import bokeh.charts as bc import bokeh import pandas as pd import qgrid bokeh.load_notebook() qgrid.nbinstall() # Going to look at the same Snowtel data, using Bokeh renderer df = pd.read_csv('mthood_snotel.csv', header=7, parse_dates=['Date']).dropna() indexed = df.set_index('Date') resampled = indexed.resample('MS') resampled['Month'] = resampled.index.month monthly_grouped = resampled.groupby('Month').mean() qgrid.show_grid(monthly_grouped, remote_js=True) # We can use Bokeh to look at temperatures grouped by month temp_df = monthly_grouped[['Air Temperature Maximum (degF)', 'Air Temperature Minimum (degF)', 'Air Temperature Average (degF)']] # Hack: Bokeh expects a string index temp_df.index = temp_df.index.astype(str) bar = bc.Bar(temp_df, title="Temperatures by Month", xlabel="Months", ylabel="Temps (F)", legend=True, width=800, height=600, notebook=True, tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,resize") # I have no idea why the tools don't show up # It's easy to stack bars as well bar = bc.Bar(temp_df, title="Temperatures by Month", xlabel="Months", ylabel="Temps (F)", stacked=True, legend=True, width=800, height=600, notebook=True) # Note: Bokeh will *not* take a series here, must be a DataFrame hist = bc.Histogram(df[['Air Temperature Average (degF)']], 50, xlabel="Average Air Temp (F)", ylabel="Dist", notebook=True) # Multiple "layered" histograms hist = bc.Histogram(df[['Air Temperature Average (degF)', 'Air Temperature Maximum (degF)', 'Air Temperature Minimum (degF)']], 50, xlabel="Air Temp (F)", ylabel="Dist", legend=True, notebook=True) scatter = bc.Scatter(df[['Air Temperature Average (degF)', 'Precipitation Increment (in)']]) # # This fails because I do not have a hierarchical index. This should work for simple x vs. y scatterplots # Which API is the canonical one? It feels like I'm resorting to old API here import bokeh.plotting as bp scatterplot = bp.scatter(df['Air Temperature Average (degF)'], df['Precipitation Increment (in)']) # Why do I get new tools for this chart? times = bc.TimeSeries(resampled) # # This will fail, again because it expects a Hierarchical index. Why? import numpy as np times = bp.line(resampled.index, resampled['Air Temperature Average (degF)']) # Not sure why the datetime axis is not working. from IPython.core.display import HTML # Use the following if running locally: # styles = open("styles/custom.css", "r").read() # This is for nbviewer: styles = open("custom.css", "r").read() HTML(styles)