import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import norm %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pylab as plt def least_squares(x, features, labels): """Evaluates the least square function.""" n_samples = features.shape[0] x = x.reshape(1, n_features) loss_array = ( - labels) ** 2 return np.sum(loss_array, axis=0) / (2. * n_samples) def least_squares_grad(x, features, labels): """Evaluates the gradient of the least square function.""" n_samples = features.shape[0] x = x.reshape(1, n_features) # Added for scipy.optimize compatibility grad_array = ( - labels) * features return np.sum(grad_array, axis=0) / n_samples logistic = lambda x: 1. / (1. + np.exp(-x)) def logistic_loss(x, features, labels): """Evaluates the logistic loss function.""" n_samples, n_features = features.shape x = x.reshape(1, n_features) loss_array = np.log(1 + np.exp(-labels * return np.sum(loss_array, axis=0) / n_samples def logistic_loss_grad(x, features, labels): """Evaluates the gradient of the logistic loss.""" n_samples = features.shape[0] x = x.reshape(1, n_features) # Added for scipy.optimize compatibility grad_array = -labels / (1 + np.exp(labels * * features return np.sum(grad_array, axis=0) / n_samples def prox_l1(x, l=1.): """ Proximal operator of the l1 norm.""" x_abs = np.abs(x) return np.sign(x) * (x_abs - l) * (x_abs > l) def prox_l2(x, l=1.): """ Proximal operator of the l2 norm.""" return 1. / (1 + l) * x def prox_enet(x, l_l1, l_l2, t=1.): """Proximal operator for the elastic net at x""" x_abs = np.abs(x) prox_l1 = np.sign(x) * (x_abs - t * l_l1) * (x_abs > t * l_l1) return prox_l1 / (1. + t * l_l2) def inspector(loss_fun, x_real, verbose=False): """A closure called to update metrics after each iteration.""" objectives = [] errors = [] it = [0] # This is a hack to be able to modify 'it' inside the closure. def inspector_cl(xk): obj = loss_fun(xk) err = norm(xk - x_real) / norm(x_real) objectives.append(obj) errors.append(err) if verbose == True: if it[0] == 0: print ' | '.join([ for name in ["it", "obj", "err"]]) if it[0] % (n_iter / 5) == 0: print ' | '.join([("%d" % it[0]).rjust(8), ("%.2e" % obj).rjust(8), ("%.2e" % err).rjust(8)]) it[0] += 1 inspector_cl.obj = objectives inspector_cl.err = errors return inspector_cl def gd(x_init, grad, n_iter=100, step=1., callback=None): """Basic gradient descent algorithm.""" x = x_init.copy() for _ in range(n_iter): x -= step * grad(x) # Update metrics after each iteration. if callback is not None: callback(x) return x def ista(x_init, grad, prox, n_iter=100, step=1., callback=None): """ISTA algorithm.""" x = x_init.copy() for _ in range(n_iter): x = prox(x - step * grad(x), step) # Update metrics after each iteration. if callback is not None: callback(x) return x def fista(x_init, grad, prox, n_iter=100, step=1., callback=None): """FISTA algorithm.""" x = x_init.copy() y = x_init.copy() t = 1. for _ in range(n_iter): x_new = prox(y - step * grad(y), step) t_new = (1. + (1. + 4. * t**2)**.5) / 2 y = x_new + (t - 1) / t_new * (x_new - x) t = t_new x = x_new # Update metrics after each iteration. if callback is not None: callback(x) return x def sgd(x_init, features, labels, grad, n_iter=100, step=1., callback=None): """Stochastic gradient descent algorithm.""" x = x_init.copy() n_samples, n_features = features.shape for i in range(n_iter): idx = np.random.randint(n_samples) feature = features[idx].reshape(1, n_features) label = labels[idx] x -= step * grad(x, feature, label) / (n_samples * np.sqrt(i + 1)) # Update metrics after each iteration. if callback is not None: callback(x) return x def sag(x_init, features, labels, grad, n_iter=100, step=1., callback=None): """Stochastic average gradient algorithm.""" x = x_init.copy() n_samples, n_features = features.shape y_old = np.zeros((n_samples, n_features)) y = np.zeros(n_features) for _ in range(n_iter): idx = np.random.randint(n_samples) feature = features[idx].reshape(1, n_features) label = labels[idx] y_new = grad(x, feature, label) y += (y_new - y_old[idx]) / n_samples y_old[idx] = y_new x -= step * y / n_samples # Update metrics after each iteration. if callback is not None: callback(x) return x def miso(x_init, features, labels, grad, prox, n_iter=100, step=1., callback=None): """MISO algorithm.""" x = x_init.copy() n_samples, n_features = features.shape z_old = np.zeros((n_samples, n_features)) z = np.zeros(n_features) for _ in range(n_iter): idx = np.random.randint(n_samples) feature = features[idx].reshape(1, n_features) label = labels[idx] z_new = grad(x, feature, label) z += (z_new - z_old[idx]) / n_samples z_old[idx] = z_new x = prox(x - step * z, step) # Update metrics after each iteration. if callback is not None: callback(x) return x def svrg(x_init, features, labels, grad, n_iter=100, batch_size=10, step=1., callback=None): """Stochastic variance reduction gradient algorithm.""" x = x_init.copy() n_samples, n_features = features.shape x_old = sgd(x_init, features, labels, grad, n_iter=batch_size, step=step, callback=None) mu = grad(x_old, features, labels) x = x_old for i in range(n_iter): if i % batch_size == 0: x_old = x mu = grad(x, features, labels) idx = np.random.randint(n_samples) feature = features[idx].reshape(1, n_features) label = labels[idx] z_new = grad(x, feature, label) z_old = grad(x_old, feature, label) x -= step * (z_new - z_old + mu) / n_samples # Update metrics after each iteration. if callback is not None: callback(x) return x def sdca(x_init, features, labels, grad, n_iter=100, step=1., callback=None): """Stochastic dual coordinate ascent.""" x = x_init.copy() # TODO # Update metrics after each iteration. if callback is not None: callback(x) return x # Generate a fake dataset n_samples = 2000 n_features = 50 idx = np.arange(n_features).reshape(1, n_features) params = 2 * (-1) ** (idx - 1) * .9**idx params[0, 20:50] = 0 diag = np.random.rand(n_features) features = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(n_features), np.diag(diag), n_samples) # Show the condition number of the gram matrix print "cond = %.2f" % (diag.max() / diag.min()) # Change this to 'False' to estimate the logitic regression model. linear = True if linear == True: residuals = np.random.randn(n_samples, 1) labels = + residuals else: labels = np.array([[float(np.random.rand() < p)] for p in logistic(]) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.stem(params[0]) plt.title("True parameters", fontsize=16) # Initialize stuff x_init = 1 - 2 * np.random.rand(1, n_features) n_iter = 30 l_l1 = 0.0 l_l2 = 0.1 # f and gradient if linear == True: f = lambda x: least_squares(x, features, labels) grad_f = lambda x: least_squares_grad(x, features, labels) step = norm( / n_samples, 2) else: f = lambda x: logistic_loss(x, features, labels)[0] grad_f = lambda x: logistic_loss_grad(x, features, labels) step = 1. # np.sum(features**2, axis=1).max() / (4 * n_samples) # g, F and prox. g = lambda x: l_l1 * np.abs(x).sum() + 0.5 * l_l2 * np.sum(x**2) F = lambda x: f(x) + g(x) prox_g = lambda x, l: prox_enet(x, l_l1, l_l2, l) print "Type: %s" % ('linear' if linear else 'logistic') print "n_iter: %d" % n_iter print "step size: %.2f" % step import scipy.optimize ls = lambda x: logistic_loss(x, features, labels) print scipy.optimize.approx_fprime(x_init.ravel(), ls, 1e-3) print logistic_loss_grad(x_init, features, labels) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.stem(x_init[0]) plt.title("Initial guess", fontsize=16) # ISTA ista_inspector = inspector(loss_fun=F, x_real=params, verbose=True) x_ista = ista(x_init, grad=grad_f, prox=prox_g, n_iter=n_iter, step=step, callback=ista_inspector) # FISTA fista_inspector = inspector(loss_fun=F, x_real=params, verbose=True) x_fista = fista(x_init, grad=grad_f, prox=prox_g, n_iter=n_iter, step=step, callback=fista_inspector) # Gradient descent grad_gd = lambda x: grad_f(x) + l_l1 * np.abs(x) + l_l2 * x gd_inspector = inspector(loss_fun=F, x_real=params, verbose=True) x_gd = gd(x_init, grad=grad_gd, n_iter=n_iter, step=step, callback=gd_inspector) plt.figure(figsize=(18, 5)) plt.suptitle("Final estimates", fontsize=18) plt.subplot(1, 4, 1) plt.title("Real params") plt.stem(params[0]) plt.subplot(1, 4, 2) plt.title("ISTA") plt.stem(x_ista[0], color='red') plt.subplot(1, 4, 3) plt.title("FISTA") plt.stem(x_fista[0]) plt.subplot(1, 4, 4) plt.title("GD") plt.stem(x_gd[0]) plt.figure(figsize=(17, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(gd_inspector.obj, 'b') plt.plot(ista_inspector.obj, 'r') plt.plot(fista_inspector.obj, 'g') plt.title("Loss", fontsize=18) plt.xlabel("iteration", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("value", fontsize=14) plt.legend(["gd", "ista", "fista"]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(gd_inspector.err, 'b') plt.plot(ista_inspector.err, 'r') plt.plot(fista_inspector.err, 'g') plt.title("Distance to x_real", fontsize=18) plt.xlabel("iteration", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("distance", fontsize=14) plt.legend(["gd", "ista", "fista"]) n_iter = 10 * n_samples # Initialize stuff if linear == True: f = lambda x: least_squares(x, features, labels)[0] grad_stoc = least_squares_grad L = norm(, 2) / n_samples else: f = lambda x: logistic_loss(x, features, labels)[0] grad_stoc = logistic_loss_grad L = 1. #4. * n_samples / np.sum(features**2, axis=1).max() print "Type: %s" % ('linear' if linear else 'logistic') print "n_iter: %d" % n_iter print "step size: %.2f" % step plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.stem(x_init[0]) plt.title("Initial guess", fontsize=16) grad_step = 10. / L grad_sgd = lambda x, feat, lab: grad_stoc(x, feat, lab) + l_l2 * x[0] sgd_inspector = inspector(loss_fun=F, x_real=params, verbose=True) x_sgd = sgd(x_init, features=features, labels=labels, grad=grad_sgd, n_iter=n_iter, step=step, callback=sgd_inspector) sag_step = 1. / L grad_sag = lambda x, feat, lab: grad_stoc(x, feat, lab) + l_l2 * x[0] sag_inspector = inspector(loss_fun=F, x_real=params, verbose=True) x_sag = sag(x_init, features=features, labels=labels, grad=grad_sag, n_iter=n_iter, step=step, callback=sag_inspector) miso_step = 1. / L prox_g = lambda x, l: prox_enet(x, l_l1, l_l2, l) miso_inspector = inspector(loss_fun=F, x_real=params, verbose=True) x_miso = miso(x_init, features, labels, grad=grad_stoc, prox=prox_g, n_iter=n_iter, step=step, callback=miso_inspector) svrg_step = 1. / L grad_svrg = lambda x, feat, lab: grad_stoc(x, feat, lab) + l_l2 * x[0] svrg_inspector = inspector(loss_fun=F, x_real=params, verbose=True) x_svrg = svrg(x_init, features, labels, grad=grad_svrg, n_iter=n_iter, batch_size=100, step=svrg_step, callback=svrg_inspector) plt.figure(figsize=(17, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) it = np.linspace(0, float(n_iter) / n_samples, n_iter) plt.plot(it, sgd_inspector.obj, 'b') plt.plot(it, sag_inspector.obj, 'r') plt.plot(it, miso_inspector.obj, 'g') plt.plot(it, svrg_inspector.obj, 'y') plt.title("Loss", fontsize=18) plt.xlabel("iteration", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("value", fontsize=14) plt.legend(["sgd", "sag", "miso", "svrg"]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(it, sgd_inspector.err, 'b') plt.plot(it, sag_inspector.err, 'r') plt.plot(it, miso_inspector.err, 'g') plt.plot(it, svrg_inspector.err, 'y') plt.title("Distance to x_real", fontsize=18) plt.xlabel("iteration", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("distance", fontsize=14) plt.legend(["sgd", "sag", "miso", "svrg"]) plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10)) plt.suptitle("Final estimates", fontsize=18) plt.subplot(2, 4, 1) plt.title("Real params") plt.stem(params[0]) plt.subplot(2, 4, 2) plt.title("SGD") plt.stem(x_sgd[0], color='red') plt.subplot(2, 4, 3) plt.title("SAG") plt.stem(x_sag[0]) plt.subplot(2, 4, 4) plt.title("MISO") plt.stem(x_miso[0]) plt.subplot(2, 4, 5) plt.title("SVRG") plt.stem(x_svrg[0]) n_iter = 50 # Conjugate gradient descent from scipy.optimize import fmin_cg cg_inspector = inspector(loss_fun=F, x_real=params, verbose=True) res_cg = fmin_cg(F, x_init.ravel(), fprime=grad_gd, maxiter=n_iter, callback=cg_inspector) # L-BFGS-B from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b lbfgs_inspector = inspector(loss_fun=F, x_real=params, verbose=True) res_lbfgs = fmin_l_bfgs_b(F, x_init.ravel(), fprime=grad_gd, maxiter=n_iter, callback=lbfgs_inspector) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(gd_inspector.obj, 'b') plt.plot(ista_inspector.obj, 'r') plt.plot(fista_inspector.obj, 'g') plt.plot(cg_inspector.obj, 'y') plt.plot(lbfgs_inspector.obj, 'pink') plt.title("Loss", fontsize=18) plt.xlabel("iteration", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("value", fontsize=14) plt.legend(["gd", "ista", "fista", "cg", "l-bfgs-b"]) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(gd_inspector.err, 'b') plt.plot(ista_inspector.err, 'r') plt.plot(fista_inspector.err, 'g') plt.plot(cg_inspector.err, 'y') plt.plot(lbfgs_inspector.err, 'pink') plt.title("Distance to x_real", fontsize=18) plt.xlabel("iteration", fontsize=14) plt.ylabel("distance", fontsize=14) plt.legend(["gd", "ista", "fista", "cg", "l-bfgs-b"]) def contours(f, xlim=(-10, 10), ylim=(-10, 10)): def apply_to_grid(f, xlim, ylim, s=100j): X, Y = np.mgrid[xlim[0]:xlim[1]:s, ylim[0]:ylim[1]:s] z = positions = np.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]).T return X, Y, np.reshape(f(z), (100, 100)) loss = lambda x: f(x, features, labels) X, Y, Z = apply_to_grid(loss, xlim, ylim) plt.xlabel(r"$x_1$", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(r"$x_2$", fontsize=18) plt.pcolor(X, Y, Z, CS = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, colors='k') plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) plt.grid(True) plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6)) plt.suptitle("Contours of the loss", fontsize=18) n_samples = 2000 n_features = 2 plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.title(r"$\lambda_{max} / \lambda_{min} = 1$", fontsize=16) params = 1 - 2 * np.random.rand(1, n_features) diag = np.array([.1, .1]) features = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(n_features), np.diag(diag), n_samples) labels = np.array([np.random.rand() < p for p in logistic(]) contours(least_squares) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.title(r"$\lambda_{max} / \lambda_{min} = 10$", fontsize=16) params = 1 - 2 * np.random.rand(1, n_features) diag = np.array([.01, .1]) features = np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(n_features), np.diag(diag), n_samples) labels = np.array([np.random.rand() < p for p in logistic(]) contours(least_squares)