#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[12]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import sys sys.path.insert(0,'..') from IPython.display import HTML,Image,SVG,YouTubeVideo from helpers import header HTML(header()) # ## Active contour # # # In[13]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm import numpy as npy from skimage.io import imread from scipy import ndimage,interpolate from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve1d,gaussian_filter,convolve from os.path import join def Cx(ima): """x' derivative of image""" c = convolve1d(ima,npy.array([-1,0,1]),axis=1,cval=1) return c/2.0 def Cy(ima): """y' derivative of image""" c = convolve1d(ima,npy.array([-1,0,1]),axis=0,cval=1) return c/2.0 def Cxx(ima): """x'' derivative of image""" c = convolve1d(ima,npy.array([1,-2,1]),axis=1,cval=1) return c/4.0 def Cyy(ima): """y'' derivative of image""" c = convolve1d(ima,npy.array([1,-2,1]),axis=0,cval=1) return c/4.0 def Cxy(ima): """y'' derivative of image""" k = npy.array([[+1,0,-1],[0,0,0],[-1,0,+1]]) c = convolve(ima,k) return c/4.0 def term(ima): cx = Cx(ima) cxx = Cxx(ima) cy = Cy(ima) cyy = Cyy(ima) cxy = Cxy(ima) num = cyy*(cx**2.0) + cxx*(cy**2.0) - 2.0 * (cxy*cx)*cy denom = npy.power(cx**2.0+cy**2,1.5) t = num/(denom+1.e-10) return t data_path = 'http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~odebeir/data' filename = join(data_path,'lines.tif') im = imread(filename).astype(float) plt.figure(0) plt.imshow(im,interpolation='nearest',cmap=cm.gray,origin='lower') plt.colorbar() plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(term(im)>.5,interpolation='nearest',cmap=cm.jet,origin='lower') plt.colorbar() filename = join(data_path,'lines2.tif') im = imread(filename).astype(float) plt.figure(2) plt.imshow(im,interpolation='nearest',cmap=cm.gray,origin='lower') plt.colorbar() plt.figure(3) plt.imshow(term(im)>.5,interpolation='nearest',cmap=cm.jet,origin='lower') plt.colorbar() plt.show() # In[14]: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on Nov 29, 2010 Attempt to port code found here : http://www.iacl.ece.jhu.edu/static/gvf/ to python @author: olivier ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm import scipy as scp import numpy as npy from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter, convolve1d from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates from numpy import linalg def test_data(radius,filled=False): '''empty square, snakes is intialased on a centred circle :param radius: radius size relative to image size :type radius: float [0,1] :returns: (xs,xy,image) snakes position and bitmap of the test image ''' im = npy.zeros((128,128)) im[50:100,50:100] = 1.0 if not filled: im[51:99,51:99] = 0.0 theta = npy.linspace(0.0,2*npy.pi,20) r = im.shape[1]*radius xs = 0.5*r*npy.cos(theta) + 0.5*im.shape[1] ys = 0.5*r*npy.sin(theta) + 0.5*im.shape[0] return (xs,ys,im) def gradients(image, sigma): smth = gaussian_filter(image.astype('float'), 6.0*sigma) xg = convolve1d(smth, [+0.5, 0, -0.5], axis=1) yg = convolve1d(smth, [+0.5, 0, -0.5], axis=0) return (xg,yg) def snakeit(x,y,fx,fy,alpha=0.1,beta=0.1,gamma=1.0,kappa=1000,niter = 2): """ compute new snakes position :param x,y: snakes position :type fx,fy: 1D arrays :param fx,fy: external force field :type fx,fy: 2D arrays :param alpha: elasticity :type alpha: float :param beta: rigidity :type beta: float :param gamma: viscosity :type gamma: float :param kappa: external forces weight :type kappa: float :param niter: number of iterations :type niter: int :returns: (X,Y) snakes position after each iteration """ N = len(x) a = beta b = -(alpha+4.*beta) c = 2.*alpha+6.*beta A = npy.zeros((N,N)) id_main = npy.array(range(N)) line = npy.hstack((npy.array([a,b,c,b,a]),npy.zeros((N-5,)))) for i in range(N): idx = (id_main-i+2)%N A[i,:] = line[idx] AI = (A + gamma * npy.eye(N)) invAI = linalg.inv(AI) h1 = None X = npy.zeros((niter+1,N)) Y = npy.zeros((niter+1,N)) for iter in range(niter): X[iter,:] = x Y[iter,:] = y vfx = map_coordinates(fx, [y, x]) vfy = map_coordinates(fy, [y, x]) fextx = kappa*vfx fexty = kappa*vfy fintx = gamma*x finty = gamma*y new_x = npy.dot(invAI, npy.transpose((fintx + fextx))) new_y = npy.dot(invAI, npy.transpose((finty + fexty))) x = new_x y = new_y X[niter,:] = x Y[niter,:] = y return (X,Y) def snakeitp(x,y,fx,fy,alpha=0.5,beta=0.1,gamma=1.0,kappa=1000,kappap=0,niter = 2): """ compute new snakes position using pressure :param x,y: snakes position :type fx,fy: 1D arrays :param fx,fy: external force field :type fx,fy: 2D arrays :param alpha: elasticity :type alpha: float :param beta: rigidity :type beta: float :param gamma: viscosity :type gamma: float :param kappa: external forces weight :type kappa: float :param kappap: pressure forces weight :type kappap: float :param niter: number of iterations :type niter: int :returns: (X,Y) snakes position after each iteration """ N = len(x) a = beta b = -(alpha+4.*beta) c = 2.*alpha+6.*beta A = npy.zeros((N,N)) id_main = npy.array(range(N)) line = npy.hstack((npy.array([a,b,c,b,a]),npy.zeros((N-5,)))) for i in range(N): idx = (id_main-i+2)%N A[i,:] = line[idx] AI = (A + gamma * npy.eye(N)) invAI = linalg.inv(AI) h1 = None X = npy.zeros((niter+1,N)) Y = npy.zeros((niter+1,N)) for iter in range(niter): X[iter,:] = x Y[iter,:] = y #external forces vfx = map_coordinates(fx, [y, x]) vfy = map_coordinates(fy, [y, x]) #pressure forces qx = npy.roll(x,-1)-npy.roll(x,1) qy = npy.roll(y,-1)-npy.roll(y,1) pmag = npy.sqrt(qx*qx+qy*qy) px = (qy/pmag) py = (-qx/pmag) fextx = kappa*vfx fexty = kappa*vfy fintx = gamma*x + kappap*px finty = gamma*y + kappap*py new_x = npy.dot(invAI, npy.transpose((fintx + fextx))) new_y = npy.dot(invAI, npy.transpose((finty + fexty))) x = new_x y = new_y X[niter,:] = x Y[niter,:] = y return (X,Y) def export_snakes(X,Y): '''save each position of the scake into a different image''' niter = X.shape[0] x = X[0,:] y = Y[0,:] h1 = None for iter in range(1,niter): new_x = X[iter,:] new_y = Y[iter,:] dx = new_x-x dy = new_y-y if h1 is not None: del plt.gca().lines[:] h2.remove() h3.remove() h1 = plt.plot(x,y,':k') h2 = plt.quiver(x, y, dx, -dy,alpha=.5,color = 'b',width=.005,scale=100) h3 = plt.text(10,10,'iteration: %d'%iter) x = new_x y = new_y plt.savefig('../../test/fig%04d.png'%iter, dpi=100) def disp_snakes(X,Y): '''plot all the snakes positions in the same plot''' niter,n = X.shape x = X[0,:] y = Y[0,:] plt.plot(x,y,'or') for iter in range(1,niter): x = X[iter,:] y = Y[iter,:] plt.plot(x,y,':k') plt.text(x[iter%n],y[iter%n],'%d'%iter) plt.plot(x,y,'og') # In[15]: xs,ys,im = test_data(.9) xg, yg = gradients(im,1) plt.figure(0) plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.imshow(xg) plt.title('x gradient') plt.plot(xs,ys,'oy') plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.imshow(yg) plt.plot(xs,ys,'oy') plt.title('y gradient') plt.figure(figsize=[5,5]) plt.imshow(im,cmap=cm.binary,alpha=1) X,Y = snakeitp(xs,ys,xg,yg,alpha=.5,beta=.1,gamma=1.0,kappa=1000,kappap=0,niter = 15) disp_snakes(X,Y) plt.title('alpha=.5,beta=.1,gamma=1.0,kappa=1000,niter = 15') plt.figure(figsize=[5,5]) plt.imshow(im,cmap=cm.binary,alpha=1) X,Y = snakeitp(xs,ys,xg,yg,alpha=.5,beta=10,gamma=1.0,kappa=1000,kappap=0,niter = 15) disp_snakes(X,Y) plt.title('alpha=.5,beta=10,gamma=1.0,kappa=1000,niter = 15') plt.figure(figsize=[5,5]) plt.imshow(im,cmap=cm.binary,alpha=1) X,Y = snakeitp(xs,ys,xg,yg,alpha=.1,beta=.1,gamma=1.0,kappa=1000,kappap=0,niter = 30) disp_snakes(X,Y) plt.title('alpha=.1,beta=.1,gamma=1.0,kappa=1000,niter = 15') plt.figure(figsize=[5,5]) plt.imshow(im,cmap=cm.binary,alpha=1) X,Y = snakeitp(xs,ys,xg,yg,alpha=.5,beta=.1,gamma=1.0,kappa=100,kappap=0,niter = 30) disp_snakes(X,Y) plt.title('alpha=.5,beta=.1,gamma=1.0,kappa=100,niter = 15') plt.show() # 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