wd="/Volumes/web/scaphapoda/Grace/Transcriptomes/mercenaria" dircode="me" cd {wd} !blastx \ -query query.fa \ -db /Volumes/Data/blast_db/uniprot_sprot \ -max_target_seqs 1 \ -max_hsps 1 \ -outfmt 6 \ -num_threads 8 \ -out blast_sprot.tab !wc -l blast_sprot.tab !tr '|' "\t" blast_sprot_sql.tab !head blast_sprot_sql.tab !python /Applications/sqlshare-pythonclient-master/tools/singleupload.py \ -d {dircode}_uniprot \ blast_sprot_sql.tab !python /Applications/sqlshare-pythonclient-master/tools/fetchdata.py \ -s "SELECT Column1, term, GOSlim_bin, aspect, ProteinName FROM [graceac9@washington.edu].[me_uniprot]me left join [samwhite@washington.edu].[UniprotProtNamesReviewed_yes20130610]sp on me.Column3=sp.SPID left join [sr320@washington.edu].[SPID and GO Numbers]go on me.Column3=go.SPID left join [sr320@washington.edu].[GO_to_GOslim]slim on go.GOID=slim.GO_id where aspect like 'P'" \ -f tsv \ -o {dircode}_descriptions.txt !head {dircode}_descriptions.txt !egrep --color "male|female|genitalia|gonad|ovarian|reproduction|estrogen|testosterone|gametogenesis|germination|ovulation|penile|prostate|vulval" {dircode}_descriptions.txt / {dircode}_reprot.txt !head {dircode}_reprot.txt !wc -l {dircode}_reprot.txt pylab inline from pandas import * jslim = read_table("me_reprot.txt", # name of the data file #sep=",", # what character separates each column? na_values=["", " "]) # what values should be considered "blank" values? jslim.head #how do I group them by egrep term? I think that the problem is that the egrep-ed infomation doesn't have column headings... jslim.groupby('columns').Column1.count().plot(kind='bar')