import sklearn import numpy as np from scipy import ndimage from matplotlib import pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import skimage from skimage import io from skimage.filter import threshold_otsu from skimage.feature import peak_local_max from skimage.morphology import watershed img1 ="img/cyano1.jpg") bplt, (sub1) = plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=1,figsize = (9,9) ) sub1 = plt.imshow(img1) arrow_args = dict(arrowstyle="->") sub1.axes.annotate('Heterocyst' ,xy= (1600,700) ,xytext = (700,300) ,xycoords = 'data' ,textcoords = 'data' #'offset points' ,arrowprops = arrow_args ,fontsize = 14 ) sub1.axes.annotate('Vegetative' ,xy = (1080,960) ,xytext = (400,600) ,xycoords = 'data' ,textcoords = 'data' #'offset points' ,arrowprops = arrow_args ,fontsize = 14 ) easy_color = img1[900:1400,1200:1700] plt.imshow(easy_color) easy_img = skimage.color.rgb2gray(easy_color) plt.imshow(easy_img,cmap='gray') thresh = threshold_otsu(easy_img) otsu0 = easy_img < thresh plt.imshow(otsu0,cmap='gray') dist0 = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(otsu0) j = 34 peaks0 = peak_local_max(dist0 ,indices = False ,footprint=np.ones((j,j)) ) # maxi00_arr = [ peak_local_max(dist00 # ,indices = False # ,footprint=np.ones((j,j)) # ) for j in np.arange(1,40,3) ] peaks0.cumsum() marker0 = ndimage.label(peaks0)[0] labels0 = watershed(-dist0, marker0, mask=otsu0) plt.imshow(labels0) def boundbox1(tryit): # np.nonzero(np.apply_over_axes( np.argmax, thelabel,[1]))[0].min() minX = np.nonzero(np.apply_over_axes(np.argmax,(tryit),[1]))[0].min() maxX = np.nonzero(np.apply_over_axes(np.argmax,(tryit),[1]))[0].max() minY = np.nonzero(np.apply_over_axes(np.argmax,(tryit),[0]))[1].min() maxY = np.nonzero(np.apply_over_axes(np.argmax,(tryit),[0]))[1].max() return [minX,maxX,minY,maxY] bb0 = [] for i in range(1,labels0.max() + 1): label_i = (labels0 == i) bb0.append(boundbox1(label_i)) print bb0 def buildrect(arr): minY,maxY,minX,maxX = arr rect1 = mpatches.Rectangle(xy=(minX,minY) ,width = maxX - minX ,height = maxY - minY ,fill = False ,edgecolor = 'red' ,linewidth = 2) return rect1 rect_arr = [buildrect(bb0[i]) for i in np.arange(bb0.__len__())] fig, (s0) = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (12,12)) s0.imshow(easy_img, cmap='gray') for rect in rect_arr: s0.add_patch(rect) def img_to_labels1(inp_img): thresh = threshold_otsu(inp_img) otsu0 = inp_img < thresh dist0 = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(otsu0) j=34 peaks0 = peak_local_max(dist0 ,indices = False ,footprint=np.ones((j,j))) print peaks0.cumsum() marker0 = ndimage.label(peaks0)[0] labels0 = watershed(-dist0, marker0, mask=otsu0) # plt.imshow(labels0) # return labels0 def buildrect(arr): minY,maxY,minX,maxX = arr rect1 = mpatches.Rectangle(xy=(minX,minY) ,width = maxX - minX ,height = maxY - minY ,fill = False ,edgecolor = 'red' ,linewidth = 2) return rect1 def make_windows(inp_labels, inp_img): bb0 = [] for i in range(1,inp_labels.max() + 1): label_i = (inp_labels == i) bb0.append(boundbox1(label_i)) rect_arr = [buildrect(bb0[i]) for i in np.arange(bb0.__len__())] fig = None s0 = None fig, (s0) = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (12,12)) s0.imshow(inp_img, cmap='gray') for rect in rect_arr: s0.add_patch(rect) return fig def algo1(inp_img): labels = img_to_labels1(inp_img) out_fig = make_windows(labels,inp_img) return out_fig img1_gray = skimage.color.rgb2gray(img1) myfig = algo1(img1_gray) myfig.savefig('img/thebigone.png') plt.imshow((labels0==4)) img = peaks0 peaks_array =[] peak_counter = 0 for y in range(0,img.shape[0]): for x in range(0,img.shape[1]): if (img[y,x] == True): peak_counter = peak_counter + 1 peaks_array.append([peak_counter,y,x]) peaks_array img = easy_img offset = 40 bplt, (sub1) = plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=1,figsize = (9,9) ) sub1 = plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray') arrow_args = dict(arrowstyle="->") for i in peaks_array: sub1.axes.annotate('Peak '+ str(i[0]) ,xy= (i[2],i[1]) ,xytext = (i[2]+offset,i[1]+offset) ,xycoords = 'data' ,textcoords = 'data' #'offset points' ,arrowprops = arrow_args ,fontsize = 12 ) cross = img1[1200:2000,0:500] cross = skimage.color.rgb2gray(cross) algo1(cross) inp_img = cross thresh = threshold_otsu(inp_img) otsu0 = inp_img < thresh dist0 = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(otsu0) j=34 peaks0 = peak_local_max(dist0 ,indices = False ,footprint=np.ones((j,j))) print peaks0.cumsum() def strand_v1(dist, pres, past): """ args: dist: sklearn distance kneighbors_graph pres: present label past: past label """ m, n = dist.shape n1nbr = None for i in range(n): if i in past or dist[pres, i]==0: continue if n1nbr is None or dist[pres,i]<=dist[pres,n1nbr]: n1nbr=i print pres, past, n1nbr if len(past) == 0 or n1nbr is not None: return strand_v1(dist, n1nbr, past+[pres]) return past + [pres] def cost_of_path(coords, labels): """ Based on observation that coefficients of the derivative for paths that would continue the "momentum" or gradient of the past polynomial are closer in spatial distance than those of paths that are not args: coords: (y, x) coordinates a ndarray of shape (m, 2) labels: ordered list of cell labels denoting a particular path """ labels = tuple(labels) def get_der_coef(coords, labels): coefficients = np.polyfit(coords[labels,1], coords[labels,0], len(labels)-1) dcoefficients = np.polyder(coefficients) return dcoefficients initial = get_der_coef(coords, labels[:-1]) decision = get_der_coef(coords, labels)[1:] import scipy return scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(initial, decision) def optimum_path(coords, past, nnbrs): costs = [cost_of_path(coords, past+[nnbr]) for nnbr in nnbrs] n1nbr = costs.index(np.min(costs)) return n1nbr def show_path_and_der(coords, labels, do_plot=True): labels = tuple(labels) coefficients = np.polyfit(coords[labels,1], coords[labels,0], len(labels)-1) polynomial = np.poly1d(coefficients) ys = polynomial(coords[labels,1]) dcoefficients = np.polyder(coefficients) print dcoefficients dpolynomial = np.poly1d(dcoefficients) dys = dpolynomial(coords[labels,1]) # d2coefficients =np.polyder(coefficients, 2) # print d2coefficients # d2polynomial = np.poly1d(d2coefficients) # d2ys = d2polynomial(coords[labels,1]) if do_plot: fig,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10)) ax.imshow(img, cmap='gray') ax.plot(coords[labels,1], ys, 'r', lw=3) ax.plot(coords[labels,1], dys, 'g', lw=3) # ax.plot(coords[labels,1], d2ys, 'b', lw=3) # ax.set_ybound(img.shape[0],0) # ax.set_xbound(img.shape[1],0) X = cross show_path_and_der(X, west_bound[:-1]) show_path_and_der(X, west_bound)