use v5.16; use DDP; # Data::Printer my $png_display = Devel::IPerl::Display::PNG->new( "" ); say &np( [ keys %{ $png_display->iperl_data_representations } ] ); $png_display; IPerl->png( "" ); my $iframe_display = IPerl->iframe( "", width => "75%" ); my @svg = split ' ', q[,_5mm,_green_(en).svg ]; IPerl->display( IPerl->svg( $_ , width => "200" ) ) for @svg; $png_display; IPerl->helper( my_table => sub { my ($self, $data) = @_; return unless ref $data eq 'ARRAY'; my $html = ""; for my $row (@$data) { $html .= ""; for my $cell (@$row) { my $cell_html = $cell->iperl_data_representations->{"text/html"}; $html .= "\n"; } $html .= ""; } $html .= "
"; IPerl->html( $html ); }); my $N = 4; my $M = 10; my $d = [ ([ ( $png_display ) x $M ]) x $N ]; IPerl->my_table( $d ); IPerl->load_plugin( "PDLGraphicsGnuplot" ); use PDL; use PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot; use PDL::Constants qw(PI); my $gp = gpwin(); # do some styling $gp->option( topcmd => <<'GP'); # define axis # remove border on top and right and set color to gray set style line 11 lc rgb '#808080' lt 1 set border 3 back ls 11 set tics nomirror # define grid set style line 12 lc rgb '#808080' lt 0 lw 1 set grid back ls 12 GP my $theta = zeros(200)->xlinvals(-1*PI, 1*PI); $gp->plot( { lw => 2 }, $theta, sin($theta), {}, $theta, cos($theta) ); IPerl->display( IPerl->tex( q| $\sin\theta$ and $\cos\theta$ | ) ); $gp;