!head -5 data/iris.csv from into import into into(list, 'data/iris.csv')[:5] import numpy as np into(np.ndarray, 'data/iris.csv')[:5] into('sqlite:///data/my.db::iris', 'data/iris.csv') from into import into import numpy as np into(np.ndarray, [1, 2, 3]) into(set, [1, 2, 3]) import pandas as pd into(pd.Series, (10, 20, 30)) df = pd.DataFrame([['Alice', 100], ['Bob', 200], ['Charlie', 300]], columns=['name', 'balance']) # Turn df into an np.ndarray # into(..., ...) # Turn df into a list # into(..., ...) target = [] into(target, (1, 2, 3)) into(target, (1, 2, 3)) into(target, (1, 2, 3)) target L = [pd.DataFrame({'name': ['Alice', 'Bob'], 'balance': [100, 200]}), pd.DataFrame({'name': ['Charlie', 'Dan'], 'balance': [300, 400]}), pd.DataFrame({'name': ['Edith', 'Frank'], 'balance': [500, 600]})] s = set() # Use into and some kind of for loop to put all of the data in L into the set s t = tuple() # Write DataFrame to CSV file into('accounts.csv', df) # print out text in accounts.csv !head accounts.csv # Read CSV file into memory as list into(list, 'accounts.csv') into(list, 'sqlite:///data/lahman2013.sqlite::BattingPost')[:5] from into import resource t = resource('sqlite:///data/lahman2013.sqlite::BattingPost') type(t) t into(list, t)[:5] into('accounts.json', df) !head accounts.json !rm accounts.json # Remove old file