#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # The Split-Apply-Combine Pattern in Data Science and Python # # ## Tobias Brandt # # # # # # ### Google trends chart # # !["data science" vs "data analysis"](img/data_science_vs_data_analysis.png) # ## Data Science # # According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_science: # # In November 1997, C.F. Jeff Wu gave the inaugural lecture entitled **"Statistics = Data Science?"**[5] for his appointment to the H. C. Carver Professorship at the University of Michigan.[6] In this lecture, he characterized statistical work as a trilogy of **data collection**, **data modeling and analysis**, and **decision making**. In his conclusion, he initiated the modern, non-computer science, usage of the term "data science" and advocated that statistics be renamed data science and statisticians data scientists.[5] # ## The Github Archive Dataset # # https://www.githubarchive.org/ # # Open-source developers all over the world are working on millions of projects: writing code & documentation, fixing & submitting bugs, and so forth. GitHub Archive is a project to record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis. # # GitHub provides 20+ event types, which range from new commits and fork events, to opening new tickets, commenting, and adding members to a project. These events are aggregated into hourly archives, which you can access with any HTTP client: # # * gzipped json files # * yyyy-mm-dd-HH.json.gz # In[1]: import os import gzip import ujson as json directory = 'data/github_archive' filename = '2015-01-29-16.json.gz' path = os.path.join(directory, filename) with gzip.open(path) as f: events = [json.loads(line) for line in f] #print json.dumps(events[0], indent=4) #
# {
#     "payload": {
#         "master_branch": "master", 
#         "ref_type": "branch", 
#         "ref": "disable_dropdown", 
#         "description": "OOI UI Source Code", 
#         "pusher_type": "user"
#     }, 
#     "created_at": "2015-01-29T16:00:00Z", 
#     "actor": {
#         "url": "https://api.github.com/users/birdage", 
#         "login": "birdage", 
#         "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/547228?", 
#         "id": 547228, 
#         "gravatar_id": ""
#     }, 
#     "id": "2545235518", 
#     "repo": {
#         "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/birdage/ooi-ui", 
#         "id": 23796192, 
#         "name": "birdage/ooi-ui"
#     }, 
#     "type": "CreateEvent", 
#     "public": true
# }
# ### Typical Questions # # * How many Github repositories are created per hour/day/month? # * To which repositories are the most commits are pushed per hour/day/month? # * Which projects receive the most pull requests? # * What are the most popular languages on Github? # ## Example 1 - Number of Repositories Created # In[2]: new_repo_count = 0 for event in events: new_repo_count += \ 1 if event['type']=="CreateEvent" else 0 # In[3]: print new_repo_count # ## Example 2 - Number of commits pushed per repository # In[4]: repo_commits = {} for event in events: if event['type']=="PushEvent": repo = event['repo']['name'] commits = event['payload']['size'] repo_commits[repo] = \ repo_commits.get(repo, 0) + commits # In[5]: def print_top_items(dct, N=5): sorted_items = sorted( dct.iteritems(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True) for key, value in sorted_items[:N]: print "{:40} {}".format(key, value) print_top_items(repo_commits) # # The Split-Apply-Combine Pattern # # ## Hadley Wickham # # [Hadley Wickham, the man who revolutionized R](http://priceonomics.com/hadley-wickham-the-man-who-revolutionized-r/) # # *If you don’t spend much of your time coding in the open-source statistical programming language R, # his name is likely not familiar to you -- but the statistician Hadley Wickham is, # in his own words, “nerd famous.” The kind of famous where people at statistics conferences # line up for selfies, ask him for autographs, and are generally in awe of him. # In[6]: from IPython.display import HTML HTML('') # # # * StackOverflow: [split-apply-combine tag](http://stackoverflow.com/tags/split-apply-combine/info) # * Pandas documentation: [Group By: split-apply-combine](http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/groupby.html) # * PyTools documentation: [Split-apply-combine with groupby and reduceby](http://toolz.readthedocs.org/en/latest/streaming-analytics.html#split-apply-combine-with-groupby-and-reduceby) # * Blaze documentation: [Split-Apply-Combine - Grouping](http://blaze.pydata.org/en/stable/split-apply-combine.html) # * R plyr: [plyr: Tools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plyr/index.html) # * Julia documentation: [The Split-Apply-Combine Strategy](https://dataframesjl.readthedocs.org/en/latest/split_apply_combine.html) # ## The Basic Pattern # # 1. **Split** the data by some **grouping variable** # 2. **Apply** some function to each group **independently** # 3. **Combine** the data into some output dataset # * The **apply** step is usually one of # * **aggregate** # * **transform** # * or **filter** # ### Example 2 - examined # In[7]: repo_commits = {} for event in events: if event['type']=="PushEvent": repo = event['repo']['name'] commits = event['payload']['size'] repo_commits[repo] = \ repo_commits.get(repo, 0) + commits print_top_items(repo_commits) # This # # * filters out only the "PushEvent"s # * **splits** the dataset by *repository* # * **sums** the commits for each group # * **combines** the groups and their sums into a dictionary # # Pandas - Python Data Analysis Library # #

# # * Provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. # * Provides core data structure **DataFrame** # ### pandas.DataFrame # # * Basically in-memory database tables (or spreadsheets!) # * Tabular data that allows for columns of different dtypes # * Labeled rows and columns (index) # * Hierarchical indexing allows for representing Panel data # In[8]: import numpy as np import pandas as pd from collections import namedtuple GithubEvent = namedtuple('GithubEvent', ['type_', 'user', 'repo', 'created_at', 'commits']) def make_record(event): return GithubEvent( event['type'], event['actor']['login'], event['repo']['name'], pd.Timestamp(event['created_at']), event['payload']['size'] if event['type']=='PushEvent' else np.nan ) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records( (make_record(ev) for ev in events), columns=GithubEvent._fields, index='created_at') df.head() # ### Example 1 (using Pandas) - Number of Repositories Created # In[9]: df[df.type_=='CreateEvent'].head() # In[10]: len(df[df.type_=='CreateEvent']) # ### Example 2 (using Pandas) - Number of commits pushed per repo # In[11]: repo_commits = {} for event in events: if event['type']=="PushEvent": repo = event['repo']['name'] commits = event['payload']['size'] repo_commits[repo] = \ repo_commits.get(repo, 0) + commits print_top_items(repo_commits) # In[12]: repo_commits = df[df.type_=='PushEvent'].groupby('repo').commits.sum() repo_commits.sort(ascending=False) repo_commits.head(5) # ### Example 1 - revisited # In[13]: event_counts = df.groupby('type_').repo.count() event_counts.sort(ascending=False) event_counts.head() # Great for interactive work: # # * tab-completion! # * inspect data with `df.head()` & `df.tail()` # * quick overview of data ranges with `df.describe()` # # However ... # ### Pandas currently only handles in-memory datasets! # ### So not suitable for big data! # # # # MapReduce # # *"If you want to process Big Data, you need some MapReduce framework like one of the following"* #

# # #

# # # The key to these frameworks is adopting a **functional** [programming] mindset. In Python this means, think **iterators**! # # See [The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs](https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html) # (the "*Wizard book*") # # * in particular [Chapter 2 Building Abstractions with Data](https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-13.html#%_chap_2) # * and [Section 2.2.3 Sequences as Conventional Interfaces](https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book-Z-H-15.html#%_sec_2.2.3) # # Luckily, the Split-Apply-Combine pattern is well suited to this! # ## Example 1 - revisited # In[14]: new_repo_count = 0 for event in events: new_repo_count += \ 1 if event['type']=="CreateEvent" else 0 print new_repo_count # In[15]: reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda ev: 1 if ev['type']=='CreateEvent' else 0, events)) # Would prefer to write # # events | map(...) | reduce(...) # ## Example 1 - pipelined # In[16]: def datapipe(data, *transforms): for transform in transforms: data = transform(data) return data datapipe( events, lambda events: map(lambda ev: 1 if ev['type']=='CreateEvent' else 0, events), lambda counts: reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, counts) ) # ## PyToolz # ## Example 1 - pipeline using PyToolz # In[17]: from toolz.curried import pipe, map, reduce pipe(events, map(lambda ev: 1 if ev['type']=='CreateEvent' else 0), reduce(lambda x,y: x+y) ) # ## Example 2 - pipelined with PyToolz # In[18]: repo_commits = {} for event in events: if event['type']=="PushEvent": repo = event['repo']['name'] commits = event['payload']['size'] repo_commits[repo] = \ repo_commits.get(repo, 0) + commits print_top_items(repo_commits) # In[19]: from toolz.curried import filter, reduceby pipe(events, filter(lambda ev: ev['type']=='PushEvent'), reduceby(lambda ev: ev['repo']['name'], lambda commits, ev: commits+ev['payload']['size'], init=0), print_top_items ) # ### The Point of Learning Patterns # # From Cosma Shalizi's [Statistical Computing](http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~cshalizi/statcomp/13/lectures/12/lecture-12.pdf) course: # # * Distinguish between **what** you want to do and **how you want to do it**. # * Focusing on **what** brings clarity to intentions. # * **How** also matters, but can obscure the high level problem. # # Learn the pattern, recognize the pattern, love the pattern! # # Re-use *good* solutions! # ### Iteration Considered Unhelpful # # Could always do the same thing with `for` loops, but those are # # * *verbose* - lots of "how" obscures the "what" # * painful/error-prone bookkeeping (indices, placeholders, ...) # * clumsy - hard to parallelize # ## Out-of-core processing - toolz example # In[20]: def count_commits(filename): import gzip import json from toolz.curried import pipe, filter, reduceby with gzip.open(filename) as f: repo_commits = pipe( map(json.loads, f), filter(lambda ev: ev['type']=='PushEvent'), reduceby(lambda ev: ev['repo']['name'], lambda commits, e: commits+e['payload']['size'], init=0) ) return repo_commits print_top_items(count_commits(path)) # In[21]: import glob files = glob.glob('C:/ARGO/talks/split-apply-combine/data/github_archive/2015-01-*') print len(files) N = 24 #len(files) # 10 # In[22]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', 'from toolz.curried import reduceby\nfrom __builtin__ import map as pmap\nrepo_commits = \\\n pipe(pmap(count_commits, files[:N]),\n lambda lst: reduce(lambda out, dct: out + dct.items(), lst, []),\n reduceby(lambda t: t[0], lambda s,t: s+t[1], init=0)\n )\nprint_top_items(repo_commits)\n') # In[23]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', '# Remember to start the ipcluster!\n# ipcluster start -n 4\nfrom IPython.parallel import Client\np = Client()[:]\npmap = p.map_sync\nrepo_commits = \\\n pipe(pmap(count_commits, files[:N]),\n lambda lst: reduce(lambda out, dct: out + dct.items(), lst, []),\n reduceby(lambda t: t[0], lambda s,t: s+t[1], init=0)\n )\nprint_top_items(repo_commits)\n') # # New tools # # ## [Blaze](http://blaze.pydata.org/en/latest/) # # # # # ## [Dask](http://dask.pydata.org/en/latest/) # # # ## Example 2 - using blaze (and pandas) # In[24]: repo_commits = df[df.type_=='PushEvent'].groupby('repo').commits.sum() repo_commits.sort(ascending=False) repo_commits.head(5) # In[25]: from blaze import Symbol, by event = Symbol('event', 'var * {created_at: datetime, type_: string, user: string, repo: string, commits: int}') push_events = event[event.type_=='PushEvent'] repo_commits = by(push_events.repo, commits=push_events.commits.sum()) top_repos = repo_commits.sort('commits', ascending=False).head(5) # In[26]: from blaze import compute print compute(top_repos, df) # ## You can run the same **computation** on different backends! # In[27]: from odo import odo uri = 'sqlite:///data/github_archive.sqlite::event' odo(df, uri) # In[28]: from blaze import Data db = Data(uri) compute(top_repos, db) # In[ ]: import os if os.path.exists('data/github_archive.sqlite'): os.remove('data/github_archive.sqlite') # ## Dask and Castra # In[ ]: from castra import Castra castra = Castra('data/github_archive.castra', template=df, categories=categories) castra.extend_sequence(map(to_df, files), freq='1h') # In[ ]: import dask.dataframe as dd from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar pbar = ProgressBar() pbar.register() df = dd.from_castra('data/github_archive.castra') df.head() # In[ ]: df.type.value_counts().nlargest(5).compute() # In[ ]: df[df.type=='PushEvent'].groupby('repo').commits.resample('h', how='count').compute() # ## So ... # # # ... in Python! # # Thank you! # # ## We're hiring! # # * I'm [snth](http://github.com/snth) on github # * The Jupyter Notebook is on github: [github.com/snth/split-apply-combine](http://github.com/snth/split-apply-combine) # * You can view the slides on nbviewer: [slides](http://nbviewer.ipython.org/format/slides/github/snth/split-apply-combine/blob/master/The%20Split-Apply-Combine%20Pattern%20in%20Data%20Science%20and%20Python.ipynb#/)