from iminuit import Minuit, describe %load_ext inumpy #define a function to minimize #making x,y correlates on purpose def f(x,y,z): return (x-2)**2 + (y-x)**2 + (z-4)**2 #iminuit relies on python introspection to read function signature describe(f) # one of the most useful function from iminuit #notice here that it automatically knows about x,y,z #no RooRealVar etc. needed here m = Minuit(f) #it warns about every little thing that might go wrong #the most frequently asked question is Does my fit converge #also look at your console it print progress if you use print_level=2 m.migrad(); #bonus: see that link with a plus sign on the top left corner? #clicking it will give you a latex table that you can copy paste #to your paper/beamer slide; print m.values print m.errors print m.fval m.print_param() #correlation matrix #Only Chrome/safari gets the vertical writing mode right. m.print_matrix() print m.migrad_ok() print m.matrix_accurate() m.minos(); #do m.minos('x') if you need just 1 of them m.merrors m.draw_mncontour('x','y') # you can get the raw value using m.mncontour or m.mncontour_grid; m.draw_profile('x') # this is 1d evaluation not minos scan; m = Minuit(f, x=2, y=4, fix_y=True, limit_z=(-10,10), error_z=0.1) m.migrad(); from math import exp, pi, sqrt from probfit import UnbinnedLH from iminuit import Minuit seed(0) gdata = randn(1000) hist(gdata,bins=100, histtype='step'); #you can define your pdf manually like this def my_gauss(x, mu, sigma): return exp(-0.5*(x-mu)**2/sigma**2)/(sqrt(2*pi)*sigma) #probfit use the same describe magic as iminuit #Build your favorite cost function like this #Notice no RooRealVar etc. It use introspection to #find parameters #the only requirement is that the first argument is #in independent variable the rest are parameters ulh = UnbinnedLH(my_gauss, gdata) describe(ulh) m = Minuit(ulh, mu=0.2, sigma=1.5) m.set_up(0.5) #remember up is 0.5 for likelihood and 1 for chi^2 m.migrad(); from probfit import gaussian ulh = UnbinnedLH(gaussian, gdata) describe(ulh) m = Minuit(ulh, mean=0.2, sigma =0.3) m.migrad() from probfit import Extended, BinnedChi2 seed(0) gdata = randn(10000) mypdf = Extended(gaussian) describe(mypdf) # just basically N*gaussian(x,mean,sigma) bx2 = BinnedChi2(mypdf, gdata, bound=(-3,3))#create cost function{'mean':1.0, 'sigma':1.0, 'N':10000}) #another way to draw it m = Minuit(bx2, mean=1.0, sigma=1.0, N=1000.) m.migrad() from probfit import Extended, BinnedLH seed(0) gdata = randn(10000) mypdf = gaussian describe(mypdf) # just basically N*gaussian(x,mean,sigma) blh = BinnedLH(mypdf, gdata, bound=(-3,3))#create cost function #it can also do extended one if you pass it an extended pdf and pass extended=True to BinnedLH{'mean':1.0, 'sigma':1.0}) m = Minuit(blh, mean=1.0, sigma=1) m.set_up(0.5) m.migrad() from probfit import Chi2Regression x = linspace(-10,10,30) y = 3*x**2 +2*x + 1 #add some noise y = y+randn(30)*10 errorbar(x,y,10, fmt='b.') #there is a poly2 builtin but just to remind you that you can do this def my_poly(x, a, b, c): return a*x**2+ b*x+ c err = np.array([10]*30) x2reg= Chi2Regression(my_poly, x, y, error=err) x2reg.draw(args={'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}) m = Minuit(x2reg, a=1, b=2, c=3) m.migrad() from root_numpy import root2rec data = root2rec('data/*.root') bb = root2rec('data/B*.root') cc = root2rec('data/cc*.root') hs = np.hstack hist([hs(data.DMass), hs(bb.DMass), hs(cc.DMass)], bins=50, histtype='step'); from probfit import UnbinnedLH, draw_compare_hist,\ vector_apply, Normalized, rtv_breitwigner,\ linear, rename, AddPdfNorm from iminuit import Minuit bb_dmass = hs(bb.DMass) print bb.DMass.size #you can compare them like this draw_compare_hist(rtv_breitwigner, {'m':1.87, 'gamma':0.01}, bb_dmass, normed=True); #Our DMass is a truncated one so we need to have it normalized properly #this is easy with Normalized functor which normalized your pdf #this might seems a bit unusual if you never done functinal programming #but normalize just wrap the function around and return a new function signalpdf = Normalized(rtv_breitwigner,(1.83,1.91)) ulh = UnbinnedLH(signalpdf, bb_dmass) m = Minuit(ulh, m=1.875, gamma=0.01)#I shift it on purpose m.set_up(0.5) #you can see it before the fit begins; %timeit -n1 -r1 m.migrad(); #looks good m.minos();#do m.minos('m') if you need just 1 parameter m.print_param() bound = (1.83,1.91) bgpdf = Normalized(linear,bound) describe(bgpdf) #remember our breit wigner also has m argument which means different thing describe(rtv_breitwigner) #renaming is easy signalpdf = Normalized(rename(rtv_breitwigner,['x','mass','gamma']),(1.83,1.91)) describe(signalpdf) #now we can add them total_pdf = AddPdfNorm(signalpdf,bgpdf) #if you want to just directly add them up with out the factor(eg. adding extended pdf) #use AddPdf describe(total_pdf) ulh = UnbinnedLH(total_pdf, np.hstack(data.DMass)) m = Minuit(ulh, mass=1.87, gamma=0.01, m=0., c=1, f_0=0.7) m.migrad();, parts=True) m.print_matrix() from probfit import SimultaneousFit data1 = randn(10000) data2 = randn(10000)+10 hist([data1,data2], histtype='step', bins=100); #note here that they share the same sigma g1 = rename(gaussian, ['x','mu1','sigma']) g2 = rename(gaussian, ['x','mu2','sigma']) print describe(g1) print describe(g2) #make two likelihood and them up ulh1 = UnbinnedLH(g1,data1) ulh2 = UnbinnedLH(g2,data2) sim = SimultaneousFit(ulh1,ulh2) print describe(sim) #note the sigma merge sim.draw(args=(0.5, 1.5, 10.5)) m = Minuit(sim, mu1=0.5, sigma=1.5, mu2=10.5) m.migrad(); from probfit import gen_toy toy = gen_toy(total_pdf, 1000, (1.83,1.91), mass=1.87, gamma=0.01, c=1.045, m=-0.43, f_0=0.5, quiet=False) hist(toy, bins=100, histtype='step'); ulh = UnbinnedLH(total_pdf, toy) m = Minuit(ulh, mass=1.87, gamma=0.01, c=1.045, m=-0.43, f_0=0.5) m.migrad(); m.fitarg toy = gen_toy(total_pdf, 1000, (1.83,1.91), quiet=False, **m.fitarg)#note the double star'mytoy.npy', toy) loaded_toy = np.load('mytoy.npy') hist(loaded_toy, bins=100, histtype='step'); %load_ext cythonmagic %%cython from libc.math cimport sqrt cimport cython cdef double pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327 @cython.embedsignature #you need this or experimental @cython.binding. cpdef double cython_bw(double x, double m, double gamma): cdef double mm = m*m cdef double xm = x*x-mm cdef double gg = gamma*gamma cdef double s = sqrt(mm*(mm+gg)) cdef double N = (2*sqrt(2)/pi)*m*gamma*s/sqrt(mm+s) return N/(xm*xm+mm*gg) cython_bw(1,2,3) from probfit import describe describe(cython_bw) ulh = UnbinnedLH(cython_bw, bb_dmass) m = Minuit(ulh, m=1.875, gamma = 0.01) %timeit -r1 -n1 m.migrad() status, param = m.migrad() print status.has_covariance print status.is_valid #or an umbrella call m.migrad_ok() #minos results = m.minos('m') print results['m'] print results['m'].upper_valid print results['m'].lower_valid m.fitarg old_fitarg = m.fitarg ulh2 = UnbinnedLH(cython_bw, bb_dmass) m2 = Minuit(ulh2, **old_fitarg) m2.print_param() #since fitarg is just a dictionary you can dump it via pickle import pickle out = open('my_fitarg.pck','w') pickle.dump(old_fitarg,out) out.close() fin = open('my_fitarg.pck','r') loaded_fitarg = pickle.load(fin) fin.close() print loaded_fitarg m3 = Minuit(ulh2, **loaded_fitarg) m3.migrad();