#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('load_ext', 'watermark') get_ipython().run_line_magic('watermark', "-a 'Sebastian Raschka' -v -d") #
# # Turn Your Twitter Timeline into a Word Cloud Using Python #
# ### Sections # - [Requirements](#Requirements) # - [A. Downloading Your Twitter Timeline Tweets](#A.-Downloading-Your-Twitter-Timeline-Tweets) # - [B. Creating the Word Cloud](#A.-Downloading-Your-Twitter-Timeline-Tweets) #
# ### Requirements # [[back to top](#Sections)] # Before we get started, I want to list some of the required packages to make this work! # Below, you find a list of the basic packages which can be installed via # # pip install # # - [twitter](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/twitter) # - [pyprind](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyPrind/) # - [numpy](http://numpy.org) # - [matplotlib](http://matplotlib.org) # - [pandas](http://pandas.pydata.org) # - [scipy](http://www.scipy.org) # # # # # And the Python (2.7) [`wordcloud`](https://github.com/amueller/word_cloud) package by Andreas Mueller can be installed via # # pip install git+git://github.com/amueller/word_cloud.git # # Note that `wordcloud` requires Python's imaging library [PIL](http://effbot.org/imagingbook/pil-index.htm). Depending on the operating system, the installation and setup of PIL can be quite challenging; however, when I tried to install it on different MacOS and Linux systems via [`conda`](http://www.continuum.io/blog/conda) it always seemed to work seamlessly: # # conda install pil # Let me use my handy [`watermark`](https://github.com/rasbt/watermark) extension to summarize the different packages and version numbers that were used in my case to download the twitter timeline and create the word cloud: # In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('load_ext', 'watermark') get_ipython().run_line_magic('watermark', '-d -v -m -p twitter,pyprind,wordcloud,pandas,scipy,matplotlib') #
# ## A. Downloading Your Twitter Timeline Tweets # [[back to top](#Sections)] # In order to get access to the Twitter API through OAuth (open standard for authorization), we have to obtain our consumer information and access tokens first by registering our app on [https://apps.twitter.com](https://apps.twitter.com). # In[ ]: CONSUMER_KEY = 'enter your information here' CONSUMER_SECRET = 'enter your information here' ACCESS_TOKEN = 'enter your information here' ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = 'enter your information here' USER_NAME = 'enter your twitter handle here' # The following code can then be used to download your timeline "sequentially" in chunks of 200 tweets per request to overcome the twitter API limitation, which only allows you to download 200 tweets at a time. # In[ ]: # Sebastian Raschka, 2014 # Code for downloading your personal twitter timeline. import twitter from datetime import datetime import time import re import sys import pandas as pd import pyprind as pp class TimelineMiner(object): def __init__(self, access_token, access_secret, consumer_key, consumer_secret, user_name): self.access_token = access_token self.access_secret = access_secret self.consumer_key = consumer_key self.consumer_secret = consumer_secret self.user_name = user_name self.auth = None self.df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['timestamp', 'tweet'], dtype='str') def authenticate(self): self.auth = twitter.Twitter(auth=twitter.OAuth(self.access_token, self.access_secret, self.consumer_key, self.consumer_secret)) return bool(isinstance(self.auth, twitter.api.Twitter)) def get_timeline(self, max=0, keywords=[]): if keywords: self.df['keywords'] = '' tweet_ids = [self.auth.statuses.user_timeline( user_id=self.user_name, count=1 )[0]['id']] # the ID of my last tweet last_count = 200 counter = 0 while last_count == 200: timeline = self.auth.statuses.user_timeline(user_id=self.user_name, count=200, max_id=tweet_ids[-1]) for tweet in range(len(timeline)): text = timeline[tweet]['text'].replace('"', '\'') tweet_id = int(timeline[tweet]['id']) date = self.__get_date(timeline, tweet) if keywords: for k in keywords: if self.__check_keyword(text,k): self.df.loc[counter,'tweet'] = text self.df.loc[counter,'timestamp'] = date try: self.df.loc[counter,'keywords'].append(k) except AttributeError: self.df.loc[counter,'keywords'] = [k] try: self.df.loc[counter,'keywords'] = ';'.join(self.df.loc[counter,'keywords']) except KeyError: pass else: self.df.loc[counter,'tweet'] = text self.df.loc[counter,'timestamp'] = date counter += 1 if max and counter >= max: break sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write('\rTweets downloaded: %s' %counter) if max and counter >= max: break last_count = len(timeline) tweet_ids.append(timeline[-1]['id']) time.sleep(1) print() def make_csv(self, path): self.df.to_csv(path, encoding='utf8') def __get_date(self, timeline, tweet): timest = datetime.strptime(timeline[tweet]['created_at'], "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y") date = timest.strftime("%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S") return date def __check_keyword(self, s, key): return bool(re.search(key, s, re.IGNORECASE)) # In[2]: tm = twitter_timeline.TimelineMiner(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, USER_NAME) print('Authentification successful: %s' %tm.authenticate()) tm.get_timeline(max=2000, keywords=[]) # In[3]: tm.df.head() # If the `twitter_timeline.py` script was executed terminal, you can read the "tweets" from the CSV file via # # import pandas as pd # df = pd.read_csv('path/to/CSV') #
# ## B. Creating the Word Cloud # [[back to top](#Sections)] # Now that we collected the tweets from our twitter timeline the creation of the word cloud is pretty simple and straightforward thanks to the nice `wordcloud` module. # In[4]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # In[10]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS # join tweets to a single string words = ' '.join(tm.df['tweet']) # remove URLs, RTs, and twitter handles no_urls_no_tags = " ".join([word for word in words.split() if 'http' not in word and not word.startswith('@') and word != 'RT' ]) wordcloud = WordCloud( font_path='/Users/sebastian/Library/Fonts/CabinSketch-Bold.ttf', stopwords=STOPWORDS, background_color='black', width=1800, height=1400 ).generate(no_urls_no_tags) plt.imshow(wordcloud) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig('./my_twitter_wordcloud_1.png', dpi=300) plt.show() # Surprise, surprise: The most common term I used in my tweets is obviously "Python!" #
# To make the word cloud even more visually appealing, let us as a custom shape in form of the twitter logo: # In[16]: from scipy.misc import imread twitter_mask = imread('./twitter_mask.png', flatten=True) wordcloud = WordCloud( font_path='/Users/sebastian/Library/Fonts/CabinSketch-Bold.ttf', stopwords=STOPWORDS, background_color='white', width=1800, height=1400, mask=twitter_mask ).generate(no_urls_no_tags) plt.imshow(wordcloud) plt.axis("off") plt.savefig('./my_twitter_wordcloud_2.png', dpi=300) plt.show() # (You can find the `twitter_mask.png` [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rasbt/datacollect/master/dataviz/twitter_cloud/twitter_mask.png))