using LinearAlgebra # for norm, dot, and cross using PyPlot # for plotting using SymPy # for symbolic math using Roots # to find zeros numerically using QuadGK # to integerate numerically using ForwardDiff # for derivatives uvec(r) = r / norm(r) # unit vector D(r::Function, n=1) = n > 1 ? D(D(r),n-1) : t -> ForwardDiff.derivative(r, float(t)) Base.adjoint(r::Function) = D(r) xs_ys(vs) = (A=hcat(vs...); Tuple([A[i,:] for i in eachindex(vs[1])])) xs_ys(v,vs...) = xs_ys([v, vs...]) xs_ys(r::Function, a, b, n=100) = xs_ys(r.(range(a, stop=b, length=n))) function arrow!(plt::Plots.Plot, p, v; kwargs...) if length(p) == 2 quiver!(plt, xs_ys([p])..., quiver=Tuple(xs_ys([v])); kwargs...) elseif length(p) == 3 # 3d quiver needs support # # headless arrow instead plot!(plt, xs_ys(p, p+v)...; kwargs...) end end arrow!(p,v;kwargs...) = arrow!(Plots.current(), p, v; kwargs...) using SymPy @vars t real=true