import mylatlib L, T = 64, 128 gauge_field = mylatlib.cold_start(L, T) gauge_field.heatbath(gauge_action="wilson", num_updates=100) correlators = [] for i in range(100): prop = mylatlib.compute_wilson_prop(mass=0.1, gauge_field=gauge_field) correlators.append(mylatlib.meson256(prop, prop)) gauge_field.heatbath(gauge_action="wilson", num_updates=10)"the_results", correlators) import pyQCD pyQCD.Lattice? lattice = pyQCD.Lattice(L=4, T=8, beta=5.5, action="wilson", meas_spacing=10, update_method="heatbath") for i in range(20): print(lattice.get_av_plaquette()) lattice.update() config = lattice.get_config() print("Config type: {}".format(type(config))) print("Config shape: {}".format(config.shape)) print("") print("Gauge field for link (t, x, y, z, mu) = (4, 3, 1, 2, 2):") print(config[4, 3, 1, 2, 2]) lattice = pyQCD.Lattice(8, 4, 5.8, "rectangle_improved", 10) # Thermalize with 100 updates lattice.thermalize(100) for i in range(10): print("Generating config {}".format(i)) # Do ten updates lattice.next_config() lattice.save_config("config{}.npy".format(i)) from functools import partial lattice = pyQCD.Lattice(4, 8, 5.5, "wilson", 10) inverter = partial(lattice.invert_wilson_dirac, mass=0.2) source = lattice.point_source([0, 0, 0, 0]) print("Source type: {}".format(type(source))) print("Source shape: {}".format(source.shape)) print("Source non-zero entries: {}".format(source.nonzero())) %matplotlib inline import logging import matplotlib.pyplot as plt logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) prop = pyQCD.compute_propagator(source, inverter) print("") print("Propagator shape: {}".format(prop.shape)) ps_correlator = pyQCD.compute_meson_corr(prop, prop, "g5", "g5") plt.plot(ps_correlator) plt.xlabel("$t$", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel("$C(t)$", fontsize=18) # Specify the lattice and simulation lattice = pyQCD.Lattice(16, 32, 4.41, "rectangle_improved", 10) sim = pyQCD.Simulation(lattice, num_configs=100, num_warmup_updates=100) # Specify the callback function to load a config from disk during the simulation def load_config(index): # N.B. These configs don't exist, so this simulation won't run. return"some_config.lime{}".format(index)) # Tell the simulation sim.specify_ensemble(load_config, range(10, 1010, 10)) @pyQCD.Log(ignore=("lattice,")) # Decorator logs the function arguments def compute_correlators(lattice, mass1, mass2): """Compute all 256 meson correlators for the supplied masses""" invert_wilson = lattice.invert_wilson_dirac # Specify inversion functions inverter1 = partial(invert_wilson, mass=mass1, precondition=True) inverter2 = partial(invert_wilson, mass=mass2, precondition=True) # Define a point source src = lattice.point_source([0, 0, 0, 0]) # Compute our propagators prop1 = pyQCD.compute_propagator(src, inverter1) prop2 = (prop1 if mass1 == mass2 else pyQCD.compute_propagator(src, inverter2)) # Use the props to compute meson correlators return pyQCD.compute_meson_corr256(prop1, prop2) # Add the measurement, specifying the function to write the result to disk sim.add_measurement(compute_correlators,""), kwargs={'mass1': 0.2, 'mass2': 0.2}) import numpy as np import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) lattice = pyQCD.Lattice(4, 8, 5.5, "wilson", 10) def matvec(psi): return lattice.apply_wilson_dirac(psi, 0.2).flatten() N = 12 * linop = spla.LinearOperator(shape=(N, N), matvec=matvec) eigvals, eigvecs = spla.eigs(linop, k=200) plt.plot(eigvals.real, eigvals.imag, 'o') plt.xlabel("$\mathrm{Re}\lambda$", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel("$\mathrm{Im}\lambda$", fontsize=18) # Example input file: import numpy as np import pyQCD @types(mass_="double", hoppingMatrix_='HoppingTerm*') class Wilson(object): @types(mass="const double") def __init__(self, mass): self.mass_ = mass self.hoppingMatrix_ = HoppingTerm(1) @types(psi='VectorXcd', eta='VectorXcd') def apply(self, psi): eta = (4 + self.mass_) * psi eta -= 0.5 * self.hoppingMatrix_.apply(psi) return eta pyQCD.codegen.gen_from_src("") cat wilson.cpp