Arab Emirates"} #countries={"United States of America"} #countries={"China","Canada"} #countries={'China, Hong Kong SAR'} #countries={"China, Taiwan Province of"} #countries={"United Arab Emirates"} #countries={"Iran (Islamic Republic of)"} countries={"Turkmenistan", "Malaysia"} #countries={'World'} #countries={'Belize','Barbados','Burkina Faso'} #regions={'Northern America'} #countries=set([]) regions=set([]) c=[] t0=0 progress=0 problematic=[] #main loop - double check the countries! for country in set(list(countries.union(regions))): try: pc=json.loads(file(savepath+country+'m.json','r').read()) print country, "data already exists, overwriting" raise KeyError() #uncomment only if you want to overwrite existingdata except: try: ####################################################################### ###### MAIN SETUP ###### ####################################################################### #food (meta) profiling independent of years, processes all data food_extended = food_profiling(country) #load food item caloric values foodcalorie = food_cal_profiling(country) #extract years of data availalibity for country under iteration or use predefined range years = {i for a in food_extended for i in food_extended[a].keys()} #years = range(1961,1963) #for developer purposes only #create metadata variable to save EROEIs for years with available data eroei=[{} for k in range(m)] eroei_adj=[{} for k in range(m)] #create metadata variable to save average energy content years with available data aec=[{} for k in range(m)] #helper variables to monitor data integrity missing=set([]) estimated=set([]) integrity={} for year in years: integrity[year]=[] #conduct data profiling, interpolate and extrapolate database values where missing #also, after it has been indexed, load the data from pandas dataframes into python dictionaries, #which are much faster to work with in case of sparse operations wdi_import_extended = wdi_import_profiling(country,years) energy_extended = fuel_profiling(country, years) energy_extended = fuel_reprofiling(country, years,energy_extended) if (energy_extended=={}): print 'progress:',progress*100,'%',country, "no energy input data for any year, skipping" raise KeyError() electricity_extended = electricity_profiling(country, years) fertilizers_extended = fert_profiling(country, years) population_extended = labor_profiling(country, years) if country not in {'World'}: import_extended = import_profiling(country ,years) #raise KeyError() #uncomment only if you want to do data-profiling for year in years: # initialize global variables at_least_one=False #initialize food import variable for sum collection and processing for EROEI foodimport=[0 for k in range(m)] #initialize food input variable for sum collection and processing for EROEI foodinput=[0 for k in range(m)] #initialize food output variable for sum collection and processing for EROEI foodoutput={"Food":[0 for k in range(m)],\ "Biofuels & Other":[0 for k in range(m)],\ "Export":[0 for k in range(m)],\ "Stock Deposit":[0 for k in range(m)],\ "Crop Residue":[0 for k in range(m)]} foodinput2={"Fossil Fuels":[0 for k in range(m)],\ "Renewables & Nuclear":[0 for k in range(m)],\ "Labor":[0 for k in range(m)],\ "Seed":[0 for k in range(m)],\ "Stock Draw":[0 for k in range(m)]} #counter for the groupdict below count = [[0 for k in range(m)] for i in range(n)] #initialize dictionary for item order of addition - necessary format for sankey.js groupdict=[[{} for k in range(m)] for i in range(n)] #dictionary to keep track of food item sums in case of aggregations, based on the supergroup supersum=[[{} for k in range(m)] for i in range(n)] #initialize dictionary array for later JSON export for D3 & sankey.js visualization data=[[{"nodes":[],"links":[]} for k in range(m)] for i in range(n)] #save source crop share for supply input distribution later share=[[{} for k in range(m)] for i in range(n)] #elelctricity counters reset eltotal=0 eltotal_n=0 electricity_to_fossil=0 #run code by parts ####################################################################### ###### MAIN CODE ###### ####################################################################### food_data_ok=True try: food_part(country, year) except: print country, year, 'food error, skipping year' food_data_ok=False #check for food data availability, part of data quality profiling criterion if food_data_ok: try: fuels_part1(country, year) except: print country,year,"fuel1 error" try: fuels_part2(country, year, eltotal, 0) except: print country,year,"fuel2a error" try: fuels_part2(country, year, eltotal_n, 1) except: print country,year,"fuel2b error" try: fuels_part3(country, year) except: print country,year,"fuel3 error" try: fertilizers_part(country, year) except: print country,year,"fertilizers error" try: labor_part(country, year) except: print country,year,"labor error" if country not in {'World'}: try: import_part(country, year) except: print country,year,"import error" try: save_data(country_name_converter3(country), year) at_least_one=True except: print country, year, 'save error' food_data_ok=False #shorten country names if aggregate, such as World, solve unicode conflicts country=country_name_converter3(country) progress+=1.0/len(countries.union(regions)) #save EROEI values for years with available data if at_least_one: c.append(country) print 'progress:',progress*100,'%',country,'save OK for',eroei[0].keys() #normalize eroei for k in range(m): keys=eroei[k].keys() for year in keys: pass #if (np.isnan(eroei[k][year])|(eroei[k][year]==0)): eroei[k].pop(year); if set(eroei[k].keys()).intersection(years): #interpolate null or NaN eroei values eroei[k].update(interpolate(eroei[k],years,1)) #normalize aec for k in range(m): keys=aec[k].keys() for year in keys: pass #if (np.isnan(aec[k][year])|(aec[k][year]==0)): aec[k].pop(year); if set(aec[k].keys()).intersection(years): #interpolate null or NaN aec values aec[k].update(interpolate(aec[k],years,1)) #calculate adjusted EROEI for k in range(m): keys=aec[k].keys() minyear=min(keys) #first available year - to normalize after for year in keys: try: eroei_adj[k][year]=eroei[k][year]/(aec[k][year]/aec[k][minyear]) except: eroei_adj[k][year]=0 #save missing, estimated & interpolated data item list and EROEI file(savepath+country+'m.json','w').write(json.dumps({"missing":list(missing), "estimated":list(estimated), "interpolated":integrity, "eroei":eroei_adj, "eroei_raw":eroei, "aec":aec})) else: print 'progress:',progress*100,'%',country, "no food data for any year, skipping" raise KeyError() except: print 'progress:',progress*100,'%',country, "major data insufficiency, skipping country" problematic.append(country) prev_countries={'countries':[]} try: prev_countries=json.loads(file(savepath+'countries.json','r').read()) except: print 'country list does not exist, creating one' for i in c: if i not in prev_countries['countries']: prev_countries['countries'].append(i) prev_countries['countries'].sort() file(savepath+'countries.json','w').write(json.dumps(prev_countries)) if problematic: print "Errors encountered for the following countries",problematic #



We would like to express our gratitude to all of the developers of the libraries used and especially to the affiliates of FAOSTAT for their great database and openly accesible data. The data manipulation algorithms and visualization techniques are open sourced and freely reproducible, forks are welcome on GitHub (soon to be made public under MIT license). The concept and methodology are subject to copyright of the authors.

# Dénes Csala  |  2020 # In[ ]: