import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline import import glob import os import time from import fits from time import localtime,strftime tstart = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime()) print "Starting Time:", tstart tstart = time.time() imnames = sorted(glob.glob('Fedop/*Fedop.fits'))# sort list of images. Fedop: Doppler images taken with an iron (Fe) filter. N = len(imnames) imlist = np.zeros((N,1024,1024)) for i in range(N): imlist[i] =[i])[0].data # Read in data, and save as Python list. plt.imshow(imlist[100], cmap='cubehelix') # cmap: Specify color map to make for easier visual understanding. plt.plot(imlist[:,500,500]) #Plot slice through Python list corresponding to one spatial location in all images. plt.xlabel('Image (45s cadence)') plt.ylabel('Signal') #Create a power spectrum. #First, take n-dimensional Fourier Transform of image data. fftspec = np.fft.fftn(imlist, s=(512,1024,1024)) # FFT fftspec = np.fft.fftshift(fftspec) # Shift FFT such that lowest frequencies are at the left of the array, highest at the right. #Power Spectrum = FFT * conj(FFT) powspec = fftspec * np.conj(fftspec) t = time.time() - tstart print "FFT runtime:", t, "s" #Analysis: run separately from FFT tstart = time.time() #combine positive and negative frequencies newpowspec = np.zeros((256,1024,1024), dtype=complex) #Define new array of complex datatype. for i in range(len(powspec)/2): newpowspec[i] = powspec[i] + powspec[-(i+1)] # combine powspec halves newpowspec = newpowspec[::-1] #flip over frequency axis so frequencies run from lowest to highest. plt.imshow(np.log(abs(newpowspec[90]))) #We plot the logarithm of the power to make the features more visible. az = np.zeros((256,1024),dtype=complex) #compute azimuthal avg for i in range(1024): for j in range(256): # loop over all index locations in kaz kx = np.array(newpowspec[j,i,:]) # relevant slice along x axis ky = np.array(newpowspec[j,:,i]) # slice along y axis az[j,i] = np.sqrt(np.mean(kx)**2 + np.mean(ky)**2) #azimuthal average = x and y averages added in quadrature. plt.imshow(np.log(abs(az))) #again, plot in log space to make all features more visible newaz = np.zeros((256,512), dtype=complex) for i in range(len(az[0,:])/2): for j in range(256): newaz[j,i] = az[j,i] + az[j,-(i+1)] #combine positive and negative spatial values for each temporal frequency. newaz[:,:] = newaz[:,::-1] # flip over spatial frequency axis. Nt = 512 #steps in temporal direction Nx = 1024 # steps in spatial x direction Ny = 1024 # steps in spatial y direction deltat = 45 #s deltax = 1.41 #Mm/pixel. Mm: megameter = 1 million meters. deltay= 1.41 #Mm/pixel dt = round(float(1. / (Nt*deltat)),6) # step size in temporal direction, rounded to the nearest hundredth dnux = round(float(2*np.pi / (Nx*deltax)),6) #step size in spatial direction. multiply by 2pi factor due to # wavenumber definition: k=2pi/lambda, lambda=Nx*deltax. round to make plot labels legible. dnuy = round(float(2*np.pi / (Ny*deltay)),6) print round(dt,6), dnux, dnuy dnu = np.sqrt(dnux**2+dnuy**2) #adding x and y in quadrature dnu = round(dnu,4) print dnu plt.imshow(np.log(abs(newaz[5:150,5:200])), cmap='cubehelix', interpolation='none') # trim shortest and longest frequencies, # and don't interpolate pixels for easier viewing. plt.ylabel('Frequency (mHz)') ylocs = [0,25,55,85,115] # locations of axis labels, in pixels dt = dt *1000 #milliHertz (mHz) instead of Hertz. 1 Hertz = 1 oscillation per second. yvals = [0,30*dt,60*dt,90*dt,120*dt] # values of axis labels plt.yticks(ylocs,yvals) #places axis labels equal to yvals at ylocs pixel locations in plot. plt.xlabel('Wavenumber (Mm^-1)') xlocs = [0,45,95,145,195] xvals = [0,50*dnu, 100*dnu, 150*dnu, 200*dnu] plt.xticks(xlocs,xvals) plt.plot(np.log(abs(az[:,0]))) plt.plot(np.log(abs(az[:,10]))) plt.plot(np.log(abs(az[:,100]))) # these correspond to different wavenumbers: waves of different spatial sizes. plt.legend(('az0','az10', 'az100')) print "Max value and location:",np.max(az), "at", np.unravel_index(np.argmax(az), np.shape(az))