#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # This notebook will test your system to check if Anaconda and Py-ART have been installed correctly. Select the cell below and execute by hitting shift+enter. If **Ready to go** is printed as the first line, everything is installed correctly. If **ISSUES** is printed or you get an error, something is mis-configured with your system, ask one of the instructors for help. # In[ ]: import pyart if pyart.__version__ == "1.7.0": if hasattr(pyart.graph, 'RadarMapDisplay'): print "Ready to go" else: print "ISSUES\n\nMissing\Broken Basemap\n" pyart._debug_info() else: print "ISSUES\n\nWrong Py-ART version\n" pyart._debug_info()