import syde556 import numpy x = numpy.zeros(100) for i in range(10): x[i*10:(i+1)*10]=numpy.random.uniform(-1,1) figure() title('$x$ value changing over time') plot(x) ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) xlabel('time (ms)') figure() title('firing rate changing over time') plot(syde556.lif(1.5*x+1)) ylabel('firing rate (Hz)') xlabel('time (ms)') show() import syde556 reload(syde556) import numpy x = numpy.zeros(100) v, spikes = syde556.lif_spikes(1.5*x+2) figure() title('voltage and spikes over time') plot(v+spikes) vlines(numpy.where(spikes>0)[0], 0, 2) ylabel('firing rate (Hz)') xlabel('time (ms)') show() import syde556 reload(syde556) import numpy x = numpy.zeros(100) for i in range(10): x[i*10:(i+1)*10]=numpy.random.uniform(-1,1) v, spikes = syde556.lif_spikes(1.5*x+1) figure() title('$x$ value changing over time') plot(x) ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) xlabel('time (ms)') figure() title('firing rate changing over time') plot(syde556.lif(1.5*x+1)) ylabel('firing rate (Hz)') xlabel('time (ms)') show() figure() title('voltage and spikes over time') plot(v+spikes) vlines(numpy.where(spikes>0)[0], 0, 2) ylabel('voltage') xlabel('time (ms)') show() import syde556 reload(syde556) import numpy dt = 0.001 t = numpy.arange(600)*dt x = numpy.sin(10*t) alpha = 1.5 bias = 2 J = alpha*x+bias v, spikes = syde556.lif_spikes(J) figure(figsize=(8,4)) plot(t, x, label='x') plot(t, v+spikes, label='v') vlines(dt*numpy.where(spikes>0)[0], 0, 2) ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,2) xlabel('time (s)') legend(loc='lower left') show() import syde556 import numpy dt = 0.001 t = numpy.arange(600)*dt x = numpy.sin(10*t) alpha = 1.5 bias = 2 J1 = alpha*x+bias J2 = -alpha*x+bias v1, spikes1 = syde556.lif_spikes(J1) v2, spikes2 = syde556.lif_spikes(J2) figure(figsize=(8,4)) plot(t, x, label='x') vlines(dt*numpy.where(spikes1>0)[0], 0, 1) vlines(dt*numpy.where(spikes2>0)[0], -1, 0) ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) xlabel('time (s)') show() import syde556 import numpy dt = 0.001 t = numpy.arange(600)*dt x = numpy.sin(10*t) alpha = 1.5 bias = 2 J1 = alpha*x+bias J2 = -alpha*x+bias v1, spikes1 = syde556.lif_spikes(J1) v2, spikes2 = syde556.lif_spikes(J2) A = numpy.array([spikes1, spikes2]).T d = syde556.decoders(A, x) xhat =, d) figure(figsize=(8,4)) plot(t, x, label='x') plot(t, xhat, label='x') ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) xlabel('time (s)') show() import syde556 import numpy N = 50 dt = 0.001 t = numpy.arange(600)*dt x = numpy.sin(10*t) encoders = numpy.random.choice([-1, 1], N) intercepts = numpy.random.uniform(-0.9, 0.9, N) max_rates = numpy.random.uniform(100, 200, N) alpha, bias = syde556.find_alpha_and_bias(intercepts, max_rates) A = syde556.activity_spikes(x, encoders, alpha, bias) d = syde556.decoders(A, x) xhat =, d) figure(figsize=(8,4)) imshow(A.T, extent=(0,0.6,-1,1), aspect='auto', interpolation='none', cmap='binary') plot(t, x, label='x') plot(t, xhat, label='x') ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1); xlabel('time (s)') show() import syde556 import numpy dt = 0.001 sigma = 0.007 t_h = numpy.arange(200)*dt-0.1 h = numpy.exp(-t_h**2/(2*sigma*sigma)) figure() plot(t_h, h) xlabel('t') ylabel('h(t)') show() t = numpy.arange(600)*dt x = numpy.sin(10*t) alpha = 1.5 bias = 2 J1 = alpha*x+bias J2 = -alpha*x+bias v1, spikes1 = syde556.lif_spikes(J1) v2, spikes2 = syde556.lif_spikes(J2) fspikes1 = numpy.convolve(spikes1, h, mode='same') fspikes2 = numpy.convolve(spikes2, h, mode='same') A = numpy.array([fspikes1, fspikes2]).T d = syde556.decoders(A, x) xhat =, d) figure(figsize=(8,4)) plot(t, x) vlines(dt*numpy.where(spikes1>0)[0], 0, 1) vlines(dt*numpy.where(spikes2>0)[0], -1, 0) ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) xlabel('time (s)') figure(figsize=(8,4)) plot(t, x, label='x') plot(t, fspikes1*d[0]) plot(t, fspikes2*d[1]) ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) xlabel('time (s)') figure(figsize=(8,4)) plot(t, x, label='x') plot(t, xhat, label='x') ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) xlabel('time (s)') show() import numpy x = numpy.random.uniform(-1,1,500) plot(numpy.arange(500)*0.001, x) show() import numpy import syde556 x, X = syde556.generate_signal(T=1.0, dt=0.001, rms=0.5, limit=10, seed=4) plot(numpy.arange(1000)*0.001, x) show() import numpy import syde556 T = 1.0 dt = 0.001 x, X = syde556.generate_signal(T, dt, rms=0.5, limit=10, seed=3) freq = numpy.arange(1000)/T freq -= (T/dt)/2 figure() plot(freq, np.abs(X)) xlim(-500, 500) xlabel('freq (Hz)') ylabel('$|X(\omega)|$') figure() plot(freq, np.abs(X)) xlim(-50, 50) xlabel('freq (Hz)') ylabel('$|X(\omega)|$') figure() plot(numpy.arange(1000)*0.001, x) xlabel('time (s)') ylabel('$x(t)$') show() import numpy import syde556 T = 1.0 dt = 0.001 x, X = syde556.generate_signal(T, dt, rms=0.3, limit=10, seed=3) t = numpy.arange(int(T/dt))*dt freq = numpy.arange(int(T/dt))/T - (T/dt)/2 omega = freq*2*numpy.pi plot(t,x) xlabel('t') ylabel('$x$') show() alpha = 1.5 bias = 2 J1 = alpha*x+bias J2 = -alpha*x+bias v1, spikes1 = syde556.lif_spikes(J1) v2, spikes2 = syde556.lif_spikes(J2) r = spikes1 - spikes2 plot(t, r) plot(t,x) xlabel('t') ylabel('$r$') show() R = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(r)) figure() plot(omega, np.abs(X)) xlabel('$\omega$') ylabel('$|X(\omega)|$') figure() plot(omega, np.abs(R)) xlabel('$\omega$') ylabel('$|R(\omega)|$') show() H = (X*R.conjugate()) / (R*R.conjugate()) h = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(H))).real figure() plot(omega, np.abs(H)) xlabel('$\omega$') ylabel('$|H(\omega)|$') xlim(-500, 500) figure() plot(t-T/2, h) xlabel('t') ylabel('h(t)') show() fspikes1 = numpy.convolve(spikes1, h, mode='same') fspikes2 = numpy.convolve(spikes2, h, mode='same') A = numpy.array([fspikes1, fspikes2]).T d = syde556.decoders(A, x) xhat =, d) figure() plot(t, x) plot(t, xhat) show() print 'RMSE:', numpy.average((x-xhat)**2) y, Y = syde556.generate_signal(T, dt, rms=0.3, limit=10, seed=1) J1y = alpha*y+bias J2y = -alpha*y+bias v1y, spikes1y = syde556.lif_spikes(J1y) v2y, spikes2y = syde556.lif_spikes(J2y) fspikes1y = numpy.convolve(spikes1y, h, mode='same') fspikes2y = numpy.convolve(spikes2y, h, mode='same') Ay = numpy.array([fspikes1y, fspikes2y]).T yhat =, d) figure() plot(t, y) plot(t, yhat) show() print 'RMSE:', numpy.average((y-yhat)**2) x2 = numpy.zeros_like(x) r2 = numpy.zeros_like(r) x2[400:600] = x[100:300] r2[400:600] = r[100:300] figure() plot(t, x) plot(t, r) vlines(0.1, -1.5, 1.5, linewidth=3) vlines(0.3, -1.5, 1.5, linewidth=3) figure() plot(t, x2) plot(t, r2) show() sigma = 0.1 window = np.exp(-(t-0.5)**2/(sigma**2)) x2w = numpy.roll(x, 300)*window r2w = numpy.roll(r, 300)*window figure() plot(t, x) plot(t, r) vlines(0.1, -1.5, 1.5, linewidth=3) vlines(0.3, -1.5, 1.5, linewidth=3) figure() plot(t, x2w) plot(t, r2w) show() # original code H = (X*R.conjugate()) / (R*R.conjugate()) # new code sigma_t = 0.025 W2 = np.exp(-omega**2*sigma_t**2) H = (np.convolve(X*R.conjugate(),W2, 'same')) / (np.convolve(R*R.conjugate(),W2, 'same')) import numpy import syde556 T = 1.0 dt = 0.001 x, X = syde556.generate_signal(T, dt, rms=0.3, limit=10, seed=3) y, Y = syde556.generate_signal(T, dt, rms=0.3, limit=10, seed=1) t = numpy.arange(int(T/dt))*dt freq = numpy.arange(int(T/dt))/T - (T/dt)/2 omega = freq*2*numpy.pi alpha = 1.5 bias = 2 J1 = alpha*x+bias J2 = -alpha*x+bias J1y = alpha*y+bias J2y = -alpha*y+bias v1, spikes1 = syde556.lif_spikes(J1) v2, spikes2 = syde556.lif_spikes(J2) v1y, spikes1y = syde556.lif_spikes(J1y) v2y, spikes2y = syde556.lif_spikes(J2y) r = spikes1 - spikes2 R = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(r)) sigma_t = 0.025 W2 = np.exp(-omega**2*sigma_t**2) H = (np.convolve(X*R.conjugate(),W2, 'same')) / (np.convolve(R*R.conjugate(),W2, 'same')) h = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(H))).real fspikes1 = numpy.convolve(spikes1, h, mode='same') fspikes2 = numpy.convolve(spikes2, h, mode='same') fspikes1y = numpy.convolve(spikes1y, h, mode='same') fspikes2y = numpy.convolve(spikes2y, h, mode='same') A = numpy.array([fspikes1, fspikes2]).T Ay = numpy.array([fspikes1y, fspikes2y]).T d = syde556.decoders(A, x) xhat =, d) yhat =, d) figure() plot(t, x) plot(t, xhat) title('original signal') show() print 'RMSE:', numpy.average((x-xhat)**2) figure() title('new testing signal') plot(t, y) plot(t, yhat) show() print 'RMSE:', numpy.average((y-yhat)**2) z, Z = syde556.generate_signal(T, dt, rms=0.3, limit=2, seed=1) J1z = alpha*z+bias J2z = -alpha*z+bias v1z, spikes1z = syde556.lif_spikes(J1z) v2z, spikes2z = syde556.lif_spikes(J2z) fspikes1z = numpy.convolve(spikes1z, h, mode='same') fspikes2z = numpy.convolve(spikes2z, h, mode='same') Az = numpy.array([fspikes1z, fspikes2z]).T zhat =, d) figure() plot(t, z) plot(t, zhat) show() print 'RMSE:', numpy.average((z-zhat)**2) figure() plot(omega, np.abs(H)) xlabel('$\omega$') ylabel('$|H(\omega)|$') xlim(-500, 500) figure() plot(t-T/2, h) xlabel('t') ylabel('h(t)') figure() plot(t-T/2, h) xlabel('t') ylabel('h(t)') xlim(-0.1, 0.1) show() h_optimal = h H_optimal = H xhat_optimal = xhat figure(figsize=(8,4)) vlines(dt*numpy.where(spikes1>0)[0], -1, 1) plot(t, fspikes1*d[0], label='filtered spikes') ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) xlim(0.2, 0.4) xlabel('time (s)') legend() show() import syde556 import numpy dt = 0.001 tau = 0.05 t_h = numpy.arange(1000)*dt-0.5 h = numpy.exp(-t_h/tau) h[numpy.where(t_h<0)]=0 figure() plot(t_h, h) xlabel('t') ylabel('h(t)') show() t = numpy.arange(1000)*dt x, X = syde556.generate_signal(1.0, dt, rms=0.3, limit=10, seed=3) alpha = 1.5 bias = 2 J1 = alpha*x+bias J2 = -alpha*x+bias v1, spikes1 = syde556.lif_spikes(J1) v2, spikes2 = syde556.lif_spikes(J2) fspikes1 = numpy.convolve(spikes1, h, mode='same') fspikes2 = numpy.convolve(spikes2, h, mode='same') A = numpy.array([fspikes1, fspikes2]).T d = syde556.decoders(A, x) xhat =, d) figure(figsize=(8,4)) plot(t, x) vlines(dt*numpy.where(spikes1>0)[0], 0, 1) vlines(dt*numpy.where(spikes2>0)[0], -1, 0) ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) xlabel('time (s)') figure(figsize=(8,4)) plot(t, x, label='x') plot(t, fspikes1*d[0]) plot(t, fspikes2*d[1]) ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) xlabel('time (s)') figure(figsize=(8,4)) plot(t, x, label='x') plot(t, xhat, label='x') ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) xlabel('time (s)') show() import syde556 import numpy N = 50 tau = 0.01 dt = 0.001 T = 1.0 t = numpy.arange(T/dt)*dt x, X = syde556.generate_signal(T, dt, rms=0.3, limit=10, seed=3) encoders = numpy.random.choice([-1, 1], N) intercepts = numpy.random.uniform(-0.9, 0.9, N) max_rates = numpy.random.uniform(100, 200, N) alpha, bias = syde556.find_alpha_and_bias(intercepts, max_rates) A = syde556.activity_spikes(x, encoders, alpha, bias) h = syde556.psc_filter(t-T/2, tau) Af = syde556.apply_filter(A, h) d = syde556.decoders(Af, x, dx=1.0/1000, noise=0.1) xhat =, d) figure(figsize=(8,4)) #imshow(A.T, extent=(0,T,-1,1), aspect='auto', interpolation='none', cmap='binary') plot(t, x, label='$x$') plot(t, xhat, label='$\hat{x}$') ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) legend() xlabel('time (s)') show() import syde556 reload(syde556) import numpy N = 50 tau = 0.01 dt = 0.001 T = 1.0 t = numpy.arange(T/dt)*dt x, X = syde556.generate_signal(T, dt, rms=0.3, limit=10, seed=3) encoders = numpy.random.choice([-1, 1], N) intercepts = numpy.random.uniform(-0.9, 0.9, N) max_rates = numpy.random.uniform(100, 200, N) alpha, bias = syde556.find_alpha_and_bias(intercepts, max_rates) x_rate = numpy.linspace(-1,1, 1000) A_rate = syde556.activity(x_rate, encoders, alpha, bias) d = syde556.decoders(A_rate, x_rate, dx=1.0/1000, noise=0.1) A = syde556.activity_spikes(x, encoders, alpha, bias) h = syde556.psc_filter(t-T/2, tau) Af = syde556.apply_filter(A, h) xhat =, d) figure(figsize=(8,4)) #imshow(A.T, extent=(0,T,-1,1), aspect='auto', interpolation='none', cmap='binary') plot(t, x, label='$x$') plot(t, xhat, label='$\hat{x}$') ylabel('$x$') ylim(-1,1) legend() xlabel('time (s)') show()