import NotebookImport from Imports import * cancers = {c: run.load_cancer(c) for c in run.cancers} from Data.ProcessClinicalDataPortal import update_clinical_object clinical = {c: cancer.load_clinical() for c, cancer in cancers.iteritems()} for cancer,clin in clinical.iteritems(): try: path = OUT_PATH + '/Followup/' + cancer + '/' clinical[cancer] = update_clinical_object(clin, path) except: print cancer do_nothing = True surv = pd.DataFrame({c: v.survival.survival for c,v in clinical.iteritems()}) surv = surv.stack() codes = pd.Series({s[0]: s[1] for s in surv[:,'days'].index}) codes = codes.groupby(level=0).first() = 'codes' surv.index = surv.index.droplevel(2) surv = surv.groupby(level=[0,1]).first() surv = surv.ix[ti(surv[:,'days'] >= 7)] surv_5y = pd.DataFrame({c: v.survival.survival_5y for c,v in clinical.iteritems()}) surv_5y = surv_5y.stack() surv_5y.index = surv_5y.index.droplevel(2) surv_5y = surv_5y.groupby(level=[0,1]).first() #bad = ((surv_5y.unstack()['days'] < 8) * (surv_5y.unstack()['event'] == 1)) == False #surv_5y = surv_5y.unstack().ix[bad].stack() surv_5y = surv_5y.ix[ti(surv[:,'days'] >= 7)] for c in clinical.values(): c = c.artificially_censor(10) surv_10y = pd.DataFrame({c: v.survival.survival_10y for c,v in clinical.iteritems()}) surv_10y = surv_10y.stack() surv_10y.index = surv_10y.index.droplevel(2) surv_10y = surv_10y.groupby(level=[0,1]).first() surv_10y = surv_10y.ix[ti(surv[:,'days'] >= 7)] for c in clinical.values(): c = c.artificially_censor(3) surv_3y = pd.DataFrame({c: v.survival.survival_3y for c,v in clinical.iteritems()}) surv_3y = surv_3y.stack() surv_3y.index = surv_3y.index.droplevel(2) surv_3y = surv_3y.groupby(level=[0,1]).first() surv_3y = surv_3y.ix[ti(surv[:,'days'] >= 7)] all_mut = pd.read_csv(OUT_PATH + '/MAFs/mega_maf.csv', index_col=0) all_mut = all_mut[all_mut.Tumor_Sample_Barcode.apply(lambda s: s[13:16]) == '01A'] non_coding = ['Silent','RNA','IGR',"5'Flank", "3'UTR",'Intron',"5'UTR"] all_mut = all_mut[all_mut.Variant_Classification.isin(non_coding)==False] all_mut.Tumor_Sample_Barcode = s: s[:12]) all_mut = all_mut.groupby(['Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Hugo_Symbol']).size() all_mut = all_mut.unstack().T.fillna(0) mut = {c: cancer.load_data('Mutation') for c, cancer in cancers.iteritems() if run.sample_matrix.MAF.ix[c] > 0} hit_mat = pd.concat([m.df.unstack() for c,m in mut.iteritems()], axis=1).fillna(0) hit_mat = hit_mat.groupby(axis=1, level=0).first() hit_mat = pd.concat([hit_mat, all_mut], axis=1) hit_mat = hit_mat.groupby(axis=1, level=0).sum() > 0 cn_all = {} for c in codes.unique(): try: cn_all[c] = FH.get_gistic_gene_matrix(run.data_path, c) except: print c cn_all = pd.concat(cn_all.values(), axis=1) cn_all = cn_all.groupby(axis=1, level=0).first() non_embargo = ['AML','BRCA','KIRC','COAD','READ','COADREAD','SKCM','GBM', 'HNSC','LUAD','LUSC','OV','STAD','THCA','UCEC'] #codes = codes[codes.isin(non_embargo)] c2 = codes[codes.isin(ti(codes.value_counts() > 30))] survival_and_stats(c2, surv_10y, upper_lim=10, figsize=(10,12)) fig, axs = subplots(2,1, figsize=(8,8)) ax = axs[0] t = get_surv_fit(surv, codes) t = t.sort([('5y Survival','Surv')]) t['Stats'].plot(kind='bar', ax=ax) prettify_ax(ax) ax2 = axs[1] t = get_surv_fit(surv, codes) tt = t['5y Survival'].sort('Surv') b = (tt['Surv']).plot(kind='bar', ax=ax2, color='grey', yerr=[tt.Surv-tt.Lower, tt.Upper-tt.Surv], ecolor='black') ax2.set_ylabel('5Y Survival') ax2.set_yticks([0, .5, 1.]) prettify_ax(ax2) fig.tight_layout() fys = get_surv_fit(surv, codes)['5y Survival']['Surv'].order() nn = codes.isin(true_index((fys > .1) & (fys < .83))) fys age = pd.concat([c.clinical.daystobirth for c in clinical.values()]) age = -1*np.floor(age / 365.25) a2 = a2 = pd.concat([c.clinical.age for c in clinical.values()]) age = age.combine_first(a2) age = age.groupby(level=0).min() age = age.fillna(age.median()) = 'age' survival_and_stats((age / 15).round(), surv_5y) survival_and_stats(age.dropna() >= 85, surv_5y) get_cox_ph(surv_5y, age >= 85, print_desc=True); old = age >= 75 = 'age_over_75' survival_and_stats(old.ix[ti(age < 85)], surv_5y) exp(.773), exp(.773)-(exp(.773-.139)) year = pd.concat([c.clinical.yearofinitialpathologicdiagnosis for c in clinical.values()]) year = year.groupby(level=0).first().replace('[Discrepancy]', nan).astype(float).dropna() survival_and_stats(year <= 2000, surv_5y) get_cox_ph_ms(surv_5y, year < 2000, [codes]) r_status = pd.concat([c.clinical.residualtumor for c in clinical.values() if 'residualtumor' in c.clinical]) r_status = r_status.replace(['[Not Evaluated]', '[Unknown]', 'RX']) r_status = r_status.str.lower() r_status = r_status.groupby(level=0).first() survival_and_stats(r_status.dropna(), surv_5y) get_cox_ph(surv_5y, r_status=='r2', print_desc=True); exp(1.05), exp(1.05)-(exp(1.05-.18)) margin_status = pd.concat([c.clinical.marginstatus for c in clinical.values() if 'marginstatus' in c.clinical]) margin_status = margin_status.groupby(level=0).first() survival_and_stats(margin_status.dropna(), surv_5y) s = {} for can,c in clinical.iteritems(): if 'pathologicstage' in c.stage: s[can] = c.stage.pathologicstage elif 'clinicalstage' in c.stage: s[can] = c.stage.clinicalstage stage = pd.concat(s.values()) stage = stage.groupby(level=0).first() stage = stage.dropna().map(lambda s: s.replace('A','').replace('B','').replace('C','')) stage = stage.dropna().map(lambda s: s.replace('1','').replace('2','')) stage = stage.replace('stage iic','stage ii') stage = stage.ix[age.index].fillna('missing') stage = stage.str.lower() stage = stage.replace(['[unknown]','stage x','stage tis','i or ii nos', 'stage 0'], nan).dropna() = 'stage' survival_and_stats(stage.ix[true_index(nn)].dropna(), surv_5y) get_cox_ph(surv_5y, stage == 'stage iv', print_desc=True); exp(.712), exp(.712)-(exp(.712-.0625)) mets = pd.concat([c.stage.pathologicm for can,c in clinical.iteritems() if 'pathologicm' in c.stage]) mets = mets.groupby(level=0).first() mets = pd.concat([c.stage.pathologicm for can,c in clinical.iteritems() if 'pathologicm' in c.stage]) mets = mets.groupby(level=0).first() mets = mets.dropna().map(lambda s: s.replace('a','').replace('b','').replace('c','')) mets = mets.replace(['[Unknown]','MX'], nan).dropna() mets = mets=='M1' = 'metastasis' survival_and_stats(mets, surv_5y) survival_and_stats(combine(mets, stage=='stage iv'), surv_5y) new_p53_calls = pd.read_csv('../Extra_Data/p53_calls_pancancer.csv', header=None, index_col=0, squeeze=True) p53_new = (hit_mat.ix['TP53'].combine_first(new_p53_calls)) > 0 survival_and_stats(combine(new_p53_calls, hit_mat.ix['TP53']), surv_5y) filters = pd.concat([age > 85, mets, r_status=='r2', stage=='stage iv', nn==False, codes.isin(['ACC','ESCA'])], 1) keepers = true_index((filters > 0).sum(1) == 0) keepers = keepers.intersection(surv_5y.unstack().index) keepers = keepers.intersection(p53_new.index).intersection(cn_all.columns) keepers = keepers.intersection(codes.index) stage = stage.ix[keepers.union(stage.index)].fillna('missing') len(keepers) survival_and_stats(codes.ix[keepers].order(), surv_10y, upper_lim=10, figsize=(10,10)) plt.savefig(FIGDIR + 'pancan_supp.pdf', transparent=True) p53_all = p53_new > 0 p53_mut = p53_all.ix[keepers] = 'TP53' = 'TP53' survival_and_stats(p53_mut, surv_5y) get_cox_ph_ms(surv_5y, p53_mut, [codes, age, stage], interactions=None) cn_all2 = cn_all.ix[[i for i in cn_all.index if i[2] in rna.df.index]] pct_del = (cn_all2 < 0).sum() / (1.*len(cn_all2)) pct_amp = (cn_all2 > 0).sum() / (1.*len(cn_all2)) pct_altered = pct_amp + pct_del = 'CIN_pct_altered' = 'pct_del' survival_and_stats(to_quants(pct_altered, q=.33), surv) del_3p_all = cn_all.ix['3p14.2'].median().round() del_3p_all = del_3p_all < 0 del_3p_all ={True:-1, False:0}) del_3p = del_3p_all.ix[keepers].dropna() = 'del_3p' = 'del_3p' survival_and_stats(del_3p, surv_5y) get_cox_ph_ms(surv_5y, del_3p < 0, [codes, age, stage, pct_altered], interactions=None) = 'age_over_75' fig, axs = subplots(3, 1, figsize=(3.5,4.5), sharey=True, sharex=True) fmla = 'Surv(days, event) ~ del_3p + pct_del + age + codes + age_over_75' fmla2 = 'Surv(days, event) ~ pct_del + age + codes + age_over_75' k2 = keepers.diff(codes[codes.isin(['HNSC','LUSC'])].index) pts = [k2, ti(p53_mut>0).intersection(k2), ti(p53_mut==0).intersection(k2)] color_list = ['grey', '#a1d99b','#9ecae1'] for i, pt in enumerate(pts): ax = axs[i] m1 = get_cox_ph(surv_5y, covariates=[del_3p.ix[pt].dropna() < 0, pct_del, stage, age, old, codes], formula=fmla, print_desc=False, interactions=False); m2 = get_cox_ph(surv_5y, covariates=[del_3p.ix[pt].dropna() < 0, pct_del, stage, age, old, codes], formula=fmla2, print_desc=False, interactions=False); print LR_test(m1, m2) ci = convert_robj(robjects.r.summary(m1)[7]) haz = ci['exp(coef)'] for j,h in enumerate(haz): ax.scatter(h, j, marker='s', s=100, color=color_list[i], edgecolors=['black'], zorder=10) ax.plot(*zip(*((ci.iloc[j]['lower .95'],j), (ci.iloc[j]['upper .95'],j))), lw=3, ls='-', marker='o', dash_joinstyle='bevel', color=color_list[i]) ax.axvline(1, ls='--', color='black') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xbound(.8,1.5) ax.set_ybound(-.5,len(ci.index) - .5) ax.set_xticks([1]) ax.set_xticklabels([1]) ax.set_yticks(range(len(ci.index))) ax.set_yticklabels(ci.index) ax.set_ybound(-.5, 1.5) prettify_ax(ax) axs[2].set_xlabel('Hazard Ratio') fig.tight_layout() combo = combine(del_3p < 0, p53_mut>0) combo = combo.ix[keepers].dropna() = 'TP53 / 3p14' len(combo), len(combo.ix[codes[codes != 'HNSC'].index].dropna()) venn_pandas(del_3p_all < 0, p53_all>0) len(combine(del_3p_all.ix[del_3p_all.index.diff(true_index(codes=='HNSC'))].dropna() < 0, p53_all>0)) fisher_exact_test(del_3p_all.ix[del_3p_all.index.diff(true_index(codes=='HNSC'))].dropna() < 0, p53_all>0) venn_pandas(del_3p.ix[del_3p.index.diff(true_index(codes=='HNSC'))].dropna() < 0, p53_mut>0) len(combine(del_3p.ix[combo.index.diff(true_index(codes=='HNSC'))] < 0, p53_mut>0)) fisher_exact_test(del_3p.ix[combo.index.diff(true_index(codes=='HNSC'))] < 0, p53_mut>0) combo_all = combine(p53_all>0, del_3p_all<0) = 'TP53 / 3p14' ct = pd.crosstab(combo_all, stage[stage != 'missing']=='stage iv').T (ct.ix[True] / (1.*ct.sum())).order().plot(kind='bar'); plt.ylabel('% of Patients in Stage IV') plt.xlabel(''); c = clinical['LGG'].clinical combo_all = combine(p53_all>0, del_3p_all<0) fisher_exact_test(combo_all=='both', stage[stage != 'M']=='stage iv') get_cox_ph(surv_5y, combo=='both', print_desc=True); get_cox_ph_ms(surv_5y, combo=='both', [codes, age, stage], interactions=None) pts = true_index(codes != 'HNSC') get_cox_ph(surv_5y, combo.ix[pts].dropna()=='both', print_desc=True); f = (combo[combo.isin(['del_3p','both'])]=='both').ix[pts].dropna() cox(f, surv_5y) cox((combo[combo.isin(['TP53','both'])].dropna()=='both').ix[pts].dropna(), surv_5y).ix['LR'].ix['p'] pts_y = pts.intersection(true_index(age < 75)) log_rank((combo[combo.isin(['TP53','both'])]=='both').ix[pts_y].dropna(), surv_5y).ix['p'] cox((combo[combo.isin(['TP53','both'])]=='both').ix[pts_y].dropna(), surv_5y) get_cox_ph_ms(surv_5y, (combo=='both').ix[true_index(codes!='HNSC')].dropna(), [codes, stage, age, old], interactions=False) two_hit = combo == 'both' = 'two_hit' = 'TP53' = 'pct_del' old = age >= 75 = 'old' pts = keepers.diff(ti(codes=='HNSC')) fmla0 = 'Surv(days, event) ~ TP53 + del_3p + pct_del + old + age + codes + stage' fmla1 = 'Surv(days, event) ~ TP53 + del_3p + pct_del + TP53:pct_del + old + age + codes + stage' fmla2 = 'Surv(days, event) ~ TP53 + del_3p + pct_del + two_hit + TP53:pct_del + old + age + codes + stage' m0 = get_cox_ph(surv_3y, covariates=[p53_mut.ix[pts], del_3p < 0, two_hit, old, age, pct_del, codes, stage], formula=fmla0) m1 = get_cox_ph(surv_3y, covariates=[p53_mut.ix[pts], del_3p < 0, two_hit, old, age, pct_del, codes, stage], formula=fmla1) m2 = get_cox_ph(surv_3y, covariates=[p53_mut.ix[pts], del_3p < 0, two_hit, old, age, pct_del, codes, stage], formula=fmla2) LR_test(m2,m0), LR_test(m2, m1) pts = keepers.diff(ti(codes.isin(['HNSC','LUSC']))) #pts = keepers.diff(ti(codes=='HNSC')) fmla0 = 'Surv(days, event) ~ TP53 + del_3p + pct_del + codes + stage + age' fmla1 = 'Surv(days, event) ~ TP53 + del_3p + pct_del + TP53:pct_del + codes + stage + age' fmla2 = 'Surv(days, event) ~ TP53 + del_3p + pct_del + two_hit + TP53:pct_del + codes + stage + age' m0 = get_cox_ph(surv_3y, covariates=[p53_mut.ix[pts], del_3p < 0, two_hit, age, pct_del, codes, stage], formula=fmla0) m1 = get_cox_ph(surv_3y, covariates=[p53_mut.ix[pts], del_3p < 0, two_hit, age, pct_del, codes, stage], formula=fmla1) m2 = get_cox_ph(surv_3y, covariates=[p53_mut.ix[pts], del_3p < 0, two_hit, age, pct_del, codes, stage], formula=fmla2) LR_test(m2,m0), LR_test(m2, m1) pts = keepers.diff(ti(codes.isin(['HNSC','LUSC']))) fmla0 = 'Surv(days, event) ~ TP53 + del_3p' fmla1 = 'Surv(days, event) ~ TP53 + del_3p + pct_del + TP53:pct_del' fmla2 = 'Surv(days, event) ~ TP53 + del_3p + pct_del + two_hit + TP53:pct_del' m0 = get_cox_ph(surv_3y, covariates=[p53_mut.ix[pts], del_3p < 0, two_hit, old, age, pct_del], formula=fmla0) m1 = get_cox_ph(surv_3y, covariates=[p53_mut.ix[pts], del_3p < 0, two_hit, old, age, pct_del], formula=fmla1) m2 = get_cox_ph(surv_3y, covariates=[p53_mut.ix[pts], del_3p < 0, two_hit, old, age, pct_del], formula=fmla2) LR_test(m2,m0), LR_test(m2, m1) cc = array(colors_th) fig, ax = subplots(figsize=(5,3)) draw_survival_curve(combo, surv_5y, ax=ax, colors=cc[[2,0,3,1]], ms=30, alpha=.7) ax.get_legend().set_visible(False) ax.set_ybound(0,1) ax.set_xbound(0,5) prettify_ax(ax) combo.ix[true_index(codes!='HNSC')].dropna().ix[surv_5y.unstack().index].dropna().value_counts() k2 = combo.index.intersection(true_index(codes!='HNSC')) cc = array(colors_th) fig, ax = subplots(figsize=(4,3)) draw_survival_curve(combo.ix[k2], surv_5y, ax=ax, colors={'both': cc[0], 'TP53': cc[1], 'del_3p': cc[2], 'neither':cc[3]}, ms=30, alpha=.7) ax.get_legend().set_visible(False) ax.set_ybound(0,1) ax.set_xbound(0,5) prettify_ax(ax) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(FIGDIR + 'fig3e.pdf', transparent=True) df = pd.concat([p53_mut, del_3p, combo.ix[k2], surv[:,'days'], surv[:,'event']], keys=['TP53 Mutation', '3p Deletion', 'TP53 / 3p', 'Days to Death/Censoring', 'Death Indicator'], axis=1).dropna() df.to_csv(FIGDIR + 'fig3c.csv') get_surv_fit(surv, combo.ix[ti(codes != 'HNSCC')], time_cutoff=3) fmla = 'Surv(days, event) ~ feature + age + old + stage + strata(codes)' m = {'TP53':'c', 'both':'d', 'neither':'a', 'del_3p':'b'} cm =[true_index(codes != 'HNSC')] f = get_cox_ph(surv_3y, cm, interactions=False) ci = convert_robj(robjects.r.summary(f)[7]) ci.index = ['3p','TP53','both'] n = ci.ix[0]*0 +1 = 'neither' ci = ci.append(n) ci = ci.ix[['neither','3p', 'TP53','both']] ci_uni = ci f = get_cox_ph(surv_3y, cm, [codes, age, old, stage], formula=fmla, interactions=False) ci = convert_robj(robjects.r.summary(f)[7]) ci = ci.ix[:3] ci.index = ['3p','TP53','both'] n = ci.ix[0]*0 +1 = 'neither' ci = ci.append(n) ci = ci.ix[['neither','3p', 'TP53','both']] ci_full = ci fig, ax = subplots(1,1, figsize=(3,2.5)) ci = ci_full haz = ci['exp(coef)'] b = haz.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax, color=cc[[3,2,1,0]], yerr=[haz - ci['lower .95'], ci['upper .95'] - haz], ecolor='black') prettify_ax(ax) ax.set_ylabel('hazard') ax.set_ylim(0) ax.axhline(y=1, ls='--', lw=3, color='black', alpha=.5) fig.tight_layout() fig, ax = subplots(1,1, figsize=(2.3,3)) ci = ci_full.ix[::-1] haz = ci['exp(coef)'] color_list = colors_th for j,h in enumerate(haz): ax.scatter(h, j, marker='s', s=100, color=color_list[j], edgecolors=['black'], zorder=10, ) ax.plot(*zip(*((ci.iloc[j]['lower .95'],j), (ci.iloc[j]['upper .95'],j))), lw=3, ls='-', marker='o', dash_joinstyle='bevel', color=color_list[j]) ax.axvline(1, ls='--', color='black') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xbound(.7,2.) ax.set_ybound(-.5,len(ci.index) - .5) ax.set_xticks([.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2]) ax.set_xticklabels([.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2]) ax.set_yticks(range(len(ci.index))) ax.set_yticklabels('') ax.set_ybound(-.5, 3.5) prettify_ax(ax) ax.set_xlabel('3 Year Hazard Ratio') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(FIGDIR + 'fig3f.pdf', transparent=True) fig, axs = subplots(1,2, figsize=(5,2.5), sharey=True) for i,ci in enumerate([ci_uni, ci_full]): ax = axs[i] haz = ci['exp(coef)'] b = haz.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax, color=cc[[3,2,1,0]], yerr=[haz - ci['lower .95'], ci['upper .95'] - haz], ecolor='black') prettify_ax(ax) ax.set_ylabel('hazard') ax.set_ylim(0) ax.axhline(y=1, ls='--', lw=3, color='black', alpha=.5) fig.tight_layout() from itertools import combinations c = list(combinations(cm.unique(),2))[0] cm = combo.ix[true_index(codes!='HNSC')].dropna() sig = pd.Series({c: get_cox_ph_ms(surv_5y, cm[cm.isin(c)], interactions=False)['LR'] for c in combinations(cm.unique(),2)}) sig cm = combo.ix[true_index(codes!='HNSC')].dropna() sig = pd.Series({c: get_cox_ph_ms(surv_3y, cm[cm.isin(c)], interactions=False)['LR'] for c in combinations(cm.unique(),2)}) sig cm = combo.ix[true_index(codes!='HNSC')].dropna() sig = pd.Series({c: get_cox_ph_ms(surv_3y, cm[cm.isin(c)], [codes, age], interactions=False)['LR'] for c in combinations(cm.unique(),2)}) sig cm = combo.ix[true_index(codes!='HNSC')].dropna() sig = pd.Series({c: get_cox_ph_ms(surv_5y, cm[cm.isin(c)], [codes, age, stage], interactions=False)['LR'] for c in combinations(cm.unique(),2)}) sig pts = keepers.diff(ti(codes=='HNSC')) cm = combo.ix[pts].dropna() sig = pd.Series({c: get_cox_ph_ms(surv_3y, cm[cm.isin(c)], [codes, age, old, stage], interactions=False)['LR'] for c in combinations(cm.unique(),2)}) sig df = pd.concat([p53_mut, del_3p, codes, age, old, stage.ix[keepers].fillna('missing'), combo.ix[k2], surv[:,'days'], surv[:,'event']], keys=['TP53 Mutation', '3p Deletion', 'Tissue Type', 'Age', 'Age > 75', 'Stage' 'TP53 / 3p', 'Days to Death/Censoring', 'Death Indicator'], axis=1).ix[keepers] df = pd.concat([p53_mut, del_3p, codes, age, old, stage.ix[keepers].fillna('M'), combo.ix[k2], surv[:,'days'], surv[:,'event']], keys=['TP53 Mutation', '3p Deletion', 'Tissue Type', 'Age', 'Age > 75', 'Stage', 'TP53 / 3p', 'Days to Death/Censoring', 'Death Indicator'], axis=1).dropna() df.to_csv(FIGDIR + 'fig3c.csv') f = {} for cancer in codes.ix[combo.index].unique(): try: c = combo[combo.isin(['both','TP53'])] == 'both' c = c.ix[ti(codes==cancer)].dropna() f[cancer] = get_cox_ph_ms(surv_3y, c, [age, old], interactions=False) except: print 'fail' pd.DataFrame(f).T.sort('LR') cc = ti(codes.ix[combo_all.index].value_counts() > 50) ct = pd.DataFrame({c: fisher_exact_test(p53_all.ix[ti(codes==c)].dropna()>0, del_3p_all<0) for c in cc}).T ct.dropna().sort('odds_ratio', ascending=False) fig, axs = subplots(1, 7, figsize=(10,3), sharey=True) cc = array(colors_th) for i,c in enumerate(['HNSC','BRCA','LUAD', 'OV','KIRC','LGG','LUSC']): draw_survival_curve(combo.ix[true_index(codes==c)].dropna(), surv_3y, ax=axs[i], colors={'both': cc[0], 'TP53': cc[1], 'del_3p': cc[2], 'neither':cc[3]}) axs[i].get_legend().set_visible(False) axs[i].set_ylim(.4,1.05) axs[i].set_xticks([0,1,2,3]) prettify_ax(axs[i]) axs[i].annotate(c, (2, .42)) fig.tight_layout() fig, axs = subplots(1, 7, figsize=(10,3), sharey=True) cc = array(colors_th) for i,c in enumerate(['HNSC','BRCA','LUAD', 'OV','KIRC','LGG','LUSC']): f = combo[combo.isin(['both','TP53'])].ix[true_index(codes==c)].dropna() #f = f.ix[ti(age < 75)].dropna() draw_survival_curve(f, surv_5y, ax=axs[i], colors={'both': cc[0], 'TP53': cc[1], 'del_3p': cc[2], 'neither':cc[3]}) axs[i].get_legend().set_visible(False) axs[i].set_ylim(.4,1.05) axs[i].set_xticks([0,1,2,3,4,5]) prettify_ax(axs[i]) axs[i].annotate(c, (2, .42)) fig.tight_layout()