from IPython.display import Image from fatiando import gridder from fatiando.vis import mpl area = [-20, 20, -50, 50] x, y = gridder.scatter(area, n=100) data = x**2 + y**2 mpl.figure() mpl.axis('scaled') mpl.contourf(y, x, data, shape=(50, 50), levels=30, interp=True) mpl.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') mpl.plot(y, x, '.k') mpl.xlabel('y (East-West)') mpl.ylabel('x (North-South)') #mpl.savefig('gridding_plotting_contourf.png') Image(filename='gridding_plotting_contourf.png') mpl.figure() bm = mpl.basemap(area, projection='robin') bm.drawmapboundary() bm.drawcoastlines() mpl.contourf(y, x, data, shape=(50, 50), levels=30, interp=True, basemap=bm) mpl.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') #mpl.savefig('gridding_plotting_basemap.png') Image(filename='gridding_plotting_basemap.png') from fatiando import mesher model = [ mesher.Prism(5, 8, 3, 7, 1, 7, props={'density':200}), mesher.Prism(1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 2, props={'density':1000})] from fatiando.vis import myv bounds = [0, 10, 0, 10, 0, 10] myv.figure() myv.prisms(model, 'density') myv.axes(myv.outline(bounds)) myv.wall_bottom(bounds) myv.wall_north(bounds) #myv.savefig('meshes_3dplotting_2prisms.png') Image(filename='meshes_3dplotting_2prisms.png') mesh = mesher.PrismMesh(bounds, shape=(3, 3, 3)) mesh.addprop('density', range(mesh.size)) myv.figure() myv.prisms(mesh, 'density') myv.axes(myv.outline(bounds)) #myv.savefig('meshes_3dplotting_mesh.png') Image(filename='meshes_3dplotting_mesh.png') from fatiando import utils x, y = gridder.regular(bounds[:4], (50, 50)) heights = -5 + 5*utils.gaussian2d(x, y, 10, 5, x0=10, y0=10) mesh = mesher.PrismMesh(bounds, (20, 20, 20)) mesh.addprop('density', range(mesh.size)) mesh.carvetopo(x, y, heights) myv.figure() myv.prisms(mesh, 'density') myv.axes(myv.outline(bounds)) myv.wall_north(bounds) #myv.savefig('meshes_3dplotting_meshtopo.png') Image(filename='meshes_3dplotting_meshtopo.png') model = [ mesher.Tesseroid(-60, -55, -30, -27, 500000, 0, props={'density':200}), mesher.Tesseroid(-66, -55, -20, -10, 300000, 0, props={'density':-100})] fig = myv.figure(zdown=False) myv.tesseroids(model, 'density') myv.continents(linewidth=2) myv.meridians(range(0, 360, 45), opacity=0.2) myv.parallels(range(-90, 90, 45), opacity=0.2) # Rotate the camera to get a good view scene = fig.scene = [21199620.406122234, -12390254.839673528, -14693312.866768979] = [-535799.97230670298, -774902.33205294283, 826712.82283183688] = 19.199999999999996 = [0.33256519487680014, -0.47008782429014295, 0.81756824095039038] = [7009580.0037488714, 55829873.658824757] scene.render() #myv.savefig('meshes_3dplotting_tesseroid.png') Image(filename='meshes_3dplotting_tesseroid.png') from fatiando import gravmag area = [-80, -30, -40, 10] shape = (50, 50) lons, lats, heights = gridder.regular(area, shape, z=2500000) gz = gravmag.tesseroid.gz(lons, lats, heights, model) mpl.figure() bm = mpl.basemap(area, 'ortho') bm.drawcoastlines() bm.drawmapboundary() bm.bluemarble() mpl.title('Gravity anomaly (mGal)') mpl.contourf(lons, lats, gz, shape, 30, basemap=bm) mpl.colorbar() #mpl.savefig('gravmag_tesseroid_data.png') Image(filename='gravmag_tesseroid_data.png') # Draw a polygon and make a polygonal prism bounds = [-1000, 1000, -1000, 1000, 0, 1000] area = bounds[:4] mpl.figure() mpl.axis('scaled') vertices = mpl.draw_polygon(area, mpl.gca(), xy2ne=True) model = [mesher.PolygonalPrism(vertices, z1=0, z2=500, props={'density':500})] # Calculate the gravity anomaly shape = (50, 50) x, y, z = gridder.regular(area, shape, z=-1) gz = gravmag.polyprism.gz(x, y, z, model) mpl.figure() mpl.axis('scaled') mpl.title("Gravity anomaly (mGal)") mpl.contourf(y, x, gz, shape, levels=30) mpl.colorbar() mpl.polygon(model[0], '.-k', xy2ne=True) mpl.set_area(area) mpl.m2km() #mpl.savefig('forward_modeling_polyprism_data.png') myv.figure() myv.polyprisms(model, 'density') myv.axes(myv.outline(bounds), ranges=[i*0.001 for i in bounds]) myv.wall_north(bounds) myv.wall_bottom(bounds) #myv.savefig('forward_modeling_polyprism_model.png') Image(filename='forward_modeling_polyprism_model.png') Image(filename='forward_modeling_polyprism_data.png') # This cell is not include in the proceedings. # It saves the output of the previous cell so that I could run the code bellow with the same model if the notebook is restarted. import cPickle as pickle with open('forward_modeling_model.pickle', 'w') as f: pickle.dump([model, x, y, z, gz], f) # This cell is not included in the proceedings. # It loads the model saved in the previous cell. # If you want to use the model shown in the proceedings, put the pickle file provided in the notebook directory and run this cell. import cPickle as pickle with open('forward_modeling_model.pickle') as f: model, x, y, z, gz = pickle.load(f) bounds = [-1000, 1000, -1000, 1000, 0, 1000] area = bounds[:4] from fatiando import gravmag, gridder, mesher from fatiando.vis import mpl, myv shape = (50, 50) estimate = gravmag.imaging.sandwich(x, y, z, gz, shape, zmin=0, zmax=1000, nlayers=20, power=0.1) body = mesher.vfilter(1.3*10**8, 1.8*10**8, 'density', estimate) myv.figure() myv.prisms(body, 'density', edges=False) p = myv.polyprisms(model, 'density', style='wireframe', linewidth=4) = False = (0, 0, 0) myv.axes(myv.outline(bounds), ranges=[i*0.001 for i in bounds]) myv.wall_north(bounds) myv.wall_bottom(bounds) #myv.savefig('gravmag_imaging.png') Image(filename='gravmag_imaging.png') # Make a mesh and a seed mesh = mesher.PrismMesh(bounds, (15, 30, 30)) seeds = gravmag.harvester.sow([[200, 300, 100, {'density':500}]], mesh) myv.figure() myv.prisms([mesh[s.i] for s in seeds]) p = myv.polyprisms(model, 'density', style='wireframe', linewidth=3) = False = (0, 0, 0) myv.axes(myv.outline(bounds), ranges=[i*0.001 for i in bounds]) myv.wall_north(bounds) myv.wall_bottom(bounds) #myv.savefig('gravmag_harvester_seed.png') # Now perform the inversion data = [gravmag.harvester.Gz(x, y, z, gz)] estimate = gravmag.harvester.harvest(data, seeds, mesh, compactness=0.1, threshold=0.0001)[0] mesh.addprop('density', estimate['density']) body = mesher.vremove(0, 'density', mesh) myv.figure() myv.prisms(body, 'density') p = myv.polyprisms(model, 'density', style='wireframe', linewidth=4) = False = (0, 0, 0) myv.axes(myv.outline(bounds), ranges=[i*0.001 for i in bounds]) myv.wall_north(bounds) myv.wall_bottom(bounds) #myv.savefig('gravmag_harvester.png') Image(filename='gravmag_harvester_seed.png') Image(filename='gravmag_harvester.png') import urllib from fatiando import mesher, utils, seismic from fatiando.vis import mpl area = (0, 500000, 0, 500000) shape = (30, 30) model = mesher.SquareMesh(area, shape) link = '/'.join(["", "en/Version0.1/_static/logo.png"]) urllib.urlretrieve(link, 'model.png') model.img2prop('model.png', 4000, 10000, 'vp') quake_locations = utils.random_points(area, 40) receiver_locations = utils.circular_points(area, 20, random=True) quakes, receivers = utils.connect_points( quake_locations, receiver_locations) traveltimes = seismic.ttime2d.straight(model, 'vp', quakes, receivers) noisy = utils.contaminate(traveltimes, 0.001, percent=True) Image(filename='logo.png') mesh = mesher.SquareMesh(area, shape) slowness, residuals =, quakes, receivers, mesh, smooth=10**6) velocity = seismic.srtomo.slowness2vel(slowness) mesh.addprop('vp', velocity) # Make the plots mpl.figure(figsize=(9, 7)) mpl.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.05, left=0.05, right=0.95) mpl.subplot(2, 2, 1) mpl.title('Velocity model (m/s)') mpl.axis('scaled') mpl.squaremesh(model, prop='vp', mpl.colorbar(pad=0.01) mpl.points(quakes, '*y', label="Sources") mpl.points(receivers, '^g', label="Receivers") mpl.m2km() mpl.subplot(2, 2, 2) mpl.title('Ray paths') mpl.axis('scaled') mpl.squaremesh(model, prop='vp', mpl.colorbar(pad=0.01) mpl.paths(quakes, receivers) mpl.points(quakes, '*y', label="Sources") mpl.points(receivers, '^g', label="Receivers") mpl.m2km() mpl.subplot(2, 2, 3) mpl.title('Estimated velocity (m/s)') mpl.axis('scaled') mpl.squaremesh(mesh, prop='vp',, vmin=4000, vmax=10000) mpl.colorbar(pad=0.01) mpl.m2km() mpl.subplot(2, 2, 4) mpl.title('Residuals (s)') mpl.hist(residuals, bins=10) #mpl.savefig('seismic_tomo.png') Image(filename='seismic_tomo.png')