import gdal # Import GDAL library bindings import numpy as np # The file that we shall be using # Needs to be on current directory filename = 'files/data/MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf' g = gdal.Open(filename) # g should now be a GDAL dataset, but if the file isn't found # g will be none. Let's test this: if g is None: print "Problem opening file %s!" % filename else: print "File %s opened fine" % filename subdatasets = g.GetSubDatasets() for fname, name in subdatasets: print name print "\t", fname # Let's create a list with the selected layer names selected_layers = [ "Lai_1km", "FparLai_QC" ] # We will store the data in a dictionary # Initialise an empty dictionary data = {} # for convenience, we will use string substitution to create a # template for GDAL filenames, which we'll substitute on the fly: file_template = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"%s":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:%s' for i, layer in enumerate ( selected_layers ): this_file = file_template % ( filename, layer ) print "Opening Layer %d: %s" % (i+1, this_file ) g = gdal.Open ( this_file ) if g is None: raise IOError data[layer] = g.ReadAsArray() print "\t>>> Read %s!" % layer # scale the LAI lai = data['Lai_1km'] * 0.1 # pull out the QC qc = data['FparLai_QC'] # find bit 0 qc = qc & 1 # generate the masked array laim = ( lai, mask=qc ) def read_modis_lai(filename): ''' Read MODIS LAI data from filename and return masked array ''' g = gdal.Open(filename) # g should now be a GDAL dataset, but if the file isn't found # g will be none. Let's test this: if g is None: print "Problem opening file %s!" % filename else: print "File %s opened fine" % filename subdatasets = g.GetSubDatasets() #for fname, name in subdatasets: #print name #print "\t", fname # Let's create a list with the selected layer names selected_layers = [ "Lai_1km", "FparLai_QC" ] # We will store the data in a dictionary # Initialise an empty dictionary data = {} # for convenience, we will use string substitution to create a # template for GDAL filenames, which we'll substitute on the fly: file_template = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"%s":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:%s' for i, layer in enumerate ( selected_layers ): this_file = file_template % ( filename, layer ) #print "Opening Layer %d: %s" % (i+1, this_file ) g = gdal.Open ( this_file ) if g is None: raise IOError data[layer] = g.ReadAsArray() #print "\t>>> Read %s!" % layer # scale the LAI lai = data['Lai_1km'] * 0.1 # pull out the QC qc = data['FparLai_QC'] # find bit 0 qc = qc & 1 # generate the masked array laim = ( lai, mask=qc ) return laim import glob year = 2012 tile = 'h17v03' files = np.sort(glob.glob('files/data/MCD15A2.A%d*.%s.*.hdf'%(year,tile))) lai = [] for f in files: lai.append(read_modis_lai(f)) # force it to be a masked array lai = # plot the data import pylab as plt # work out a consistent scaling lai_max = np.max(lai) for i,f in enumerate(files): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7)) plt.imshow(lai[i],interpolation='none',vmin=0.,vmax=lai_max*0.75) # remember filenames of the form # files/data/MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf' file_id = f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-5][1:] print file_id # plot a jpg plt.title(file_id) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('files/images/lai_uk_%s.jpg'%file_id) plt.close(fig) # now make a movie ... import os cmd = 'convert -delay 100 -loop 0 files/images/lai_uk_*.jpg files/images/lai_uk2.gif' os.system(cmd) %%bash tile=h17v03 year=2012 type=MOST month=02 file=robot_snow.${year}_${type}_${tile}_${month}.txt grep $tile < files/data/robot_snow.$year.txt | grep $type | grep "${year}\.${month}" > files/data/$file wc -l files/data/$file # cd temporarily to the local directory pushd files/data # -nc : no clobber : dont download if its there already # -nH --cut-dirs=3 : ignore the directories wget -nc -i $file -nH --cut-dirs=3 # cd back again popd echo $file # how to find out which datasets are in the file import gdal # Import GDAL library bindings # The file that we shall be using # Needs to be on current directory filename = 'files/data/MOD10A1.A2012060.h17v03.005.2012062064750.hdf' g = gdal.Open(filename) # g should now be a GDAL dataset, but if the file isn't found # g will be none. Let's test this: if g is None: print "Problem opening file %s!" % filename else: print "File %s opened fine" % filename subdatasets = g.GetSubDatasets() for fname, name in subdatasets: print name print "\t", fname # How to access specific datasets in gdal # Let's create a list with the selected layer names selected_layers = [ "Fractional_Snow_Cover" ] # We will store the data in a dictionary # Initialise an empty dictionary data = {} # for convenience, we will use string substitution to create a # template for GDAL filenames, which we'll substitute on the fly: file_template = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"%s":MOD_Grid_Snow_500m:%s' # This has two substitutions (the %s parts) which will refer to: # - the filename # - the data layer for i, layer in enumerate ( selected_layers ): this_file = file_template % ( filename, layer ) print "Opening Layer %d: %s" % (i+1, this_file ) g = gdal.Open ( this_file ) if g is None: raise IOError data[layer] = g.ReadAsArray() print "\t>>> Read %s!" % layer plt.imshow(data["Fractional_Snow_Cover"]) plt.colorbar() plt.title('% snow cover') snow = data["Fractional_Snow_Cover"] water = (snow == 239) plt.imshow(water) plt.colorbar() plt.title('water mask') snow = data["Fractional_Snow_Cover"] valid_mask = (snow > 100) plt.imshow(valid_mask) plt.colorbar() plt.title('valid mask') # filenames from the file url_file = 'files/data/robot_snow.2012_MOST_h17v03_02.txt' # open the file for read fp = open(url_file,'r') # the strip is to get rid of the \n character filenames = [f.split('/')[-1].strip() for f in fp.readlines()] # close the file fp.close # lets see what we got print filenames # using glob from glob import glob filenames = glob('files/data/MOD10A1.A2012*.hdf') print filenames # using glob from glob import glob filenames = glob('files/data/MOD10A1.A201203[2-9].*.hdf') +\ glob('files/data/MOD10A1.A201204?.*.hdf') +\ glob('files/data/MOD10A1.A201205?.*.hdf') +\ glob('files/data/MOD10A1.A2012060.*.hdf') print filenames # in any case, we should sort the filenames filenames = sort(filenames) import as ma def read_snow(filename): layers = "Fractional_Snow_Cover" # for convenience, we will use string substitution to create a # template for GDAL filenames, which we'll substitute on the fly: file_template = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"%s":MOD_Grid_Snow_500m:%s' # This has two substitutions (the %s parts) which will refer to: # - the filename # - the data layer this_file = file_template % ( filename, layer ) g = gdal.Open ( this_file ) if g is None: raise IOError snow = g.ReadAsArray() # dont use this here, but just in case useful #water = (snow == 239) valid_mask = (snow > 100) return ma.array(snow,mask=valid_mask) snow = read_snow(filenames[0]) plt.imshow(snow,vmax=100) plt.colorbar() plt.title(filenames[0]) snow = [] for f in filenames: snow.append(read_snow(f)) snow = ma.array(snow) # or neater ... snow = ma.array([read_snow(f) for f in filenames]) print snow.shape # now plot and save images # plot the data import pylab as plt cmap = for i,f in enumerate(filenames): plt.figure(figsize=(7,7)) plt.imshow(snow[i],cmap=cmap,interpolation='none',vmin=0.,vmax=100) # remember filenames of the form # files/data/MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf' file_id = f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-5][1:] print file_id # plot a jpg plt.title(file_id) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('files/images/snow_uk_%s.jpg'%file_id) # now make a movie ... import os cmd = 'convert -delay 100 -loop 0 files/images/snow_uk_*.jpg files/images/snow_uk2.gif' os.system(cmd) import sys sys.path.insert(0,'files/python') from raster_mask import raster_mask, getLAI # test this on an LAI file # the data file name filename = 'files/data/MCD15A2.A2012273.h17v03.005.2012297134400.hdf' # a layer (doesn't matter so much which: use for geometry info) layer = 'Lai_1km' # the full dataset specification file_template = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"%s":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:%s' file_spec = file_template%(filename,layer) # make a raster mask # from the layer IRELAND in world.shp mask = raster_mask(file_spec,\ target_vector_file = "files/data/world.shp",\ attribute_filter = "NAME = 'IRELAND'") # get the LAI data data = getLAI(filename) # reset the data mask # 'mask' is True for Ireland # so take the opposite data['Lai_1km'] = ma.array(data['Lai_1km'],mask=mask) data['LaiStdDev_1km'] = ma.array(data['Lai_1km'],mask=mask) plt.title('LAI for Eire: 2012273') plt.imshow(data['Lai_1km'],vmax=6) plt.colorbar() from glob import glob filenames = sort(glob('files/data/MCD15A2.A2012???.h17v03.005.*.hdf')) print filenames import sys sys.path.insert(0,'files/python') from raster_mask import raster_mask, getLAI from glob import glob # a layer (doesn't matter so much which: use for geometry info) layer = 'Lai_1km' # the full dataset specification file_template = 'HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"%s":MOD_Grid_MOD15A2:%s' # list of filenames filenames = sort(glob('files/data/MCD15A2.A2012???.h17v03.005.*.hdf')) # build a mask: use filenames[0] for geometry print 'building mask ...' mask = raster_mask(file_template%(filenames[0],layer),\ target_vector_file = "files/data/world.shp",\ attribute_filter = "NAME = 'IRELAND'") lai = [] print 'looping over files...' for filename in filenames: # get the LAI data print filename data = getLAI(filename) # reset the data mask lai.append(ma.array(data['Lai_1km'],mask=mask)) # convert to masked array lai = ma.array(lai) # make sure we can load it, then plot it import as ma import numpy as np # now plot and save images # plot the data import pylab as plt cmap = #plt.ioff() for i,f in enumerate(filenames): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,7)) plt.imshow(lai[i],cmap=cmap,interpolation='none',vmin=0.,vmax=6.) # remember filenames of the form # files/data/MCD15A2.A2011185.h09v05.005.2011213154534.hdf' file_id = f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[-5][1:] print file_id # plot a jpg plt.title(file_id) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('files/images/lai_eire_%s.jpg'%file_id) plt.close(fig) # now make a movie ... import os cmd = 'convert -delay 100 -loop 0 files/images/lai_eire_*.jpg files/images/lai_eire.gif' os.system(cmd) try: lai_mean = lai.mean(axis=(1,2)) except: pass np.array(lai.mean(axis=1).mean(axis=1)) plt.plot(np.arange(lai.shape[0])*8,np.array(lai.mean(axis=1).mean(axis=1))) plt.title('mean LAI over Eire') plt.xlabel(' index') plt.ylabel('LAI')